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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. *1 10 family members diagnosed, 3 hospitalized, 2 dead. Phrases like "Its your life you can live it as you see fit but maybe you might be letting it take control of you a little too much? " are the words of passive aggressive trolls. Why they find it necessary to spew their doubt all day, every day, everywhere, online and in person, ad nauseum I don't know, and no longer care to understand. It's their problem, but they've made it everyone's problem, because in the end, they will be the ones that don't get vaccinated, not understand the basic science of epidemiology and will be the reason we all have to be hyper-vigilant and not return to normal for twice as long as some parts of the world that have a clue.
  2. conventions aren't happening. Everyone will talk about Fall until the end of summer, then cancel the events, reservations, flights, etc. Just accept it now, and get over it. otherwise, the only thing useful about this thread is at least 2, I don't know what to call them anymore, individuals have revealed themselves to be utterly useless to any discussion and can be put on the ignore list.
  3. Those least in need of the stimulus may have earmarked stimulus dollars for comic purchases, but that's more a reflection of their personal choices as to where to spend their discretionary income: In light of lockdowns, no conventions or shows, many LCS shuttered, it's only logical that those dollars spent on and at those venues by those same people that spend X on Conventions etc, would shift those same dollars to online sales. Think of all the money NOT spent on travel, hotels, food, beer, 3 day con passes, signings, etc. That frees up a lot of dollars.
  4. I just inserted the unicode back in that I has been using for several years that has 4 thumbnails that are links to pages on my CAF. When I paste them in my sig, they don't load, it's just the text I pasted in, minus some of the code. ????? So the links work, but you should be seeming thumbnails to click on, not a text link. Every time I paste the test in the sign box, it' strips out some of the barakets and codes, so I pasted it into the sig as code (which isn't working either) but it allows you to see verbatim what was previously in my sig that was working prior to the board "downgrade"
  5. so board sigs are totally hosed now???? Is this the new normal? I tried to at least remove mine, since it's broken and that didn't work either.
  6. add it to my Marvel Team up #11 in the other thread. assumes books posted FS are still FS,
  7. all this discussion centers on the generational effect of nostalgia - TMNT is hot without any associated movie hype simply because the older millennials and young Gen X-ers are in 38-42 and that's their nostalgia zone as they approach middle age and prime $$$ earning years.. Same thing that explained Marvel SA eclipsing DC with younger Boomers and Older Gen-Xers. Gen-Xers are the ones driving what gets made into film/tv right now. DC's nostalgia heydey was 30+ years ago for that comic buying cohort, and they are dying or cashing out in droves now. Sure, Key's be key's and those characters that extend into the present benefit from that, but most of that value was priced in decades ago and can be indexed to inflation. There are precious few DC books that are 40 years old that will increase in value 50x overnight. Black Adam in Shazam might be one of the rare exceptions. Now, more likely the first appearance of Masters of the Universe in the 80's will get attention, and that has zero to do with DC comics. the MCU has generated far more buzz with so many movies, and now TV shows to pluck an obscure character out of the last 50 years to take a $5 book to $500 overnight. DC will never do that, and if they did buid an extended DCU it's less likely to elevate back issues with each new movie or TV show the way marvel did. All those first appearances were already rare and pricey. 4, 5, and 6 figures keys can't go up 30x due to movie hype the way MSE #15 can. Basic principals of supply and demand always win out in the end. The big DC characters, Superman, Batman, wonder Woman, etc have become part of the culture to the point that their 1st comic appearances are irrelevant. All the CW shows with the 2nd and 3rd tier characters? Nobody cares. A few of you on these boards care, sure, but we is not the world.
  8. a quick comment: I think many marked items at $0 to quickly denote it was sold, as they didn't readily understand they could mark it SOLD- this was a UI issue. On that same note, I wondered if there was a Sale Pending option as well? I struggled with what to do with something that I had made an agreement on, but was awaiting payment on: Mark it SOLD, or not? on the Sunday art drop- my only purchase came Sunday morning in the first 20 minutes. Also- I didn't look, but maybe incorporate the message board in CAF as the live blog/notification nexus for the Con? When they do Virtual Cons here in CGC, that's what they do, and they have a pretty good system for it. Not many here, maybe not even Bill have really experienced the CGC virtual Cons because it's almost 95% comics, but you can visit the sales area and see the previous virtual cons to see how sellers and buyers used the message board actively during the show. (discount announcements, previews, etc) This keeps it within the CAF ecosystem, and not scattered among FB posts to multiple groups, email blasts, etc. If the Booth is the back wall- maybe have a count of pages also available in a sellers classifieds with the link? so you aren't unnecessarily clicking to see if anything is there. all in all, a good sophomore effort, with plenty of improvement.
  9. I liked this one so much, I bought the art to the cover....
  10. reading the latest comic news sites- it seems Marvel was completely unaware and unprepared for this- Kevin F must really be conflicted with the tragedy of the loss but also the extreme headache this will cause - Black Panther was one of the next rock stars post Iron Man & Cap. This isn't as simple as recasting Hulk or James Rhodes, they both occurred when the MCU was still small. M'Baku would be an interesting choice, but the actor isn't that strong- he couldn't carry a movie. This is nearly as bad as if they had lost RDG or Evans after Avengers 1. Other dominos have fallen. But maybe not. The current Roadmap for the MCU seems much broader with more self-contained characters and stories. At least for this phase.
  11. I don't think it's Shuri that picks up the mantle of Black Panther, for the fact that I think they want to use her in her own right. Doubling up the BP role makes that more difficult. I know there was a stent where she was BP for a time, but I think there's a case for the MCU where they turn it over to Nakia, his GF. That would make more sense in the context of the movie, as she honors his memory and take up his cause, and her character in the movie was advocating for people outside of Wakanda, and she was going to be in charge of outreach, not unlike the role BP had as a teacher when he was living in NY for a time when he first joined the Avengers. Otherwise Nakia's character really has no emotional place in the story if they intend to keep her in the franchise. Just an idea.
  12. Morrow was one of the ones I was thinking too. Val Mayerik is another. Elias, many of the EC artists, including Wally Wood. In some cases it's not to say that the inflation of OA in the last 10 years hasn't raised the price of all art in general, but certainly some have moved by a much smaller percentage. I'd say in general it can be attributed to the the generation effect of GA and Pre-code and strip art being the staple of older boomers and not late boomers, Gen X, or millennials. Sure, the creme of the crop of the classics like Raymond, Frazetta, Williamson will always be respected, but other guys like Russ Manning? Not so much. The nostalgia is waning for Tarzan, Westerns, War, Funny Animals, - it's all super heroes now.
  13. I thought this might have been part of a card group shot, or the back of a card image as part of the character bio. I know I've seen this before, but I also know I've seen this question about where this specific piece was used before in the last 10 years. Maybe even here on CGC. Were there any Marvel Handbooks from this era? This really screams card art to me though, Lim did a lot of it.
  14. this sounds to me like Diamond is shifting more towards being a wholesaler then, and offloading some of the distribution to the likes of DCBS. Maybe that works out for both in the end. Diamond could do less business, with less customers, and still be a viable business. The aggregate volume of the indy/small press business makes sense for Diamond to maintain without the hassle of soliciting to every comic shop to sell 2 copies of RabidRabbit #6 and Tales of Tofu Summer Special.
  15. As a non-shop owner I've been reading this thread with keen interest as I have friends that are shop owners or otherwise very knowledge of the retail comic industry and it seems clear to me that the old business model is about to undergo the last mile of disruption that was already 10 years in the making. I'm just not sure which way it's going, or if there are 2 different countervailing forces here, but nothing seems very certain one way or the other from the outside looking in. When I see @MrBedrock on one side of the crystal ball & @lighthouse & @FlyingDonut on the other and I know them personally to all be very smart individuals I have to just throw my hands up in confusion. On one side TJ &U Dan are saying floppies are dead, and DC is phasing it out in favor of all digital and trades. Richard is of the opposite opinion, that digital distribution just isn't as profitable as print. How can both be right? (or wrong) Maybe we are not asking the right question. Looking to Netflix, and Apple Music, the think the real question is what is the future of retail versus subscription services? Much of the conversation from the LCS' here has been how little shelf space is devoted to retail for DC comics, and most only bother to fill DC comics for subs. If that has been the case pre-Covid, DC comics parent company may already have been trying to shift away from a retail/distribution model in their 5 year plan. That seems more in keeping with AT&T. They don't want customers, they want SUBSCRIBERS to reliably spend the same amount of money every month, electronically billed & paid, so they don't even think about it. Retail is effort, and conscious micro-decisions on a weekly or monthly basis by both retailer and customer on what to order, what to market, and what to buy. Imagine as an LCS what the business model would be if your customers paid in full automatically, in advance for the service of being provided comics, just like Apple Music, or Spotify, or Netflix and not having to wait a month for the deadbeat sub to pick up 4 weeks of books, or maybe even ghost? If there was a digital sub, and a print sub, or a combination of the 2 and retail LCS was really just a browse and pick-up point that would shake up the traditional model. Obviously the LCS has the least to gain and the most to lose in this situation, as they could be cut out of the equation entirely. If I paid 30 bucks a month to get 12 digital titles and 8 floppies. some business entity would be very happy to have that reliable revenue. I'm just not sure who that business entity is and how that works for the LCS, distribution, DC etc. AT&T's business model could be very different than Disney's for their subsidiaries as they duke it out in the content subscriber space. I think that is where we see LCS and distribution being very vulnerable to disruption and not necessarily in a positive way if Marvel and DC are pulling in opposite directions. Print for Marvel may be profitable, like Richard has said, but floppies for DC may not be like TJ and Dan have said. Both could be right, but that's not predictable, and that uncertainty is usually not good for any business.
  16. I don't know either of you, and have never dealt with either of you in any capacity- tone is difficult to discern in email and PMs but based solely on what has been posted here, the seller is in the right and you have a chip on your shoulders and are overly sensitive and it pretty much bleeds thru just about every post. Passive aggressive is a good description. Had this been an in-person or phone conversation and not something hanging in the air of PM you wouldn't be stewing about or over-thinking it. It probably never would have happened at all.
  17. this. I've seen, and participated in the construction and creation of shadow box assemblages like this from a noted artist and the materials used can be highly volatile. Often they used a fixative and just shellac the bejeezus out of it. One involved a tiny bowl with actual cornflakes. That didn't hold up so well. They will collect dust like no other, and I'd suggest encasing it in a preferably airtight frame similar to what I've seen in some museums for mixed media art. You don't want to inadvertently cause damage trying to dust it with a feather duster or compressed air.
  18. the market got as low as 800 in 1932, that was the true bottom. That's pretty damn close to zero. if your best argument is a hypothetical 10K investment for 91 years I can't help you. have your great-grandkids post what they made off your comics in 2111. But the next 10-15 years? You mean like it was 1929 - 1944? It took until 1960 to recover it's previous peak. And you are assuming a complete apples to apples comparison to the stock market. Collectibles come and go, tastes, change, nostalgia fades, and the bull market for super hero comics only had about another decade or so of runway before it would demographically run out of gas.