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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. Buzz is trolling for drama IMO. Even calling out RMA for even liking @MrBedrock's very succinct response. Many of you missed Richard's point entirely, completely, and were much more interested in dissecting the chain of events and assigning blame like this is some sort of social accounting exercise. Buzz is "exhausted" puh-lease . So let me break this down in actual factual terms: absentee moderation and administration of the boards on the part of CGC placed an undo burden on unpaid volunteer moderators. Everything that occurred on the boards, that has been simmering to a boil for 18 months (not just the specific event with Richard) finally came to a head, and Richard, very publicly used his influence to bubble this up to Matt Nelson, advocating for CGC to employ dedicated Moderation resources to the boards. a month later, we have CGC Mike. He seems to be taking an active role and operating in a much more transparent and pro-active manner than I've ever witnessed, even in the days of Arch. CGC Mike is inheriting all this baggage, and it's his responsibility to address it going forward, but it's not his fault either as to how we got here. Will Richard come back to boards? Who knows, I can't speak for Richard, but I do know Richard well enough that I'm confident he's doing just fine without the boards and some of you, perhaps better even. That was also also his point. at the end of the day, what's most important- in the last few days we have a couple dozen more emoji's to play with. You are welcome.
  2. ah, nice to see one of the 12 new emoji's I campaigned for put to good use!
  3. I will watch the film to form my own opinion, and I'm not surprised critics don't like it because the material is about as esoteric and inaccessible to a general audience as you can get, and even more so to a bunch of snobby critics. The directors own comments have indicated that this is the most self contained MCU film (translation, irrelevant to the over-all continuity and easily skippable is what comic fans will hear) Not necessarily needing a Trilogy (again, not important). I've also heard this is a love letter to Kirby, which is also a huge red flag. I"m sorry, but at the end of the day all the Kirby 4th world stuff is largely a muddled mess. Cool ideas, poorly written and edited. That's why they tanked at DC after a lot of hype, and Eternals is just more 4th World left-overs as was most of Kirby's 70's return to Marvel. DC has already nixed a 4th World movie or TV series, and they will be watching closely how poorly Eternals does. The cynic in me also weighs that a few lawyers are calculating that this might get the Kirby estate off their back for good, and establish Kirby's ideas alone are not the secret sauce of the MCU, and deserving of huge $$$$, ( Lawyers: "just see how bad Eternals was, and we gave it $200M budget, all star cast, and hip Oscar winning Director" etc). Case closed. Eternals was not part of the original MCU plan, this was supposed to be the Inhumans movie. That TV series was so poorly executed and it paved the way for KF to take over everything and get rid of Jeff Loeb, but again, another very Kirby concept was sacrificed in the process. Now I don't really have much of a dog in the Kirby deserves more credit, therefore his estate deserves more money fight (or that Stan Lee was a hack either) but I don't consider these things to be entirely accidents. If Eternals did well, everyone's happy. If Eternals bombs, it still serves some purpose for the House of the Mouse. But speaking purely of the source material, c'mon, Eternals was junk for 40 years. Had they pivoted towards more contemporary treatments, like Gaiman's maybe. But it's still not essential to the Marvel Canon in any significant way.
  4. I'd say that once a member exceeds 50K posts, the likelihood I have them on ignore increases. If They have over 75K, it's very likely. If it's approaching 100K, it's almost a guarantee. I'm just not that into you.
  5. @Joe Peck it's seems pretty obvious you are getting some enjoyment out of using your submissions to CGC as an academic pursuit to dial in your grading skills and I commend that. What should not be overlooked, and this may be part of your reasoning as well: If you send enough books in with a range of conditions, paper quality and specific defects, you are building your own grading reference library. I bought a store collection once that had random slabs of non-key books from 2.0 to 9.8. At first I was like WTF is this guy doing wasting money slabbing these books? But as a store owner the guy wanted to get a feel for what CGC's grading tendencies were so he could better estimate grades of books he might submit in the future or how to sell raws at the appropriate price and grade. Hell, write it off as a business expense. CGC has their quirks and biases- you will find the older and rarer the book, the more forgiving they are of certain defects that would categorically be downgraded on a modern book. Conversely, they will punish you on staple rust, which is largely a non-issue for moderns. Have fun with your grading exercise, and if you need tips on how to remove a comic from a slab, there are youtube videos for that. You want to do that carefully. Best of luck to you.
  6. Also FTR, I wouldn’t go so far as to say the OP was accusing you of stealing a slab you didn’t have. But he sent you 14 books and he had the remaining books still, so when you initially said you received 15, naturally he assumed he sent an additional book in error that was not among the ones you ordered wether they were sent in the first shipment or were waiting to go in the next shipment once the remaining balance was received. When you didn’t clarify until later that it was in fact 14, the question remained unresolved. Again, good communication between buyer and seller is the key.
  7. In @greggy we trust. Unless he’s wearing a cowboy hat
  8. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are reacting in real-time to a slew of posts as well as PMs that accumulated over the course of month, and as you are going through them and reading and absorbing them you are catching up and acknowledging your obligations and opportunities to improve as the OP has as well. Your issues with condition of the slabs are perfectly valid and hopefully you and the OP can work this all out. at this point take a breath and let the OP respond to your PM's. Understand also that the the Probation List is not permanent, you or the OP can request that you be removed if both parties agree the matter is settled. Best of luck to you both.
  9. partial payment, partial order received. Did you get $900 worth of books you paid for? Yes. Did you pay for all the books you ordered? No. And quite frankly the notion that you didn't have internet access for 3 months on planet earth in 2021 is pretty hard to actually believe unless you were in a coma.
  10. this was explained, he didn't have a box big enough to send the first 18, so he sent 15. But he still wanted to send you the equivalent dollar value of the payment you made, so he included some books from the second order THAT YOU DID NOT PAY FOR AND STILL HAVE NOT PAID FOR WHICH IS WHY YOU ARE ON THE PROBATION LIST. Had you paid for ALL the books you committed to purchasing, then how they were shipped. in what quantity. and in what order to insure they are not damaged would be a moot point. You didn't pay, you disappeared for almost 3 months, and you lied about not being online so that you were aware of the situation, because the CGC board tracks your activity. Case closed.
  11. if they had sold it, and not Albert, it would have come with fake cover dress, a sketchy story about "alternate cover" and they probably would not have given his money back.
  12. I think people are still opting out rather than going anonymous- because I was 58 last week, yesterday I was down to 52, and now I'm at 42.
  13. it's a requirement in the OA hobby to reignite the discussion of what a dumpster-fire Spencer's website and general business model is. This has been happening for at least a decade. We should start putting episode numbers on them. The only thing that rivals that is when is Mark Schultz going to put out another issue of Xenozoic Tales. (it's only been 25 years, and the last discussion I heard was that the art was done, it will be "soon" Riiiiight) But Spencer's site is only slightly less dated than Xenozoic Tales #14 from 1996. Not much though.
  14. This clarification of the sequence of events (which I think many kinda assumed) is very helpful, but the point Bedrock and Sharon both have made is that absentee administration of a message board like this increases the chances of these things happening, and when they happen, the often escalate and take on a life of there own that could have been corrected and diffused if this post had been made more than a week ago when the whole thing first occurred. People are human, misunderstandings happen, people are fallible. Bedrock, Sharon, and most certainly the faceless sky-beings collectively known as CGCMod 1-11. From what I've gleaned from this tread, others and FB is that CGC essentially outsources the administration and moderation of this forum, (not unheard of, could be the Web Design or Ad Agency handling all the CGC affiliated sites) and only so many hours of billable time are devoted to the specific task of moderation, and those hours have been reduced considerably. With that, moderation has become uneven, maybe a little harsh, because some guy is blowing through a queue for the 1-2 hours designated on a timesheet to do the work. That has had a material impact on the boards, the participation, and ultimately that impacts CGCs reputation with it's customers. I would call that shortsighted, a missed opportunity, some might go so far as to call it "imbecilic" Sharon, or any other volunteer should not be in the position, whether perceived by others, or internalized by the volunteers themselves to feel like they have to speak on behalf of the actual CGC mods when they are not present. They don't get paid enough naturally for that. Bedrock is absolutely using his power and influence to escalate the issue to get more time and resource for the boards (and hopefully the craptacular message board hosting, that's an embarrassment too) and more power to him. that befits everyone, not just him. and then the volunteers like Sharon, and others that I've known in the past can operate more as facilitators of the boards, fixing things, setting up things that draw people to the boards and instead instead of driving them away, which has been the trend for 4-5 years.
  15. Not so much desperate, but bored and mildly annoyed. I'm categorically opposed to all this MOC slabbing of toys, games, anything really that never was actually touched and used, and enjoyed for what it was made to be. In collecting comics, the thrill, the challenge is finding pristine copies of issues just as they were first experienced off the stands when they came out. (which is why slabbing brand new comics the very month they come out is the DUMBEST thing I've ever heard, but I digress) But the point is, that comic, or baseball card, or even a coin was read, enjoyed, used. A sealed Sega Sonic the Hedgehog game? How sad. Did someone's dad give that to their kid and say, now you can't play this, just put it away in the closet with all the GI Joe's MOC your mother and I dutifully gave you over the years so someday you can slab and sell them so you can afford therapy and a subscription to Steam so you can download games that don't require any packaging to be mutilated to play and enjoy. FTS. This stupid thread deserves to be locked.
  16. well, I think he bought it closer to 1998, so I'd say day he lost money the first 10 years. If he sold it all now, maybe 4-6x his money? I'm not sure that's a good return compared to other things he could have bought in the late 90's that would be 20X now easily.
  17. Bill Woo I believe? For $45K, and he also had the Interiors for X-Force 1 for $36K. Everyone in the late 90's thought he was insane.
  18. +1 yeah, the last few posts pretty much confirmed what a this guys is. I'm out. I only stumbled on this thread because people I know and respect were commenting on the thread and I got sucked in for a few pages and quickly realized this is talk, but the aforementioned cheerleader's dismissive and arrogant tone coupled with with their inability to rationally think this through are a waste of my time.
  19. Ok I have questions, I've read a lot fo this thread, and the more I think about it, the sillier it all seems. If I own a share of Action 1, who decides if the actual copy of the book can be sold. Whoever has a controlling interest? say 51%. What if a group representing 51% decide they want to sell? Am I forced to sell? How does the Action 1 go up in value? Only though the exchange of shares in this particular copy, or all copies of action 1? what is the market for action 1, or all 7.0 action 1s, or only a fractionally owned 7.0 Action 1? If a privately held, wholly owned copy of Action 1goes to auction, can a group of investors buy it via shares? Who keep sthe physical artifact? Is it insured? What if I die, and I have multiple heirs, does that mean they each own a fraction of a fraction? Am I the first to make a "get a piece of the Action" joke? This whole idea sounds pretty farfetched for it to ever take off in s serious way beyond individually drawn up private equity agreements in advance of a sale or auction.
  20. Pretty much bring some portfolio's and everyone hang out and chat- Richard has a pretty nice conference room and plenty of space for tables in the warehouse.