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Everything posted by Boba

  1. I was thinking, back when I collected runs of DC (and Marvel too) I only ever bothered to acquire the 3 Showcases the character was introduce in, and I kept those issues with the individual sets. it's very challenging to complete a run of just Showcases. And I though, it's all downhill once I get the key appearances (4,, 6, 8, 9, 17, 22, 34 and 30. Well, it's not that simple, but it is also very rewarding since there is so much variety in the series. Even with the third-string characters like Space Ranger, Rip Hunter, Cave Carson and Tommy Tomorrow, so many of them have delightful covers. I copied this quote off a old Heritage auction listing of Showcase #1 - I just thought folks here might find it interesting. "A note to readers inside the issue calls this "the most novel idea ever seen in the comic book publishing industry" and implies that the ideas for the series all came from young readers' letters. Editor Julius Schwartz once explained the business perspective: "The principle behind Showcase was simple. In those days, all magazines were sold on the newsstands and it took several months before you found out whether a magazine was a success or not. If it was a failure, you'd lose a lot of money. So the idea was to try new features in Showcase, wait five or six months to see how it was doing, and if it sold well, we could put it out again in its own title." Note that no issue number appears on the cover, as newsdealers were skeptical of a #1 issue then, in stark contrast to the present day. John Prentice is the issue's cover artist." My copy of SC #1 is on the first page and post of this thread.
  2. Waiting on another cheap-thrill book I snagged off eBay, which I'll post as soon as I get it and scan it. There's very little "cheap" books in the showcase run, especially if you're particular about the grade (I like to shoot for a 6 for earlier keys and 7 +/- for everything else. That keeps the prices under the stratosphere for the most part. In fact some books are so not appreciated in these middle-grades that I can (usually) buy them for a pretty reasonable price.
  3. Purdy book maybe someone will buy it and get on the club roster!
  4. I was just going to say - that's a nice book - Passion! Too rich for my budget, but why not post the trade list here - maybe a boardie has some to offer
  5. You talking about the Atom SC 34 - I got the same question! You snuck that one in on us Sammy! Really nice books there - so many that I would go after too. Great signature line!
  6. Did you add a new line to your sig or am I just imagining it? You might consider changing your name to "the Absorbing Man" for your ability to absorb key books at an alarming rate
  7. If the movie is gonna suck, which chances are it will, I highly doubt even a tiny reason why will be because Wonder Woman doesn't look as buff as people want her to look. You may be right, and I'm not saying you are, but it sure would help if she looked right for the part. i think the major thing about this movie that is driving people crazy is how little news their is about it including the plot/ story. has for WW she looks better from how she look last year plus she most likely gain muscle and not fat which is ok. I'm not sure how anyone right now can clearly state this movie is going to bite it yet. All that would come from is company wars or assumptions. Ben Affleck may really surprise people. I know I would like to be positively surprised by his delivery. I've watched 'Man of Steel' twice now in two weeks to determine if maybe I was being too much of a fanboy when I watched it previously. It was great for me both times. So if Bv.S delivers at the same level or better with two key DC heroes, I can't see it bombing. But then again, Gal Gadot's short scenes may send people running. Time will tell! In the entire run time of MOS there was an absolutely wonderful movie there but it was bogged down by a lot of unnecessary scenes. To name an example, the fight between Supes and the tentacle-like machine (the name escapes me at the moment) was much longer than it needed to be and felt similar to something from Transformers. The movie was about 65 percent style and 35 percent substance and it would have benefited greatly if those numbers were a little bit more even but then I don't know if it would have generated the same amount of revenue. I think the producers made a conscious decision to go with over the top action and destruction route to fill the seats IMHO. I think they had to throw something in there at the end to slow Superman down & it's unfortunate they couldn't think of anything better. I'm open-minded to a Wonder Woman with a different build than Linda Carter had in the 70s. The workouts are just to give Gadot a little bit of muscle tone; it was never going to make her look like a bodybuilder or East German powerlifter. We may not even see her in action in this movie. Maybe she'll only appear as Diana Prince. I think you're absolutely right about that. The woman is all kinds of gorgeous and would look really odd beefed up. I still think the version of WW from the recent JL animated feature is what we can expect. Link to pic It's animated and requires a little bit of imagination but I think the artist drew her with Gadot in mind or I'm just imagining the resemblance. Either way, I think she'll look the part when it comes down to it. DC/Snyder filled out the casting pretty well on MOS and say what you will about Snyder's work but the guy can find the right actors to portray comic book characters. Prime example and one of my all time favorite portrayals was Jackie Earle Hayley as Rorschach. I really hope you're right, and my concerns end up being unwarranted
  8. To be honest with you, I even liked the portrayal of Wonder Woman in The Final Frontier series by Tim's and co, but that would most likely not play well to modern audiences. I'm not saying she should be a body-builder, or a gorgeous glamor-girl, but she should NOT be a twiggy either. Sorry, but GG looks like twig to me. AS A WW fan, I think they could have done better. But I guess we'll see . . .
  9. If the movie is gonna suck, which chances are it will, I highly doubt even a tiny reason why will be because Wonder Woman doesn't look as buff as people want her to look. You may be right, and I'm not saying you are, but it sure would help if she looked right for the part.
  10. After seeing Captain America, and this tidbit, I am not so confident DC is going to pull it off. Well, the Wonder Woman aspect anyway. https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/gal-gadot-wonder-woman-training-shows-little-progress-073300889.html
  11. Most probably Marvel's next billion dollar movie if the momentum continues. And from the sounds of it, well earned! It's just about a sure bet IMHO (thumbs u
  12. Top-notch, best of the bunch so far. Marvel Schmarvel, it's a great flick! Loved it (thumbs u
  13. Going to see Captain America tonight helped a little
  14. Extra time for all the credits for the REAL 3D people. -slym Didn't think of THAT Thanks Slym (thumbs u
  15. SEEING IT TONIGHT. It's probably been mentioned, but anyone know why the REAL 3D version is listed as 2 hours 15 minutes, while the others (3D and non-3D) are 2 hours 8 minutes?
  16. Nah, not me anyway. Those kinds of distinctions seem to change with the times, so best not to obsess over it. It's commoner than all heck anyway. But it's a great book - I've had one and miss it still.
  17. If the carpet fits, you must acquit
  18. Referred (not madness) a board member looking for a B&B #28 - are you doing them? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7591123#Post7591123
  19. It doesn't. I guess you haven't been paying attention to how much we all hate the show here?
  20. I got my eyes on one, not the #6 though. It's eluded me for some time but maybe this one will be mine
  21. So we skip next Wednesday, they probably re-run something on the Sunday to try to capture new audience / viewers, then the 16th we start back up again. Anyone know how many episodes remain before the season finale?