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GFS Grail Frustration Syndrome?

48 posts in this topic

Personally, I think the collecting that makes me happiest are the new books that I read. That's where my "love" of comics came from and continues to be. I've owned several dozen AF#15 (all reprints, never the real thing) and it's "okay", but not the best story ever....


Okay. That was a bit of a joke, but the point is - work on the things that you can obtain without causing yourself undue stress. If the book is something you want, then figure out how much you are really willing to spend on it, save the cash, select the grade and get the book at some point.


If the book would bring you more pleasure to own than other books you have - sell the other books, and effectively "trade" them for the book you want.


Something I learnt at a young age: there will always be people smarter, better-looking, richer and with more stuff than you - no matter who you may be. If you compete against them, you will always have sense of loss. There are also people worse-off than you (for example, all the people without an ASM300 9.8) - if you compare against them, then you will be arrogant and have a false-sense of self.


So... Set goals that matter to you. Set goals you can achieve, achieve them and set new goals.


If you never get an AF15 - will you be less of a person?

If you do get an AF15 - will you be a better person?


I would hope that the answer to both those questions is obvious.


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Because of just what you're talking about I wish both Marvel and DC would publish exact cover-to-cover replica editions of all the historic greats. And I mean exact replicas. Exact size, cover, ads, paper, everything. That would help alot of fan-collectors enjoy the sense of history without emptying the bank.


Why they don't do replicas for comics is a mystery. I'm sure there would be a market for them. Like they have for Pulps.



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Because of just what you're talking about I wish both Marvel and DC would publish exact cover-to-cover replica editions of all the historic greats. And I mean exact replicas. Exact size, cover, ads, paper, everything. That would help alot of fan-collectors enjoy the sense of history without emptying the bank.


Why they don't do replicas for comics is a mystery. I'm sure there would be a market for them. Like they have for Pulps.




I don't know. Is it about the object or the story/art? I personally love the Marvel Masterworks - they really are a nice way to read this material. Exact replicas are probably a problem because of the advertisements. You'd have to have all sorts of notices that you can't really buy those X-Ray specs any more.

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My grail is X-Men #1 (1963) - it's something I will never have, so I can keep my sanity by always wanting to attain it, but never being able to.


(thumbs u




-slym (doesn't like completing finite things)

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If they know they will forever be frustrated, because they simply can't get what they want, will they bother at all? hm ]


That's the meat and potatoes of your post. Excellent, excellent point.


If collectors cannot take joy in what their collection is at this very moment, but are only worried that Comic Collector X has a slightly better collection than them, they will do one of two things:


The more obsessive will spend money they have, and money they don't have, getting that one better book, that one registry point, that will put them over the top. This could get them in serious trouble taken to its extreme.


The other will simply give up in frustration, and dump everything. If they can't have it all, they'll have none of it.


The important thing to remember, in comics and in life: take joy in what you have, now. Don't worry about what everyone else has.


If you can't think of your collection without thinkng of what you DON'T have, rather than what you DO, you're doing it wrong.


Whether your collection consists of beat up old 70's Archies, or a 9.8 collection of X-Men #94-143, if you're happy with it, that's all that matters! Sure, work towards more, and better, but the important thing is to enjoy what you have! it's supposed to be FUN!




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Whether your collection consists of beat up old 70's Archies,


Beat up 70s archies (and ducks) are a fine thing :) You can buy a box of those suckers for next to nothing and read them while eating cereal on sunday mornings. Can't really do that with your 9.8 whatever.

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Whether your collection consists of beat up old 70's Archies,


Beat up 70s archies (and ducks) are a fine thing :) You can buy a box of those suckers for next to nothing and read them while eating cereal on sunday mornings. Can't really do that with your 9.8 whatever.


Speaking of beat up Ducks:





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I will admit, in some ways, I feel the same thing, my grail is even MORE unattainable, Captain America 1. Which is both more expensive and more elusive due to it's true rarity when compared to AF15. But here's the thing, that's what MAKES it a grail. If it was easy, would I even care? My plan, which quite possibly will not work but I'll try regardless, is to purchase keys that I think are undervalued in the hopes that I'll be able to keep rolling them over until I have the funds to buy a nice copy. (5.0 is the hopes, but that will probably be a 30,000 dollar book by the time I'm ready to commit.) The flaw to my plan of course, is that I cannot afford to make many mistakes before the grail nest egg is busted. Truthfully, if I sold it all I could probably make a run at my grail now, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment yet. Because what then? I'd have my grail, but the chase would be over and all the books that I REALLY like, my Spider-man 1, Avengers 1, FF1, DD1, X-men 1, TTA27, JIM 83 etc. would have to be sacrificed to attain it. Which is okay, I like those other books but they always have a little imaginary "For Sale" sign floating over them. There expendable in a way my grail would never be. For me, it's the chase right now. I still love to look for my grail and the fact that it will be incredibly difficult to ever actually own it makes it even sweeter for me to keep up the chase. Just my two cents.



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two cents... buy a plod CA1. Honestly if you're just doing this for pure enjoyment and just because the books means a lot to you, there's really no better value. I'd never buy a big dollar blue slab again. Half the so-called unrestoreds have been tampered with anyways.

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If they know they will forever be frustrated, because they simply can't get what they want, will they bother at all? hm ]


That's the meat and potatoes of your post. Excellent, excellent point.





there is a third possibility... grail shift.


Maybe for the collectors priced out of AF15, ASM1 becomes their grail instead. e a real high grade cap 100 or avengers 4 instead of GA cap1. I think that's been going on for decades... people willing to pay more and more dough for less and less book. Question is when does the music stop.



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Whether your collection consists of beat up old 70's Archies,


Beat up 70s archies (and ducks) are a fine thing :) You can buy a box of those suckers for next to nothing and read them while eating cereal on sunday mornings. Can't really do that with your 9.8 whatever.


Speaking of beat up Ducks:






(thumbs u There's nothing finer than a collection of low grade ducks. Really if this hobby were stripped back to its roots (ie sanity) we'd all be chasing low grade books that are great to read and don't dent the pocketbook one bit.

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there is a third possibility... grail shift.


Maybe for the collectors priced out of AF15, ASM1 becomes their grail instead. e a real high grade cap 100 or avengers 4 instead of GA cap1. I think that's been going on for decades... people willing to pay more and more dough for less and less book. Question is when does the music stop.


For me, a "grail shift" would always be looked at as "not my real grail"!

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For me, a "grail shift" would always be looked at as "not my real grail"!


Interesting viewpoint and historically correct...


But if viewed this way then I'm out... I really don't see the need to long for something you will never obtain, for some it will be a driving force that keeps them going forward, to me it will be an exercise in futility. If it's beyond my grasp then I move on.


That's the reason I'll never start collecting Detective and Action Comics (besides the fact that Superman is a person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed). I'll never own a Tec #27 or an Action #1 and as I collect complete series there is no need for me to own even a single issue of those series now as I'll never get them all.


Same with original art, I went art-crazy for a year (2008) and spent almost all my comic-money on art. I did get some really good pieces but in the end I realized I would never be able to get the piece(s) I really wanted and basically lost interest. Haven't bought a single piece of art in 6 months now and have even stopped looking at what's for sale.


Collection comics should be an escape from the real world, something enjoyable to counteract the sometimes frustrations of real life, so I really don't need my hobby to give me extra aggravation.

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I know exactly how you feel, Rob. I finally got around to my prize...an FF 1. Luckily prices are not as insane on those...although I did have to settle for a 1.8. I don't actually have it yet...I'll post it when I do. I actually lost out on my first choice..a 5.0 trimmed top edge copy, didn't have enough money. Consider a restored one, buddy. I used to be solidly opposed to anything restored but have picked up a few lately. Believe me....a pro resto book is difficult to fuss over once i's in hand...it IS the real thing after all. I've also never had trouble getting my money back out of a restored book either, but that may be because I'm honest and disclose.Try a nice lower grade restored copy....if it keeps bugging you, sell it. I'd been collecting for over 40 years and never owned an FF 1....and that psychological hole does affect your buying....I finally figured that out.Just get the AF 15....it'll be a huge relief and then you can surprise your AWESOME wife with something cool. As for the 9.8 ASM 300....there's going to be plenty more of those as time goes on. There are hundreds of thousands of copies yet to be slabbed. GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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AF # 15 can't (and won't) maintain its current level of price acceleration heading into the next couple of years. I believe a major correction in prices is inevitable. And as Jimbo mentioned, a restored copy is a wonderful option to consider.


I remember selling this book in Dec of 2007 (before the book really took off) for $3,600. Don't know what it would sell for today, but it was a much more cost effective option.





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AF # 15 can't (and won't) maintain its current level of price acceleration heading into the next couple of years. I believe a major correction in prices is inevitable. And as Jimbo mentioned, a restored copy is a wonderful option to consider.


I remember selling this book in Dec of 2007 (before the book really took off) for $3,600. Don't know what it would sell for today, but it was a much more cost effective option.





That's exatly what I'm talking about. Pop that baby out of the slab...and when the smell of the newsprint and the brilliance of the gloss hit you, you'll forget all about the resto.GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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Fixed that for you Jive! ;)


If you look at the lower grade copies, you'll see that this book is already in the midst of its price correction. Economists are projecting an uptick in the markets toward the end of the year with unemployment rates to decrease soon thereafter. My guess is once this takes place, we'll see these books begin picking back up again (though not to pre-recession rates).


Now's a good time to buy one if you're able to do so while the market's cooling down and buyers are no longer realizing the prices from a few months ago. Try selling off some of your current key books that you CAN live without to raise some funds to help defray costs (sounds like ASM 300 would NOT fit that bill)--you'll appreciate it in the long run.




AF # 15 can't (and won't) is no longer maintaining its current level of price acceleration heading into the next couple of years. I believe a major correction in prices is inevitable. And as Jimbo mentioned, a restored copy is a wonderful option to consider.


I remember selling this book in Dec of 2007 (before the book really took off) for $3,600. Don't know what it would sell for today, but it was a much more cost effective option.




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I have but one grail, Batman 1. I've owned quite a few copies in my life, but always had to sell them when one financial disaster or another came along. The quest was for the "the" copy that would fill the goal. Solid, mid-grade copy with nice pages, at a price I could live with.


Those days are gone, unless I find one at an estate sale or something. I once had a 2.0 - 2.5 that just about fit the bill perfectly, but like a doofus, I sold it thinking that 4.0 or 5.0 was just around the corner. Never made it to the end of the block to turn that corner though.


I imagine I could sell a bunch of my books and buy a restored copy, and that would scratch the itch for a little while. But that's fools gold really. I've been there and done that. The grail for me is the 5.0ish white pager. The kind of money it would take to land such a book can't be justified in my household, so it will remain the unttainable goal for now.


Sometimes it depresses me a little. as my collection would be complete if it only contained that one book. But, as others have mentioned in this thread, comics aren't meant to be depressing. They are meant to grant us escape from real life and and fun and diversion from the mundane. So, I don't let it bother me most days.



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