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Just came home from Watchmen

271 posts in this topic

sounds like the US Weekly review I read this week is pretty spot on from what you guys are saying. They said that the average person probably won't like it but the fanboys will eat it up.


You will absolutely hate it. The acting was was pathetic and the pacing was even worse. It did stay about as true to the book as you can get for a movie but it was just missing something.


If you don't mind bad acting, really disjointed scenes (according to my friend who knew nothing about the book), some strange music selection (not that it's bad), mind numbingly slow and shallow development, some pretty unnecessary and just strange sex scenes, and a lot of glow blue *spoon* then go see it. Otherwise just wait for the DVD to get to the $10 @ Target shelf.


My comment when the credits started rolling sums it up... "Head for the door before it starts up again!"

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sounds like the US Weekly review I read this week is pretty spot on from what you guys are saying. They said that the average person probably won't like it but the fanboys will eat it up.


You will absolutely hate it. The acting was was pathetic and the pacing was even worse. It did stay about as true to the book as you can get for a movie but it was just missing something.


If you don't mind bad acting, really disjointed scenes (according to my friend who knew nothing about the book), some strange music selection (not that it's bad), mind numbingly slow and shallow development, some pretty unnecessary and just strange sex scenes, and a lot of glow blue *spoon* then go see it. Otherwise just wait for the DVD to get to the $10 @ Target shelf.


My comment when the credits started rolling sums it up... "Head for the door before it starts up again!"


My thoughts exactly!Mind numbing!Icould not wait to get the hell out of the theater.

I have High hopes for Wolverine?

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How could he leave out the best line from the graphic novel ? " must investigate further..."


Also way too much blue for my liking.


OK, I'll ask. How much blue **** do you like?

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How could he leave out the best line from the graphic novel ? " must investigate further..."


Also way too much blue for my liking.


I agree - Dr. Manhattan was clearly naked in the book but it wasn't a huge distraction like it was in the movie... No wonder he got all the chicks despite his blue appearance and lack of humanity - he was the human tripod!!


Overall - I thought it was pretty darn good though. The only real complaint I have is the fight scenes felt too much like a typical "super-hero" action movie. Anytime there was a fight - I lost my connection with the film. And even though the ending was different - I always thought the ending of the comic was weak in comparison to the rest of the book - so I wasn't too upset about the change.


They also left out the finger breaking scene in the beginning doh! Which happens to be my favorite scene of the whole story. Oh well - maybe it will be in the deleted scenes on the DVD


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My initial reaction as soon as the credits rolled, was, "This sucked". I'm not even sure how I feel. I was really pulling for this movie, and some of it was good. The scenes, the costumes, the things that were pulled directly from the comic and not changed were spot on. Its clear Snyder tried really hard. However, it fell on its face. The opening montage with the classic hero's was great. The music was great. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and the dude who plays Rorschach were *amazing*.


This sums up my thoughts on the film too. The two strengths of the film are the brilliant opening montage and the character of Rorschach. The rest of the film (for the most part) was pretty dull. This may end up being one of those films whose supposed merits are hotly debated for years to come.


I might give it another look when they release Snyder's director cut but I don't know how adding another 40 minutes to this film is going to make it any better. The movie does set up its super heroes as part of our history well and it is impressive how visually true Snyder is to the "unfilmable" graphic novel but ultimately the film lacks emotion and falls flat again and again.


I really wanted to like this movie. :sorry:

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How could he leave out the best line from the graphic novel ? " must investigate further..."


Also way too much blue for my liking.


OK, I'll ask. How much blue **** do you like?


Thankfully I meant the phrase as a pun. Yes it gets annoying watching scenes with Dr. Manhattan hoping the camera moves upwards so you dont have to keep catching glimpes of his wagging back and forth.


I felt the movie was disjointed, the gore in the action scenes uncessary and the acting not that great. Hated the music and found the lack of background sounds in most scenes odd. Overall though it was entertaining but I was disappointed walking out of the theater.

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My wife and I saw it and we both loved it. The change in the ending works very well. I need to re-read the book, as it's been about 10 years at a minimum since I've picked it up, but from memory it was as close as possible to the original source material.


I'm still giddy about seeing it, as my wife and I make it out to about one movie about every 6-9 months. I was very excited she agreed to it and even more excited that we both liked it. She said that it was initially a bit hard to follow with the skipping back and forth in time, but I didn't see a problem with it. The difference is that I had read the book and she hasn't.


I liked the overall look of the movie, I just wish Zack Snyder wasn't so in love with slow-mo-faster-mo film style. Sometimes it worked well, the other times I just thought he was going overboard.


I went in prepared for some horrific violence, but it just wasn't there. It jolted us everytime, but it was more from being startled than the ewww factor.


Overall, very well done, very cool soundtrack, and a darned good movie, not just a darned good "super-hero" movie!


I loved it too Ben. I feel that those who didn't like it hated the pace of the storyline and not the storyline itself. In other words it was to talkie for their liking and not another fist throwing. But I thought if you ever liked the Watchmen graphic novel, this was the movie for you!

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I never read the books. Not really sure what im not supposed to get. What i got was entertained and i loved the movie. One thing i hated was sitting behind a 6 yr old kid. I cant believe the parents didnt walk out..

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sounds like the US Weekly review I read this week is pretty spot on from what you guys are saying. They said that the average person probably won't like it but the fanboys will eat it up.


You will absolutely hate it. The acting was was pathetic and the pacing was even worse. It did stay about as true to the book as you can get for a movie but it was just missing something.


If you don't mind bad acting, really disjointed scenes (according to my friend who knew nothing about the book), some strange music selection (not that it's bad), mind numbingly slow and shallow development, some pretty unnecessary and just strange sex scenes, and a lot of glow blue *spoon* then go see it. Otherwise just wait for the DVD to get to the $10 @ Target shelf.


My comment when the credits started rolling sums it up... "Head for the door before it starts up again!"

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Sometimes I think creations are best left to their original content. Not all great books or comics are really made for a movie. The comic, with all its talking, works because the reader can read at his or her own pace I feel. When its in a film you paid 10$ to see, it gets long and dull, IMO.


Would the extra 40 mins of the directors cut helped? WHo knows.. But if it had the same pace at the 160 minutes of the film cut, I honestly think I would have walked out of the theater and waited for netflix to get it.


I did REALLY like the soundtrack and the music choices though! That was cool! The floppy blue missile we were forced to look at all the time didnt bother me :) Being a professional CGI artist, all I could think of were the guys in the VFX studio having to model and texture and animate it. haha. I had to work on a scene with fake bette middler nipples once, and that was awkward enough...



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Saw WATCHMEN in IMAX last night. I really enjoyed it. Nice to see an R rated movie for a change -- I'm glad the producers didnt cave in and kiddie-down this film to a PG-13 rating.


I like the way this film was geared to be an Eighties fantasy film -- I could see a little BLADE RUNNER here and there in certian cityscape scenes and with some of the music. Bravo!


I'm sure this was explained somewhere, but why does Sir Saint Alan Moore not put his name on film adaptions of his works?

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If you're going in to be mindlessly entertained you may like it, save for the Manhattan on Mars scenes. It's an honest toss up if you did read the book.



That's good. I was intending on using the Mars scene for a bathroom break anyway. :grin:

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as to the blue missile in the film, the problem for me that made it distracting was that they drew it too realistically. Gibbons's version was just a useless appendage-looking thing, like a Ken doll with all parts. For that matter, I thought Dr Manhattan overall was TOO ripped. He shouldnt have a bodybuilder's physique - - just the "perfect man"... slim, broad shouldered but tapered more like an Oscar.


I suppose, being a nerdy physicist, and Manhattans body being just whatever shape the his human mind chose to represent, he might have intentionally chosen a superhero-muscleman physique.


but Manhattan is a cerebral character first and foremost, so a Schwatzenegger body seems wrong.

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