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Respected owners of their books are okay with this.


Those not OK with it are not respected? So those that play by your rules are cool, those that don't bend to your shipping whims are not?


Here's how I think you ensure people dont have second thoughts about your future events.


If you know your proclivity is to sit on books until all are returned, STATE THAT IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT.


Set the expectation and no one will be disappointed and (and Im saying this for your benefit, cause I do hope your future events run smoothly with 100% satisfaction) you cover yourself to if someone comes asking for their book early.


Easy enough statement to make in your event:


No Books will be shipped untill ALL books from this event have been returned by CGC to me.


Or if you are going to hold books until all of their books from all events have been returned to you, SAY THAT.


Of course that means that fast-track is pointless unless they all do it.


Just trying to help future transactions not have the possibility of this reoccurring.

Edited by Miraclemet
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I still stand by what I said earlier, I have other books, being held that the owners are aware and OKAY with it. They know they're going to get their books either by mail, or personally held to them.


Why do you hold onto the books for an undisclosed amount of time? Is there reasoning?


Thirdly, to answer Jimmy's question. It's sometimes easier to ship a batch of books together rather than a single book at a time. Respected owners of their books are okay with this.


Again, anyone offended. I'm sorry.

doh! Really? The PO will actually pick up packages from your house. Call and schedule it day before.

And no it isn't easier to ship a batch together rather than separate. I actually is no easier or harder. That reasoning doesn't hold water.

And what is this about respected owners? Was this guy a non respected owner? It appears that maybe Chris was closer to the mark about you doing this for spite because you and this dude had issues before. Maybe not. But then again maybe.

So what makes an owner respected?


Arex, I have no dog in this fight whatsoever, and I'm not defending Adonis', but I believe he meant to say " respective " owners.... (shrug)

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My issues with the OP have nothing to do with the shipment of books.


There are other individuals who are understand and know that their books are being shipped as well. The OP just chose the PL route.


He'll be refunded the FS fee for the three books, two which he already has, and this one.

It appears to me that you are lucky he is the only one who has gone the PL route.

(thumbs u


One again, the issue was handled. There's no reason to beat a dead horse.


I've never dealt with anyone here, but if you have dealt with me on a face to face term, you know my business practice and also know that I don't steal, cheat or lie.


Other than that, enough badgering.

Ive gotten enough info from reading this thread to get a vibe on dealing with you. I don't need to deal wit you face to face. Dealing with face to face would be a completely different animal as I might actually get the product from you then. Otherwise dealing with you might result in:

-Ignored PMs while selling other items on the boards

-Books held since late November

-The good old "nobody else has a problem but this one guy" excuse which as RMA and others has pointed out produces the right answer to the wrong question

-A plea to let it go since it makes you look like a fool

-And no where has there been a Mea Culpa and only an attempt to make the spotlight of incompetence not fall squarely on the shoulders of the person who earned it. That being you.


And on your "lie, steal, or cheat" comment: when that is the only nugget you have to hold up to show people that you are a solid dude,well that kinda is kinda like saying "at least I'm better than the crooks, cheats, theifs, and liars" well that ain't a real ringing endorsement.


This statement says a lot IMO. (shrug)

We can sit here and go back and forth....or let it be


I don't follow the rules and when I don't get what I want I get mad


You, are by the book about as book as they come..

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I am not defending ToG and while I don't have any sympathy for what he has done, but I think he's had enough. We don't know if the OP is happy with the solution. It seems as though some people that do not have a dog in this race are very upset with what he's done. I say take a deep breath and relax. What he has done does not reflect on all of the sellers on these boards.

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Bare with me as it took awhile to read everyone’s posts since this morning, and it’s taking awhile to QUOTE and reply to everyone’s concern. Heat up some more popcorn coz here we go:

You'll never get me to say publicly. I've seen what happens...no thank you.

I’ve been warned before to just keep my mouth shut and to not say anything bad about certain boardies or facilitators, especially if it’s a case about Adonis who’s The Enforcer of the CGC Sketch Illuminati. Yes I’ve done my research on Adonis and have experienced his kind of service. I’ve gotten PMs from other boardies about delayed sketches. I’ve had other facilitators express their opinion privately mentioning that because of a certain CGC contract, they’re not allowed to say anything negative about a fellow fascilitator :::shrugs:::




Someone needs to read the Signature Series thread before posting people on Probation.


Adonis, what would they read there? Is there some form of timeline posted how long the entire process may take?


I'm just asking to understand what you meant.


I mean that I now have about 45 slabs that are living in my office. Which are being boxed up. I created a Post to alert/inform those that I need their current contact information to ship them.


And done minutes before he placed his probation response






Actually I think he posted here an hour and a half before you started that thread.

I frequent this board more than Face Book. Unless you can link me to a specific Signature Series topic, then I dunno if I missed anything that I should’ve considered before taking the PL process. If you’re talking about the Roll Call where you want everyone who’s waiting for their sketch to post, then I dunno what’s that got to do with the shipping delay. But I guess it’s a good thread to remind yourself of those people waiting for their sketch. At this point, it doesn’t matter who posted what first this morning. Service was delayed, and I’m guessing you wouldn’t have started that thread if it wasn’t for this PL process. Oh and this case was first started last night in the General Discussion, then later asked to post here.




This will all be resolved in the next day or so.


I am not keeping or holding his sketch hostage.


Other boardies have sketches that are being held too. He's the only one that took upon himself to go on the PL list.


Everyone else that I've deal with understands and knows that their sketches are coming. Unfortunately one person doesn't.

It’s unfortunate that I’m the only one or the first one to go through the PL process. Maybe I have less patient than everyone else. While I’ve given you ample time to ship my sketch, everybody else are scared to say anything and just wait for their sketch whenever you feel like shipping them.







this probation thread is better than last night's Walking Dead!

This is pretty much the best reply in this drama so far, and I couldn’t agree with you more.




As far as his PM, it was just left unanswered. The OP and I have had issues in the past where he's gone behind facilitator's back in order to get their own sketch. Regardless, it's being handled.

It was just left unanswered? Anyone can right click on your name and see your posts since December. Maybe the right phrase is “it was just purposely left unanswered”


If you really wanna get into the whole me going behind your back to get an artist’s sketch, then I’ll let you post your side first, and again has nothing to do with the shipping delay and if you want I’ll agree that it wasn’t retaliatory.




Just because CGC takes forever to send books back to people doesn't mean their facilitators should do the same thing doh!

Perhaps if a person doesn't have enough time to ship books out within even two months of picking them up doh! they shouldn't be facilitating. Then again, CGC thinks its perfectly acceptable to take forever to grade and return books :makepoint:

I agree. But I’m not blaming CGC at all in this. I’d say 90% of my sketches are Fast Tracked, and I would get them an average of 3 to 4 weeks. Unless the sketch was not Fast Tracked or, in this case, the fascilitator decide to take their time shipping the sketch.




Pretty bad that GoT can't ship books out within 2 months of picking them up, yet can run sales threads during that time period. :facepalm:

That's why it boggles me that I'm the first and only one who took the PL route considering I'm not the only one who's waiting for their sketch. Not the only one waiting for a Jaro sketch (March 2012). Yet there's been multiple sales thread while slabs sits in his office waiting to be shipped. A Sales Thread usually generates quicker profit, so does that mean that whatever he sold was shipped first before those who's been waiting for awhile?




Ive gotten enough info from reading this thread to get a vibe on dealing with you. I don't need to deal wit you face to face. Dealing with face to face would be a completely different animal as I might actually get the product from you then. Otherwise dealing with you might result in:

-Ignored PMs while selling other items on the boards

-Books held since late November

-The good old "nobody else has a problem but this one guy" excuse which as RMA and others has pointed out produces the right answer to the wrong question

-A plea to let it go since it makes you look like a fool

-And no where has there been a Mea Culpa and only an attempt to make the spotlight of incompetence not fall squarely on the shoulders of the person who earned it. That being you.


And on your "lie, steal, or cheat" comment: when that is the only nugget you have to hold up to show people that you are a solid dude,well that kinda is kinda like saying "at least I'm better than the crooks, cheats, theifs, and liars" well that ain't a real ringing endorsement.


Oy vey. How the high holy hell are the comments supposed to go the other way? You had the books. You failed to ship. You didn't do your end of the bargain with even a smidgen of concern for a customer getting his stuff in a legitimate time frame.

But since you asked here are some comments going the other way

-yes you did send the books to be done

-yes you did try and contact GoT to get info as to when you would get your books back

-you did get ignored by GoT

-You did get your books held up by this facilitator for the better part of 2 months.

Happy now?

You dropped the ball like a champ. You have yet to own it. Tried to ship the onus of blame to away from you yet have the temerity to ask for the conversation to stop?

You don't give two flying rats rear ends that you held the dudes stuff and were too lazy, incompetent, or couldn't be bothered enough to get his stuff to him. All you give a swinging elephants trunk about is salvaging your future business opportunities.

For shame.

Sorry, you only get second place for best reply in this thread next to the Walking Dead reply.



Ok all those QUOTES out of the way. Lemme just say something.


*I’ve sold a lot of items in this Message Board before. I ship ASAP, sometime the very next business day after payment was received. I didn’t wanna delay shipping in the fear of getting a bad rep. Later on I really didn’t care much for the Kudos Thread coz I know I’ve done my part of transaction as best as I can. So please understand why a complete opposite way of handling business annoyed me.


**Yes facilitators and sellers have their own lives to worry about. Most have an actual job, and consider comic investing as just a side income. But the same can be said to buyers like me who has a life as well, and working hard for the money that I used to pay for such items/service. So again please understand why I’m annoyed that I didn’t get what my hard earned money is worth.


***Sure we can blame the artists for taking their time to finish X number of sketches, but that’s between the facilitator and the artists, and shouldn’t be a burden to the buyer. If you know the sketches will take awhile, then take that into consideration. Yes, CGC lags sometimes but hey that’s what Fast Track is for.


****For those who’s still clueless about PMs labeled as UNREAD. Just a reminder that an email alert gets sent out with part of the PM included in the email. Come on now!


****Other than this particular case and facilitator, I’ve had no problems with any sketch ops from other facilitators, or items from other sellers. I just hope that CGC enforces a revised rule that facilitators must abide. Facilitators must be on top of things from start to finish, from getting the initial approval from the artists up to the sketch being admired by the new owner.


Thanks to everyone for sharing their opinions and concerns. We are all here to better our group, and I’m all for our success. To all those who has sent me PMs, I understand why y’all have decided to remain quiet. Let’s just see this as me taking one for the team coz I know I’ve pissed of a lot of Adonis’ friends.


Sorry it has come to this, but to quote one of those who will remain anonymous “In this case the PL did what it was supposed to. The(y) threat of it got the guy of his backside and made him do his job.”

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I am not defending ToG and while I don't have any sympathy for what he has done, but I think he's had enough. We don't know if the OP is happy with the solution. It seems as though some people that do not have a dog in this race are very upset with what he's done. I say take a deep breath and relax. What he has done does not reflect on all of the sellers on these boards.


+1 This would be a good time for the OP to update everyone on where this is at. If the OP should end up satisfied that should be sufficient to conclude this business and move on.

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Adonis has sent me the Fast Track refund. Not just from the Jaro sketch, but two other sketches he has failed to Fast Track. So cool.


Adonis has also provided me with a tracking number. But it says: Your item has left our acceptance facility and is in transit to a sorting facility on February 11, 2013 at 6:08 pm in SOUTH ACWORTH, NH 03607.


NH? I thought he lives in Florida.


Up to you guys what y’all wanna do with his PL status. Personally, it's not a close case for me until I get my sketch, which is what this whole drama was all about. So I’ll update everyone once I receive it. Hope I get it in one piece.

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I knew that VCC statement was going to come up. You cannot post something crazy like that and not expect it to fly right back at you like the ugliest homing pigeon ever sent out into the world.




Hurtful, Bro!


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Adonis has sent me the Fast Track refund. Not just from the Jaro sketch, but two other sketches he has failed to Fast Track. So cool.


Adonis has also provided me with a tracking number. But it says: Your item has left our acceptance facility and is in transit to a sorting facility on February 11, 2013 at 6:08 pm in SOUTH ACWORTH, NH 03607.


NH? I thought he lives in Florida.


Up to you guys what y’all wanna do with his PL status. Personally, it's not a close case for me until I get my sketch, which is what this whole drama was all about. So I’ll update everyone once I receive it. Hope I get it in one piece.


Lived here almost 10 years...must be a technical error since it was dropped off at my PO in Tampa.




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I'd like to nominate board member FadeawayJ23 for not paying for books I got done for him with my 9.8 sub service.


On 1/18 I sent him a PM asking him to bump our PM thread in the title, with this message:


I have Incredible Hulks piling up here.


He responded:


I paid you 4 months ago for that batch and haven't received one update since. I know you are busy, but maybe you are a little too busy. 4 months is a long time with no contact then to PM me about Hulks piling up.


He didn't bump the original thread but the "4 months" comment enabled to zero in on the original thread.


- just couldn't find the PM thread.




The "4 months" comment helped me finally track down the thread.


You never responded to the last payment request for two slabs back on 9/11, and never paid... so maybe that's why I lost track in the first place? You never responded back.


I then posted this in the original PM thread:


From 1/18/13 which was read, not replied to:


You never responded to the last post and I have no record of payment for the books listed on 9/11/12


I researched your last name in my PayPal payments and the last payment was made on 8/15, for books shipped on 8/17




Incredible Hulk 11 9.8 $35

Incredible Hulk 12 9.8 $35


Incredible Hulk 13 9.8 $35

Incredible Hulk 14 9.8 $35

Incredible Hulk 15 9.8 $35


I also have the new series Indestructible Hulk #1 & #2, with all variants of #1 of you are interested. If you are not interested and want to settle up just on the Incredible Hulks LMK.


Current balance due for INC Hulk 11-15 is $175 + $22 Priority Shipping.


Please PayPal $197 to XXXXXXXXX


Thank You


I sent him this message on 2/5:


Please respond within three days or will nominate you in the probation sales thread.


If anyone is looking for Incredible Hulk 11 - 15 LMK lol


So on 1/18 both of you were aware that there was an outstanding balance due.


Question to those with more PL experience:


Would the 30 day window (for him to pay) start on 1/18 when you sent him the full $197 invoice, or way back on 9/11 when the invoice was for 2 books (the hulk 11 & 12, am I reading your timeline correctly?)


If its the 1/18 date then he still has a few days to make right before being eligible for nomination. If its the 9/11 date, then he's eligible based on whatever was on that 9/11 invoice.

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****For those who’s still clueless about PMs labeled as UNREAD. Just a reminder that an email alert gets sent out with part of the PM included in the email. Come on now!


You have to set this... I don't have it set


The Enforcer of the CGC Sketch Illuminati. Yes I’ve done my research on Adonis and have experienced his kind of service

Research...do tell.... It's a on-line forum title. It means nothing.. I would like to know what kind of research you dug up on me.

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And for those here. I post my Mailing thread at 11:43AM



I got his Pm at


4024529 - Today at 12:03 PM Required new PM: PL

B767293 Offline

Up 20 words per minute since I signed up



Registered: 09/09/11

Posts: 1068

Just to inform you that I've contacted the CGC Message Board Admins and nominated you to the Probation List:


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