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Help! Is this seller for real?

182 posts in this topic



I think you're starting to step over the line a little bit. It's not up to you to judge the quality of someone's life. I think it's nice that you feel your own life has lived up to your dreams. This sort of thing is not always easy to achieve. However, you cannot compare your life and your dreams to another, because these are not comparable things. Your dreams may not be shared by others. Your achievments may not be the goals of others. And someone else's dreams and goals may not be yours. Does that make either of you failures? Of course not.


You can be as arrogant or as humble as you choose. So can Phil. But neither attitude truly speaks to the quality of an individual's life and achievements. And who gets to judge what is an enviable life?


Do you know the story of the race to calculate longitude several hundred years ago (latitude was easy. Longitude was a nearly unsolvable riddle for the time)? If so, forgive this repetition.


All the top scientists of the day (including Sir Isaac Newton) were working on it, but no one was having any success. In the north of England was a nobody clockmaker. He also became obsessed with it. There was a prize of 20,000 pounds to the winner (imagine what a fortune that was back then). The clockmaker worked his entire life on this puzzle. Big name scientists put forth theories based on the stars, with complex mathematical calculations at their heart. The clockmaker felt that it was all about time. If a person could tell the true time of the place where they started, and compare it to the true time of where you are at sea at that moment, then longitude could be figured out.


He worked on making a clock that could keep perfect time. The clocks of the day would lose minutes per day, making the task impossible. He created a clock that lost only one second in an entire month. But it would not work on a ship (pendulums on a rocking craft are difficult to control).


Eventually, after several prototypes, he created a pocket watch that kept nearly perfect time. When tested at sea, it worked flawlessly. Greenwich Mean Time was born, and the clockmaker, now in his 80's, had succeeded after literally spending his entire life on the problem. But the bigshot scientists refused to give him the prize. He was a nobody, and they couldn't accept that he had won. The King of England interceded and awarded the clockmaker the money.


Achievements can be from great men, humble men, famous men, small or large, young or old, mean or nice -- i.e. anyone. It's fantastic that you are proud of your own life, Gene. I mean that sincerely. So many people are dissatisfied. But it doesn't look good when you use this pride in an attempt to cause envy in others. Envy -- whether trying to cause it or being doomed to feel it -- is an uncomfortable companion.


-- Joanna

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You are right, I sell primarily low-cost stuff, with the occasional bigger ticket item. I wasn't trying to say you were wrong about the seller, I was just trying to say that more information was needed before "shill" was called. It looks like now, with some digging, more info is surfacing. I don't know anything about this seller, or any of these bidders, so I'll let more knowledgeble people than I figure this out.

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"As for making the comment about things that would make people envious, that was probably uncalled for (though probably true - if you guys only knew half of what I've been up to the past few years...) I don't think it would take much to impress a self-professed loser who has stated on this Board that he didn't feel worthy of his wife and kids (among other things, such as what was said in your posts about your height). While that might have been somewhat tongue-in-cheek, your woe-is-me self-deprecating character doesn't lead me to believe you've exactly done a whole lot with your own life, which is probably why you keep attacking mine. "


Oh Christ!


What a S$#T talker!


Delekester, or whatever the hell your name is: What the heck do you wish to acomplish on these boards? Do you want people to email you and congratulate you for being you?


Were you that chubby little kid in third grade that was picked on relentlessly, and you're only now coming to grips with your self-esteem issues by boasting on this board?


Have you watched 1 too many bond movies, and have this need to portray yourself as some international man of mystery who travels around the World and hangs out with Euro supermodels?


For a guy who is "living la vie de loca" and "doing things us guys have only dreamed of" you seem to have a lot of time to buy comics and act condecending to everyone on these boards.


Who in the hell are you to say that I or anyone else on this board would be envious of your life. Your obviously suffering from some kind of "mine's bigger, high school locker room complex" which is just sad.


In my experience, the more someone boasts, the less they actually have to boast about. I will not come on these boards often, especially to brag about my acomplishments, but people like you make me laugh and want to hurl at the same time.


Grow up, and deal with your self-esteem issues.


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Life is also too short to have to deal with people like Snizzenfixit...Phil, get off this thread already if you have nothing relevant to add.


What I add or do not add to a thread will not be decided by you. What is relevant or not relevant will not be decided by you. See the pattern?


I'm not going to respond to your latest round of attacks.


You STILL don't see that you are, and have been, the attacker for too long. It is high time that you learned that your behavior can be seen as unacceptable. You stating what is ethical for a seller is something I find as laughable as a wife beater preaching the merits of leading a gentle life.





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Why are we still talking about this? Phil, the next time you want to hijack a thread by ambushing me, just PM me instead. And Joanna, the next time you feel compelled to respond, again, just PM me instead. Neither Supa, Major Khaos or anyone else needs you to fight their battles for them.


Me and Supa were having a fairly contained disagreement - he called me some names, I responded with some comments and then both of us left it at that (later posters have said far more damning things about the seller than I did, so I feel that I have been vindicated somewhat). Then suddenly Phil comes barging in with more attacks/snide remarks to me, to which I feel forced to respond, and then Joanna comes in and singles me out as the one stepping over the line. It's a vicious cycle.


I don't need this unwanted fan club constantly looking for opportunities to provoke a response from me nor their friends rushing to their aid. Please take a page from Murph and Clobberintime - we seem to have reached an uneasy detente the past couple of days that I am only too happy to be a part of. I think everybody on this Board is tired of reading about this constant in-fighting.



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Phil, the next time you want to hijack a thread by ambushing me, just PM me instead.


Frankly, my initial post was to Supa. I felt that you attacked him unfairly. I have seen SEVERAL posts where I thought you made unfair attacks on people lately, and I felt it was time to say something. If you do not want to be attacked then please do not attack others. If you feel the need to poke fun at someone, then poke fun at me, It doesn't bother me at all. Please TRY to refrain from pointing out how envious "every guy on this board" would be of your lifestyle as well. I could say how envious every PERSON on this board might be if they knew how happy I am with my wife and kids, but the fact is they might not be. Some people might not want a happy home and family. It boils down to this. You be nice to others and I will be nice to you.





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Kester: You make comments like the one you did above about Phil, and you wonder why people attack you?


Take responsibility for your words, and stop playing the poor innocent poster who we should all agree to disagree with. Once you cross the line into personal attacks of other people, you will be attacked.


I've already crossed this line, and I'll see you in hell in that "special place".

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i don't think phil is fighting my battle for me, i just think he personally doesn't like you, since you're coming off like a pompous self righteous instigator. as for other members coming up with damning evidence? what does the poll read? and are you keeping count to see how many members are on your side? come on! how low is your self esteem international man of mystery? i think it's time you wake up and smell what your shoveling.

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You stating what is ethical for a seller is something I find as laughable as a wife beater preaching the merits of leading a gentle life.


This makes no sense at all. Look at my eBay feedback - zero neutrals or negatives out of hundreds of transactions, both buying and selling. How am I not qualified to talk about ethics? I have never welshed on a purchase, I don't have zero-feedback shill bidders pushing up my sales, I always disclose even minor defects in my sale listings, I had numerous eBay Auction for America listings for charity, I have never retracted a bid and I have reported violators to eBay. You would be hard-pressed to find anyone who has acted in a more ethical manner.


It's clear that your agenda is simply to put me in what you feel is my proper place. If the truth happens to interfere with that goal, it obviously doesn't seem to bother you. If you want to attack me by putting up tasteless polls, I suppose the end justifies the means for you.



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"Look, if you've got issues, PM me instead of wasting everyone's time with hateful garbage like this."


Are you kidding!??!??!


So when I make a comment about your life in the public forum, it's "hateful garbage", but when you do it to Phil it's not???


Of course you'd want me to "PM" you. I would too if someone was exposing my weakness' for everyone to see.


You basically told another poster that their life was pathetic compared to yours. Why didn't you "PM" that to him?


If you can't take it, don't dish it out.



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ceteris paribus - "(with) all other things (being) equal"


Nice use of the Latin - tongue.gif Only I disagree on the tatooed women. My wife doesn't sport them but I have dated both women with and without them. Small and tasteful I believe is the way to go here.

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i just think he personally doesn't like you, since you're coming off like a pompous self righteous instigator.


The first part of that is fair, the second part is not and you know it. Just because you're chummy with the seller doesn't give you free rein to attack me.



what does the poll read?


What do people's comments read? Others have weighed in with far sterner criticism than I have.



how low is your self esteem international man of mystery?


Dude, you've done a fair amount of image massaging yourself, but you don't see me accusing you of having this or that issue. Oh yeah, I'm the Supapimp, I'm a slacker and proud of it. No working for The Man for me. Y'all do what y'all want to do, but don't get in the way of my big pimpin'.


Everybody thinks they're a psychiatrist on this Board all of a sudden. Oh, poor Gene, he must be compensating for some major inadequacy. Give me a break. If you have the time, go through all of my posts. You'll find that almost all of my "attacks" and "boasts" have been in response to attacks from other people. It's clear to me at least that envy has been one of the motivating factors. If you want to talk about low self esteem, how about those who are piling on the Anti-Gene bandwagon to feel self-righteous, important and heard? Is that why you tangled with Meth in the past? Frankly, I agreed with the guy - you've been as much of an "instigator" as anyone on this Board.



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First, thank you for the post. It is OK though if Deke feels he needs to attack someone, let him attack me, as long as he leaves everyone else alone. I have no problem being the local whipping boy. I am plenty secure enough in my life to know truth about myself from fiction. I do appreciate your post though.





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"Oh yeah, I'm the Supapimp, I'm a slacker and proud of it. No working for The Man for me. Y'all do what y'all want to do, but don't get in the way of my big pimpin'."


Hey Kester, it's obvious that when supa "massages his image" it's either in a light hearted joking way, or a slightly distorted image of his lifestyle. Maybe he's just a joker and likes having fun.


But the "massaging" you do is an obvious attempt to brag(or make up stories) about your life, as I'd bet your friends and family grow tired of listening to your S$#T.


That's bad enough, but you tried to do it at the expense of someone else who is a lot more humble about their life.


You act passive about what people have to say about you on this board, yet you are extremely defensive. A sure sign that you actually do care about what these people say to you. That's weak.


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