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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. If you listened more and talked less It would be a win-win for all of us! 😝 Your “well thought out “ opinions can be more accurately stated as “your uneducated opinions”. All the Spaghetti Westerns referred to here came out before I was born and have been a part of the cultural zeitgeist our entire lives. I watched/rented/ all of these movies well before I was 20, and owned them all before I was 30. Now you can stream them at will. I don’t care if you don’t like westerns, that’s not an excuse. We aren’t quoting Roy Rogers or Hopalong Cassidy. Don’t assume because you don’t understand or know something it’s the author or directors fault. Take some ownership and make sure you aren’t speaking out of naïveté or ignorance. Pop culture- which comics and movies build upon, has layers of meaning, context and reference you simply are missing altogether. Now that I know you’re essentially a kid, I’m actually ever so slightly more sympathetic to you in this context - you simply don’t know enough about life in general to have an informed opinion - but how you comport yourself going forward is going to determine whether or not I even respond to your posts or put you on ignore. That’s the honest truth.
  2. The tesseract was used to develop weapons for the Red Skull in WW2, same concept as the hyperdrive or whatever in the plane
  3. I do see you’re point here, and it’s a fair criticism- the story didn’t allow time to delve into how much of a limit the Kree power dampener put on her powers. We don’t know their limits, their duration, if they become depleted or fatigued. But I didn’t see her do anything that I would ascribe to Superman level power. To me, what the audience saw was the equivalent of the Silver Surfer or a comparable herald of Galactus. If the MCU has future story writing challenges for A level powered heroes it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Look at Thor in Infinity War and what he endured to forge his new hammer. The Hulk is in the same class as well. I think what’s difficult to wrap ones mind around is precisely what “cosmic powers “ really are. I think the MCU did attempt to ground Danvers in a more relatable way in describing how she got her powers- but Cosmic power has always been a bit too vague, starting with the Surfer and continued with Starlin’s contributions with CM, Thanos, and Warlock. The last 10 years of the MCU have been about assembling the Infinity Stones (more cosmic gibberish) For the MCU to enter the next phase they almost have to reboot not just because the first generation of actors are moving on, but because they will need to dial it back a few notches to tell decent stories that are relatable to audiences. However Endgame plays out I expect it will involve resetting the escalating cosmic power levels and dispensing with the infinity stones in some way. Who knows, maybe the MCU Captain Marvel is destined to follow the comics and she gets cancer and dies saving the Universe. Don’t put it passed Feige to pull a fast one- especially after the way Jane Foster as Thor followed a similar storyline - the MCU is famous for mashups of old and new comic stories.
  4. yeah I went and watched this on youtube after others were slagging her likeability in this thread and citing this interview as an example. If she was 2 bra sizes bigger wearing that same outfit, I'd wager they wouldn't care if she could even speak in complete sentences, assuming they even had the sound on when watching.
  5. "Oh, fiddle dee dee, I saw it in the window and couldn't resist!"
  6. Bosco- since you quoted the china numbers with the twitter comment, and no comment of your own I took it as you agreed with the comment you posted. That's all.
  7. oh damn, my bad- you are right. MoS almost get's lost in the BvS match-up. When I saw that in the theater there were literally 3 people in the audience. I wish Supes had snapped his next instead of Zod.
  8. actually, I would put MoS as a decent movie. I liked the more Sci Fi angle to it. Liked Krypton and the technology. Had they not cast Jessie Eisenberg as Lex it might have been a good movie.
  9. to be fair, I don't usually look at these movie threads, I don't usually go dumpster diving in Comics General but I wanted to hear more about this one because CM's modern backstory is rather convoluted in the comics and I've skipped the last 15 years of modern comics continuity for the most part so I wasn't sure what all the movie changed, kept, or consolidated relative to the books and though that might be discussed here.
  10. now who's exagerrating? FTR: Upon re-watching GOTG2 my opinion towards it went from "meh" to this movie is kinda stupid. I don't think Marvel/Disney will suffer the loss of James Gunn much. Also- if Kevin Feige were running the show at DCEU instead of MCU, we'd be having the opposite conversation. It's not a Marvel Fanboy versus DC fanboy thing. It's a which huge entertainment conglomerate got it right, and which didn't. DC didn't.
  11. I'd be badmouthing any fool that said Justice League was GOOD. That was a dumpster fire. DC has made exactly one good DCEU movie (and I hesitate to even use the term DEU, as DC has all but abandoned it. ) and that that was Wonder Woman.
  12. if you have more than 10 comments on this thread repeating ad-naseum how mediocre and disappointing this movie is for being good, you kids really need to take a walk outside and get some fresh air, and soak up some vitamin D. Meanwhile as the tickets sales continue to rack up over the next 6-8 weeks, and every meaningful objective metric supports the success of this film, I'll let you guys off the hook and not expect some acknowledgment of said reality. You don't like it, Chuck argues you were predisposed not to like it, I don't really give a damn one way or the other, but when you try to argue facts like tickets sales and numbers and statistics in general to support your opinions and get them widely, mathematically, INCORRECT- then the credibility of your opinions is severely damaged. Please try to make more informed arguments.
  13. the only datapoint on this China chart really worth commenting on is the fact that Venom and Aquaman did so well - 2 very mediocre movies that they seemed to really love. Hey, that's China.
  14. I'm gonna join Chuck in that you simply do not know WTF a strawman fallacy means. All movies have flaws, I was quite direct in saying it was a B+ IMO. A B+ Marvel Studios/MCU movie, which put's it head and shoulders above the majority of all movies. But the fact that some of you are wiling to argue a point into the ground and scour the earth for distorted data points to support your pet theories is the basis of what I consider a disproportionate and singular dislike for this movie, which I believe is the basis of Chuck's assertion that it stems from a deeper resentment/double standard in objectively looking at this particular movie.
  15. umm, can you guys read? Black Panther dropped 82% it's second week. Was that a good not great movie? CM has already beat BP"s entire run by 50%. It's the 5th place movie on this list in 2 weeks. Some of you guys with whatever rabid hate-on for CM are just really reaching at this point.
  16. cool- and I just amended my comment above to be clearer what my point was.
  17. uh, Chuck, I think you misinterpreted my post, or I could have worded it better- my intent was to sidestep the whole SJW vs Old White Dude debate as irrelevant to judging the film on it's own merits, and the merits of it's box office performance. The attempts to sabotage a movie with fake reviews is beyond chicken(thank you for editing what I really said CGC) its was stupid when it happened with Star Wars TLJ as well. So I rather take your side as to who the true snowflakes in this debate are. I tried to allude to the fact that any movie or person that breaks ground (the BEST example being the last president) has to perform at a higher standard than their peers, is given zero breaks, and has every minute flaw scrutinized and magnified out of proportion. Black Panther has to be PERFECT to be universally regarded as GOOD and you will still get some redneck cracker grumbling under his breath. The point of the movie, the pivotal moment was to point out to Yon-Rogg that Vers had nothing to prove. Nevertheless, we live in a time of an embarrassment of riches when it comes to comic book moves- but still some are better than others, and CM is better that most. It didn't have to be PERFECT to be GOOD. That's all.
  18. I'm probably going regret this but here goes: setting the SJW, Angry Emasculated White Male Backlash ridiculous conversation aside, (FTR some of you guys are complete trolls, but then that permeates the tone of many of your posts when I glance outside this thread and I just put you on ignore) Let's just look at what's in the movie, a MCU movie, and judge it purely in that context. In that regard I give it a B, maybe B+, where A Movies are Avengers 1,2,3) Civil War, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Iron Man 1, Thor 3 B movies are: Iron Man 3, Cap1, Ant Man 1, GOTG 1, Doctor Strange C Movies: Hulk, Thor 2, Iron Man 2, GOTG2, Antman 2. Spidey That puts Captain Marvel in the upper half, middle at worst, and that's pretty good company to keep by all accounts. There's no question that even a "B" is considered a "failure" by some, as the pressure this film has on both sides of the "debate" speak to a double standard where for whatever reason, it has to perform above all comparable expectations for no rationale reason. The chart posted earlier is all you really need to look at the make an objective observation. It has one of the lowest budgets of all the MCU movies, and has already beat total box office returns for several of them. It will likely net out within 100 million of Doctor Strange. A solid B in dollar terms. The Numbers are the numbers. Can't argue with facts. You can, but you're not only look like an insufficiently_thoughtful_person if you do, YOU ARE AN insufficiently_thoughtful_person.
  19. I was just given some insight about this special auction. Expect to hear considerably more about this auction very soon- this is the tip of the iceberg. What has been posted so far is just the normal HA working through it all as they process it. The width and breadth of this will be expansive.
  20. I don't think the day of week or the time of year will matter much- this is a next level collection- there will be fewer buyers, but the buyers will NOT be your average comic art art collector, and either end up in museums or private collections that will not be on CAF. This is REAL art, not that silly comic art stuff full of paste-up and glue and coffee stains. This stuff isn't going to be flipped by dealers. One well known dealer will be bidding of course, but he will be bidding for himself if he does, he's seen this collection in person. It is a sight to behold.
  21. Wow. I'm truly stunned by this. I never thought Glynn would part with his collection in a significant way. It's the best collection of art I've ever had the privilege of viewing. It's a museum unto itself. This makes me rather sad to be honest.
  22. @KG450- I don't think you will have much luck with that, as the bristol board will be too stiff and this printer doesn't have a manual paper feed tray- so the paper has to twist inside the printer and bristol isn't good for that. You would need to do that on a different kind of printer, like a Xerox at a Kinko's/Fed Ex, UPS, or Office Depot.
  23. all things being equal, (accounting for the vagaries of title, artist, content, age, layout, etc as pertinent factors in determining FMV of a specific page of art) sellers heavily and selectively reference past auctions results, which have a lot of fees and taxes factored into it- easily 30% to justify their determination of FMV. That's why I have to agree with @vodou that unless the other party is willing to cough up cash (real cash, not trade) their estimates are meaningless, whether they are a dealer or individual. Furthermore, using past auction results as a basis for determining FMV is highly suspect, for the reason discussed, but even more so by the manipulations that occur during auctions (which has been alluded to here, but let's just put it out there...) that is to say, price fixing. If you have a piece of art for sale, in the same auction, or to sell outright in the future, it is common for a some to bid up similar pieces in auctions to "create" FMV perception. The D's use it constantly. Tack on the 25-30% due to taxes and fees, and the next price you will get quoted will be 50-70% more than the last consigners actual net. I call BS.
  24. @Sideshow Bob thanks for your post- this is a very illuminating and illustrative point on the math of flipping the same piece in a short amount of time (though that was not your intent here) but it accurately describes how the price and value of a piece is very obscured by the fees to buyer and seller an associated tax and shipping. I've had several debates about his in the last year online about this subject - how "market value" and auctions results are not the same, for all the reasons described in your post. Some have strenuously disagreed with me, which is there prerogative, and mostly because the are predicated on economic theory, and not market realities. Methinks they also had an ulterior motive to argue, because they wish to keep valuations artificially high for their own gain.