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I Admit It-- I'm Killing the DC Universe

9 posts in this topic

So... here's what happened


A little over a year ago, I decided to start reading some DC books again. I hadn't paid attention to the company in about a decade. I did some scouting and picked 3 titles that I REALLY enjoyed and added them to my pull list. They were:




-All Star Superman




I was thrilled to have Kyle Rayner back as a Green Lantern. I was eagerly awaiting a permanent series to follow the miniseries. Turns out I got the last issue of the miniseries (that didn't resolve anything) and ooops... Well, so much for that anyway.




I'm a huge Impulse fan. Wally was oK but I didn't give two beans about him. So naturally with Bart becoming the Flash I was on board. The story was REALLY interesting, I loved the concept of fighting the super-aging and how Bart literally "became" the Speed Force. (A concept I liked from the Waid comics of about 10 years ago.) I just read issue #13. Oops. Guess that wasn't meant to be. Figures they finally put out something I was following monthly only to give the character the 'ol heave-ho.


All Star Superman


Issue 8 just came out. For those keeping track this is the only title I've been buying that will exist next month. This just in, though, the creative team switches after issue 12. And we all know whatever they follow with will suck. That's the nature of comics.


So there you have it. I guess it's back to being a Marvel Zombie again. I'd say it's a shame DC doesn't do anything to keep new readers such as myself. But if it was getting that many new readers from the titles, I suppose they'd still exist.


I'm depressed. And I'm back to hating moderns.

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Yeah, I reached the same conclusion but from different approaches. I still read moderns but only when I get them for $1 each or less and then I don't have to wait each month. Seems to work out okay.

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"bout the only modern DC thing I've picked up is the first TPB of Superman/Batman and it was really good even though I only knew about 5 of the characters in it. Other than that, nothing else from dc intereted me.

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I disagree with the perception that all new moderns are trash. If you avoid all the hype you'll actually find a couple of very good titles out there such as Thunderbolts and The Walking Dead, both titles which have kept me going despite all the garbage that was Civil War.


I've also really enjoyed Silver Surfer Requiem, Ultimate Spider-Man (hey I think it's good ok?) and Amazing Spider-Man which despite it's glaring flaws is still the number one book for Spidey readers.


I avoid DC like the plague outside of JLA which itself is not all that great, it's really a matter of WHAT you like to read as opposed to forcing yourself to enjoy something which it seems you are doing. I too picked up The Flash series and was quite disappointed to learn the ending which was uncalled for. The fact that DC boasted that they never intended to kept this character for long was a slap to the face of the people who purchased it and I for one will never again purchase a Flash title simply out of spite.

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I for one dont think that all moderns are trash but they are inconsistent. You will get one good issue then the next 2 will suck. How canyou keep readers like that? Marvel is all hype and no substance. Over at DC there are a couple decent books but again consistency is a problem. Detective comics by Paul Dini is a great read. Self contained 1 issue stories most of them. Action Comics by Geoff johns and Donner is also good stuff but the run is interupted and not fluid. Geoff Johns is a true talent imo. sorry I was ranting. Anyways there are some stuff out there but not many and not consistently

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I for one dont think that all moderns are trash but they are inconsistent.


This is the big problem with moderns. It's become focused on TPBs and story arcs instead of having a long-term creative team that provides artistic continuity. Imagine X-men without Claremont/Byrne or Daredevil without Miller handing the titles for several years. I don't think those books would be held in such high regard 20-30 years later.


Also - don't give up on DCs yet. There's some great stuff out there. Detective is high quality



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Rza, I had been thinking the same thing today. Even on Batman, Morrison and Kubert are on-and-off way too often. The Donners & Johns thing is getting really annoying. I'm close to the point of quitting most DC books. Generally, the quality is pretty sub-par and there are FAR too many titles. It almost feels like they gave away all of the great momentum in Infinite Crisis and are back to square-one.



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