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Help! Is this seller for real?

182 posts in this topic

It's clear to me at least that envy has been one of the motivating factors.


Earth to Deke, there IS NO ENVY, from ANYONE here. No one is envious of you. They may be annoyed by you but THEY ARE NOT ENVIOUS. I do not even know what they might be envious OF.


Everybody thinks they're a psychiatrist on this Board all of a sudden. Oh, poor Gene, he must be compensating for some major inadequacy.


Did it ever occur to you that if "Everybody" is saying something, there just might be some truth to it?


You'll find that almost all of my "attacks" and "boasts" have been in response to attacks from other people.


In the above sentence class, please note that the word "almost" is the operative word.





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attack? i haven't attacked you, i've only stated what is true. never had a problem with you and i still don't. everybody is entilted to their own opinion, but when you start to push the envelope on a situation where you don't know what is going on is flat out wrong. i never big pimped on these boards or go and talk about myself relentlessly, personally, i don't even read your posts on other threads since it's usually pesismistec and negative. so attack? no, i haven't even begun to attack you. so get off your high horse and quit dropping names, if you haven't noticed i haven't and won't, since they can speak for themselves.

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"Oh yeah, I'm the Supapimp, I'm a slacker and proud of it. No working for The Man for me. Y'all do what y'all want to do, but don't get in the way of my big pimpin'."


as for that comment, i'll let that one go just this once....you don't know anything about me at all to make that judgement.

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But the "massaging" you do is an obvious attempt to brag(or make up stories) about your life,


Roman, I just PM'd you. Go look at the evidence - the "bragging" is totally taken out to context. That "envious" line was a response to an *attack* on me which said essentially, "young man, go live another 10-20 years and learn something before voicing your opinion on this Board again". To which I responded, "I'm not in my 20s and I've accomplished plenty in my life, thank you. I've done things in my life that would make any guy envious." Boastful? Sure it was. But when it's not taken out of context by Phil, it doesn't sound nearly as much.


And I suppose you know me, Supa and everyone else so well to know who's massaging their image one way or another. And this "make up stories" comment is completely insulting and baseless. Some of my detractors are calling me a liar - based on what??? Is it OK for people to smear my reputation but not for me to defend myself? I'll admit that I am easily provoked. But lie? That's just flat-out false. And don't tell me that none of these attacks on me are motivated in part by envy. Just look at Major Khaos - first he accuses me of not being able to get a date and then he can't believe that's me or my ex-girlfriend in the picture I posted and accuses me of fraud. And because I defended myself, I get even more flak for posting the picture! In fact, go look up the picture - does that look like the face of a man with self-esteem issues? Give me a break.



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This entire post and the half assed accusations in it are laughable at best. The one thing i really know for sure is that when I saw that Mr. beyond and "won" the auction I was positive that Marc would have to sell it again. First of all, Marc is a top level predator/player inhigh grade comics well known to all relevant parties in the field. I challenge anyone that has had dealings with him to refute the statement that he is nothing but top shelf. I personally have bought well over $10,000 worth of books from him over the last 2 years and not one problem. He now sends me stuff like on an approval basis and I pay over time. I also know several other people who buy books from him - no problems. Also the real big time players in money books deal with him all the time - ComicLink, Blazing , Metro etc. It is not the seller who is the problem here! Look at who is making these numbskull accusations. People with absolutely no credability and no track record of dealing in expensive comics - I am sorry high grade runs of Spidey above 129 and Bryne X-men 9.6s just don't get you into this club wannabes! I wish Marc would take time to respond to this bs here - I talk with him frequently as I owe him money on a few books and I have contacted him myself about this. Also, common sense just tells you there is nothing fishy from the seller's end. How would a shill be effective in this situation if th bids were placed at the last minute? How would the seller have known there would be anyone to bid up? look at the track records of the parties at issue and put this tempest in a teapot to rest.

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as for that comment, i'll let that one go just this once....you don't know anything about me at all to make that judgement.


Supa, I don't want to quarrel with you and I can ignore your posts as easily as you can mine. But just as I don't know enough about you to make that judgment above, neither do you calling me an instigating gossip queen with no self-esteem. What kind of bull is that?


Let's just say that both of us lost our cool a little, which I think is a fair assessment, and bury the hatchet.



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"first he accuses me of not being able to get a date and then he can't believe that's me or my ex-girlfriend in the picture I posted and accuses me of fraud. And because I defended myself, I get even more flak for posting the picture! In fact, go look up the picture - does that look like the face of a man with self-esteem issues? Give me a break."


First of all, the fact that you would feel the need to post a pic of you and your girlfriend shows insecurity. If anything like that was said to me by a insufficiently_thoughtful_person on a comic board, I'd laugh, get off the computer, and go spend time with the girl in question. I wouldn't dig through my albums to find the perfect pic to grease my image.

A self-assured person would not even feel the need to defend themselves to people he will probably never meet.


Why would you want me to go look at your pic? So that I can come back and profess how handsome and self-confident you are, and that I was wrong? Pathetic.



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you still don't get it do you? reread the posts from last night, you never dealt with the seller, you know nothing of what's going on with this situation, your not spidermanbeyond. i have credibility in this thread from past dealings with the seller, what do you have? why all the unecessary fuel for nothing? sometimes you should mind your own business and keep to yourself if you don't know.

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No, he's obviously talkin' to me. Several comments made on this thread indicate that he and others have been looking at my recently updated user profile. In fact, Clobberin' seems to know everything in my user profile, my posting habits, my "Me" page on eBay and everything else...I wouldn't be surprised if he's got some legal intern taking notes on me so he can better get his jabs in (he's made specific references, so Phil, no need to go off on how I have an inflated view of myself).


But, that's OK. If he thinks I'm a "wannabe", that's fine. Clobberin' knows that I collect what I like and that it's not lack of resources (again, not bragging here, just making a point about Clobberin', you can stop taking every word so literally, Phil) but lack of interest why I do not collect GA & SA and never will.


Besides, both me & Clobberin' now know that neither of us takes each other seriously, so let him say whatever he wants to say.



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Hey Supa, other people have chimed in with more damning accusations than I did. Why continue to hurl your abuse my way? And the fact that I am not SpidermanBeyond is a complete non-sequitur - why should that matter? Should none of us comment on eBay activity if we are not the buyer or seller in question? It just doesn't make any sense.



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Why would you want me to go look at your pic? So that I can come back and profess how handsome and self-confident you are, and that I was wrong? Pathetic.


If anyone here is an "instigator", check out this guy. Do you get off on just piling on other people's attacks? And while you're at it, why don't you send me a bill for your brilliant psychiatric diagnosis.


Your pop psych profile is laughable. I'm easily provoked, not insecure. And again, why continue to attack my actions with regard to the photo issue and give Major Khaos a free pass? It's clear that you're just attacking and arguing for your own enjoyment. You're not even remotely connected to this whole argument. You're just the 11th football player jumping on the pile. If anyone has issues, you need look no farther than yourself.



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I just try to have fun on here mainly - it is a way to escape work and the problems my multitude of clients bring for me to deal with. But what i do take seriously are the ridiculous allegations about Schreuder doing something fishy to sell this book. What SMB alleges makes no sense to me given all the circumstances, the book in question, and the seller. If this were Meth we were talking about he would have been all over it and threatening to eviscerate someone by now but marc is not that kind of guy. I have no qualms about defending him to the hilt. How many books that go for over $100, $500, $1000 has SMB bought? I thought his bid was a farce from the start. And yes Deke I was referring to you - it is all about you isn't it? isn't that the title of this thread? Whoops - no it is about MS, a spidey 14 and a bunch of people talking out their rears.

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