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OT: An important book everyone with kids should own. Please look...

20 posts in this topic

I know that this is a comic message board...but sometimes something hits you and it is hard to not share it with others. This book was released yesterday...and details the short life of a 6 year old girl who succumbed to terminal pediatric brain cancer. Being the father of two young daughters, my oldest almost the age of the book's subject Elena, it really hit close to home. Reading this book truly makes you treasure the little things in your life...and the little things are really the best things.


Here is a link to the website....and ALL of the profits from this book go to the foundation that was created in her honor. This story was featured on CNN's website today...so hopefully alot of people will see it.


If you don't shed a tear after reading her story.....I know I did.










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Thanks Scott. If anything like that were to happen to one of my daughters, I'd be a shattered man.


Isn't that the truth Keith. I would not want to live if I lost my girls. Elena's family are remarkable people and were blessed to have her in their lives.



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Can't finish it.



It is a difficult story to read, but imagine how difficult it was to tell? How strong a person/family must be to deal with what is inevitable. The love in this book is what makes me able to read it. Elena's story is all about the bigger picture, and that is what you as a reader have to remember. If you don't, you will cry every time a page is turned.


The world is scary as hell. There is a news story every day about another child being snatched and found murdered, bombings in market squares that kill scores of people, children dying from swine flu, you name it.....insert tragedy here. We as people have to distance ourselves from those things...otherwise thinking about them all of the time would drive you mad. I am not saying that a person shouldn't let these things bother them...as anyone with a heart and emotions would be disturbed. We all have lives to live....some are more brief than others, but they are all important and play a role in the grand scheme of things. That is what Elena's story is here to do. To make us reflect about our lives....to take the time to smell the proverbial roses.

I will be the first to admit that I wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to things like this. I make no apologies for it...it is just who I am. The way of the world has made too many of us jaded and not care at the times we should and care at the times we shouldn't. When you go home tonight...try not to worry about whether you can get all of your chores accomplished before Gray's Anatomy comes on. Don't be short with your child because they are "bothering" you while you are surfing the internet looking for Minnesota Vikings tickets. Reflect on what truly matters....the love that you have for others....and hopefully the love that they have for you. I will get off my soap box now.




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I'm afraid the reasons I can't finish it are all my own. Cancer is a particularly prickly subject with me, as we just passed my 4th anniversary of being diagnosed. Add to that that I only seem to draw cancer patients at work lately, that my anti-depressants may as well be Pez for all the good they do, and the rapid approach of the holidays (which always depress me for reasons I've never determined) and this is simply too much.


Maybe another time, but if I'm going to continue to function relatively normally, I can't finish it now.

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Thanks for sharing that. These folks are from Cincinnati too, I had not heard of this book though.


I have two children, both girls (7 & 4). Before them I always wanted to be that dad with a son, get him up early and out to the rink and teach him the fundamentals of hockey. You know, like how to pull the jersey over somebody's head :grin: I dreaded girls. Being an only child and all, had no sisters, no idea what to do. But as soon as my first one arrived I was hooked. Still am to this day. Something about having daughters that just love you so much you can see it in their faces when you get home from work.


To be completely honest...I read through the website but could never read this book. I would be too emotional to do so. I did forward the link to my wife though, undoubtedly she has already forwarded it on to all of our friends.


Heart goes out to these people.

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I'm afraid the reasons I can't finish it are all my own. Cancer is a particularly prickly subject with me, as we just passed my 4th anniversary of being diagnosed. Add to that that I only seem to draw cancer patients at work lately, that my anti-depressants may as well be Pez for all the good they do, and the rapid approach of the holidays (which always depress me for reasons I've never determined) and this is simply too much.


Maybe another time, but if I'm going to continue to function relatively normally, I can't finish it now.



Understood. You needn't say more.


Good vibes sent your way my friend.



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My Daughter, Grace, is turning 6 this weekend (our little Halloween baby), and after reading that website I am stunned at how similar her personality is to Elena.


Every night when I come home she's painted me a picture or a written me a note, usually it's stuffed into a homemade envelope and sealed with an entire roll of scotch tape. The notes are special for each one of us, Mom, Dad, her brother Christopher...so she keeps them sealed up and private.


I find them next to my bed at night, under my pillow, on my desk, in my jacket pockets.


Kids are precious, and it today's world it's a miracle if they are allowed to stay a kid as long as they should.


Thanks for the post, I will be sharing the book with my wife and kids.




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I'm afraid the reasons I can't finish it are all my own. Cancer is a particularly prickly subject with me, as we just passed my 4th anniversary of being diagnosed. Add to that that I only seem to draw cancer patients at work lately, that my anti-depressants may as well be Pez for all the good they do, and the rapid approach of the holidays (which always depress me for reasons I've never determined) and this is simply too much.


Maybe another time, but if I'm going to continue to function relatively normally, I can't finish it now.


I applaud you for being able to go to work everyday my friend. It takes a lot of courage to face that everyday. You should be commended, but as so often happens in our society, we only hear the bad stories. Stories of courage, sacrifice and decency often are overlooked.

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I'm afraid the reasons I can't finish it are all my own. Cancer is a particularly prickly subject with me, as we just passed my 4th anniversary of being diagnosed. Add to that that I only seem to draw cancer patients at work lately, that my anti-depressants may as well be Pez for all the good they do, and the rapid approach of the holidays (which always depress me for reasons I've never determined) and this is simply too much.


Maybe another time, but if I'm going to continue to function relatively normally, I can't finish it now.


I applaud you for being able to go to work everyday my friend. It takes a lot of courage to face that everyday. You should be commended, but as so often happens in our society, we only hear the bad stories. Stories of courage, sacrifice and decency often are overlooked.


The reason I started this thread is in your last sentence.



However, I agree whole-heartedly with your entire post. The world's true heroes are the ones you never hear a thing about.....but they do exist. The unknown person who puts the gold coin in the Salvation Army kettle each Christmas, the people who deliver meals to the sick and elderly, the person who buys a new coat for a kid he has never met....these should be our heroes and who we try to emulate.

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