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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. All revisionist history and nonsense. Let's say Lichtenstein did "the right thing" and contacted DC for the rights to the Whammm panel. DC would have had to cover the receiver so Roy didn't hear them laughing, and the fee would have been like $50. AND Riss Heath wouldn't have seen a dime! Is that what would have been okay by you guys crying foul?? And, having secured the rights Roy would have been free and clear to sell the paintings and never share another penny. Somehow I think you'd still be saying DC and Heath were left out of the money, even though it was a fairly negotiated exchange. So, it's silly to be so upset now, fifty years later because if how things worked out. Heath is near broke NOT because Lichtenstein ripped him off, but because the comics industry did! Never paying enough money so the artists and writers to save up for retirement... But gee, in this economy, lots and lots of professions don't pay enough either. Maybe Lichtenstein is to blame there too.
  2. Sobering to look at, but all the bronze books are potentially stocked in depth like this out there. Except maybe for run of the mill issues that suddenly now have movie value. But a Marvel first issue? Enough people were savvy enough to stock up. And some even never sold them.
  3. have you all noticed theres so much less "back on/off the island for 5 years " alternate storyline this year? Is there less to say now? because the switching was always a major plot development tool in the past few seasons.
  4. number one seller? thats it then, all downhill from here! I guess we now know the answer to the title of this thread! : )
  5. haha As an example of why this discussion is taking so long, and is so maddening to all of us with every other post (the ones promoting the other side…), I actually agree with the above … and yet it reads like you have it backwards to me. In my world, the one that I think of as the "real" world -- the ones we fans live in, that DC published comics in, their "Publication History" says #54 to me, and it's the fans today that are demanding that #60 be their first appearance. THIRD BASE!
  6. Yes. And that's because having been there buying them off the news stands and reading the issues, it was perfectly clear what happened when, and which caused which. S to us it has always been 54 where the Teen Titans began. That's not to say things won't change, like with OAAW 83, but I don't know that we are at that point yet. But I guess if you youngons make it happen, anything could happen.
  7. thats how I read it too. theres a TEAM of heroes. Later they get a name. TEAM came first. Give the editors a break for not knowing what was going to happen as a result of teaming the kids together….and spelling it out for everyone at the time.. They were not interested in all this retrospective fanboy stuff. Just SALES! If something works, do it again, and embellish it with stuff the kids expect and like. Bottom line was that they went BACK to their concept as presented in #54.
  8. You guys have had some sport arguing about the teal leaves, and the "clues" left by DC editors 50 years ago. I suggest you each take a step backward, and just simply look at this from the perspective of DC back then just trying to come up with ideas to sell some more comics. First they convert B&B into a team up book of their many characters. A few issues into this new idea, they tema up the kid sidekicks. Then bck to Batman more superhero team ups. But sales ficus came in positively for the sidekicks, so they do what they always did: try to capitalize on it. They bring them back, give the them a name and a pay for a logo. And they add another kid sidekick they forgot to dd the first time. And that's the TRUE origin of the teen titans. You guys are actually arguing over the story content and dialogue as if it was recorded verbatim from actual events and dialogue! : ). Sheesh. BB54 led directly to BB60. BB60 might have been the first appearance of the Teen Titans name, logo Wonder Girls inclusion, etc etc, but the Teen Titans CONCEPT originated in BB54. But-- that's just my opinion. As was posted, nobody is changing their minds here....
  9. the description misstates that 2 copies of AF15 in 9.6 have sold for 1 million bucks. Just one has. Seller's Grading Comments: Presented here is the World's Best example and obviously the Highest grade ever seen by ANY professional grading service. It has deep, rich colors and full gloss. And absolutely perfect paper quality. This book has rarely changed hands, selling first at public auction back in May of 2009, then selling privately in 2010 for a record price, where it has remained in careful storage. If you refer to the GPA, please understand that service does NOT record all sales and records NO private sales, such as the sale of this book in 2010. As a comparison, Amazing Fantasy #15 (1st Spider-Man appearance, 1962) has two examples in CGC 9.6 and both have sold for over one million dollars - So what is this amazing comic book worth?
  10. Aman619


    Walking Dead makes me nervous to watch, like the Sopranos. Its uncomfortable to watch knowing bd stuff is coming all the time. But its a "good" nervous, that Im so involved in the story and characters... I want them to find peace and not always have the next big threat come along like clockwork. But the peaceful episodes are boring too, and only serve to set up the surprise invasion of violence, like poor Bob last week. Im really enjoying Boardwalk this season. It must be the wrapping up of all the character threads, and because its no longer just a 12 episode battle against the season's big villain.
  11. Aman619


    all these TV superhero shows are very limited, and a guilty pleasure for us starved comics fans. But as "art" or "film" or great TV shows like Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc, theres no comparison. But SHOULD there be? They are both aiming at different goals. I liked Arrow last year when I was binge watching, the small bites of fun came a lot faster. But waiting a week for each show now is feeling less like must see TV. But still watchable to see where they go and what characters they will introduce.
  12. Aman619


    well, sure there are some Falcone specific pointers she could learn, and the girl is young… but Im sure she already has her ways of getting what she wants.
  13. Aman619


    Why does the hot singer need Fish to teach her how to be seductive???
  14. For me it's kinda slowing down. It's been all moonie eyes and sad faces and a bunch of archers. Seriously, green arrow is an archer, but seems everyone he battles is also an archer! I hope they go back to introducing new DC concepts each week. Oh, and big spoiler this week...
  15. Aman619


    I definitely see him taking down an intruder or a Falcone mobster this season with previousy hidden ninja level fighting skills.
  16. Aman619


    Comics Alfred learned his medical training in the military, but was still a skinny twit. So maybe TV Alfred was a real soldier, or a member of M4 even better?
  17. Aman619


    I wouldn't be surprised if this Alfred is given a military background. And was hired less as a butler but more as a bodyguard slash mentor figure for their son Brucie.
  18. Aman619


    I can't see calling the show awful, except against whatever expectations one brought to it. The production values are solid, acting fine, definitely an A for effort in my eyes… its not like they said "cool, we are doing Batman", and mailed it in. Shows like this take many episodes to gel, before you can walk away saying Nah, not working. Im sure you know many friend who struggled with Breaking Bad in the first season. Giving up would have been a mistake… but many do. Im not saying Gotham is BB, oe will be. At best its a guilty pleasure for us comics (and superhero film) geeks, and like Arrow for me (which is really the OC in spandex when you boil it down) these shows work best when they incorporate elements form the decades of comics lore we have all seeped our brains in for so long. anyway, Ray Donovan, Masters of Sex, Game Thrones are all on hiatus… gotta watch something! : )
  19. Aman619


    Hey! We agree on something! . The Selina Kyle actress is very good. Actually I was thinking she must be an 18 year old or older actress, as they usually do, but, she's just an adorable 15 year old. Heres a youtube Comiccon interview she did this summer. She can't even sit still, but she is very poised answering questions from the press. http://youtu.be/_3CMhPQhvr0
  20. Aman619


    I thought it was a good start. Compared to Arrow, which I like for the slow rollout of the TV DC universe! but have to admit is a pretty cheesy love story and small bore superhero adventure --- but Gotham compares nicely. Hey, maybe by next year we will all be looking at the rash of TV superhero shows very differently. Getting bored with the limitations of scale and budget. I suggest any of you interested watch the 3 or 4 preview informercials for the show where the creators spell out just what they are seeking to accomplish. Based on what they said, they are right on the money. This going to be a show about a weird violent town. The ideal place to eventually birth a Batman. Many of us have subscribed to the comics idea that it was Batman who spawned the rise of copycat costumed villains. The show makes the case that it was Gotham City that gave rise to the batman.. I think they have a lot to say on the subject.
  21. Flash has such a great logo. simple, plus motion...
  22. Unless you were talking about the 127 which is IMO a great cover.
  23. Because it's badly drawn? Or at least, not especially well rendered with any superlative attributes?