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Everything posted by malvin

  1. and here is another one
  2. doesn't 100,000+ galleries feel wrong? i wonder if Bill/CAF changed how they assigned gallery numbers later. Granted there are people who sign up and don't have galleries, or spammers that sign up hoping to spam, but 100,000+ "feels" high Malvin
  3. I'm surprised at the 47,500 but it might be right. I know the first few (at least up to me) were sequential, but I'm surprised that there are over 47,500 galleries by 2010 Malvin
  4. The number is in the URL to your gallery, in your case: 727! Malvin
  5. Man 13 years. I remember when it first started I resisted signing up and I was content with the 5 pages the Lowry allowed. I finally signed up of course and was the 614th member. I could have been a member much earlier!
  6. I just uploaded a couple of John Bolton Classic X-men pages featuring Arcade! CAF Link Thanks for looking! Malvin
  7. If it is just a "normal" disputed transaction, Bill usually tries not to get involved. But if it is a scam, like the one I ran into before, he will shut down the gallery. I didn't know about the galleries using the like feature before. That would be a red flag and I'm surprised the gallery wasn't shut down then. Malvin
  8. I quote enjoyed Mark Millar's Spiderman run (and the Dodson art) so I was thrilled to add this half splash with Cap to my collection. I didnt realize until just now that I actually own the page consecutive to this one! caf link Thanks for looking Malvin
  9. I enjoyed Siege from a few years ago so I'm glad I finally have a decent page featuring Cap from it CAF Link Thanks for looking Malvin
  10. sigh, it went for 14K, poor buyer
  11. and a new one pops up Its fake but at least it's mint! Malvin
  12. At first I was going to congratulate you for scoring that Lobo cover ! (which was adamantly not for sale), then I realized where you are going. I'm a Bisley fan, mostly because of nostalgia and how I liked the original Lobo miniseries. Almost all artists evolve. Byrne, Sienkz, JR JR, all their art changes with time. Some people like their earlier stuff, some people like their later stuff, to each their own. I wouldn't call his change a decline. It's just a change. But that is obviously my opinion. Malvin
  13. and fosworld keeps on selling the same "original art". I don't get how he gets away with it. Malvin
  14. look at this lot of goodies Faker or victim? Malvin
  15. How come people are not after fosworld? Malvin
  16. So how about the Zeck batman thread I started recently. Is that an outlier or new normal? I have my own thoughts already as you might be able tell from the way I phrased things in that thread. Malvin
  17. This particular one is easy, I think. As far as I can see it hasn't sold so it is just an asking price, making it meaningless for our analysis. Malvin
  18. I took a glance, one of his items he says he got from "Gallery On the Baum". So he was duped if that was true. you might as well say you got it from "Fakey McForger" Malvin
  19. some people have no shame, our favorite seller has a glassic Neal Adams GL 76 Cover, Miller's Wolverine Cover, and Todd McF's Spidey 1 cover I am sure he is really a retired cop... Malvin
  20. I couldn't post it because it wasn't published yet, but now that it is being solicited, my Stokoe Judge Dredd Cover is on CAF CAF Link Malvin
  21. Fosworld is back.. how many times can he sell the same piece?
  22. That strategy worked on Gallery on the Baum, but it should be for lower $ value items in case the refund doesn't work out. Malvin
  23. Sigh, the seller with the Miller Sin City now has a Buscema Silver Surfer cover Malvin
  24. The Hulk 200 page went strong at $2,629.00. You can pick up pages (if and when they pop up for sale) from surrounding issues for less than half of that. Maybe not anymore Malvin