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Real Elijah Snow

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Posts posted by Real Elijah Snow

  1. On 9/18/2018 at 1:57 PM, WhatMeWorry said:

    Supreme #1 NS has a Volume 2 on the cover and in the indicia. I've must've just missed the fact that Supreme, Brigade, and Cyberforce must've had earlier series. Thanks for the information.


    Fun fact: The very first issue of Supreme said Volume 2 on it, right there on the cover, even though it was the 1st issue of the title, and there was no Supreme before it. While there are spinoffs (The return, Glory days, Supreme Blue Rose etc)  there's only one volume of "Supreme".


    On 9/10/2018 at 3:55 PM, MikeS82 said:


    I just started collecting and noticed a lot of comics on Kickstarter. In general have you found that they hold their value better if they are "Exclusive KS Varients?"

    I know having them signed and graded helps.

    I have added 2 examples I'm interested in.  In Comics Comics they have some varient covers that are exclusive.  Squarriors has Oversized Hardcover Exclusives. 

    I guess, what I'm getting at... Is it worth it to get it now and know it's kept mint, or wait until some hopefully hit the used market and buy them for less? 

    Thanks in advance!













    Who would win in a fight between Aunt May and Colossus? 

  3. For your first question, spend $. When I was a heavy reader in the mid 90's I had a pull at a shop where I probably dropped an average of $150 a month. This equated to a 70+ book a month pull. Not insane, but a decent amount. I would also go through and "read" through a pile of other stuff while I was at the shop. Mostly I'd flip through a bunch that I was curious about. Sometimes I'd read the first 4-5 pages and decide I wanted to read it on the couch with my other books so it would go in my pile. Sometimes I'd get bored by the book, so it would go back on the shelf. As long as you're not just at a shop to read a bunch of new stuff for free, you shouldn't have any problems with a store owner, unless he's a total tool. 

    2nd question: You can learn all kinds of stuff from the internet. This chat board, as well as many others has tons of information. However, the most learning you'll ever do is when you read the comics themselves. You'll retain way more information if you're passionate about what you're reading. Being a "genius" in regards to the MCU isn't an impressive feat. I'd say there are probably hundreds (thousands?) of posters on this site alone that could boast that same thing if it were even slightly impressive. Read comics. Read the Overstreet (even if it is hopelessly outdated on most pricing and has been for as long as I can remember) It still provides some interesting information in regards to the market through the market reports. Find stuff you like in regards to comics, and you'll enjoy learning more about them as far as first apps etc go. This board is a wealth of information. Go back and read the super long threads. Most of them are long for a reason, as they are insightful and entertaining. 


  4. On 7/13/2018 at 1:25 PM, gabadilla said:

    This is deviating a little from the topic, but can anyone help me identify the artist via the sketch or the signature? I asked an artist at SDCC sometime in the mid to late 90s for a quick sketch on a comic backing board and he gave me this. I must have recognized his name at the time, but I am now drawing a blank. Most likely at the Wildstorm or Top Cow booths. I'm not looking to sell it, but it would be nice to know the artist behind it.




    That's Dan Fraga and it's a character from Black Flag.


  5. 1 hour ago, Not A Clone said:

    That doesn't sound right. Besides ownership, I thought that $$$ was a big reason everyone left to start Image. I do know that Marvel & DC both give a royalty ownership on new creations now, which never used to happen. I think the "average" per penciled page is between $1k-$2k now. If they ink themselves they get more. I think that might be where the slowdown is. Not enough good inkers. Like someone else mentioned above, those inks on the Thing look blah. I can name plenty of modern artists that I like, but can't think of a great inker off the top of my head.

    If you're talking "average" you are super high on your rate per penciled page by multiples. 

  6. 6 hours ago, kamcanadian said:

    I want to open diamond comic distributor retailer account and I don,t have physical shop but i have LLC company and i am selling Shop to Shop, if some one help me get Account i will pay him also 500 $


    thank you

    I opened one for you. Can you send the $500 to this Nigerian prince that is promising me a million dollars? I'll send you back $1000. Win-win. 

  7. 1 hour ago, bisquitodoom said:

    Looks like the Jose Delbo page is from the same story as these:


    They ID it as a "learn to read" title, but it doesn't look like they found the specific publication.  

    AWESOME! That's got to be from the same story. The only weird thing is that the pages from HA look way less detailed. The back of mine says "Joe Sinnott inks" and it seems to be a way more finished version of those pages. In any event, thanks so much for posting. Very helpful.

  8. So, the second 2 I have no idea. That one panel almost looks like the way Andy kubert drew background faces that he didn't put much time into. None of the rest of these 2 pages says AK to me, but maybe he inked? They're both 80s-90s. Outside of that, no clue. The Spidey page came from Jose Delbo. Inks by Joe Sinnott. At first I thought maybe Spider-Man and his Amazing friends #1 because of Firestar, but it's not that. Also, her inclusion means it's not Spidey Super Stories since I believe that series only had 2 issues after she first appeared, and I don't think Doc Ock was in those 2 issues...Jose said something about a children's story, but even he couldn't remember.  Last one I've been told is possibly from an issue of Creepy or Eerie, but not sure. Any help or pointing in the right direction appreciated. 






  9. 2 hours ago, koyama said:

    I'm pretty sure that those are Chinese versions not Japanese.

    Ah. Then I REALLY don't know Chinese lol . I guess I assumed Godzilla = Japanese.  I'm hoping to avoid opening them up as I have no interest in keeping them and would rather advertise as unopened when i do sell them. Anyone think they will work in a regular dvd player? 

  10. 12 minutes ago, RockMyAmadeus said:





    16 minutes ago, Red84 said:

    This had nothing to do with mitigating risk. He sent it to CGC because a CGC graded book garners a higher price. The fact that he immediately sent it to CGC shows that he knew PGX was garbage when he bought it at a discount. Caveat emptor. 

    Disclaimer - this is not legal advice. 


  11. I went through the stack last weekend and pulled the best 10 copies I could. Still sealed.
    $45 each / 10 available.
    Shipping included. Cheapest price online.
    Paypal/checks/money orders.
    Pay demonxman@hotmail.com within 2 days of the :takeit: 
    No returns if you open them and shipping is still on you (both ways. Basically I'm keeping $8 if you get one and want to return it)


  12. Also, here's another added nuance to this one that I noticed; the personalization appears to be done with a different pen than the purported sketch/auto. It almost adds authenticity to me as I could see the sketch being done beforehand, and then when it was sold the "To Jean, best always" was added. 

    I probably stared at this thing for way too long. I was excited. I make no apologies.