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DiceX reviews the new Amazing Spider-Man movie...

202 posts in this topic

Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


Personally, I think every movie should be compared to Prometheus. That'll give us an accurate over/under



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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.

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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.

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Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


Personally, I think every movie should be compared to Prometheus. That'll give us an accurate over/under




You set the bar really low. That means the only movie worse than Prometheus is Lost Highway (shrug)



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Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


Personally, I think every movie should be compared to Prometheus. That'll give us an accurate over/under




You set the bar really low. That means the only movie worse than Prometheus is Lost Highway (shrug)



Wicker Man and District 9.



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Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


Personally, I think every movie should be compared to Prometheus. That'll give us an accurate over/under




You set the bar really low. That means the only movie worse than Prometheus is Lost Highway (shrug)



Wicker Man and District 9.



AND Cabin Fever



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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.



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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.





One of the biggest pieces of absolute garbage I've seen. The wife and I are huge sci-fi fans. I had my hopes up but knew we were in trouble withing 15 minutes. I'll take water boarding before I'd watch it again. lol

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.





One of the biggest pieces of absolute garbage I've seen. The wife and I are huge sci-fi fans. I had my hopes up but knew we were in trouble withing 15 minutes. I'll take water boarding before I'd watch it again. lol


I'll circumcise myself with a branding iron before I watch that movie again.



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But those are the same types of reactions that say "Signs" was a terrible movie because there wasn't enough aliens in the movie. Signs was never an alien movie. It was about the resurrection of faith.


District 9 was never a Sci Fi movie. It was a movie about racism and how relative it can be when the tables can turn quickly as soon as public perception changes. It was also a romance.


I thought it was brilliant, and the CGI was the first HUGE step into where you could not tell it apart from reality.

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.





One of the biggest pieces of absolute garbage I've seen. The wife and I are huge sci-fi fans. I had my hopes up but knew we were in trouble withing 15 minutes. I'll take water boarding before I'd watch it again. lol


I'll circumcise myself with a branding iron before I watch that movie again.



I'll have the Ressurection steel toe before I watch it again.

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District 9 was never a Sci Fi movie. It was a movie about racism and how relative it can be when the tables can turn quickly as soon as public perception changes. It was also a romance.



Thanks for clearing that up. hm Regardless of what it was supposed to be, it still stunk to high heaven. Just my opinion though.

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Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


Personally, I think every movie should be compared to Prometheus. That'll give us an accurate over/under




You set the bar really low. That means the only movie worse than Prometheus is Lost Highway (shrug)



Wicker Man and District 9.




Those were all crapola, but since Prometheus is the new standard, they unfortunately fall into the plus side of the column :sorry:



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I'll add a bit to what I said before, to try and clarify where I think the problem is with this movie.

Peter's priority in this movie seems to be:

a) Keep things going with this new Gwen chick

b) figure out this whole complete change in your body

c) Go after this giant Lizard, that's someone you know, that's trying to kill people, because it's your FAULT for giving him the equation. THAT'S your motivation. With great equations, comes fault.

d) Get around to finding out who killed your Uncle in COLD BLOOD practically right in front of you.


THAT is admirable to teens?


Now, the greatest Spider-man story of all time (ASM 31-33) dealt with Spidey trying to save the life of his Aunt May by trying to retrieve a serum (to counter act the radioactivity in her blood, due to a transfusion of HIS blood - classic). Nothing, NOTHING, stops him from it. Not his first day of college classes (where he meets Gwen and kinda blows her off), not JJJ's BS, not all of Doc Ock's henchmen, not Doc Ock, not even the roof of his hideout collapsing down on him.

His priority, is the life of the woman who has given her time and love to him for as long as he can remember.

Everything takes a backseat to that.


It may sound corny to teens today.

But to me, that sounds like a hero.


I'm not trying to convince you guys to like the movie, but to try to look at it from the perspective of someone who doesn't have a basement stacked with longboxes. If you want these characters to remain popular and relevant, things have to change, and I'm happy to see that they're attempting to make this character more relevant and appealing to more people. I've enjoyed Spidey for 30 years, and have no problem passing the torch.


Aiming this franchise primarily at kids, is a mistake that eventually they'll correct. I hope anyway. Why cut your market in half?

BATMAN FOREVER and BATMAN and ROBIN were fun movies, I guess you could say. I personally thought they were dumb, but my son, who was younger at the time, enjoyed them for what they were. I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed them. And that's all cool.

But I don't think those two movies made the character more 'popular and relevant'. Their misunderstanding of what makes the character popular led to silliness.

When they went back to the core of the character, and made an adult movie of BATMAN, well.... the box office shows that it was a smart move. You could remain true to the essence of the character and achieve even greater success.

ASM, is one of the three most iconic superheroes of all time. The real work's already been done. The stories are already there.

I can see taking the Flash or Ant-Man or whatever and changing or adding to it, because it doesn't have the pathos built into it like Spidey and Bats. Go hog wild with those characters.

But ASM is falling into the trap of being interpreted by people that don't understand what made the character popular for 50 years. It's in danger of being popcorn comical, like those BATMAN FOREVER movies. It's losing it's real pathos for the sake of what some director thinks makes sense NOW and down the line it will seem even more untrue and flat.

THIS is one of the characters that deserves better than that.






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But those are the same types of reactions that say "Signs" was a terrible movie because there wasn't enough aliens in the movie. Signs was never an alien movie. It was about the resurrection of faith.


District 9 was never a Sci Fi movie. It was a movie about racism and how relative it can be when the tables can turn quickly as soon as public perception changes. It was also a romance.


I thought it was brilliant, and the CGI was the first HUGE step into where you could not tell it apart from reality.



You're pretty good at this. Can you tell me what To Live and Die in LA was about?


And if you're not too busy, please break down The Warriors for me as well.



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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.

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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.


I'll admit that the scenes of him swinging around the city were pretty cool, but I honestly felt they captured more of the spirit in the new one on a few different levels.

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But those are the same types of reactions that say "Signs" was a terrible movie because there wasn't enough aliens in the movie. Signs was never an alien movie. It was about the resurrection of faith.


District 9 was never a Sci Fi movie. It was a movie about racism and how relative it can be when the tables can turn quickly as soon as public perception changes. It was also a romance.


I thought it was brilliant, and the CGI was the first HUGE step into where you could not tell it apart from reality.


Signs was a great movie up to the point they actually showed an alien. From that point on it sucked spoon. If they had never shown an alien, the movie would have been fantastic.


District 9 was about speciesism and in the end it was justified.



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