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Posts posted by sckao

  1. Usually, there are regulations and permit requirements for almost everything required for special events... even for cold food onsite vs hot food. You'd think it would be easy, but if you want to actually do it legally and take money for admissions, you have to jump through some hoops usually and it may take some time. (Plus parking/loading/unloading logistics, table and chair rentals, clean-up, garbage disposal, possible security, etc.)

    Plus, it may be on you as the promoter to make sure your sellers all have legal permits to sell? (Or have them sign a contract saying so?)

  2. Australia has been in a shipping crisis for a while. The USPS suspended service to there for several categories in September. There is a problem getting cargo flights apparently.

    So it may not be specific to the CGC slab, but may be because they just can’t ship there right now in a timely fashion. 

    Apparently, it’s also not permissible to aggregate shipments or do Assembly Orders. I don’t know if this also hurts the situation:

    Assembly Order shipments are where shipments from multiple suppliers to one consignee are consolidated into a single shipment.

  3. On 11/19/2021 at 8:30 PM, skypinkblu said:

    So, if you want an image...you have to wait an extra 10 days? Which means 2 extra weeks? 

    I've never had an image done, but I guess I'd rather see the books in person two weeks earlier.

    :gossip: I think they are catching up...after all the time on the economy tier is down by at least 1 day...unfortunately it's still up 20 days from 2 years ago.

    If you pay for high res images like I did for my magazine slabs, you will wait about two weeks from notification of shipping. I actually got them about 5 days after I physically received my shipment. They will arrive via email for easy download.

    (Few people have scanners large enough to actually scan a full Magazine Slab in its entirety.)


  4. No. If huge companies cannot protect their data on a daily or weekly basis, why would you expect a company not based in the United States to safeguard your data? It only needs one person to create an app. Some comic related Apps are actually probably only run by one or two people. (shrug)  If you were to look to see if your past accounts on various websites were compromised, chances are some of your old accounts are probably listed.

    I am not even singling CLZ out here. This applies to any app that wants your data. I can see putting your books out somewhere if you're selling them... 

  5. That blog is from 2018 to address with GDPR came out. (They didn't have a choice.) Note that's actually when they started requiring their own websites to start using https://. 

    Their whole issue with discontinuing updates with GoCollect should give you some insight into what really goes on behind the shiny veneer of the nicely designed front ends of these apps.

    Public Announcement:
    GoCollect's President Regarding CLZ - GoCollect

    What happened in more depth from an owner:
    (9) CLZ Comics | I am afraid I have some bad news for you today: | Facebook

    What this really tells you is that there basically was never a real API from GoCollect. They didn't have the resources or didn't want to allocate the resources to develop one... or it would infringe on their existing agreements with their data sources. So it was made with spit and bailing wire. (Was it secure? Robustly programmed? Kept Updated? Who knows.) CLZ used this temporary API for over 2 years.

    Many companies have the technical resources and money to have top-of-the-line security and programming and maintenance. Unfortunately, MOST DO NOT. IT Departments have to do what they can with what they have. What is "secure" in 2018 may not be secure in 2021.

  6. Hi Everyone,

    So I checked out this CLZ app and quite honestly, it looks very cool. The interface is nice and it looks very convenient. The problem in my mind is that you've just possibly uploaded your entire collection into this just to have it online somewhere and conveniently on your mobile device. This is not like uploading part of your collection you're selling. This is basically an app that holds your collection. So where is your data stored? In your own encrypted cloud storage or theirs?

    So what is the problem with apps like these?

    What if they get hacked? What if they actually aren't that careful with your User Generated Data, or have people or third parties that have access to that data? Most users probably have collections not worth mentioning... but many of you here have major keys and variants not easily found. Here is an app that aggregates the collections of many comic book collectors. Think of the data mining opportunities. Want to know who has an Amazing Fantasy 15 and their names and email addresses? Once hacked and dumped onto the dark web, their data could easily spawn a list of people with expensive comic collections.

    Just some musings... hm


  7. I know. I've just reached the point where I've accepted that I can't actually do anything about it... so I'm just going to continue to send in my submissions again and hope they get caught up. (And fix their QC problems.) Luckily, my submissions that have come back recently have not had the egregious errors shown in some other threads. They've been fine generally. (Some minor scuffing and only on a few.) :wishluck:


  8. Clearly, CGC is trying to fix their processes and eliminate the bottlenecks. This is really a traffic and scheduling problem. If there were no bottlenecks, obviously an incoming package could be opened, sorted, entered into the system, graded, encapsulated, and shipped back out the same day. (Artificially accelerated grading for the test.)

    The various incredibly fast turnarounds you're seeing are just experiments and data points in an overall traffic project. The Bay Area where I live has the worst commute in the United States generally. Traffic patterns are a daily problem here. If you are a commuter, you actually live traffic theory. (shrug)

    You just have to hope they're getting close to getting it solved.


  9. People are saying "squished" when what seems to be really happening on mobile devices (at least on the iPhone I have) is that they are simply cropping the avatars (top and bottom) and showing the middle slice.

    This is because the size of the message header is now smaller to accommodate reading messages on a mobile device. (The avatar and poster name/time stamp would take up too much screen space otherwise.)

  10. When we say Modern, we’re saying Modern tier which goes back to 1975. Most of the fast response slabbing jobs seem to be un-pressed Moderns, with a minimum of handling at CGC. This would be the “easiest” tier for new  graders to theoretically handle and would also be the least expensive tier in terms of valuation usually. 

    Express implies books over $1000 or books you really need back right away which would probably usually be allocated to an experienced grading group. That’s why I wouldn’t expect the beta test to include any other tier than Modern.

    It has the highest submission rate, cheapest valuations, and easiest to grade books. (Many submissions will end up being 25 copies of the same book if they are new releases… or in my case, 25 copies of warehouse books at a time.)

    This model would theoretically increase speed/efficiency for the most popular tier matched with new graders that may not have as much experience. (Since the grading is done as a group, there is still probably an experienced senior grader as the final grader.)

    Just some musings…



  11. Consumer spending flatlines at the end of the year, but not for all sectors. Vehicle sales peak in December generally as dealers try to blow out inventory before next year's model come in (with another spike in Spring/Summer for New Car Sales.) This also coincides when people get their Tax Returns... with many filing early. While many companies also have end-of-year bonuses, many companies also operate on a fiscal year-end basis which may end the year during other months. (Common fiscal year-end dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31.) This would translate to bonuses or raises creating spikes during those periods.

    Given the holidays and number of vacation days for school/college/New Years, etc., I bet a lot of discretionary dollars are allocated for non-comic items during these months just paying for airfare/trips/family visits/winter break or mundane life needs. Heating costs also tends to balloon for some households.