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9 minutes ago, Jaydogrules said:
14 minutes ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

It was a PR lie then, it's a PR lie now.

It's all lies then,  Got it. lol

Hyperbole to deflect from the point. As has been demonstrated multiple times...even in that instance...Marvel PR was lying...or didn't know, and spoke anyway, which is the same thing...when they said that. 

11 minutes ago, Jaydogrules said:

Better just to believe you. And Chuck.  Bringers of all undisputed fact and truth.  (thumbsu


Nope. Just interested in getting to the truth. 

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1 minute ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

Hyperbole to deflect from the point. As has been demonstrated multiple times...even in that instance...Marvel PR was lying...or didn't know, and spoke anyway, which is the same thing...when they said that. 

Nope. Just interested in getting to the truth. 

You literally just called the world's largest comic book publisher a "liar" because they (not me) disputed every central point that you are trying (yet again) to ram down people's throats, and yet "I" am the one engaging in "hyperbole".

Okay. (thumbsu


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1 hour ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

Depends. 99% of the time, I ignore, but as you can see, he jumped right into this latest fray unsolicited, derogatory comments and all, which had a clear negative influence on Nico (as these comments are designed to do.)

It's important that misinformation is challenged, or it gets repeated over and over again, and everyone believes it. 

Great example: how many people still think Secret Wars #8 is the first appearance of the black costume? Or, how many people looked for the "advance copy" of Harbinger #0? Or, how many people think Jon McClure "discovered" the 30 and 35 cent Marvel price variants in 1998, despite them appearing, to one extent or the other, in the OPG since about 1979?

The point, as I mentioned earlier, isn't to "be right" and make others "be wrong." That's just the accusation of the offended, who either can't handle being challenged, or are pushing an agenda, so they devolve the discussion into the personal, to pivot away from the point...which, while surely entertaining for some, has no place here or anywhere, really. Whenever and wherever you see someone say "prove you've admitted where you were wrong!"...you know that person is offended and pushing an agenda, and not after the truth.

The point is to have everyone be correct, so that people can make wise, judicious, and informed decisions about what they buy and collect. 

I don't want Jaydogrules...or anyone...marginalized. I would much prefer he join the community of collectors who know what they're talking about, and are honest about where they're coming from.

That's why everyone (including the impressionable Nicos) need to follow suit....he would be the online comic-equivalent nut of those religious toting people you see in major cities.

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34 minutes ago, Jaydogrules said:

You literally just called the world's largest comic book publisher a "liar" because they (not me) disputed every central point that you are trying (yet again) to ram down people's throats, and yet "I" am the one engaging in "hyperbole".

Okay. (thumbsu


Overuse of the word "literally" to refer to that which is not literal is epidemic. Grandstanding...rather than sober, critical analysis...is asserting things like "trying to ram down people's throats", which is what people say when they are challenged, but don't have a rational response...after all...aren't they "trying to ram" their opposing view "down people's throats", too...? Absolutely.

And yes, saying "it's all lies then" in response to a specific charge is engaging in hyperbole, as is suggesting that Marvel's PR person(s) is the same thing as the entire company.

For those interested, Jaydogrules' response here is an excellent example of the overwrought, melodramatic faux outrage that works well on a typical telenovella, but not so much here. When you don't have a rational response...act outraged. You'll fool a lot of people.

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3 hours ago, Jaydogrules said:

Relevant Quote from Chuck in that thread:

"Marvel is much more secretive, but have somewhat tightened up their print runs for most variants, especially after the massive overstock that had to be sold off in 2013.

Or so it seemed...


They recently have come under criticism for Star Wars Variants and Action Figure Variants that have suddenly appeared directly from them, much after the fact. This mysterious additional glut of product has led to them to take a hard line PR stance that variants are printed to order and rounded up to the case pack size "

Agreed then, agreed now. (thumbsu


You seem to forget... we addressed this a few months after the discussion when Marvel has yet another HUGE variant sale. Duh. 

And then another. 

And then another. 

Proving that what they say and what they do as far as variants is simply word play to trick people.

They could solve all of this by simply stating what the print runs are or letting Diamond release those figures to Comichron, but mysteriously they DON’T.

Too many rose colored glass wearin’ people out there to spread misinformation for them.

Out of everything I posted, THIS was the only thing you could even try to approach. And STILL you’re wrong and have nothing to show.

Its okay, slugger, you’ll come up with another weird perspective or ygolow will live next door to the publisher or some weird angle. Please. Keep entertaining us, this is fun for me. 



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18 minutes ago, Chuck Gower said:

You seem to forget... we addressed this a few months after the discussion when Marvel has yet another HUGE variant sale. Duh. 

And then another. 

And then another. 

Proving that what they say and what they do as far as variants is simply word play to trick people.

They could solve all of this by simply stating what the print runs are or letting Diamond release those figures to Comichron, but mysteriously they DON’T.

Too many rose colored glass wearin’ people out there to spread misinformation for them.

Out of everything I posted, THIS was the only thing you could even try to approach. And STILL you’re wrong and have nothing to show.

Its okay, slugger, you’ll come up with another weird perspective or ygolow will live next door to the publisher or some weird angle. Please. Keep entertaining us, this is fun for me. 




So...other than Marvel's official statements on the matter, as well as countless other boardie diamond account holders who have gone on the record openly disputing your statements of opinions, "I" have nothing.

Got it.

You have a very interesting view of things Mr. Gower. hm


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This thread has Been Hijacked By Variant, Incentive, limited edition, BS Talk. This happens with some of you way to often 

I wanna know when Turok 1 Foil becomes a Hot Book @valiantman

In reality.  Set up a new thread to discuss Ratio Variants and the Cancer it is to Modern Books


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12 minutes ago, divad said:

Ok, back on topic . . . 


Apparently Detective Comics #854 IS hot: Tec 854

I searched for it the other day but nada. I did sell a ASM 258 yesterday for 3x what I paid. Now to list a few others and strike while the iron is hot. :banana:

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1 hour ago, Jaydogrules said:


So...other than Marvel's official statements on the matter, as well as countless other boardie diamond account holders who have gone on the record openly disputing your statements of opinions, "I" have nothing.

Got it.

You have a very interesting view of things Mr. Gower. hm


Who??? Paul747 or whatever his name was?

He didn’t present anything other than, “I know some people.” No one he can name of course. No one on the record of course. 

And Yoyogogo knows the actual printer. Ha ha ha ha. You crack me up. 

The only people you have left in your corner are your little modern cronies who so badly WANT to believe your right despite all the evidence that suggests you have no idea what you’re talking about. 

Say what you want about Larry, HE writes $40,000 weekly checks to Diamond. I guarantee he knows more than your guy Paul. Larry has PUBLISHED variants for his store. He’s actually gone through the process. He knows real players in the industry. Your guys are a small dealer, the guy who sells you your books (no conflict of interest there, duh) and yougoogleloo.

You have NOTHING. 

All I’ve done is present facts. None of which you can refute. 

All you’ve done is present someone’s opinion. Which is completely unverifiable!


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4 hours ago, Jaydogrules said:

You literally just called the world's largest comic book publisher a "liar" because they (not me) disputed every central point that you are trying (yet again) to ram down people's throats, and yet "I" am the one engaging in "hyperbole".

Okay. (thumbsu


They did lie. They said they were going to tighten up variant print runs so we wouldn’t see anymore big variant sales. 

They've had EIGHT since then. 

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3 hours ago, Chuck Gower said:

They did lie. They said they were going to tighten up variant print runs so we wouldn’t see anymore big variant sales. 

They've had EIGHT since then. 


Do you even know what everybody's respective positions are anymore? 

NO ONE has said that Marvel prints anything to order.  They do however print within 1-5% of orders received, plus whatever courtesy copies, and, according to Marvel and repeated by you and multiple other boardie diamond holders, rounded up to the nearest case pack.

What that means ? If/when they have enough of a remaindered case pack of certain copies, those copies might find their way to a diamond sale in limited quantities.

If you want to actually "prove" something otherwise instead of blathering on about your opinions as if they were fact (an unfortunate tendency I see you still have yet to outgrow, along with your propensity for juvenile condescension), why don't you post evidence of you personally ordering and receiving multiple unopened case packs of a 1:50, or even 1:25 Marvel ratio variant from pre-2015 from a Diamond warehouse sale.

Of course that would still only be anecdotal, but it will still carry more weight than "Marvel is a liar, only listen to me" nonsense you've taken to spouting again.  


PS: @paul747

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