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Action 1 5.0 R on ebay looks real

186 posts in this topic

I guess I am just out of touch. I always thought that a mans word or agreements meant something.


You know. Like if I told you I was going to bring a certain book to you at the next Con, as you agreed to buy it for one hundred bucks. But when I see you at the Con and you ask for the book, I tell you that I sold it to somebody else yesterday for $110.00 bucks. Sorry, but ten percent more is ten percent more.


Silly me.


I wasn't aware the seller had made a verbal commitment to any of the other bidders that he was going to sell the book to them. :P



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I guess I am just out of touch. I always thought that a mans word or agreements meant something.


You know. Like if I told you I was going to bring a certain book to you at the next Con, as you agreed to buy it for one hundred bucks. But when I see you at the Con and you ask for the book, I tell you that I sold it to somebody else yesterday for $110.00 bucks. Sorry, but ten percent more is ten percent more.


Silly me.


I wasn't aware the seller had made a verbal commitment to any of the other bidders that he was going to sell the book to them. :P



No, you are probably right. However, isn't the fact that you put it on Ebay in an unreserved auction, a commitment/contract to sell it to the highest bidder, if said highest bidder upholds their end of the bargain? If not, what the heck is an unreserved auction for? Just to showcase your wares, provide your phone number and hope that you get contacted via phone and make a side deal that does not include Ebays percentage fees?


Yep. Sounds morally, ethically and fair to me. Screw Ebay. Screw the other bidders. What the heck were they thinking anyways?


Man. I guess I am just so out of touch with the "real" world.

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If eBay wants to ensure this doesn't happen, the company needs to support sellers. So many of you are quick to defend a company that will not pursue deadbeat bidders, leaving sellers hands tied for weeks waiting for resolution.

The site allows sellers to pull books no longer available. Had the auction concluded and he sold it elsewhere, that would have been a big ethical breach. Choosing a different venue to sell the book doesn't seem to be anywhere near the egrigious offense this is being made out to be.



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Actually, "your" morality only becomes apparent when something IS on the line. Otherwise, there is no test of your morality.


That's pretty much what I just said. It's easy for people here to point fingers because it isn't their book.


Morality is also relative and doesn't always hinge on strictly following "the rules". To me, it's distasteful and even immoral to some extent to rake someone over the coals, especially when those who are doing the finger pointing have no stake on either side of the transaction. To use your words, "morality only becomes apparent when something IS on the line", so taking the moral high ground and stating what you would do in this situation actually means nothing because "there is no test of your morality" here.

Your statements, if followed, would tend to choke off debate on the topic. If followed to an extreme then the entire basis of laws regulating behavior would be suspect since we are rarely personally directly impacted by a crime.


I think that the debate has been useful as it's clear to me that the resulting back and forth has forced folks to go to the original agreements and the understanding of them. There may or may not be some grey area there, but by asking, reading and thinking folks will be able to come to a well thought out view of how they think someone should have acted as well as how they themselves should act in the future.

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I'm just curious, do you ever sell on ebay? Do you consider ebay's current treatment of its sellers to be fair?


I have done my fair share of Ebay transactions in the past. Maybe half of them selling. But I have gotten away from it recently, just because of what you are referring to.




Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


Do I like Ebay? Yes. Do I prefer to buy and sell here on this forum? Yes (except that it is a shame that we can not do auctions here). Is Ebay fair to sellers? No? Not as fair as they USED to be when I did my selling there. Their new rules and procedures suck.


But that does not mean that just because Ebay sucks, bonafide bidders on Ebay (like you and I) should get the "shaft" if it means more money in a persons pockets. Fair is fair. A mans word means something or it does not.


I guess it depends on the man though.


In reference to my Ebay feedback. If you look through it, you will see that I have more than respect on there. I have people that have left me feedback that says things like "lives up to his name, conditionfreak" and "I received the item BEFORE I sent payment, and that is the only time this ever happened". Lots of stuff like this. My integrity and reputation mean a great deal to me. Without it, what do I have? Money? I will never have enough money to leave a lasting impression on my sons and grandson. But I hopefully will have enough integrity and moral correctness to impart something to them to make them proud of me, after I am gone and while I am still here. I am sure that if I asked either of my three sons whether or not they would want me to keep my word, or if they think I should go for the big payday that requires me to break my word. That they would choose the former. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is how I raised them. Without your word being worth something, you ain't a man. That's right, I said it!


I have lost money many times on Ebay, because I never use a reserve and always start out my auctions really low. Where they go is where they go. I have also been pleasantly surprised a few times.


Isn't the use of an auction, to sell an item where the bidding takes it? Isn't

the old saying that "collectibles and comic books are only worth what you can get for them"?


I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)

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I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)

I just have to jump in and say, you couldn't be more wrong. Y'all is a contraction. It's short for you all. You is abbreviated Y' and then all is added. Thus, y'all. If you can point me to a credible source that says otherwise, I will gladly eat my words. And, of course, that source needs to reside below the Mason-Dixon line. :sumo:
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I'm just curious, do you ever sell on ebay? Do you consider ebay's current treatment of its sellers to be fair?


I have done my fair share of Ebay transactions in the past. Maybe half of them selling. But I have gotten away from it recently, just because of what you are referring to.




Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


Do I like Ebay? Yes. Do I prefer to buy and sell here on this forum? Yes (except that it is a shame that we can not do auctions here). Is Ebay fair to sellers? No? Not as fair as they USED to be when I did my selling there. Their new rules and procedures suck.


But that does not mean that just because Ebay sucks, bonafide bidders on Ebay (like you and I) should get the "shaft" if it means more money in a persons pockets. Fair is fair. A mans word means something or it does not.


I guess it depends on the man though.


In reference to my Ebay feedback. If you look through it, you will see that I have more than respect on there. I have people that have left me feedback that says things like "lives up to his name, conditionfreak" and "I received the item BEFORE I sent payment, and that is the only time this ever happened". Lots of stuff like this. My integrity and reputation mean a great deal to me. Without it, what do I have? Money? I will never have enough money to leave a lasting impression on my sons and grandson. But I hopefully will have enough integrity and moral correctness to impart something to them to make them proud of me, after I am gone and while I am still here. I am sure that if I asked either of my three sons whether or not they would want me to keep my word, or if they think I should go for the big payday that requires me to break my word. That they would choose the former. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is how I raised them. Without your word being worth something, you ain't a man. That's right, I said it!


I have lost money many times on Ebay, because I never use a reserve and always start out my auctions really low. Where they go is where they go. I have also been pleasantly surprised a few times.


Isn't the use of an auction, to sell an item where the bidding takes it? Isn't

the old saying that "collectibles and comic books are only worth what you can get for them"?


I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)


Fair enough. I guess I see a difference between giving my word to a person, and giving my word to a corporate entity like ebay. In my opinion, ebay has 'broken its word' to me, by unfairly changing its practices to benefit itself at my expense. So I no longer feel like it deserves a fair shake from me.


I expect this transaction, and many others, would be completed on ebay if their policies were more fair to sellers. The only way ebay will change is if something starts to affect their bottom line.


Some like you will stop selling there, affecting their bottom line. Some like destroyer will avoid their fees, which will also affect their bottom line. I'm just hoping for them to make some changes so they are a useful tool for all of us again.



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I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)

I just have to jump in and say, you couldn't be more wrong. Y'all is a contraction. It's short for you all. You is abbreviated Y' and then all is added. Thus, y'all. If you can point me to a credible source that says otherwise, I will gladly eat my words. And, of course, that source needs to reside below the Mason-Dixon line. :sumo:


Well, my father was born in Hazzard Ky. and my mother was born in Casey County KY. I was born and raised in Cincinnati. So, not exactly way down there, but we are southern.


I come to my conclusion of ya'll instead of y'all by examining the meaning of the word. It means "you all" (duh). "You" is similar to the slang "ya". In other words, one could say "ya know" meaning "you know". Given that ya means you and "you" is not pronounced "y", I come to the conclusion that the correct way to spell "you all" in the southern slang, would be "ya'll" not "y'all". Because that would be like saying "y all" (why all). Doesn't work for me.


In short. If "y" is not used to represent "you", then it stands to reason that it would be spelled "ya'll". Contrary to what many say. It would be like writing "d'int" instead of didn't".


But, that's just me. I know that dictionaries that have the word in them, spell it y'all, but I disagree. Youse and you-uns got that?


I defer to the dictionary in regards to this word, however I will always spell it ya'll. It works better for me.


Getting me to change my ways is harder than trying to get a hot mule out of a cool barn.


As a matter of fact, if you could have all of the dictionaries changed to reflect my way of thinking. That would make me happier than a kitten following a leaky cow.




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I'm just curious, do you ever sell on ebay? Do you consider ebay's current treatment of its sellers to be fair?


I have done my fair share of Ebay transactions in the past. Maybe half of them selling. But I have gotten away from it recently, just because of what you are referring to.




Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


Do I like Ebay? Yes. Do I prefer to buy and sell here on this forum? Yes (except that it is a shame that we can not do auctions here). Is Ebay fair to sellers? No? Not as fair as they USED to be when I did my selling there. Their new rules and procedures suck.


But that does not mean that just because Ebay sucks, bonafide bidders on Ebay (like you and I) should get the "shaft" if it means more money in a persons pockets. Fair is fair. A mans word means something or it does not.


I guess it depends on the man though.


In reference to my Ebay feedback. If you look through it, you will see that I have more than respect on there. I have people that have left me feedback that says things like "lives up to his name, conditionfreak" and "I received the item BEFORE I sent payment, and that is the only time this ever happened". Lots of stuff like this. My integrity and reputation mean a great deal to me. Without it, what do I have? Money? I will never have enough money to leave a lasting impression on my sons and grandson. But I hopefully will have enough integrity and moral correctness to impart something to them to make them proud of me, after I am gone and while I am still here. I am sure that if I asked either of my three sons whether or not they would want me to keep my word, or if they think I should go for the big payday that requires me to break my word. That they would choose the former. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is how I raised them. Without your word being worth something, you ain't a man. That's right, I said it!


I have lost money many times on Ebay, because I never use a reserve and always start out my auctions really low. Where they go is where they go. I have also been pleasantly surprised a few times.


Isn't the use of an auction, to sell an item where the bidding takes it? Isn't

the old saying that "collectibles and comic books are only worth what you can get for them"?


I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)


Fair enough. I guess I see a difference between giving my word to a person, and giving my word to a corporate entity like ebay. In my opinion, ebay has 'broken its word' to me, by unfairly changing its practices to benefit itself at my expense. So I no longer feel like it deserves a fair shake from me.


I expect this transaction, and many others, would be completed on ebay if their policies were more fair to sellers. The only way ebay will change is if something starts to affect their bottom line.


Some like you will stop selling there, affecting their bottom line. Some like destroyer will avoid their fees, which will also affect their bottom line. I'm just hoping for them to make some changes so they are a useful tool for all of us again.



I agree with you. Fair enough. However, I do not agree with the notion that this deal being discussed here, would have had a different outcome if Ebay was more "fair" to their sellers. I say that because of the statements made by "destroyer" concerning laughing all of the way to the bank with his Ebay fees. There is no way that Ebay would not have any fees that were expected prior to listing the item. My gut tells me that if Ebay was perfect in every way towards sellers, this incident would have still turned out the way it did. Based on all I know at this moment.

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I'm just curious, do you ever sell on ebay? Do you consider ebay's current treatment of its sellers to be fair?


I have done my fair share of Ebay transactions in the past. Maybe half of them selling. But I have gotten away from it recently, just because of what you are referring to.




Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


Do I like Ebay? Yes. Do I prefer to buy and sell here on this forum? Yes (except that it is a shame that we can not do auctions here). Is Ebay fair to sellers? No? Not as fair as they USED to be when I did my selling there. Their new rules and procedures suck.


But that does not mean that just because Ebay sucks, bonafide bidders on Ebay (like you and I) should get the "shaft" if it means more money in a persons pockets. Fair is fair. A mans word means something or it does not.


I guess it depends on the man though.


In reference to my Ebay feedback. If you look through it, you will see that I have more than respect on there. I have people that have left me feedback that says things like "lives up to his name, conditionfreak" and "I received the item BEFORE I sent payment, and that is the only time this ever happened". Lots of stuff like this. My integrity and reputation mean a great deal to me. Without it, what do I have? Money? I will never have enough money to leave a lasting impression on my sons and grandson. But I hopefully will have enough integrity and moral correctness to impart something to them to make them proud of me, after I am gone and while I am still here. I am sure that if I asked either of my three sons whether or not they would want me to keep my word, or if they think I should go for the big payday that requires me to break my word. That they would choose the former. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is how I raised them. Without your word being worth something, you ain't a man. That's right, I said it!


I have lost money many times on Ebay, because I never use a reserve and always start out my auctions really low. Where they go is where they go. I have also been pleasantly surprised a few times.


Isn't the use of an auction, to sell an item where the bidding takes it? Isn't

the old saying that "collectibles and comic books are only worth what you can get for them"?


I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)


Fair enough. I guess I see a difference between giving my word to a person, and giving my word to a corporate entity like ebay. In my opinion, ebay has 'broken its word' to me, by unfairly changing its practices to benefit itself at my expense. So I no longer feel like it deserves a fair shake from me.I expect this transaction, and many others, would be completed on ebay if their policies were more fair to sellers. The only way ebay will change is if something starts to affect their bottom line.


Some like you will stop selling there, affecting their bottom line. Some like destroyer will avoid their fees, which will also affect their bottom line. I'm just hoping for them to make some changes so they are a useful tool for all of us again.



I have a feeling, this came out differently than you meant...


Corporations are owned by people, they are businesses, owned by someone. If you don't want to do business with them, don't...no one forces you to use Ebay.


Do I like it less, ABSOLUTELY...but it serves a purpose for me...because I like it less, I use it less, but saying that you feel differently about giving your word to a person? I mean, what about a DBA?


I too, hope that Ebay changes back...but surreptitiously fighting, instead of writing to them, and complaining openly is not going to help all that much.


I write them a LOT of letters;) Join me, lol

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I'm just curious, do you ever sell on ebay? Do you consider ebay's current treatment of its sellers to be fair?


I have done my fair share of Ebay transactions in the past. Maybe half of them selling. But I have gotten away from it recently, just because of what you are referring to.




Two wrongs do not make a right, as they say.


Do I like Ebay? Yes. Do I prefer to buy and sell here on this forum? Yes (except that it is a shame that we can not do auctions here). Is Ebay fair to sellers? No? Not as fair as they USED to be when I did my selling there. Their new rules and procedures suck.


But that does not mean that just because Ebay sucks, bonafide bidders on Ebay (like you and I) should get the "shaft" if it means more money in a persons pockets. Fair is fair. A mans word means something or it does not.


I guess it depends on the man though.


In reference to my Ebay feedback. If you look through it, you will see that I have more than respect on there. I have people that have left me feedback that says things like "lives up to his name, conditionfreak" and "I received the item BEFORE I sent payment, and that is the only time this ever happened". Lots of stuff like this. My integrity and reputation mean a great deal to me. Without it, what do I have? Money? I will never have enough money to leave a lasting impression on my sons and grandson. But I hopefully will have enough integrity and moral correctness to impart something to them to make them proud of me, after I am gone and while I am still here. I am sure that if I asked either of my three sons whether or not they would want me to keep my word, or if they think I should go for the big payday that requires me to break my word. That they would choose the former. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is how I raised them. Without your word being worth something, you ain't a man. That's right, I said it!


I have lost money many times on Ebay, because I never use a reserve and always start out my auctions really low. Where they go is where they go. I have also been pleasantly surprised a few times.


Isn't the use of an auction, to sell an item where the bidding takes it? Isn't

the old saying that "collectibles and comic books are only worth what you can get for them"?


I think that we have beaten this dead horse enough. Don't ya'll (the correct way to spell it. Not y'all)


Fair enough. I guess I see a difference between giving my word to a person, and giving my word to a corporate entity like ebay. In my opinion, ebay has 'broken its word' to me, by unfairly changing its practices to benefit itself at my expense. So I no longer feel like it deserves a fair shake from me.


I expect this transaction, and many others, would be completed on ebay if their policies were more fair to sellers. The only way ebay will change is if something starts to affect their bottom line.


Some like you will stop selling there, affecting their bottom line. Some like destroyer will avoid their fees, which will also affect their bottom line. I'm just hoping for them to make some changes so they are a useful tool for all of us again.



Your word is your word, who you give it to shouldn't matter becasue it is your word.


We all have problems with Ebay, it sure isn't perfect but many of us still use it to buy and sell what we can't buy or sell elsewhere. For some things like original art or electronics Ebay is wonderful.

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I can guess who bought it and I am happy for him but pulling auctions it total BS rantrant



I agree.


If folks don't like the ebay rules then they shouldn't use their venue to pimp their items. I have never pulled an auction though I have had requests to do so. Folks should play by the rules or don't play at all.




It's not fun as a buyer being unaware there is a deal being made behind the scenes for said book. I never renege on paying for books, so when given the opportunity to bid on something I want, should I not have a legitimate shot at it? I have never retracted a bid either and always put my money where my mouth is.


If you really want to sell the book to a boardie, that's great. But offer it on the boards first or privately instead of essentially using eBay as a publicity shill.


As far as I know, this Action 1 was never for sale around here. (Yes, I'm admitting I don't know all the facts, but what do you expect from a buyer's perspective when the background stuff's going on with no disclosure?)

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I too, hope that Ebay changes back...but surreptitiously fighting, instead of writing to them, and complaining openly is not going to help all that much.


I write them a LOT of letters;) Join me, lol[/color]


With respect, you needa find somethin' better to do.

Writin' to ebay in the hope they change their ways is a bit like talkin' to on-screen characters at the movie thee-atre.

Tests have shown that they can't hear you. :gossip:

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I too, hope that Ebay changes back...but surreptitiously fighting, instead of writing to them, and complaining openly is not going to help all that much.


I write them a LOT of letters;) Join me, lol[/color]


With respect, you needa find somethin' better to do.

Writin' to ebay in the hope they change their ways is a bit like talkin' to on-screen characters at the movie thee-atre.

Tests have shown that they can't hear you. :gossip:


They hear when you write, you need to find the right places to write, I've gotten some phone calls back, and I used to work elsewhere in a similar capacity to those answering the letters, they don't bother with phone calls unless they do hear you.The problem IS that most people don't write, they complain to friends, strangers on message boards, and not to the right places, so that when you do write, they will answer saying (and I'm sure it's truthful) that the most complaints they got were from BUYERS who were concerned about retaliatory feedback. Buyers, who didn't get their stuff. People who were (stupidly or not) the victims of phis hing emails. Those people felt harmed enough TO write, so their complaints showed up more. I keep reminding them, that I sell SO I can buy, so I am a or was, a buyer too. I have quite a bit of feedback from buying, Pat of what I miss about Ebay is the sense of community when we all knew who was buying from one another, and we could police ourselves, the lack of transparency is a killer.

Statistics count, that's something they can measure. If enough people write (and it would have to be more than the people on this board), believe me, they will look again at the numbers. I'm not saying there will be an instant turn around, I'm just saying that those of you who want your voice HEARD, should write to them, rather than post the complaint here. It's like going to a restaurant and complaining to your husband that the food was cold, after you get home. You need to complain to the owner, or at least the chef if you want any results.

Complaining here, is...well, I guess we could do another Festivus thread :baiting:

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I too, hope that Ebay changes back...but surreptitiously fighting, instead of writing to them, and complaining openly is not going to help all that much.


I write them a LOT of letters;) Join me, lol[/color]


With respect, you needa find somethin' better to do.

Writin' to ebay in the hope they change their ways is a bit like talkin' to on-screen characters at the movie thee-atre.

Tests have shown that they can't hear you. :gossip:


They hear when you write, you need to find the right places to write, I've gotten some phone calls back, and I used to work elsewhere in a similar capacity to those answering the letters, they don't bother with phone calls unless they do hear you.The problem IS that most people don't write, they complain to friends, strangers on message boards, and not to the right places, so that when you do write, they will answer saying (and I'm sure it's truthful) that the most complaints they got were from BUYERS who were concerned about retaliatory feedback. Buyers, who didn't get their stuff. People who were (stupidly or not) the victims of phis hing emails. Those people felt harmed enough TO write, so their complaints showed up more. I keep reminding them, that I sell SO I can buy, so I am a or was, a buyer too. I have quite a bit of feedback from buying, Pat of what I miss about Ebay is the sense of community when we all knew who was buying from one another, and we could police ourselves, the lack of transparency is a killer.

Statistics count, that's something they can measure. If enough people write (and it would have to be more than the people on this board), believe me, they will look again at the numbers. I'm not saying there will be an instant turn around, I'm just saying that those of you who want your voice HEARD, should write to them, rather than post the complaint here. It's like going to a restaurant and complaining to your husband that the food was cold, after you get home. You need to complain to the owner, or at least the chef if you want any results.

Complaining here, is...well, I guess we could do another Festivus thread :baiting:


Well I guess I take your points as you seem to be clued up on it.

I think the biggest prob is probably apathy from people who can't be bothered to do it, an I guess thats very likely most of us in truth.

You is right about the community thing.

Ebay done lost that sense of spirit some years back.

I think once they started advertising on TV, that was it.

The floodgates opened to all the sharks-big time.

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