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Everything posted by Shark

  1. Damnnnn, who knew this will become such a hot topic (on pun intended) This happens ALL THE TIME and especially with big sellers, I dont wanna name names, but we know who they are.. I dont know what a bad negative will do in this case other than mess up the sellers reputation, is it appropriate? maybe, will it get you the comic? no! In my book leaving a neg is just bad karma, unless the seller was rude to you after he was on the bad, there is no sense in seeking "retribution". JMO I agree. I'm not leaving the neg. So if a board member sold you these books and then backed out, would you have him added to the Probation List? You probably would and so would almost everyone else. Then why would you let this guy get off scot-free? Non-action by victims, no matter what it is in this world, only helps to enable guys like this to continue to pull the same krap over and over again. Make him suffer the consequences of his actions.
  2. Today's pickups at Second Chance Books in OKC.
  3. This one girl in my office. Pics or it didn't happen. Or should I say pics or she doesn't exist?
  4. I was a dealer at the North Texas Comic Show in Dallas over the past weekend and found a little time to peruse the other vendors' offerings. I was at one booth digging through a bunch of magazines and found nothing of real interest. The last thing I looked at in the last box was this: I'm sure it's not worth much of anything as it's a photocopy of the revised 2nd draft of the Rocketeer screenplay. I thought it was just neat to have and I only paid $5.00 for it.
  5. More silly madness. On a related note, why, why, WHY would anyone sub this?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Captain-America-275-CGC-2-5-GD-Universal-CGC-1002843012-/201056774107?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item2ecfeae7db W.O.W. I have a friend who slabbed the 1st comic he remembered ever getting as a kid that he managed to hold onto, some random issue of Marvel Team-Up that was pretty beat up, came back a 3.0. He just wanted to preserve it. Other than for some sentimental reason I don't get it. But watch some nut job buy it My bet is it finishes at $55.00 , any guesses It's a Buy It Now for $30.00. Believe it or not, there are 2 watchers.
  6. NFL Superpro takes on Paste-Pot Pete, and the fate of THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE rests in his hands! -slym
  7. Give Marvel long enough and they'll turn all our 90's drek into gold! I've been using this motto for a few years now: "If you find a high grade Marvel #1 issue and you can get it cheap, buy it." And I'm talking anything from the 80s on up. In today's crazy market, you just never know what's going to be the next hottest thing.
  8. A 9.8 definitely won't happen. Maybe 9.4 but I'm thinking more like 9.0/9.2. Even so, there are no existing graded copies and they are VERY hard to find.
  9. I didn't even have to talk to them. I just sent it in and it's listed as part of my 1st submission this year. It should be graded sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. OMG! That is super news. And since I guessed it, what Dave Stevens gift do I win?
  10. I didn't even have to talk to them. I just sent it in and it's listed as part of my 1st submission this year. It should be graded sometime in the next 2-3 weeks.
  11. Totally agree. Found an HP legal size scanner for $50 on eBay a few years back. Works great and takes excellent scans. The only problem I had was a time out error which was quickly fixed by using a shorter USB cable. A fellow boardie made that suggestion to me and it worked like a charm. (thumbs u
  12. I'll have a nice little surprise for you guys in about a month. After receiving it back from CGC, it should be the only graded copy in existence.
  13. Details man....details. Non-paying bidder?
  14. They never give up do they? double CGCboy That is some funny stuff! At least he got the boy part right.
  15. Fanzines aren't comics either and they grade those.
  16. There was a poll, then it got deleted. Discussion is ongoing if another poll should be issued. Hustruck responded again, lied more, 4comix proved HT was lying. Discussion about reformation of the rules is ongoing in CG. That's basically it. -slym It seems like the CGC chatboards has become just like the Congress of the United States. Petty squabbling, in-fighting, votes, revotes, lying....it's all there.
  17. How long between actual purchase and now? Was he supposed to pay immediately?
  18. I hope so. Last year's sales sales certainly sucked big-time so this year should be better. I'm off to a good start.
  19. I think it's a 7th printing. A first printing would have a red logo. +1 I think it's a 7th printing too.
  20. Did you guys in the Chicago area see this? http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fchicago.craigslist.org%2Fwcl%2Fcbd%2F4835805982.html&h=nAQGpUr5U&enc=AZNrVbOn8ew59gh7hn1pkV6UPNJIrpQsDsz4NjfXthMdADitHBW6cop-uwYm_W_HXIJOL7ZUcU1Q_YwTCBKsxg86qGRAT-neBGrRsIVU63MQgWzQuj2aLaS-Fl5rdX-fCCb1K8PTTlkhN2edeqXuC6Z5-0pXOHH9d7gpWSD2q90XQQ&s=1 Looks like it was just posted on craigslist tonight. Who has the money to go grab these?
  21. I know the focus is on HusTruck right now but I wanted to bring something up. I was actually going through my old PMs looking to see if I had ever done any business with HusTruck. While doing this, I came across the PM where I told BetterRunCharles he was being nominated for the PL (he was added and is still on the PL). He ended up reading it about a week later but never responded and removed himself from the PM. What I noticed was when I checked his subsequent posts, he readily purchased 2 comics from 2 separate board members. I'm sure neither of the sellers were aware he was on the PL nor did they bother to check. Realistically, how often do any board sellers check the names of all of their buyers against the HOS and PL lists? I'm quite sure it's very infrequent. I know I rarely remember to check, but then again I rarely sell in here too. So why do I bring all of this up? The purpose of the PL and HOS is to alert all of the honest buyers and sellers in here of those dishonest and unscrupulous people who would love to steal our comics and cash. Great information? Yes. But there has to be a better way than to constantly go back and forth checking these lists - and also remembering to do so. So how about something as simple as this? Enable someone like HarveySwick (who mostly monitors and updates these lists) to add a single asterisk (*) to a PL member's board name and a double asterisk (**) to those on the HOS. And those asterisks can be removed as people are removed from the HOS and PL. Thoughts?