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Upon further review...Batman movie..

62 posts in this topic

When it first came out, it was one of my favorites.


Now, I can't watch it. It has not aged well.


Superman, with all it's flaws is still the best comic book movie. The DVD remaster has cleaned it up and looks almost as good as new movies today. While the ending is lame, I think the moments up to Superman and Lois flying around Metropolis will be hard to beat for any upcoming Superman movie. Superman II could have been better if they let Donner finish it.


I really like Spider-Man when it first came out, but I think it may suffer the same fate as Batman, but not as bad. MJ did not come across as a strong character.


I think the X-Men movies will stand time if the third one stays on the same path as X-2.


I hope Catwoman tanks and execs get the idea that maybe the reason a character is popular or enduring is because it has an established history and continuity that has been tried and tested. There is no need to re-imagine. Update maybe, but re-imagine no.

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OK, here goes:


Superman 1 - Best for me, but effects haven't held up. But it's the story that worked. Hackman was great as Luthor. 9/10


Spiderman 1 - Came close to the magic of Superman. Probably the Goblin was the anchor that weighed it down a little. 8.6/10


Batman 1 - I'm waiting for the cleaned up DVD with extras. Warner Brothers threw out this one as a quick, cheap DVD. I liked Nicholson a lot in it. But it probably is dated more. Maybe being so dark doesn't lend to that "close" feeling? 8.2/10


X2 - Better than 1st X-Men movie. 8.5/10


Superman 2 - Zod was menacing. Didn't like the whole "throw the powers away" theme. Saw the first "cracks" in the "what's to come garbage" in this one. Still enjoyed it and would love to see Donner's film done right. Plus, clean it up for DVD. Only the first wa sdone right for DVD. 8/10


X-Men - Good movie. McKellan is riviting, just like in "Rings". 8.2/10


Daredevil - Yawn. Average at best. Well, I'll be nice and give it a 6/10.


Hulk - Good Lord, somebody tell Ang Lee it's a comic book movie. I felt the "Absorbing Man" was thrown haphazardly in to the film so people could wake up for the end. 6/10 is being nice.


League Of EG - 5/10


Batman 2 - way too gloomy for me. Plus, why does Hollywood feel Batman should reveal his identity to everyone except the local pharmacist? 6.5/10


Batman & Robin - I liked it better than Batman 2. But it still his it's pitfalls. Tommy Lee had no idea how to do Two-Face. He seems to imitate Jack Nicholson's Joker most of the movie. 6.8/10


Spawn - OK I guess. I wasn't collecting during the Spawn phase. Doesn't do anything for me. 5/10


Capt. America - ?!?!? 893censored-thumb.gif You gotta be kidding me. The one with the rubber ears? 1/10 is very generous. Good Lord, a movie even a fan boy might not love.


Punisher, Superman 3 & 4, Batman 4, .... (See Capt. America)


NEVER LET HOLLYWOOD GET TOO CLOSE TO A COMIC FRANCHISE! They will dumb it down inevitably. Thank God Star Trek 4 didn't have Eddie Murphy as planned...

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Superman the movie = 7

Superman 2 = 5 (lamest badguys ever)

Superman 3 = 8 (Richard Pryor adds +1)

Superman 4 = 4 (second lamest bad guy ever)


Batman = 8.0 (costume needed work)

Batman Returns = 7.0 (Catwoman ruled, Penguin so-so)

Batman Forever = 5.5 (Val Kilmer = Worst Batman ever)

Batman & Robin = 4.0 (George Clooney = Good Batman / Bruce Wayne...movie sucked though)


Spider-man the movie = 9.6 (all around great movie)


X-Men = 9.0 (strayed a lot from the origins but worked, Hugh Jackman a surprisingly good Wolverine)

X2 = 9.6 (Hug buffed up for the part, played Wolverine perfect)


Daredevil = 5.5 (Mask screwed up a good costume...looked like mask of Zoro or Tarantula...movie only so-so...making Electra turn into an assassin in 10 minutes is a mortal sin too)


Blade = 8.0 (Wesley Snipes had it down pat...bad guy kinda sucked)

Blade II = 6.5 (lame sidekick about blew the movie for me)



Hulk = 5.5 (Best CGI character ever...tied with Gollum. Movie sucked any time the Hulk wasn't on the screen)


Spawn = 2.5 (Fantastic costume...stuck in a bad...bad..bad movie)


Punisher (1990) = 0.5 (Dolph was a horrible choice)


Punisher (2004) = 6.5 (Thomas Jane ....if he fine tunes it could be a great Punisher...but needs a new movie built around him.


League Of Extraordinary Gentleman = 3.0 (85 yr old seniors do not an action star make)




Here is my problem with ALL the new Marvel movies....WHY THE HELL DID MARVEL SELL OFF ALL THE MOVIE RIGHTS TO 15 DIFFERENT STUDIOS?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FU.....??????


How damn cool would it be to see Spiderman / Kingpin / Daredevil cross paths in one movie? The X-Men and the Hulk? Spiderman and the Punisher? They all share common enemies / foes.



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It may be too much to ask for, but I think if comic book movies do take off, Marvel and DC should have studios with the sole purpose of developing comic book properties done by comic book people or ones that respect the characters. Crossovers and teamups would generate interest.


WB has done a good job with the animation cartoons for the most part, but the suits lose their balls when it comes to the movies. I would much rather see series of low budget Batman movies that makes a decent profit than a high budget one that could kill the frachise if it's not succesfull.

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Does anyone else feel this movie...well....kind of SUCKED!?!?!


Yes and no. Really really enjoyed the first quarter (we ARE talking the first by Burton, right?). LOVED the dark feel. The old Batman WAS dark. Really enjoyed the first part up to the art museum. From there it went from not very enjoyable to absolute drek in the WAY over-extended final battle. Why do they DO this? So many of the comic books movies begin quite well, then go into utter ridiculousness.


More in next post to avoid boredom-inducing-long-post.

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Replying to MK in deference to being the poster of this thread. Some quick thoughts on some of the films I've seen that have been graded.


Superman 1 - quite good and has one of my favorite lines from a comic book film: "Say Jim!" Superman raises a finger and says "Excuse me" with a polite smile...which is retired with "that's a bas outFIT! Wooo!" Always smile at that scene. And overall quite good.


Superman 2 got a bit too heavy in relation to 1. A good movie but 1 was better.


Superman 3 - I have to laugh. They took a premise - silliness - and continued it throughout the film. Pryor was great. They got some of the Smallville stuff in nicely. Actually a tie for simple enjoyment with "Supes" 1.


Superman 4 - confused-smiley-013.gif


Like Catwoman and even Penguin in Bats 2 - but my likinf of Penguin was just the performance. OK overall. I will say nothing more about the rest of the Batman films.


Spiderman - they got the "Marvel angst" but they ticked me off by combining Spidey's origin (with Ben's death and the criminal - well done), GG and Mary Jane's falling in love all in one movie. I am no longer a SA collector but this movie really rubbed my rhubarb in those respects. They did too much too soon.


Hulk - loved the Hulk CGI because thisd IS a comic book film - the rest? Chuck it.


Daredeveil - enjoyed quite a bit. One of the more evenly paced films and have to respect that.


X-Men 1 - Form the start I felt a bit uncomfortable. Felt the Rogue/Wolvie scenes - especially in the first quarter - were kind of contrived. Also felt the climax was another too-extended one with no real revelations. However - Magneto's intorduction IS tremendously compelling. A truly amazing sequence that transcends a "comic book film" and is worthy to go head-to-head with whatewver you care to have it go head-to-head with.


X-Men 2 - Better than 1 (well done). Much more evenly paced. Justy liked nit more.


Have not seen VH, LOG or PUNISHER - no comment yet.


And NOW - my favoritye comic book film......


see next post

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And NOW - my favoritye comic book film......


Err - Pov! It is "favorite".




What still remains my all time favorite comic book film is the 1980 FLASH GORDON. It remained absolutely true to form from start to finish. Great, in-context music by Queen. Really fun costumes and sets. The actors fulfilled their parts perfectly. Some wonderful performances by Max von Sydow as The Emperor Ming, Topol as Zarkov, Ornella Muti as Princess Aura and Timothy Dalton as Prince Baron.


Now I have not mentioned either Sam J. Jones or Melody "Go Flash GO!" Anderson - why? Because they did not tgurn in "wonderful" performances - but they DID turn in "spot-on" performancers.


I also reserve a special place for Brian Blessed as Princed Vultan. What to say? The guy was great.


Anyway - FLASH GORDON remains my favorite comic book movie, always remaining true to form, being silly (which is comic booky, neh?) and having a beautriful look and a plot that actually contributes to continuity.


So go trash me now! flowerred.gif

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And NOW - my favoritye comic book film......


Err - Pov! It is "favorite".




What still remains my all time favorite comic book film is the 1980 FLASH GORDON. It remained absolutely true to form from start to finish. Great, in-context music by Queen. Really fun costumes and sets. The actors fulfilled their parts perfectly. Some wonderful performances by Max von Sydow as The Emperor Ming, Topol as Zarkov, Ornella Muti as Princess Aura and Timothy Dalton as Prince Baron.


Now I have not mentioned either Sam J. Jones or Melody "Go Flash GO!" Anderson - why? Because they did not tgurn in "wonderful" performances - but they DID turn in "spot-on" performancers.


I also reserve a special place for Brian Blessed as Princed Vultan. What to say? The guy was great.


Anyway - FLASH GORDON remains my favorite comic book movie, always remaining true to form, being silly (which is comic booky, neh?) and having a beautriful look and a plot that actually contributes to continuity.


So go trash me now! flowerred.gif




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He saved with a mighty hand every nman and every woman and child THAT'S FLASH!


I wonder if they would ever do a Flash movie (the speedster, not the Gordon... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif)

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Hated it when it came out, hated it every time I ever saw it.


Bad acting, bad casting, bad -script, bad plot, no character development, over-stylized piece of [!@#%^&^]. I was never more disapointed in a superhero adaptation than I was with the Batman movie. You knew there was something wrong with it when critics commented that Sam Rami's Darkman was everything Batman should have been, and when the cartoon began a few years later, critics commented that it was better than the movie. Some people might have a sense of nostalgia for it, but don't pretend it's a good movie.

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He saved with a mighty hand every nman and every woman and child THAT'S FLASH!


I wonder if they would ever do a Flash movie (the speedster, not the Gordon... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif)


They did a TV movie in 1990 followed by a series. The movie was "OK" but nothing special. The series - the same. Lasted from '90 - '91. But Amanada Pays was in both. She is rather good.

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He saved with a mighty hand every nman and every woman and child THAT'S FLASH!


I wonder if they would ever do a Flash movie (the speedster, not the Gordon... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif)


They did a TV movie in 1990 followed by a series. The movie was "OK" but nothing special. The series - the same. Lasted from '90 - '91. But Amanada Pays was in both. She is rather good.


I remember hearing something about the TV series...didnt check it out though. An updated version might like cool with the "bullet time" technology they have now.

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What still remains my all time favorite comic book film is the 1980 FLASH GORDON.


HOLY [!@#%^&^]! I love that moive, and here I thought I was the only one. thumbsup2.gif


C'mon....we've talked about that one in depth! Great flick, and one of the first I remember watching on VCR. I know that POV loves this movie too.


Here's a little something for everyone: smile.gif


Flash a-ah

Saviour of the universe


He'll save everyone of us


He's a miracle


King of the impossible


He's for everyone of us

Stand for everyone of us

He save with a mighty hand

Every man every woman

Every chill - he's a mighty



Just a man

With a man's courage

Nothing but a man

But he can never fail

No-one but the pure in heart

May find the Golden Grail





BTW - Don't you have a paper to finish????893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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What still remains my all time favorite comic book film is the 1980 FLASH GORDON.


HOLY [!@#%^&^]! I love that moive, and here I thought I was the only one. thumbsup2.gif


C'mon....we've talked about that one in depth! Great flick, and one of the first I remember watching on VCR. I know that POV loves this movie too.


Here's a little something for everyone: smile.gif


Flash a-ah

Saviour of the universe


He'll save everyone of us


He's a miracle


King of the impossible


He's for everyone of us

Stand for everyone of us

He save with a mighty hand

Every man every woman

Every chill - he's a mighty



Just a man

With a man's courage

Nothing but a man

But he can never fail

No-one but the pure in heart

May find the Golden Grail





BTW - Don't you have a paper to finish????893scratchchin-thumb.gif



Damn! I can't get that music out of my head!! 893frustrated.gif


You know this movie was one of those rare ones where it was totally and ridiculously

corny but it worked!!


Do any of you know if they have released a DVD

with all the trimmings yet for this 80's classic?


With all this Flash talk it makes me want to see it!!


Besides there were actually influences of of this flick in other places...

Does anybody remember Alex Ross's Marvels? Dr.Doom's mask was inspired heavily of of the dungeon keepers mask in the 80's Flash movie.



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