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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. actually, what they have done to adapt to a changing market is they now doctor, alter, re-ink, create fake cover overlays, whatever AND then they LAUNDER a fraudulent item through a 3rd party, namely an auction house. We are witnessing the next evolution of their game. They will now take a $200 prelim, doctor it, and then consign it directly, without ever having offered it FS themselves so as not to have the taint of being a Donnely piece, to hopefully find some sucker to bid on it at 5x the value. They can't lose, the auction house gets their cut, so they don't care. They probably get a preferred sellers rate, and even get an advance on it to use to bid on other times in the auction. At the very least they can use the proceeds to bid on more art. It's getting to the point where we need the equivelant of a CARFAX report on OA. If it's ever been in their possession, it's suspect.
  2. So I saw this posted on eBay - and tried to research what card series it was from: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X-MEN-1990s-TRADING-CARDS-Original-Art-by-LEE-WEEKS-w-MAGNETO/332671376892?hash=item4d74c25dfc:g:pioAAOSwYK1bEYIZ there are two other auctions with a $200 BIN also, by Lee Weeks, that are mutant related- not bothering to post them because you can see all three together right here on Clink, where he bought it as ONE piece of art, which he has since cut into 3 pieces to sell each for what he paid for the original : http://www.comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsubsection.asp%3Fid%3D29668&id=1250648 im sorry , there’s a special place in hell for this guy. He can’t even ID the cards, which means they may have been intended to be one piece- I know I recognize at least one of the three. They may have been insets on the back of some cards. Whatever, the original got chopped up, and that’s not cool at all.
  3. Reply Reply All Forward Matt Stock has at least 2 eBay accounts that he has been using for years - alternates between the 2, but is sloppy enough to sell art and Wacky Packages related its in both that it's obvious they are the same person. If you look at the account name history for both you see a pattern (of deception) where he changes his name ever so often to obscure who he is and what he's likely been shilling. I'm sure there are some other dummy accounts. Below are the eBay ID history for the old Make Mine Marvel account, and the the current kane-and-romita account that he's been alternating between.
  4. Howdy- finally updated my CAF with 11 pieces I'd acquired recently: Art Adams Jonni Future page, Tony Harris painted trading card, 3 page Howard the Duck story from Crazy Magazine (did you even know they had those???) A very detailed Vess page from 1990, and other stuff. My CAF New Art Gallery
  5. I sold most of a run of Kull last weekend at a local show- with them 50% off out of our $2, $5, $10 stock. So the guy paid like $30 for most of the run.
  6. clearly I haven't been paying attention!!!!!!! Granted, the 2nd volume came out in the last 2 months, but the 1st was from 2013. Now that I look at the cover, it is vaguely familiar. i"m just embarrassed that I forgot, considering I'm a (formerly active) mod on the Collected Editions message board.
  7. Ka-zar may be the biggest block of Bronze that Marvel has not seen fit to reprint in any format, even a cheap B&W Essential. I guess Sgt Fury is even bigger, but that started in the SA.
  8. talked to Felix- he's very busy & he's got scheduling conflicts that will prevent him from making it to H-town this year. So that may delay the intended Comicpalooza podcast. But there's always always next year!
  9. I thought Felix was heading to Comicpalooza in H-town in a couple weeks, and was going to meet up with him and some other Texas collectors, but I have not heard any details since I spoke to him several weeks back.... Hey @Nexus!
  10. I can attest to the fact that, having seen the originals when the were framed, and the scanned prints after the fact- that no one would know the difference. I think for certain types of art, like markers or watercolors that it makes perfect sense.
  11. Amen brother! I like Bill's art on many other things, but the 80's were a train wreck across the board. It was like watching Desperately Seeking Susan on the spinner racks each month!
  12. I hated New Mutants then, and I don't know that I particularly like it now- I think part of it is a function of my complete and utter disdain for 80's style and fashion, which very much influenced Bill's work. It also infected JRjr's run on X-Men and between the two, I stopped collecting both titles for a time. Any character created or expanded on during that era very much suffered from 80's fashion, and it took years to grow out of it. I think Rachel Summers/Phoenix was a lousy character and it had a lot to do with her look. Rogue almost suffered the same fate, but Lee reinvented her "look." Dazzler faded to nothing for the same reason, she went from flashy Disco look to a bad Jazzercise Work-out Video Star.
  13. the irony here, is that Felix barely knows how to use FB.....
  14. yup. I think Byrne was more adept at translating Claremont's -script into a layout that was compelling and knew how to play the beats (when to pause for dramatic effect, and when to convey action) That was Miller's strength on DD and Wolverine mini-series as well. Miller too is not that great a draftsman IMHO, but a great story-teller. Byrne as a pure artist: for 40 years everyone looks like Reed Richards, and if he had been inking himself instead of Austin on X-Men, we might be digging out his X-Men run from the dollar bins instead of the FF and Alpha Flight. Cockrum, I always felt was a better, more polished and detailed Infantino. The only criticism would be his characters are a little stiff. That's my 2cents.
  15. Cockrum is a better artist, Byrne is a better storyteller. Byrne was good at leveraging his layouts and got a boost from Austin's inks so the bulk of the popularity and nostalgia lies with his run over Cockrum's 2 runs. Would the popularity of different issues be the same or different if who's drew what has been reversed? If Cockrum had drawn Days of Future Past would it be the classic that it is? IF Byrne had drawn the Brood Saga would it be bigger? Would X-Men #162 be THE Wolverine X-Men issue?
  16. where C = Character, A = Artist, N = Nostalgia, P = Popularity and V =Value; For Value, value is impacted by Pub= Published, Nun = Non Published and ART TYPE. Art type needs to be weighted somehow ( panel page is x1, splash is x5, Cover is x10 etc.) as does Published (perhaps multiplied by 1 for published and .5 or .3 for non published. ) {(Character x Artist) + (Nostalgia x Popularity) x Art Type)} xPublished = Value Jim Lee Batman Hush panel page A = Jim Lee (9.5 out of 10) C = Batman (10 out of 10 - is there a more popular character in comics?) N = key story collected by a lot of folks and still a big hit in trade (8 out of 10) P = 9 Jim Lee Batman Hush panel page [[(9.5x10) +(8x9)] x1)] / 1= 167 (same as above) Jim Lee marker sketch of wolverine [[(9.5 x 8) + 7x9)] x .25(sketch) ]] x .3 = 1.04 Jim Lee Hush Splash [[(9.5x10) +(8x9)] x5)] x 1 = 835 Jim Lee commissioned charity piece of a full page portrait of Ernest Borgnine in Airwolf TV show from the 80's. [[(9.5 x .5) + (2 x 0.5)] x 5] x .3 = 72.75 OK, this is more of an index than a value, it's all relative, but if Ernest Borgnine Splash by Lee is greater than Wolvie Marker sketch, then maybe now we have jumped the shark....
  17. an admirable effort to quantify, but yes, you're math is off for the Santa Samurai and Mr. NsN has pointed out. (1.01) but I think you are missing one important element to the equation: you aren't accounting for what kinds of art it is: (Published- panel page, slash page, spread, cover) or non-published (commission, sketch, napkin doodle) You need to factor the type of art in. where C = Character, A = Artist, N = Nostalgia, P = Popularity and V =Value; For Value, value is impacted by Pub= Published, Nun = Non Published and ART TYPE. Art type needs to be weighted somehow ( panel page is x1, splash is x5, Cover is x10 etc.) as does Published (perhaps multiplied by 1 for published and .5 or .3 for non published. ) {(Character x Artist) + (Nostalgia x Popularity) x Art Type)} x Published = Value
  18. it will scan in RGB, don't worry, which is what you need to post online- if you don't chose color it wills scan it greyscale. I find it easier to use the app than the Scan feature form the Printer settings, but that's just me. See my comments in the other thread on editing the settings.
  19. I've had the same issue, but you can get around it- in the preset, set it to Photo's, set Type to Picture, and then the resolution option will allow you to choose a higher resolution (75,100,300,600,1200)
  20. I"ll second that- I've re-scanned almost 2 hundred pieces of art and updated my CAF. Still some more to go, but once you get started, it's hard to stop- because you want them to be of a consistent size and quality. this HP is stupid simple to use. I made the mistake of not reading @delekkerste's advice about not using the easy set-up, so I have the Fisher-Price version of the controls installed, but HP's support site barfed when I tried to go back and download the full version so I got lazy and gave up. My wife has also gotten use our of the wireless printing- and she's happy not to have a printer tethered to her computer in her office anymore. We got rid of 2 Epson multi-function printers with crappy 8.5x11 scanners so over all, even though this is a beast, it's still less space and hassle than 2 USB devices and the ink for those was over-priced, and getting harder to find. If you get it for under $200 this is a no-brainer. You can even scan a twice up GA or SA page in 2 halves and fit them on the scan bed pretty easily to keep them straight. Great scanner for the money (paid $150 at Staples).
  21. OMG is that Lighthouse towering over everyone?
  22. The Brave and the Bold #14, Viking Prince by Kubert, one of the earliest pages I've seen on CAF. Brunner Shanna Pin-up, Morrow Black Cat, a Firestorm Splash I've had for awhile and just realized I never scanned or posted, a Deadly Hands of Kung Fu page with Jack of Hearts from the 70's, and other stuff- Link to a bunch of recent stuff!