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OT: Who's seen a ghost? For real...

135 posts in this topic

Back many moons ago (Grade 10) somehow our class starting talking about ghost. Our teacher started telling us about a story that happened to him. He and a few of his buddies were driving down the highway to a near by town to visit their girl friends. They were listen to some music having a laugh as young men do when out for a night of fun and while cruising. As usual on a friday night there was a fair amount of traffic going both ways no big deal. All of a sudden a car was coming toward them with really bright lights, as if they were still on high beam. The lights seemed a little brighter then normal but the guys really didn't put much thought into it, at that time. As the car approached it swearved over onto their side of the road, the guys took notice and the car ahead of them actually went off the road to avoid the head on collision. The car that my teacher was in really didn't have time to react and they were headed for an unavoidable collision, as they were about to collide the car sort of went through them...vanished. My teacher said that the three guys got this weird feeling, a cold shiver as such that made their hair on the back of their neck and arms to standup.


They pulled over to check on the car that went into the ditch. Everyone was okay so they proceeded to go back to see if the car that came towards them had went into the ditch or what had happened. To no one surprise there was no other car or any skid marks or any sign of the it. The guys went on their way with sick feelings in their stomach.


We all laughed and proceeded to carry on while telling our teacher how we didn't belive him. Out of everyone in the class the teacher pointed at me and said "Scott, when you go home ask your father about it, he was driving the car that I was in". I was sort of shocked and got a strange feeling. That evening while eating supper I mentioned the story that my teacher told me, I looked at my dad who was ghostly white and I said that I was told to ask you about it. Dad refused to talk about it. I have tried several times to engage dad in a conversation about it but he just walks a way from me.


What did they see, who knows. My teacher still says it was a ghost car. Many people have died on that stretch of road so who knows. I have heard a few stories about people seeing the same car on that same stretch of highway. I have never seen a ghost and I don't know if they are real but listening to my teacher tell the story and seeing my dads reaction makes me belive that they saw something strange that night.

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We used to manage a remodeled house that dated back to the civil war. It had propane for its heat source. They had been having problems with the heat, so we sent the repair man out to fix the problem. He was there a couple of hours and then returned to the office with the bill.


While he was waiting on his check, he told one of the front desk ladies that the house was very nice, but the picture that hung over the stair well was really creepy as it was a picture of an old lady and everywhere he went in that house, her eyes followed him.


Well, I had been in the house several times and I knew there wasn't a picture of a lady over the stairs. So, I thought maybe he had gone to wrong house. Well, he described the house perfectly and swore that there was a picture.


So, I went back to the house just to check it out and I was right, no picture. A few weeks later, I was talking to the owners and they told me that they were told the house was haunted before they bought it, and that it was supposed to be haunted by an elderly lady.


To this day, I can't get the propane guy to go back out there.

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One time, back in'69,I was camping with my drama club and after dropping a tab of orange Owsley, I looked up at the stars and saw a large, bloodshot eye with Mickey mouse and donald duck characters dancing around it and above all that, in neon, it said "Happy Birthday Mom amd Dad!"

Another time after moving into my house, I did feel a cold spot near the stairway and got goosepimples everytime I stood there. I replaced the windows in that room and the ghost went away.

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At one point we also had a log cabin that was newly built on top of the site were the original house had set when the property first became a homestead.


The little old man that lived there had become sick and was taken to the hospital were he died, but before he died he told his kids that he was going back to that house because that was where he had been born and that was where he intended to die. Well, of course he didn't make it and died in the hospital.


So, the kids sold the property and the new owner tore the house down and built the new cabin. We rented that cabin out for about two years. During that time, we had about fifteen different couples that would wake up during the night with sounds of what they described as someone trying to come into the house. It would scare them so badly, they would pack up all their belongings and go to a motel room in town at two and three o'clock in the morning.


We had several other people mention the noises as well, but we always brushed it off as a bear being on the porch or another animal. Funny thing was we never found any evidence of animals around the cabin and it also had a security gate to keep unwanted folks from going in and of the road that accessed the property.


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One time, back in'69,I was camping with my drama club and after dropping a tab of orange Owsley, I looked up at the stars and saw a large, bloodshot eye with Mickey mouse and donald duck characters dancing around it and above all that, in neon, it said "Happy Birthday Mom amd Dad!"

Another time after moving into my house, I did feel a cold spot near the stairway and got goosepimples everytime I stood there. I replaced the windows in that room and the ghost went away.

Nicely done.
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The first stage in any investigation is to hear the eyewitnesses accounts, then go from there...yet you want to bury your head in the sand and shoot them down before they even get their story out. You've already made up your mind, so how could anyone prove it to you?


I've never seen gravity but I believe in it. It's been proven. Not saying I agree with everything Richard Dawkins says, but here goes. If someone says that there are flying spaghetti monsters, you can't possibly disprove 100% that they don't exist. There will always be doubt that something could exist without having been observed. I can't prove ghosts don't exist. I can only ask for proof that is generally scientifically accepted.


BTW, I will only pop back in when folks bash me for my stance not to dispute the claims of others. :foryou:


I'm not trying to bash you for your stance, I was just taken back a little in how you presented your stance. I do understand your point of view and I hope you can understand those who aren't so positive that the phenomenom we term as "ghosts" do not exist.


Working on a scientific formula to substantiate the existence of "ghosts" might be about as hard as Stephen Hawkings trying to prove any of a number of his theories, so for now, I'd just be happy proving they exist to myself, then go headlong into quantitaing it for others scientifically.

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My father-in-law is the most practical person I know. He doesn't believe in God, the devil, ghosts, gnomes, or Norwegian forest trolls.



Now come on, everyone knows that gnomes exist. One is even a star in commercials:


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I have no clear recollection of this time but, as related to me by my mother later...


I was in preschool, we'd just moved, was having a hard time adjusting and would cry/pitch a fit at the preschool after whoever had dropped me off.


I was, apparently, quite disruptive.


One day my mom picks me up and the report is that I had a bad morning but a calm/happy afternoon. When asked about this at home I replied that Bandaddy (a grandfather I'd never met or even heard of at that point, from my mother's side who had died before I was born) had told me I needed to buck up and behave.


So I did.


Others may feel different but I do believe.

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If I saw a ghost today, I'd mess myself, hands down.


But when I was between the ages of 4 and 5, I saw two things that can't be explained, and I don't care how vivid your dreams are, they don't stay with you your whole life.


Once I saw people in a photo move.

And then another time in a hospital, I saw something rise out from a heat duct in the floor and have a conversation with the person I was with, only you couldn't hear the words. Then he went down into the grill again.


If ghosts were real, I'd love to see my old man again. That would rock.

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And then another time in a hospital, I saw something rise out from a heat duct in the floor and have a conversation with the person I was with, only you couldn't hear the words. Then he went down into the grill again.


Does the person that you were with remember it the same way?

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And then another time in a hospital, I saw something rise out from a heat duct in the floor and have a conversation with the person I was with, only you couldn't hear the words. Then he went down into the grill again.


Does the person that you were with remember it the same way?



That person (I am pretty certain) was my sister.

I didn't talk about it until I was a teenager.


In fact, my mother tells me that I was never brought to a 'hospital' at that age.

So who knows. It's pretty creepy, but over the years I've kind of made it (less) creepy..? In my own mind.

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i use to see wierd all the time when i was around 3-6, was it my over active imagination, i don't know. i use to tell my school teacher about it and she said it was just my imagination. they say when your a kid, you would see things, but as you grow older, you sort of just phase it out not notice it anymore.

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My wife has an aunt that used to see a strange, little old man in the kitchen, watching her while she washed the dishes. She always assumed she was imagining things, and never talked about it to anyone. The family moved, and a few months later their 5-year-old son asked her why the little old man doesn't come to visit anymore.

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If I saw a ghost today, I'd mess myself, hands down.


But when I was between the ages of 4 and 5, I saw two things that can't be explained, and I don't care how vivid your dreams are, they don't stay with you your whole life.


Once I saw people in a photo move.

And then another time in a hospital, I saw something rise out from a heat duct in the floor and have a conversation with the person I was with, only you couldn't hear the words. Then he went down into the grill again.


If ghosts were real, I'd love to see my old man again. That would rock.



I'm not too sure about that. When I was about the same age I had memories of visiting God who for some reason lived in a house that looked just like my grandparents and he looked a lot like Col. Sanders. Nowadays I'm pretty sure that that never happened. Best hypothesis I have now is that I was confusing dreams with memories, and they were quite vivid and stay with me to this day.

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