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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. What should we infer about long hair versus shorthair Thor????
  2. Ugh, that’s sounds like a cop out to me- just ignore the ramifications of the 5 year effect. Remember how devastating the snap was as portrayed in the IG after credits screen with Fury, and cars wrecking, planes crashing - imagine all the related deaths that occurred with pilots winking out, mothers driving kids to school, etc, etc. Then they just reappear? When Hulk brought everyone back into the 5YL present they deliberately downplayed the effect, didn’t show a single person reappear- just a few birds outside the Avengers compound. Both Tony and Hulk wielded the Infinity Gauntlet and with a thought could have corrected everything- or had the heroes reappear right there, or cured cancer, anything - the suspension of disbelief does have its limits - the 5 year thing just seems like a sloppy plot point.
  3. If the next Spidey film doesn’t address the more practical implications of the 5 year time jump and half of Peter’s class having aged out and half popped back into school, but parents and families shattered for the 5 year loss of hall the world - fanboys are going to howl. This one plot point may be the one that the Russo brothers regret unless they have a very clever way of dealing with it. You don’t just have 4 billion people and every other living organisms just pop back into existence- there would be massive famine and all sorts of shiortages, massive unemployment- the more you think it through the dumber and more implausible it gets.
  4. I very much agree here- and I also believe Disney is content to play the long game - there is no rush to replace Wolverine or bring in the X-men. Disney did not buy Fox for their Marvel movies rights, not even a blip on the balance sheet. They are going to hopefully do some cloud seeding of new characters and storylines like they did in phase 1. They may not break a billion dollars for the next couple of years but they will still be making money.
  5. Chunky Monkey is my poison of choice but this would cool my burning dislike foe the Age of Apocalypse movie
  6. the net result is the same, and he's not going to state it in public (not with 1 remaining X-Men flick in the can to be released) Hugh Jackman was all that made the Fox Mutant films even remotely interesting. Every last bit of that has to be burned from the publics memory before they consider revisiting any of it.
  7. I didn't bring up BP and DS as they will hopefully continue their 3 picture arc, but they will tell their own stories more likely, and not build up to a Team like the Avengers Intitiative did. Antman/Wasp will get their 3rd act. Not sure if they stick around past that. Just being practical, Rudd is 50, Cheadle is old, War Machine is likely done. Not to mention, who's gonna be upgrading all this IM style tech without Stark? Prof Hulk might stick around for bit. IfF they did introduce Silver Surfer, you've a lot closer to the early Defenders Roster, and with Valkyrie to boot. The Defenders non-team concept fits better with the less tightly affiliated remaining MCU characters than the Avengers concept in the absence of Cap, Thor, IM. Those are the only 3 characters that never did a stint with the Defenders. I agree Silver Surfer would be a tough solo film, unless they really went serious with some sort of space opera type story.
  8. Marvel is now is the same boat with Cap and IM as Fox was with Wolverine- The actors were so well cast that they simply aren't recast-able in the near term. So they simply won't. Thor's probably good for 1 more solo movie and maybe ensemble in GOTG #3. Which will wrap up that ensemble cast as well. Then he's done, aged out. ScarJo will get her Black Widow Prequel, and it will likely be a one and done. The remaining b-list Avengers (winter soldier, Falcon, Wanda, Vision, Hawkeye) are getting relegated to Disney+, which means they won't get solo movies, and therefore likely no more Avengers movies. I think Feige has more or less stated the next few years will just about putting out solo movies, much like Phase 1 was, without any heavy tie-in's or over-arching plan. He's buying his time while the scope out what to do with the Fox merger. In many ways, the Fox merger contributed to the decisions to end the Avengers, and to go out with a bang and not try to drag it out or spend huge sums to lure the main actors back for one more hurrah. Feige has already stated the X-Men need to lie fallow for a few years, and let the stench of the Fox movies fade. I think the FF is the next, most logical Tent-Pole for the MCU. It's family oriented, which fits with Disney's business model, has relatively well known characters but not very strong associations with previous actors or movies. It's fresh territory. Fresh Villains (Doom is the new Loki, and work there way up to Galactus as the new Thanos.) Surfer as the new Thor. You have Captain Marvel, and new territory with, Kree/Skrulls, Eternals. MOKF is you're more street level characters, that's a little tougher to weave in, but who knows if Moon Knight and others round that out. There's plenty of new stuff to keep the MCU going the next 10 years. But we have seen the last of the Avengers in the MCU for now. SO long as Feige is at the helm, and has proven successful, they won't backtrack and reboot or rebrand it. Cap, IM, and Thor were the backbone of the Avengers, built off their solo movies. Those actors defined those characters for this era. There's no Avengers #5 in the next 10 years, and a new Avengers #1 is even less likely. This isn't the comic publishing business.
  9. If Cap lived out his life with Peggy, then was he supposed to stay mum about Hydra infiltrating the fledgling SHIELD Peggy helped forge????? That doesn't seem likely. Did Gamora disappear with the Stark snap? Don't recall seeing her after that.
  10. ummm, I"m gonna let you think that through so you can retract it later.
  11. Saw it with the wife this morning: Wow, just wow. You can nitpick things that you may not like or would have done different, but that does not diminish the sheer audacity and epic scope of what the Russo Bros. did here. Incredible.
  12. Say whatever happened to the villain Cyber I think? He was a Wolverine Villian introduced in MCP I believe and had some sort of Adamantium arms or something and had a Zorro style mask. May have been a Sam Keith designed character - he came on pretty strong for awhile and seemed to disappear
  13. Aaaaaand welcome to the ignore user club, you’re childish posts today are proof positive you have zero to contribute to this thread or this board.
  14. The dumpster fire that is the last 20 minutes of WW is basically the entire JLA movie. Right up to that point WW may have been the greatest Superhero movie since Christopher Reeve in Superman 1 & 2. Top 5 all time. Then it looked like a bad Zack Snyder student film.
  15. This new clip of the Avengers and CM is bound to trigger a few CM/Brie Larsen haters... “Captain Marvel agrees that the team should fight Thanos and, when Banner asks why the battle would end differently than before, Captain Marvel retorts, "Because before you didn't have me." New Trailer
  16. 😮 wow, I just read a large chunk of that intro- remember when the inter webs was The this shiny, gleaming tower on a hill full of promise, knowledge, and civility? What were we thinking???? hey, @RockMyAmadeus did you see a rec arts group for Venom in there? No? Me nether. You got Elfquest though. We should throw the internet away and start over again - we $&#@/! It all up. Text only, and posting a picture costs a dime. An actual dime, in a little coin slot on the side of the computer, and it only holds 50 dimes. When it’s full you gotta turn it in to the business center at the grocery store and get a new free dime picture meter cartridge.
  17. I"m sure the Venn diagrams of fandom and usenet overlap a fair amount, bit only with a certain age group. I'd wager it didn't have a tremendous impact on the market, but I'm still curious. I didn't get on the newsgroups until we had decent internet at work until 97? I confess it wasn't really something I gave much thought until ebay came around. I imagine theres a whole pre-eBay and or pre-widespread internet aspect of fandom that's just been lost, with no real history to be be shared or researched unlike all the older fandom in print form. I mean who has copies of all the usenet posts from 1994?
  18. Thats Hulk #386, not #306. Keown is by far the more desirable of the 2, even with the browns stain on the Frank page. If you paid less than the HA auction result you referenced, you got a good deal. The Frank, I would not buy for the stains, though the UK guys might like it for the Motormouth appearance.
  19. that's ok, but you have to have at least one that has a first or last name that begins with the letter "A". It appears to be a rule here. I went All in with Alex Raymond, Al Williamson,Neal Adams, and Alex Ross.
  20. I dunno, comparing their 2 wiki write ups, Abner had more comic appearances than Pogo, and Capp was the Stan Lee of his day and medium. But I'm guessing you mean influence anthropomorphic comics- but that's hard to tease out from all that Disney did.
  21. Well, "Natcherly!" "As any fool kin plainly see!" then you gotta have Al Capp then too. "Ah has spoken!"