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Your Copper Pride & Joy

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I reserve my personal ad hominum attacks for the most dire of situations.



Is that when you forget the words to a song and you fill in the blanks by humming?

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Your method of arguing a point is so weak. It is all about beat-down, attempted intimidation, and droning on and on until someone just gives up due to boredom.


Allow me to explain a few things to others, if not to the man himself.


My "method" of arguing a point is to use logic, reason, fact, data, and history. Always has been, always will be. And that "method" is as strong as any method could possibly be.


Your "method" of arguing is to appear to be self-effacing by stating, over and over again (because repitition makes it true, right?) that it's "just your opinion" and sometimes adding "honest" or "humble", so to give it more self-effacing weight.


Then, when your opinion is poked full of holes with logic and reason...and without resorting to personal attacks...you get annoyed and launch one yourself, as witnessed by this thread here. You then attempt to discredit whomever discredited YOU by calling them a bully, intimidating, etc.


The truth is, you don't like anybody disagreeing with YOUR opinions any more than most anyone else does. The evidence...that you decided to throw a temper tantrum about it...is abundantly clear, no matter how loudly you protest to the contrary with your attempted deflections.


This is what you do. I've seen you do it with others, and today is no different. I still don't quite understand how anyone is intimidated by reason and logic, but I guess when you're emotionally connected to the subject, it seems intimidating when someone pokes holes in your theories. I DO like your use of "attempted", though...that shows everyone who's really boss in Bosco's mind, eh...? You won't be shoved around by anyone. :sumo:


Now, I admit to responding to your initial jib with a jab of my own. I am not immune to the temptation to respond in kind, after all. But the reality is, someone didn't agree with your opinion, you got angry, so you lashed out. It's just what you do.


And on the subject of "opinions"....somehow, in this crazy entitlement society we live in now, people have gotten it in their heads that every opinion is of equal merit and validity, simply because we "have a right" to our opinions.


Yes, it's true, everyone has a God given right to their opinions. But that doesn't mean those opinions, especially if they ignore logic, reason, et al., are valid. Lots of people were of the opinion that the sun, moon, and stars revolved around the flat disc known as Earth. There are some who still believe that to this day.


Neal Adams is of the opinion that the Earth is expanding...


Clearly, based solely on logic, reason, and evidence, neither of these opinions is valid. So why should they be given any weight?


"What a dopey statement." Wow! Your amazing powers of persuasion are just so impressive; I don't know how I didn't see the light from your previous posts.


Oh, that's right. You're a that likes to hear himself (or at least read himself) into fame.


No...I avoid fame..or infamy..like the plague. But I DO have an obsessive hunger for knowledge....


But the sad truth is you're just another posting bully who loves to be the only one right.


This is the clarion call of the one who knows he has lost the debate, and must resort to "you think you're always right!!" which is probably followed by a rigorous stamping of the feet, and a slam of the door. Instead of responding with reasoned arguments that may persuade, as others have, Bosco has instead chosen to do what millions of teenagers do all over the world.


I don't "love" to be "the only one right." Just reading the thread will demonstrate that simple fact, as many people have both agreed AND disagreed with my position on when the various ages start and stop. Did they dissolve into an angry mess because I disagreed with them? Did they take unnecessary jabs at my verbosity (for which there is beyond valid reason, especially when confronted with people who don't make any effort to understand)? Did *I* go after Sal, Sean, and Sakardis personally because they didn't agree with my statements?


No. No. And No.


So why did you come after me...? Why did you, yet again, make a discussion personal...? Are you THAT incapable of having a discussion without getting emotionally wrapped up in it...?


Only you can answer that question.


And the "I'm a loner and I like it that way" approach doesn't impress anyone, but that won't stop you. You'll still continue on as the jerk you somehow became.


Problem is you didn't even collect in the Copper Age - you just read about it from old price guides and assume that shows you everything that took place.


What a shame. You missed out on the real experience.


As noted before, this isn't true. But please, don't let facts stand in the way of a great meltdown from you. (thumbs u


And, let me share one other elegant fact with you: there are people who are experts about the United States Revolutionary War. They know every name of every battle, when and where it took place, who led what, who was defeated, right down to the names of the quartermasters handing out supplies on any given day...


..and not a single one of them was around to "experience it" firsthand.


I WAS around to experience the Copper Age firsthand, but even if I wasn't, that still doesn't mean my scholarship is worthless.


You can argue against me personally, you can call me names, and you can throw a temper tantrum....but you cannot argue against the truth. And that's what really bothers you, isn't it...?

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Of course I knew why you posted that, you child. Do you really think you are that tricky or sharp?


Not at all. I just think you're that slow. (thumbs u And you're letting your emotions get the best of you again...


:gossip: You really aren't, though you may post a good idea periodically.


Done with you and your ignorant ways, Rocky/Jay/Whatever. Why don't you go overcharge some more board members and show good community spirit.


Jay? Who's Jay? And you said you were done with me a year ago...had to come back for more, eh...? ;) As far as "overcharging board members"...I'm not overcharging board members...I'm overcharging everyone. (thumbs u And I'm not much of one for "groupthink", but thanks for the advice!


But with sales of nearly $4,000 in the past two weeks...go ahead, check completed listings....I may be dong something right. Maybe. hm


Maybe that Crow 1 Tundra TPB for $1,000. :roflmao:


Oh man...you REALLY want that book, don't you...?




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You both should be ashamed of yourselves.


I don't agree (I know, big shock.)


Why am I to be blamed if I occasionally punch back when someone throws a roundhouse at me...? Am I not human?


Blame the guy who picked the fight.


(thumbs u

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Sean, I have nothing to be ashamed of, but I appreciate your statement.


Sure you do. You picked yet another fight on the board because someone disagreed with you.


I stated my case, and you disagreed. That is totally okay!


It is what was stated afterwards (which is the trend with someone) that I wasn't going to allow.


YOU weren't going to allow...? YOU?




You're the board police, are you? Determined and willing to make the board a safer place against anyone who would dare disagree with YOU?


As if someone states, "Like I said before about NTT," and we all act like sheep and give in to what they state are the facts.


It really bothers you when people speak with conviction, doesn't it....? :)


Again, I appreciate your viewpoint and your desire for peace on the forum. Meanwhile, take that brotherly love approach with all you do so it is clear you walk it like you talk it. We need more role models like that on here.




And people call ME pontificating and condescending...


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As far as TMNT goes, I feel we might be overestimating the book's success and influence, looking at in hindsight. Yes, it definitely made an impression, and of course it spawned a number of (mostly half-baked) imitators, while ushering in the B&W boom (and bust, a bit later), but let's not forget that it was, basically, just a fad - and one based on a parody, to boot.


The Turtles get no respect... :slapfight:


Yes, they ushered in the B&W craze and a ton of nutty knockoffs. Yes, they inspired people and companies everywhere showing that you do not have to be apart of the big 2 to be a success. Yes, they took this tremendous success from selling through 3,000 copies to over 150,000 almost overnight and spawned it into a global empire - with one of the greatest toy lines in history (and most profitable - Playmates Toys who made the turtles became the first toy line ever too net $100 million), with three live action films (also grossing over $100 million), and a cartoon that with a few years gap throughout still ran until just recetly from 1987. Yes, the comics have just ended but Michael Bay has just been brought on board to do another film. Yes, the Turtles introduced the comics medium to millions of children (including myself). Yes, even 25+ years after they came out you can mention the words Ninja Turtles to just about anybody and they will have a pretty good idea of what you are talking about... but, I guess they're just a passing fad. :sumo:


P.S. Don't mind the rant...I'm a lil boozy from my Mem. Day Stella binge. :insane:


S'ok. Someday, we'll convince everyone of the importance of the Turtles.


Someday. Until then it'll just be you n' me against the world!



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And yes, NTT didn't directly lead to Miller's groundbreaking work on Dark Knight (which becomes substantially less "groundbreaking", when you realize that he was probably influenced by what Alan Moore had done in Miracleman, both in scope and in writing style).




It can be argued that NTT's success was the catalyst that brought DC back on the map and put them in a position where they could actually lure Miller to work for them, on Ronin, giving him a level of creative freedom that was more or less unprecedented in US mainstream comic books. From then on, Dark Knight was simply the next logical step.


Nicely said.


As far as TMNT goes, I feel we might be overestimating the book's success and influence, looking at in hindsight. Yes, it definitely made an impression, and of course it spawned a number of (mostly half-baked) imitators, while ushering in the B&W boom (and bust, a bit later), but let's not forget that it was, basically, just a fad - and one based on a parody, to boot.


Uh, oh...


As far as TMNT goes, I feel we might be overestimating the book's success and influence, looking at in hindsight. Yes, it definitely made an impression, and of course it spawned a number of (mostly half-baked) imitators, while ushering in the B&W boom (and bust, a bit later), but let's not forget that it was, basically, just a fad - and one based on a parody, to boot.


The Turtles get no respect... :slapfight:


Yes, they ushered in the B&W craze and a ton of nutty knockoffs. Yes, they inspired people and companies everywhere showing that you do not have to be apart of the big 2 to be a success. Yes, they took this tremendous success from selling through 3,000 copies to over 150,000 almost overnight and spawned it into a global empire - with one of the greatest toy lines in history (and most profitable - Playmates Toys who made the turtles became the first toy line ever too net $100 million), with three live action films (also grossing over $100 million), and a cartoon that with a few years gap throughout still ran until just recetly from 1987. Yes, the comics have just ended but Michael Bay has just been brought on board to do another film. Yes, the Turtles introduced the comics medium to millions of children (including myself). Yes, even 25+ years after they came out you can mention the words Ninja Turtles to just about anybody and they will have a pretty good idea of what you are talking about... but, I guess they're just a passing fad. :sumo:


Yeah. TMNT's as a brand, has legs. As a comic, maybe not so much. Would still love to find a 1st print #1 in a $1 box somewhere.

I like to think they showed that anyone could start their own comic and be successful at it, without having to go through Marvel/DC.

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I love Copper comics and am going to post my C2E2 haul when I get it this week and reclaim my favorite thread from this assininity.


I love it when we get a new word for the lexicon. :cloud9:

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I'm sorry - who started off a personal attack here on a fellow forumite's credibility?


There's legitimate analysis...and there's half-baked, half-cocked "opinion" based on nothing but personal bias and faulty memory, that totally ignores fact, data, and history, and which bears little resemblance to scholarly research.


As far as "2 page response to convince anyone", 1. there's no need to convince anyone of anything. No one here is going to have their mind changed by anything anyone says, so if anyone imagines otherwise, they're fooling themselves, and 2. you know that 1000 page, 50 pound US history textbook college freshmen trudge around with? Yeah, someone WROTE that. I know, I know, if it can't be boiled down to a 140 character tweet, it's not worth knowing, right...?






And the Dark Knight argument makes absolutely no sense at all, with respect to "what DC allowed because of NTT." (thumbs u


'Exactly, and it also proved to the executive team they could be successful again at storytelling that was outside the norm."


What a dopey statement. Like DC execs sat around prior to NTT saying "oh, we only allow stories that are inside the norm." What the hell does THAT mean??


If you think New Teen Titans was what inspired Frank Miller to write the things he wrote in DK, and that he was ALLOWED to do such things because of the success of NTT...you're nuts.



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But with sales of nearly $4,000 in the past two weeks...go ahead, check completed listings....I may be dong something right. Maybe. hm

Rocky, you were so cool, calm, and collected - along with rambling on again - you forgot to check your spelling.


Sorry, but we of education try and convey our message effectively, concisely, and utilizing the English language appropriately. Maybe one of the books you should invest in with that $4,000 is a dictionary.




Sorry - I'm done with this child.

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I think I have gotten to the bottom of the debate, and I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! :o



The last age that gets a name is BRONZE, everything after BRONZE is a MODERN!!


How YOUNG are you people anyway? I am having trouble assigning an "AGE" to anything I bought off the stands with my own money. "AGES" belong to the times where you weren't born when the books were released or your mommy took you to the comic shop and bought your books for you.


Everything else is a MODERN, shades of modernacity, but MODERN nonetheless.

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I think I have gotten to the bottom of the debate, and I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! :o



The last age that gets a name is BRONZE, everything after BRONZE is a MODERN!!


How YOUNG are you people anyway? I am having trouble assigning an "AGE" to anything I bought off the stands with my own money. "AGES" belong to the times where you weren't born when the books were released or your mommy took you to the comic shop and bought your books for you.


Everything else is a MODERN, shades of modernacity, but MODERN nonetheless.


FAIL. Everything after Copper is a modern.

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But with sales of nearly $4,000 in the past two weeks...go ahead, check completed listings....I may be dong something right. Maybe. hm

Rocky, you were so cool, calm, and collected - along with rambling on again - you forgot to check your spelling.


Sorry, but we of education try and convey our message effectively, concisely, and utilizing the English language appropriately. Maybe one of the books you should invest in with that $4,000 is a dictionary.




Sorry - I'm done with this child.


I've got no dog in this fight and I should probably keep my opinion to myself, but that wouldn't be in keeping with board code, so..........


Jabs work best when based in truth - RMA might have some quirks, as do we all, but his command of the english language is just fine. You might have suggested they left the backspace off of his keyboard, or that he's getting paid by the word, or something along those lines. Perhaps a suggestion that he seems to have a lot of time to devote to breaking down what are essentially inconsequential discussions. The former would have rightly pointed out verbosity and the latter would have pointed out a proclivity to a) start spoon and b) analyze the resultant fallout to the nth degree. Either way would have been better choices (shrug) as they would have been based in some truth. And there are many other ways you could have gone, I'm just throwing up the first couple that come to mind.


However, to say he needs a dictionary when its perfectly clear that he doesn't just ends up sounding lame and rather ineffectual (shrug)


-- your unpaid, surely unwanted volunteer debate coach

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I think I have gotten to the bottom of the debate, and I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! :o



The last age that gets a name is BRONZE, everything after BRONZE is a MODERN!!


How YOUNG are you people anyway? I am having trouble assigning an "AGE" to anything I bought off the stands with my own money. "AGES" belong to the times where you weren't born when the books were released or your mommy took you to the comic shop and bought your books for you.


Everything else is a MODERN, shades of modernacity, but MODERN nonetheless.


FAIL. Everything after Copper is a modern.



Copper is a fallacy....let's just call it Unobtanium. :sumo:

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However, to say he needs a dictionary when its perfectly clear that he doesn't just ends up sounding lame and rather ineffectual (shrug)


-- your unpaid, surely unwanted volunteer debate coach

Thanks, coach.



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I'm sorry - who started off a personal attack here on a fellow forumite's credibility?


That would be you:


I hate to say this as I respect your opinion Sean, but I think you and the Indian constitution writer (448 articles - 12 schedules - 94 amendments - 117,369 words - the largest ever written - trivia question/answer to remember) are unfortunately missing the point.


And not only once, but twice:


But that's my humble opinion and belief. I'm not going to write a 2-page response to convince anyone, as comics are about what we can related to and believe in. We're all going to see things differently.


The latter dripping with condescension and smug superiority. How humble you are.


(thumbs u

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