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Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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Back on topic....I haven't seen it yet (don't go to very many movies, although I wil be seeing Kill Bill soon), but I'm sure I'll rent it. I both love an loathe the slasher genre. I hate them because they are so lame, and the characters one step above retarded. But, for some reason I love cheap- movies (Blaxploitation flix are my fav, followed by Kung-fu, and then slasher). Something endearing about the crappy production, bad scripts, etc.... One of my favorite "special effects" that the cheap horror flicks used was the blue lens filter to show its nighttime. Hey! Doesn't anybody realize the actors are still casting shadows???


Some of you guys have mentioned some true classics. Chopping Mall was always one of my favs. And "2000 Maniacs" (that's the one where the kids get stranded and the town has some wacky ritual of killing visitors, right?) OMG! I thought I was the only one who had seen that piece of garbage. smile.gif



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Ever seen Dolemite with Rudy Ray Moore? One of the funniest movies I ever saw in my life...the Kung-Fu, crappy acting, bad clothes....try watching it drunk...


Also, I have a copy of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (written by Roger Ebert) that I watch every now and then just for pure cheese fun!

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Of course I've seen Dolemite! thumbsup2.gif I have it on DVD. IMO, the King of the Blaxploitation movies, followed very closely by The Mack. I've seen many of the 70's flix. "Willie Dynamite", "Cleopatra Jones", "Foxy Brown" (the original), "Supafly", "Shaft", "Dolemite 2: The Human Tornado". Still alot to go, but I've made a good start.


"Valley of the Dolls" was a weird one. Did you mean the screenplay is written by Ebert? I coulda sworn the book was written by a lady (whose name escapes me right now. jacquelyn something?? Dunno?)



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Valley of the Dolls was written by Jackie Susann and subsquently turned into a movie featuring Patty Duke of all people....


Beyond the Valley of the Dolls was a movie that followed that one, but was not a sequel and had nothing to do with the previous one. It was done by the King of Big Breasted B-Movies Russ Meyer and yes, that Roger Ebert did write the -script...

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Of course I've seen Dolemite! I have it on DVD. IMO, the King of the Blaxploitation movies, followed very closely by The Mack. I've seen many of the 70's flix. "Willie Dynamite", "Cleopatra Jones", "Foxy Brown" (the original), "Supafly", "Shaft", "Dolemite 2: The Human Tornado". Still alot to go, but I've made a good start.

how bout black belt jones with jim kelly from enter the dragon? his best line in Enter the dragon

"Man, you come right out of a comic book"

that cat is the man

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Oh yeah! How could I have left Black Belt Jones off the list. foreheadslap.gif


Classic line from Enter the Dragon! 893applaud-thumb.gif


But, Dolemite is still the King. I'd put his "ghetto-fu" (you know, where the guy is so fat he can't even kick above his waist? grin.gif) up against any and all comers.


My favorite part of the movie is when Dolemite gets out of prison and his limo full of ho's picks him up right out front. He changes into his "pimp-gear" in the parking lot and throws his prison digs back at the guards, "You take these clothes, and wipe yo' with them!!!" 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif



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Queen Bee was in charge of Dolemite's Kung-Fu B*[!@#%^&^]! Yeah! I might have to watch it this weekend. It's been awhile.


If you haven't seen it, get "The Mack". Probably the best cinematic "How to Guide" for being a pimp. If you listen to any of the "playa" rap (Snoop, Outkast, etc.), you'll be surprised at how many lines you recognize in those songs that come directly from The Mack. (As a bonus, Richard Pryor is in it!)



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I know many of you probably saw 28 Days later at the theater but it just came out today on dvd and I just watched it. Excellent flick - actually gave me the creeps. A definite homage to Night of the Living Dead and Omega Man but very well executed and frightening I thought. It has 6 alternate endings and will try to see those this weekend. As far as TCM, I am old enough to remember when it was originally released and I remember the radio ads very well - "this movie has been banned in many states due to excessive violence and gore etc .. but this is your channce to see it - this weekend at the SkyLine Drive In." I think it was mainly a drive in flick in the south and I finally got to see it when I was 17 at a drive in in NC with a station wagon full of my hs football team mates. We brought lawn chairs and a cooler full of mickey big mouths and some RWB - the cheapest beer available.

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...I finally got to see it when I was 17 at a drive in in NC with a station wagon full of my hs football team mates. We brought lawn chairs and a cooler full of mickey big mouths and some RWB - the cheapest beer available.


Now *that's* a great way to see a horror movie! (of course the #1 option is to see it with your girlfriend & to have her jump in your arms during the scary parts)


Saw 28 Days Later when it came out & was fairly impressed with that one too! Some good, creepy moments! Looks like zombies & freakshow killers are making a cyclical comeback - can't wait for the new Resident Evil! thumbsup2.gif

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...I finally got to see it when I was 17 at a drive in in NC with a station wagon full of my hs football team mates. We brought lawn chairs and a cooler full of mickey big mouths and some RWB - the cheapest beer available.


Now *that's* a great way to see a horror movie! (of course the #1 option is to see it with your girlfriend & to have her jump in your arms during the scary parts)



He said his football teammates..I would not be as enthused with my offensive linesmen jumping into my lap for a comforting cuddle when a scary part comes on...gahhhkkk!

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Now *that's* a great way to see a horror movie! (of course the #1 option is to see it with your girlfriend & to have her jump in your arms during the scary parts)



He said his football teammates..I would not be as enthused with my offensive linesmen jumping into my lap for a comforting cuddle when a scary part comes on...gahhhkkk!



Uhhhhhh.... confused-smiley-013.giftongue.gif


Guess that would make the evening a little different. 27_laughing.gif

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I'm sorry, I've seen Redneck Zombies and it was probably THE worst movie I've ever seen. Completely stupid, I wouldn't recommend anyone waste their money on that piece of garbage. If you want gore, go for "Dead Alive", probably the bloodiest movie ever made and pretty funny also.

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Oh I must disagree, for what horror flicks set out to do the original TCM is the worst/best ever depending on how you view murder movies.

No movie has matched the intensity or brutality of that flick with the minimal amount of gore that was used. The plot twists with people you assume are 'good' was masterful, and the end scene where the world turns upside down where insanity becomes normal which in turn becomes almost comical in its maliciousness is dastardly and creepy.



Sorry, Dunc, but I gotta call you on this one...

First, I would respectfully submit that "Alien" does more with less gore, by far. Yeah, you got the early shot of John Hurt's alien baby leaving the nest, but after that, there's very little actual blood or even violence shown on screen. Yet the film is terrifying.


As for your other points...are we talkin' about the same movie? I didn't find one clever/innovative thing in the original TCM - except maybe the notion of using a chainsaw to kill people, which back in those days was pretty unheard of, I suppose. Overall, I'd take the original Night of The Living Dead over TCM any day - heck, NoTLD actually had a plot!!

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Okay, here are a few others that truly suck but are special for their own special reasons:

- The Legend of Boggy Creek ... I remember watching this on Creature Feature in 1974 or so, when I was about 10... the first 2/3 of the film are literally travelogue outtakes of poor white trash rural areas in Louisiana... and then a guy in a moth-eaten ape suit smashes a few windows in a cabin that houses some people and kids... but it's all presented as fact/documentary... might be the first such "docu-horror film" ?


- Sisters ... an early Brian DePalma effort, starring a very young Margot Kidder... low-budget horror/suspense....Margot's French-Canadian accent is utterly hokey. Probably only worth watching because some of DePalma's best cinematic tricks seem to have been tested out first in this film.


- The Tingler ... doesn't really deserve to be lumped in with all this bad [!@#%^&^], 'cause this one's a true classic by one of the masters, William Castle. I saw this flick when I was about 11, and it scared the hell outta me. Saw it again about 20 years ago at a 'revival' in SF, and they actually wired some of the seats in the theater, just like Castle did originally (they had signs warning pregnant women and people with pacemakers not to sit in the middle section smile.gif)... probably the first horror film to use LSD as a plot element.


I can remember staying at the Plaza Hotel in NYC in 1973, and at 2 in the morning, the line to see "The Exorcist" at the theater next door was still completely around the block...I'm talking all four sides of the block. People were screaming, laughing, puking...now THAT was a horror film!

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I remember they did the Legend of Boggy Creek on Mystery Science Theatre...that was about the only way it was watchable...funny as hell! 27_laughing.gif


I saw Return to Boggy Creek when I was in grade school, back when they had picture day or something like that, it had more of a story to it and I think that's where Dana Plato (Different Strokes, now deceased) got her start...

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Uh-oh, arrived late to the party again.


Aw, so what...


I'm reminded of a movie that may not be classified as "horror" but is definitely gory:


Death Race 2000!!


David Carradine, Sylvester Stallone, Machine Gun Kelly-


Decapitations, Sly's car literally "peeling out" on a victim's carcass, old folks being wheeled out in the street to die- only to have the doctors/nurses get mowed down on the sidewalk, etc

I think I was 6 when I first saw this (thanx Dad)


How come they never made a comic from this memorable flick? confused-smiley-013.gif



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Just saw the new TCM this afternoon and give it a big thumbs-up, WAY UP. thumbsup2.gif


Unlike most horror films of the past decade and a half (most of which fall under the category of "horror lite"), this one was extremely intense, practically devoid of humor and, thankfully, had about 90% fewer lame horror movie cliches than your typical horror flick. Casting the delectable Jessica Biel in the lead role didn't hurt matters any either. Anyway, as my Cousin Larry might say, it scared the bee-jeebus out of me. 28 Days Later gave me maybe a couple of jolts here and there, but I was on the edge of my seat for much of TCM...there's no comparison between the two in terms of fear factor.


As a side note, I was somewhat relieved to find out that there wasn't actually a TCM...it was very loosely based on serial killer Ed Gein (who also was the inspiration behind the Buffalo Bill character in Silence of the Lambs). Still, you won't see me venturing to Texas or any other state populated by redneck sheriffs anytime soon... 893naughty-thumb.gif



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