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Everything posted by Boba

  1. I didn't know Caty Lotz (Black Canary) has a recurring role as Anna Draper's niece on Mad Men
  2. Yeah I heard it got green lighted for a full season of shows yesterday.
  3. Who is that on the far right? We know who the far left is, Nyssa
  4. Wow - Is that the last we see of Sebastion or . . . Is Slade going to die or is he redeemable even though he killed Moira? Will we see a Flash teaser or rabbits foot? One more chapter to go. I wish it was a special 2 hour episode but I haven't heard anything about that - my DVR clioped the coming attractions off -I suppose it'd be on the web site. I though that all in all it was a good show. (thumbs u
  5. Tonight, tonight It's a double-header again this week - MAOS and Arrow. Missed last nights MAOS broadcast donating money to the "keep the Spider-Man movie franchise alive" fund last night. Ugh
  6. . . . what the heck is that accent he's using (to cover the british one) - it doesn't sound like a guy from NYC.
  7. Wow, that was really really bad! As good as Cap 2 was - this was the polar opposite. But I doubt even that will kill the franchise - which is doomed to live in Sony mishandling-hell forever. Marvels gigantic folly - selling off this and FF. Oh well, they got our money - but there's no need to see it again that's for sure
  8. I know what you mean - its been a long time already. But at least we're learning sonething -through watching them, they aren't just fluff. But I'm looking forward to them wrapping it up, we learn what happened - and be done with it. I think it will be done this season. Next season will be a whole new plot - I hope
  9. I have a few raw Showcases to get graded and hopes I'll snag one or two (graded) more and soon be over the halfway hump myself. Sure is quiet around these parts
  10. :shrug: I do recall something like that, but then ht whole Flash concept turned into something bigger and I thought they just decided to port him to his own series. It'd be cool if he helped mop up this mess. I like Sha's idea about Malcolm too. Lots of possibilities!
  11. Some interesting theories there for sure I didn't consider Roy in this - but I'd be amazed if Flash made an appearance.
  12. This seemed like an episode where they moved the pieces into position for the big finale. I would have liked more action but I guess this was necessary to set up the next few remaining chapters left in this season. So who thinks Black Canary will return with the League of Assasins and help Arrow and his team crush Slades army of Mirakuru-enhanced thugs? He's going to need some reinforcements to tackle all those guys and Sebastian Blood - and of course Slade - whom I wonder if he can be cured and turned "good" after everyone he's killed - i.e. Ollie's mom. I doubt it though. I think it all ends with a cataclysmic fight, but it's pretty complicated situation, and I'm sure we're in for more surprises before this is all over. I was thinking, the Flash could swoop in and round up all the goons, but that's unlikely since we've not heard any suggestion he will return to Arrow before it wraps the season - or have we and I forgot? Youser
  13. Bingo (thumbs u (thumbs u You guys are firing on all cylinders today!
  14. Lots of cool possibilities discussed here - I guess we'll see what happens tonight! My DVR eff'd up last night, so tonight is a comic book television double-header at my house: MAOS (which has gotten much better) and ARROW !
  15. Welcome aboard (thumbs u Regarding Slade, don't forget that the Mirakuru makes you batty - so his confusion with Shado might be a result of this and the fog of the anger he seems to constantly be exuding.
  16. Thanks (thumbs u I sold a "Good" copy I had thinking I'd find an upgrade no sweat! Well, I was sweating it out until this one came along!
  17. Filled a few holes in my set - the 1st Space Ranger and 1st Rip Hunter Time Master and the only issue with Dr No! Also added one more cheap thrill Tommy Tomorow!
  18. I had a similar experience with an eBay seller a long time ago, the book wasn't coming from a missing consigner but it eventually materialized. Maybe the guy has an emergency or family matters and eventually they will resurface. The problem is how long do you wait.