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I never give specualtion or advice but I had no particular interest in this book for my own collection but have decided to keep a set of #1, and all issues going forward for myself. And I haven't even read an issue yet.


There is a reason, and one day it may come to light.


My advice, hold on to a set of #1s graded for yourself.


The all powerful dre spoken. hm


I'm sorry, but this sort of hero worship is sickening.



I thought it was tongue-in-cheek. (shrug)


I also appreciate the heads-up from dre. 2c

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I never give specualtion or advice but I had no particular interest in this book for my own collection but have decided to keep a set of #1, and all issues going forward for myself. And I haven't even read an issue yet.


There is a reason, and one day it may come to light.


My advice, hold on to a set of #1s graded for yourself.


The all powerful dre spoken. hm


I'm sorry, but this sort of hero worship is sickening.



I thought it was tongue-in-cheek. (shrug)


I also appreciate the heads-up from dre. 2c


That's exactly what it was. I haven't been on the boards long, but I know Dre really knows his stuff and I think he does a great job. I was just trying to make a slightly funny post and this whole thing got blown all out of proportion. (shrug)

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I really want to address this.


First, when I'm going through a thread and reading posts, it pains me to try and decipher what people are trying to say. I don't know if it's the bad spelling or horrific grammar. Maybe it's a comibination of both? I really want to read what you guys have to say but it just makes my head spin. You guys read comic books, right?


Second, most people respect Beachbum, but he's in this to make money. Same with Larry'sComics. I have respect for both, I'm not badmouthing either of them. But they are in business to make money.


Third, this "place" wasn't intended to make people feel good about themselves. There are going to be people with different views and opinions. Deal with it. Man up and get it out there. Don't get all whiny and say how negative this place is.

I get really tired of that set of thinking.

"Oh, people arent' agreeing with me, why are you being so negative?"

What the hell is wrong with you. You have to talk and argue and listen. That is life, that is the world. People want to think that the internet is this great salvation. Where they can find people that think exactly the way they do, love the things that they do, agree with everything that they say. Wake the heck up. The internet is not the messiah reborn. It is just as cruel, judgmental, cynical, and diabolical as the real world.


I just have this vision of board members following whatever someone says on here like blind cattle.


This is a ridiculously long tangent that makes absolutely no sense. I'm hungover as hell and spent the night sleeping on both of my hands. Now my hands feel like two big sausage patties tickling ants in a bowl of sugar.





Mldynes said it better than I could... There is a big difference between openly debating and disagreeing with one another and being rude and it's another thing altogether to make things personal (shrug)

Which to be honest is exactly what you have done :sorry:


I don't know you, and you don't know me, but you have made some rather personal attacks, that have nothing to do with comics, Why?


If you like a book, and I don't, then we can agree to disagree. Failing that we could try and convince one another, of each others opinion, while being civil. However, if you call me, or one of my friends a then why should that be acceptable?


I may add that in the real world I don't accept what you've written (i've put it in bold) and I won't here. I'm all for discussion and arguments but it can be taken TO FAR.


I would stand up for anyone, both in life and on the net, that faces the sort of disrespect, bullying, rudeness and condescension I see on here. You may think thats not manning up but I say ignoring it isn't either. In fact sticking up for yourself and others when people are being this way is what being a true man is all about, especially when people like you criticise and try and ostracise them for it. 2c

Edited by gaz2810i
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I really want to address this.


First, when I'm going through a thread and reading posts, it pains me to try and decipher what people are trying to say. I don't know if it's the bad spelling or horrific grammar. Maybe it's a comibination of both? I really want to read what you guys have to say but it just makes my head spin. You guys read comic books, right?


Second, most people respect Beachbum, but he's in this to make money. Same with Larry'sComics. I have respect for both, I'm not badmouthing either of them. But they are in business to make money.


Third, this "place" wasn't intended to make people feel good about themselves. There are going to be people with different views and opinions. Deal with it. Man up and get it out there. Don't get all whiny and say how negative this place is.

I get really tired of that set of thinking.

"Oh, people arent' agreeing with me, why are you being so negative?"

What the hell is wrong with you. You have to talk and argue and listen. That is life, that is the world. People want to think that the internet is this great salvation. Where they can find people that think exactly the way they do, love the things that they do, agree with everything that they say. Wake the heck up. The internet is not the messiah reborn. It is just as cruel, judgmental, cynical, and diabolical as the real world.


I just have this vision of board members following whatever someone says on here like blind cattle.


This is a ridiculously long tangent that makes absolutely no sense. I'm hungover as hell and spent the night sleeping on both of my hands. Now my hands feel like two big sausage patties tickling ants in a bowl of sugar.





mldynes said it better than I could... there is a big difference between openly debating and disagreeing with one another but it's another to mke things personal (shrug) Which to be honest is exactly what you have done.


I don't know you, and you don't know me but you have made some rather personal attacks that have nothing to do with comics, Why?


If you like a book and I don't then we can agree to disagree or try and convince one another of each others opinion but if you call me, or one of my friends a then why should that be acceptable.


I may add that in the real world I don't accept what you've written, and i've put in bold, and I won't here. I'm all for discussion and arguments but it can be taken TO FAR.


I would stand up for anyone, both in life and on the net, that faces the sort of disrespect, bullying, rudeness and condescension I see on here. You may think thats not manning up but say ignoring it isn't and sticking up for yourself and others when people are being this way as being a true man, especially when people like you criticise and try and ostracise them for it. 2c



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I also have no problem with Dre personally. In fact, I give him credit for his business model, and for being good at what he does. He clearly makes a very nice living traveling from show to show and pimping show exclusives to board members. It also certainly doesn't hurt that he's been able to gain advance access to many of the con-exclusive books that everyone is after. As someone else mentioned, it gets a lot easier to land the best grades when you get first shot at the whole stack before the con even opens. I'm sure many of us would have similar success rates if given the opportunity to cherry-pick before the books are offered to the masses.


What I personally don't understand, though, is why so many board members seem to revere him as some sort of second-coming, and constantly suck up to him. He makes a lot of money doing what he does, and this is a business for him, and yet many board members act as if he's doing some sort of life-saving favor for them personally by taking their money.


I'm also not a big fan of the whole, "I know something, but I just can't tell you what it is" approach to sharing (or not sharing) information. If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, what's the point of even mentioning that you have information in the first place, if not to stroke your own ego? "I know what the other covers are to Walking Dead 100, but i have been sworn to secrecy." "I may know something about Revival that has persuaded me to keep a set for myself."


OK....good for you...?



Someone gave me the heads up on what's going on this thread so I decided to chime in.




You like me! You really really like me!


I wish I really knew where all this so called money some people think I'm sitting on. Selling CGC 9.8 Revivals for $35 to board members... Guess my business model sucks.


I don't get to go through all the books like so many people seem to believe, in fact sometimes I don't sort through books until late in a show. I didn't pull my poyos at SDCC until the second day of the con... And I helped board members and other customers in line while I did it. Btw must be crazy selling that book for $25 while they were going for $75+ on eBay. Again, guess my business model sucks, never been one to gouge though.


You don't me, have never met me, know what I do, or what I go through or deal with on a daily basis so don't pretend to understand me on any level please. .


I live in an apartment, and not my mother's basement though. ;)


Don't sideswipe with niceties first then trickle in the bs. There's no cover on that, people are too smart. Come full on or go home.





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As I mentioned previously, let's just keep it positive.


You guys are awesome!


And so are you mate :headbang:


You just love me for my Revival 9.9... :D


You mean my 9.9 :baiting:


I'm still waiting for you to sell it too me at cover lol

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Dre -


I don't know you, but I'm smart enough to know I should listen to you. I stay out of the fights on the boards. I'm here to have fun. I apprciate your insight and am glad to be able to "hang around" on the boards with guys like you.


And for goodness sake folks... IT'S FRIDAY!



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It seems as if some of the variants have cooled off a tad.



Sure they have, as have the regular covers. "Nothing" rises in value without some resistance along the way. Whether or not the price will break out of that depends on many things, but if you are still speculating on the title, you buy on the dips along the way and hope for the best.


I thought that issue two was pretty good, although it was not a barn-burning read full of plot developments, as many have mentioned previously.


Issue three should spark more interest in the previous copies, and I think that the offering of Revival as a whole is of good quality.


Google says nothing about options, but expect a strong rally if and when it does.




Too much :slapfight: about non-sense going on in here again.



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