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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. very impressive number to me. 100K for a DC SA book is something Rob React could track with one hand!
  2. This one looks a bit soft to me. But, in hand I'm sure it's a 9.2
  3. I have a question. Having owned multiple Cerebi #1s over the years, all were copies in circulation, and none of them were over VF/VF+. If that high. Then Sim releases his Gaines copies, and the census has lots of higher graded copies. But, does anyone know what the highest graded NON-sim file copy is graded at? Thanx. And, carry on!
  4. I just finally watched it. overall it was well made but has so many bad elements it just wasny great. I am surprised too that the Marvel machine (even with Sony in charge) put this together, it didnr feel well crafted for all the millios spent on making it. GOOD: Spidey webslinging. They introduced new angles and ideas. Spidey using his stickiness in the penning scenes Spidey character. this kid is skinny and nerdy like the Ditko version Gwen (and their relationship). hey I like her, sue me BAD: Elektros origin, his powers and his motivation. made no sense Harry: same thing. How did he learn the glider so quickly? Rhino: yes we get it its a PRE credits teaser for the Sinister Six! And he looked like a Transformer that cant transform. But it looked great .. just doesn't engage the imagination at all.
  5. great work! One thing I have trouble dealing with is choosing the correct CGC tier to submit under. Could you devise something where we enter title issue and FMV, and it TELLS us the tier it falls into? and, for Moderns, we enter the publication year and it helps us in that 1980 period determine if its Modern or Bronze? Submitting books in the wrong tier leads to up charges which get messy to deal with.
  6. First half was a good refresher for me. I loved the show but frankly have already forgotten most of what went down.... But season 3 looks promising. So many DC elements and characters coming to TV is exciting.
  7. the movie bump is just a variation of the new series bump forgotten characters always got when revived. Same thing. New attention --- from ANY source -- brings higher prices.
  8. that a crashed airplane in the snow was increasingly more visible each time around the loop.
  9. or Doll Man. who came decades before either Ant-Man or Atom
  10. ya think? Ray Palmer as a regular character on Arrow ought to move the needle...
  11. would this 1965 issue of LOBO (who Ive never heard of though the plot sounds like the TV show BRANDED, the copy here is practically the theme song word for word.) be the first black comic book hero? Its a good 5 years before DC and Marvel began adding black characters.
  12. Deathstroke is a pretty major DC character, so keeping him alive as they build the universe makes sense. He's had his own comic a few times, so even though he's been the villain on Arrow all this time, he will be changed at some point to utilize his skills. Even Deadshot was helping out a lot this season. Ill miss the real Black Canary though, unless old skinny britches fills out a bit in the blonde wig! But I dont think even a corset will get her to match her little sister's other attributes! Flash however, which looks great in the trailer, and is in good hands like Arrow, worries me a bit because he IS a super powered hero. Arrow works because TV is down to earth, and real, given the budgets, so he fights, and operates in a limited FX world. He shoots arrows! But Flash can do so much with his speed, I think the problems will always be how they write his limitations, how the bad guys slow him down or beat him etc. They'll have to keep taking him by surprise which will get old. Or gel have a long learning curve making him vulnerable and interesting for as long as they can keep it going. lets face it… they already tried The Flash, and while the ARROW show runners are a lot more adept at superheroes, I think Flash will pose problems they may not solve so easily. They cant just mimic what they have done with ARROW either.
  13. I'm not loving this three part mega battle for Starling City. Taking too long and it's kinda preposterous. I prefer the more contained episodes that move the origin along spiced up with DC Easter eggs and new characters and concepts from the comics.
  14. haha. I forgot that only us viewers knew this!
  15. I wonder what mom's big secret reveal was going to be?
  16. I think so too. His speed and reflexes are inhuman, even for a superhero (although Batman doesn't have powers or drugs aiding him) And Sara must have taken them too given her speed and skills, but here too, the League of Assassins trains their guys pretty good. I guess we will see how quickly his leg heals… it should take weeks or months for a normal person to regain full motion, right?
  17. so it feels like since the Miracle is causing Slades delusions and anger issues, that all Ollie has to do is shoot the antidote into him, and Deathstroke can revert to a superhero/villain in the Universe, like Huntress. Which is fine. unless the primal directive of the show for the new few years relies on Island backstory progressing current events? another issue I can't follow: they keep say "5 years ago on the island." Ollie was there for a full 5 years, and back for what, 1 year. 2 years tops? So 5 years ago means "year 2 on the island" is that right? but of course the beauty of the "island backstory" is they can retrofit anything they want back then, like Sara surviving. So I think we will always have island backstory driven revelations on the show.
  18. Ive just caught up will all Arrow episodes to date, and Im really enjoying it! I have lots of little observations, likes and dislikes… but at this point in the story, Slades character just doesn't work for me. Sure he's a great DC villain, and it was fun seeing his part in Ollies origin etc. But last week he admitted Shado wasn't his girl! So he's based his whole vendetta on unrequited love? We may eventually see more backstory from the island, but so far his hate on stems entirely from Ollie's part in Shado's death… which feels like a reach, even though in comics bad guys do much worse for less! (like Merlyn killing the Glades over his wife for instance, though Im sure Ras had a hand in goading that response to Merlyn's personal loss. Just hope they keep expanding the DC world next season cause that the fun part--- seeing so many DC pieces fall into place in the Arrowverse.
  19. so you're saying Eminem will buy this piece ? or that he "could" or "might? because Gene acknowledges the possibility that he COULD or MIGHT buy it… but he just (correctly) sees it as a remote possibility. As a betting man who follows the market and the OA market closely, his conclusion is that its a small chance that a "rich famous person even one who reads comic books" will step up and buy this piece. I think he knows what he is talking about.
  20. I'm too late now, having read Claremonts thoughts on Wolverine. But I was thinking along those lines earlier today. Wolverine to Marvel was a key player in an ensemble. He worked well with the other XMen, and XMen was the most successful title in the 80s. S I can see how Marvel wouldn't feel the need to break him out of it in his own adventures, out of continuity. Of course they did that for Spidey and the Thing, so the precedent was there. So maybe Claremont managed to overrule any money grabbing ideas Marvel had for a Wolverine series. After all, Marvel was doing very well back then so squeezing a few more bucks didn't seem of paramount importance.... S they never finagled with the ongoing XMen franchise.
  21. Hey TTH. I always like reading your takedowns of Delli cause I know that you guys are joined at the hip and are like Jack Benny and Fred Allen, agreeing more than you disagree. But as much as you cheered his victims in this thread, comparing their opinions to young children was a certainly not the defense that were hoping for! ; )
  22. The Rothkos and Pollacks and Trimpe piece all sell for huge sums for the same basic reason... One has to "understand" them in order to appreciate them, because at first glance they ALL suckkk! One is paint drips. The other is big areas of color. And the last one is a girlish Halloween costumed killer romping thru the woods with razors for hands. And simply, if not badly drawn even within the narrow confines of its genre. Yeah. I said it! Bam. Deal wit it bub!