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Comics will be worthless in 1 year

126 posts in this topic

I could count the number of times I've been shot down over the last two years on 1 hand. NONE Why? I've never been good at formally asking women out on dates because I get shy when I'm around a female that I'm attracted to


Hey MOS,


I used to be that way in my early to mid-20s and would almost hyperventilate when I would call up a girl to ask her out (on the few occasions that I managed to work up the nerve to get her number!) At some point, though, I realized that I was missing out on so much and that I would have unconsolable regrets if I kept wasting the best years of my life.


Let me just tell you that practice makes perfect. The best ladies men I have met don't get too focused on or obsessed by a particular woman - they just go up to someone who initially strikes his fancy with a "WTF" attitude and if she shoots him down, so what? He moves right to the next one. Sure, it's easier said than done, but with a little practice, it does get a lot easier. And the fact of the matter is, unless the girl is a total vulgarian, she'll at least have a conversation with you and make up an excuse about a boyfriend or give you a fake number at the end if she's not interested. Any girl with a smidgen of class knows how hard it is for a nice guy to put his ego on the line and will let him down easy. Don't be afraid! Go out there and CARPE DIEM!


My best friend just turned 31 and has never had a girlfriend in his life. He is a decent looking guy, genius level IQ (PhD from MIT), and a multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur to boot. While he can conquer the tech and business world with ease, he is absolutely paralyzed with fear when it comes to women. I know he is not happy deep down and will have tremendous regrets about his life despite his business successes later on in life. YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE HIM.


As for me? With a little practice, I went from the guy who couldn't get a date to the guy in the attached picture (see file attachment). That's me and my ex-girlfriend last year in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Why yes, now that you ask, she is a coed and part-time runway model from Amsterdam!! Who says comic collectors never get the girl? wink.gifgrin.gif


Good luck,



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Is PETRA really still around?


I think the last album I bought from them was whatever came out after Beat the System - they just didn't seem to have the same spark once Greg Volz (sp?) left the group. Did see them a number of times live in the 80s and they always put on a great show.


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So this is a reason NOT to give PETRA a try? Do you put God in a box, and only open the box after you have put your guitar away? I know that may sound a bit harsh, but it makes absoultey no sense to me. Rock is merely a style of music, like Rap, Country, Pop, alternative, and Acappella. One could just as easily make vulgar acappella "vocal music". Based on "my faith sticks to acapella music" It sounds to me like you either belong to the Church of LDS or the Chuch Of Christ a denomianional branch off of LDS.


It's not that I didn't give Petra a try, but that growing up in high school, most of my friends didn't listen to anything but those two bands. Really a personal preference. As to now, I prefer most of my music mainstream and heavy. laugh.gif


Church of Christ, but not a demonational branch of anything. Just a Protestant group of churches that keeps everything local and has no national governing bodies.


Black Sabbath's "After Forever" from their 3rd album, Master of Reality -- not your typical BS song. wink.gif


Have you ever thought about your soul? Can it be saved?

Or perhaps you think that when you are dead you just stay in your grave.

Is God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?

Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?


When you think about death do you lose your breath or do you keep your cool?

Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope? Do you think he's a fool?

Well I see the truth.

Yes I've seen the light and I've changed my ways.

And I'll be prepared when you're lonely and scared at the end of our days.


Could it be you're afraid of what your friends might say

If they knew you believed in God above?

They should realize before they criticize that God is the only way to love.


Is your mind so small that you have to fall

In with the pack wherever they run?

Will you still sneer when death is near

And say that you may as well worship the sun.


I think it is true it was people like you that crucified Christ

I think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voiced.

Will you be so sure when your day is near say you don't believe?

You had the chance but you turned it down now you can't retrieve.


Perhaps you think before you say God is dead and gone

Open your eyes, just realize that he is the one,

The only one who can save you now from all this sin and hate.

Or will you jeer at all you hear?

Yes! I think it's too late.



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"Let me just tell you that practice makes perfect. The best ladies men I have met don't get too focused on or obsessed by a particular woman - they just go up to someone who initially strikes his fancy with a "WTF" attitude and if she shoots him down, so what?"


Very key point. If she isn't attracted, so what? At least she's honest. I know some girls who will go on dates with guys out of pity, and it ends up being much worse than if she just said no initially.


Just practice. "No pain no gain" dosen't just apply to working out.



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The real attraction is in personality. Is he smart?


I thought I was doomed from the start. I have made it pretty clear that I am stoopid, so I lost out on that one.


Is he funny?


I am funny, but only if you count "Funny Looking", so zero points for me on that one too.


Is he warm,


Temperature wise I am around 98.6 degrees Farenheit. Emotionally I am like an iceberg.




I care about nothing except my personal gratification.




I am crippled up with medical problems.


does he have a future,


I have a future as a good for nothing Bum, that is about it.




My dream is to become a Hermit and let life pass me by.


MoS, don't look at the woman as a source of rejection before you ever open your mouth.


Yeah, a guy like me has NOTHING to lose. The women are already physically repulsed by me when we first meet. I might as well speak up and give them reason to be disgusted.


And always rememer, it's selection, not rejection. If she does say no, you wouldn't want her anyway. You want someone who's selected you.


Actually, in my case, it was insanity. I was able to find a woman who seemed to be mentally ill enough to not realize just what a pathetic loser I am. I would have been more than willing to take any hard up old skeezer that would have been willing to take me.


So don't rule out the mentally ill, they can be very loving, and they don't seem to notice our faults. With all the faults I listed above I found a wife that I am quite happy with. I don't deserve her, and I don't deserve my kids but hey, I'm not telling them.





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i reckon we could just talk about you then. When you open that bank of yours, do you think i could get a loan? I need to finish my ultimate spiderman cgc collection but have run out of money. If i can get a loan, will you need collateral? My camino is paid for and so is my froggin gear but i still owe on the double wide. With all your experience i bet you will have a great bank -I would just call it Murph Bank or something. Names like federal this and that or national whatever tend to scare regular folks away. Would you want interest on that loan? I think about a grand would get me all the books i need and I bet I could pay up in a year or so of course depending on the frog crop.

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Forgive me folks, I have a day job, and I'm slow to boot (that's an expression, I'm not a PC I promise wink.gif )


Chromium - I would imagine that major in English really comes in handy for these boards. I've been told that English is one of the toughest languages to learn would you say that's true? It appears that you know several languages, how many languages do you speak/write and are comfortable with? You majored in history, what period of history did you enjoy studing the most? If I had the opportunity to visit Europe, I would visit England, Scottland, and Ireland.


[in reference to comic collecting]I'm mostly in it for the stories, then art, then value


Me too, sounds like you have your collecting priorities straight. I collect the Amazing Spider-Man and Incredible Hulk titles, and even Iron Man books too! smile.gif I don't buy new comic books either, it doesn't add up, especially considering that through eBay I can purchase 3-4 backissues (raw of course) for the price of 1 new comic book. That's 15-20 minutes of reading versus 5 minutes. wink.gif


Ouch, your experience in the pro-boxing ring sounds like one of those painful lessons we learn the hard way. frown.gif


Yeah, I guess you could say that collecting comics is somewhat of a crutch for me to (though I have had interest in the medium on and off throughout my life). The hobby helps me to get my mind off of my marital stutus, social status, all the times people have let me down, and a loneliness that I stuggle with on nearly a daily basis. If I had met the right woman a year ago, chances are I would have never came back to the hobby (although I cannot confirm this I had not seriously collected comic books for 8 years). To tell you the truth though, I would trade everything I own for that special someone to come into my life (and stay in my life as long as I live).


All the talk about chocolate is giving me a craving to go on a chocolate splurge!


Joanna - Did you collect the "Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane" title? As my username might suggest, Superman is my favorite DC superhero.


One of the things I find appealing about Silver/Bronze Age Superman comic books is the light-hearted fun nature of the stories. Reading them is somewhat like going on a fun and adventurous vaction. Even though my facination with comic books started in the 80'I prefer the Silver/Bronze Age "version" of Superman over the way he is portrayed most of the time during this Modern Age. I like the "version" of Superman that wore a smile on his face, almost as much as the "S" on his chest. However, I realize that Superman has changed with the times. Don't misunderstand me though, there are many good Modern Age Superman stories, and great art (John Byrne, George Perez, Tom Grummet, and Dan Jurgens are among my favorite Modern Superman artists but you should see this sweet looking Superman poster painted by Joe Devito in my bedroom wink.gif )


Joanna, your application is quite impressive, it sounds like you have devoted a great deal of time into pursuing a carreer. Like yourself, I am a creative typle of person, the difference is you probably have more talent. Which DC Secret Files issues did you write, I'm curious because I have some of them (although I could probably figure it out by looking at the names wink.gif ). Speaking of, tell me, what was it like working for DC? I share your passion for writing, maybe someday I'll get around to writing a book, you just never know.


Doggoneit, I would love to take you up on that offer to see a movie, if it did not require a plane ticket. frown.gif You probably wouln't be too interested in seeing the new James Bond movie anyway. laugh.gif


Well, I'm gonna have to continue this quest another night, I enjoy making these responses, but it takes time to write them, and I like to spend time reading new messages too wink.gif


P.S. (I'm always editing my messages right after I post them, mispelled word, should have used this word instead, etc.).

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Ok this is a collection of responses , here goes...


AndrewKnight - Yep, you read through my words correctly. I need to be more confident with intelligent and attractive women. Thank you for the friendly and sound advice. -Andrew


Joanna - Am I smart? I have above average intelligence, but where I really excell is in the wisdom department. Am I funny? I'm definitly not a stand-up comic, but I can be funny in a clever and witty way, and I enjoy a good laugh just like anybody else. The interesting thing about humor is that many of us have different "senses" of humor. Mad magazine humor never really did it for me, but the "far side" comic strips sure did wink.gif Am I warm and considerate? Very much so. Am I energetic? Not all the time, I'm kind of a laid back type of person for the most part. Do I have a future? Silly we all do wink.gif What kind of future you ask? Hmmm that remains to be seen, I need that special someone to help me reach that future, that is kind of where I'm at in life right now. Am I ambitious? Yep, I can be a dreamer sometimes, but often the harsh reality has crushed my dreams, but I'm able to shake the dust off and go for another round. Joanna, it's good to know you are looking for more than surface, because my experience has been that too many women are just looking for a good looking guy to have "fun" with. Your advice to not look at woman as a source of rejection spoke much louder to me than you might imagine. Maybe based on your experiences with men, you might find this hard to belive, but I really have a desire for that special someone to be my best friend, my help mate, my life-long partner. Most of my problems are getting over that first "hump" (so to speak, the mention of "hump" here is not meant in a sexual way just so you know). Is it true that men are from Mars and women are from Venus?


delekkerste - Thanks for having the courage to share your personal struggles with women, and how things have changed for you. BTW, that's a nice picture of you and your ex-girlfried. As handsome as you may be, your ex-girlfriend is much better looking, I'm kind of biased that way ya know! wink.gif

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The_Man_Of_Steel; You ask if I write for a living. Yes I do. I've written many different (stories, articles, scripts, songs) things over the years. Always under my pen name. I like my anonymity and it keeps me out of the limelight. The people that need to know, know who. A lot of stuff I like to write about doesn't make enought to feed a family. So I've hooked up with one huge manufacturing company (they own a bunch of businesses) that I've worked for 34 year now. Writing boring stuff like work procedures, work instructions, maintenance procedures, quality procedures, audit procedures, and all the other bull that will help a business keep thier ISO little company certified. Writing boring! Sure! But would you believe once this company set me up in a office that was litterly in the woods. I had this big huge picture window facing this open field and every day deer would walk around right outside. There was a train out in the distance. Looked like something out of a Currior and Ives picture. I though I'd died and gone to heaven. To bad cause that job lasted about nine years. Really hated leaving that place. I've moved from one of thier business to another. Right now I'm in one of the filtiest plants they own. When they first asked me to work there I told them no way. Dirty, noisey, too many people. So they make me this beautiful office in the middle of this hell hole. I swear the office is better then the company presidents. He hates me. The people there are pretty cool with me. Very cooperative when I need some information and very friendly. That office became their oasis to some of those workers. I really feel sorry for those hard working dogs cause the company treats them like s%@t. I'm glad I don't work on the production end. Not sure where I'll be next, but it will have something to do with writing. Besides; it pays well and this company seems to bend over backwards for me. What can I say, they like my stuff. I'm not the best, just good at what I do. And this compay knows it. If you plan on being a writer I wish ya a lot of luck. Its not easy finding a place that pays well for it. But don't give up on your dreams. You might surprise yourself. Its never too late.


BTW; Steve Green if your wondering. Only cause my wife listens to his music.

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Chromium - I would imagine that major in English really comes in handy for these boards. I've been told that English is one of the toughest languages to learn would you say that's true? It appears that you know several languages, how many languages do you speak/write and are comfortable with?


Hello MoS... English is pretty easy to pick up,but quite hard to master. The English language has more than 8X the vocab that French has... plus it is THE language with the most execptions to the rule...

I speak/write four languages fluently (Dutch, French, English and German) and can read/understand Spanish,Italian and Latin fairly well... but don't ask me to balance my check-book or find my way around a field with a map smile.gif



You majored in history, what period of history did you enjoy studing the most? If I had the opportunity to visit Europe, I would visit England, Scottland, and Ireland.


I specialised in Mediaeval history, but also enjoyed political turmoil of the 19th and 20th century. Most people that have a interest in history tend to favor the Greek, Roman and Egyptian times, but it wasn't really me...

Ireland is really the place to go ! Having lived there, it's one of my favourite places in the world,even with the constant rain and few luxuries in 90% of the country.


And don't forget chocolate is tonic for the heart and soul smile.gif


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I have enjoyed reading your profiles, and thanks for joining the spirit of sharing with fellow board members smile.gif


awe4one - First of all, I want you to know that I support every branch of the U.S. Military, and all the hard working dedicated folks that help to defend our country. I thought about joining the military after 9-11, but I'm getting older, I'm legally blind in my left eye, and I weigh 250+ pounds (basic training would kill me physically, and getting up at sunrise would take a MAJOR adjustment. Submission to authority, obedience to authority, and working as a team would not be a problem for me though). Which foreign country have you enjoyed visiting the most?


P.S. What types of comic books have you exposed your 10-year old to? All types? Speaking from a personal standpoint there are types of comic books I have no interest in.


Cosmic Bob - Now I know who to go to if I have a Superman related question. I have a number of high grade Action Comics in the 400's, even more high grade in the 500's, and then 600-769 in high grade. Have you purchased any of the Action and Superman Hardcover DC archives and the recent Superman in the 50's, 60's, 70's? Wow 13 years of marriage before having a kid!! My brother was born premature, he's a big boy now though.


OldGuy - I share your interest in computers, though I stay out of the programming end, my interest is in hardware and learning/using different Software.


kevthemev - I can relate to not being married, and not having kids. That's an interesting resume that you have. I had a College Composition class that I really enjoyed. I would imagine that you and Chromium could get into some discussions about history. My favorite period of history is during Biblical times. I have studied and learned a good deal about the history of of paper, the first printing press (Guitenburg Press, I've seen a replica), and the introduction of bounded books. All I can say about your collection is WOW!!! The only thing that puzzles me is how long you've been collecting, is that a typing error, if not you've been collecting from the age of 3! You must have spent an absolute fortune on all the statues and mini-busts!! With a statue collection of that size, I would imagine that you have several Randy Bowen statues, so do you have the coveted Superman Bowen statue? If you don't mind my asking, what were the Black Light Comics line of comics about? You Canadians definitly know how to collect comic books, that cold dry weather is perfect for storing a collection too. I've found a number of people from Canada selling comics on eBay, which Canadian sellers would you recommended? I would consider buying from Comic Age if either the BIN prices were lower or the surface shipping prices were more down to earth.


P.S. - IMO, you did a good job of putting CI in his place in a thread here not too long ago wink.gif




Murph0 - your not lame and IMO you should change the topic title back to something more along the lines of what you orignally intended.

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kevthemev - I can relate to not being married, and not having kids. That's an interesting resume that you have. I had a College Composition class that I really enjoyed. I would imagine that you and Chromium could get into some discussions about history. My favorite period of history is during Biblical times. I have studied and learned a good deal about the history of of paper, the first printing press (Guitenburg Press, I've seen a replica), and the introduction of bounded books.


Cool. While I like to read about a whole bunch of different areas, my focus of study was on 18th, 19th & 20th Century art, social and political history in North America. My personal interest is of course in twentieth century history, particularly pop culture - aside from comics I continue to read a lot about movies and animation. I've taken courses in computer animation and special effects to better understand the effect that computers are having on motion pictures.


All I can say about your collection is WOW!!! The only thing that puzzles me is how long you've been collecting, is that a typing error, if not you've been collecting from the age of 3!


Well, I've been reading comics since I was about three, and while I do have a few from that time period I wouldn't necessarily call it collecting. I began collecting comics when I started to take care of my books and seek out the issues I was missing. So, I guess I've been seriously collecting comics since I was about 7/8 years old.


You must have spent an absolute fortune on all the statues and mini-busts!! With a statue collection of that size, I would imagine that you have several Randy Bowen statues, so do you have the coveted Superman Bowen statue?


I have all of the Marvel statues. If two versions exist I usually have the "classic" version, except for Cap, I have both the modern and the Georgia Music Golden Age limited edition. I don't have that many DC statues, I don't have the Bowen Superman one, but I do have the Green Arrow, Dark Knight Strikes Back, Kingdom Come Shazam, and a few of the mini-statues. The new DC mini-busts are pretty decent, especially the Batman and Robin ones.


If you don't mind my asking, what were the Black Light Comics line of comics about?


Well we each had our own characters. There was Canadian Ace (not mine), BlackJack (not mine), Ashnaara The Cat (mine), Battlestar (mine), and our anthology Tales from the Hood (years before the movie of the same name appeared) featuring the book's host The Hood (mine). The line was mostly superhero comics, with a little sci-fi and horror thrown into the mix. The Cat was a reincarnated English warrior that was possessed by the disembodied spirit of a primevil cat god and forced to repeat the cycle. Fun stuff for a 16 year old.


You Canadians definitly know how to collect comic books, that cold dry weather is perfect for storing a collection too. I've found a number of people from Canada selling comics on eBay, which Canadian sellers would you recommended? I would consider buying from Comic Age if either the BIN prices were lower or the surface shipping prices were more down to earth.


It can get quite humid here in the summer time in Toronto, but that's the benefit of air conditioning and dehumidifiers. Luckily we don't have a problem with mold that a lot of areas have. I've never had a problem with preserving a comic that's been bagged and boarded. At worse the only problem I've faced is making sure that I replace my bags and boards on a semi-regular basis.


Well, I don't buy a lot of comics online, but I do know some Canadian dealers who are decent people in person - Comics Addiction, Big B, Hero, and Paradise Comics to name a few. Yeah, shipping costs can be crazy going over the border. We get hit pretty hard as well. Try buying a piece of art from one of the big US dealers and you get hit with a $30 shipping charge!


P.S. - IMO, you did a good job of putting CI in his place in a thread here not too long ago


CI has made some very good points. He's just a little grumpy and pessimistic at times.




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