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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. I think by then DC was using BB for Batman teamups so it no longer fit the publishing plan. But Showcase was still presenting new ideas and tryouts… and followups.
  2. And, there again, is a great fallacy: "Allow each of us to decide what we like to look at, or buy", as if that isn't precisely what is already happening. No one making the argument that art should have standards has said you can't, or shouldn't, be able to decide what you like to look at, or buy. How many art galleries, at least in the west, have been raided by the police, the art seized, and the patrons arrested...? Who is stopping ANYONE from deciding what you like to look at, or buy...? Answer: no one. No one at all. Expressing a dissenting opinion about the quality and execution of the art you like to look at or buy is a FAR, FAR cry from actively PREVENTING you from doing so. What you REALLY mean by "allow" isn't "allow" at all...what you REALLY mean is "Everyone should have the right to call any random piece of lint on their navel a piece of art, and if you don't agree, you shouldn't be allowed to say so." If a person is DISSUADED from making an "art" purchase because of someone else's opinion...as educated and as informed as it may...or may not...be....then that person really didn't appreciate that piece of art for its own sake, did they? If you want to call a random nosehair sticking out of your nose "art", feel free. No one is stopping you. You can do it all you want. But the real issue isn't whether YOU get to call it art. The real issue is that you demand everyone ELSE THINK it's art, and dismiss anyone who says "this isn't art. It doesn't conform to ANY standards of artistic form." Who, then, is really trying to control whom...? Having a nice day? You're putting way too much effort into what I post. I'm not stopping anyone, or demanding anyone think a lawnmower is what THEY CONSIDER art. It's the professor who is advocating for others to come to their senses and abde by HIS standards... The ONLY true artworks... And to dismiss all the rest of the that "passes for artwork" nowadays. I think he's wrong.
  3. Everything can and is judged. The argument lies is WHO gets to be the judge. A select few? Or anyone of us as we see fit. In a court of law and many other reas, I think we'd agree that education and certification is vitally important. But in art? Not so much. Allow each of us to decide what we like to look at, or buy. And let history sort out what was GREAT, and what was a passing phase.
  4. What's is Prager University? I'd dare say that the established academies of Education would look down at HIS credentials and bond fides as condescendingly as he views all art since artists began working beyond lanspdscapes and portraits! Seems he feels free to speak outside of the establishment on what he feels and thinks but lowly modern artists shouldn't be allowed to. But, I was impressed by the graphics in the piece. And, he is complaining about the modern art business, he bemoans living in a time where the ideals he cherishes ( and seeks to foist on the rest of society that has moved on from them, for good AND bad) have been supplanted due to the enormous changes in civilization in these past 150 years. We are very much a bottom up society now as opposed to a top down one where the elites dictated what we saw, read, liked, and bought. Get used to it, buddy. Keep teaching the classics, produced in times in which pieces were created at the behest of and paid for by the monied elites -- churches, rich patrons -- that only wanted the classic themes and subjects we revere today as beautiful. It's amazing stuff. But there's a lot more than can move us , and shock us, or even disgust us. He should feel comfortable that in 100 years, his stuff will still be admired, but very little of the christs oieces will be as highly coveted as they are now. And, did his graduate students really think that was a Pollack?
  5. Trailer looks pretty pretty good. Really cements the motivation for Batman versus Superman. But, it's a earl switch on DC mythology. Batman was wary of Superman in the modern comics, but it was Luthor who sought his destruction as an alien, not Wayne. But maybe the billionaires got together and saw the alien Superman threat, and Wayne and Luthor each sought their own solution... Wayne by fighting, and Luthor with Kryptonite. If the move lives up to the trailer DC will have successfully launched their own Marvel movie universe on solid ground.
  6. Clicked your link just in time to watch the last 20 secs. One bid raised it from 4350 to 4600.
  7. except in the mind of a 9.8 collector.
  8. haha old school dealers don't believe in stains or graders notes…
  9. I know right??? every episode people come strolling in, yet while they know from cameras EVERYWHERE everything thats happening in the city, they don't even monitor the front door. are there even other employees in the building at all?
  10. Aman619


    Looks like Barbara will be a villain. But who? Crazy episode! A real cleanup!
  11. I don't care either way this goes. But giving Aquaman a solo turn in Showcase at that point at DC was a significant moment for the character. Lots of lingering GA second rate heroes never got that top billing Showcase chance... Or did many years later. So clearly Showcase 30 stands out as a key book. But is it the first Aquaman of any kind? Probably a reboot first appearance given the new Atlantean origin that has stuck ever since. It would be far easier though if Aquaman hade been gone for a decade prior to #30 though! Like Flash, Atom, GL etc etc
  12. Funny. Mick, I always thought your avatar was some kind of octopus! But I zoomed in close and was shocked its four round portrait photos! Who are they?
  13. Aman619


    When Barbara walked into the sex dungeon I really thought she was going to take the Ogre down! She seemed fearless. And maybe she will become a villainess. ogre kept saying she has a special toughness etc.
  14. Maybe RF needs Flash to get up to maximum speedos they can use the time traveling treadmill like in the comics. RF got here via super speed, but can no longer generate escape velocity.
  15. I agree - a little too much verbage (and overacting ). Yes. They had 13 hours to work with, and we got a 13 hour origin plus one major villain arc. I think even they must realize that was way more time than they needed to tell the Kingpin story. maybe the movies are too fast paced, cramming too much into two hours. But this was too far in the other direction. The pace didn't kill it for me, it was very well done. Just keep it moving next time!
  16. I watched all episodes this week. I enjoyed it, seeing DD brought to life so well. But, it was soooo talky!! So much dialoguing. On and on, scene after scene. I watched it late at night lying down with iPad and headphones and I kept closing my eyes and dozing off. Anyone else have trouble staying awake? This never happens with Bad, Thrones, or even Mad Men. Or arrow, Gotham or Flash.
  17. but, as I just posted, if all you hear is how bad it was, you'll just wait until it shows up On Demand, no? Or, go see it in a nice quiet empty theatre in week 2, which is always a plus!
  18. you know guys, bottom line, no picture hits a billion unless word of mouth is great in the first weekend, enabling followup weekends to add to the cume.. So rather than guess which will do better based on history, or the merits of the actors or characters or DC vs Marvel, if ANY of these pictures are DOA (meaning negative word of mouth where those who see it on Friday and Saturday or Wednesday nowadays) tell their friends its a stinker, the gross potential shrinks and you end up with 200-500 worldwide.. ALL these films will do big box office first week/weekend… After that, you're counting on repeat viewing plus civilians who HAVENT been told "its not worth it" by anyone they trust. bottom line: "its the FILM stupid!"
  19. People are now very comfortable trusting that they will get their ten bucks of entertainment from each new Marvel film. DC hopes to achieve that accomplishment. Marvel is already there. They aren't coming to see Civil War because they know anything about it from the comics.... They ARE willing to sit through the next Cap film though, especially if Spidey and Avengers will be in it too.
  20. yeah. my understanding is that Cap3 is a direct next installment of the Avengers franchise / Civil War story, and as such, all those people out there interested in Avengers 2 and other Marvel movies will go see it, and all the rest, so long as they are still into following along with the Marvel cinematic Universe. DC is trying to create that "stickiness" to their filmed universe, but the public hasn't experienced a solid trend upon which to feel hooked yet. Batman trilogy was fine. Man of Steel underwhelmed and confused them. GL missed the mark entirely. WB can hit this one out of the park with BvS and fans will keep coming to see more… but they have to NAIL IT first!