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By the way...is there anyone left who doesn't think this board wields tremendous influence on market trends?


Yes. meh

You're wrong, AND it was Nov 20. :baiting:


lol We are but a flea on a dog's butt . . . lol A mightily self-important flea, though. :roflmao:

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hm Thought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hmThought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol

You don't need to bust your brain box thinking, when I flat out told you above that observations of timing and correlations are the best you'd get. lol:baiting:


I don't doubt for a minute that this site generates ideas that ultimately shift the market, though. The Internet facilitates the spread of ideas pretty quickly, from site to site, and this impacts buying and bidding patterns.


As an example of what this site can do, look at the Bill Sienkiewicz commission that ended up looking like a . Discussion and outrage here led to bigger publicity, which led to amends on BS's part. Granted, it's not an example of a price effect, but it does illustrate the fact that this site is followed, and has influence.

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.


You're like a whacko wearing an anti-alligator necklace in Alaska, and when you question him about its validity:


"I ain't never been bit by an alligator, and I don't reckon I will".


You need to learn how to have a discussion without being insulting. Your points aren't made stronger by calling people names.

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hmThought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol

You don't need to bust your brain box thinking, when I flat out told you above that observations of timing and correlations are the best you'd get. lol:baiting:


I don't doubt for a minute that this site generates ideas that ultimately shift the market, though. The Internet facilitates the spread of ideas pretty quickly, from site to site, and this impacts buying and bidding patterns.


As an example of what this site can do, look at the Bill Sienkiewicz commission that ended up looking like a . Discussion and outrage here led to bigger publicity, which led to amends on BS's part. Granted, it's not an example of a price effect, but it does illustrate the fact that this site is followed, and has influence.


Spider-Dan. JIM #83. Spidey #1. Bleeding Cool.


Am I suggesting that this site is THE site to go for market info?


No, obviously not.


But does this site affect what is not only selling, but what is made AVAILABLE to sell?


Look, does it have to be "As seen on the CGC boards" before people believe...?



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Who do you think has fueled the discussion re: Maxx ashcans?


Would they be consistently selling in the hundreds had it not been discussed for many years on this site? (And, to a lesser extent, Valiantfans.com before it?)


People have influence. Loud people have more influence. What is the DEGREE of influence....?


That's up to each person to decide.


But to dismiss it out of hand is pretty shortsighted.

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"And Sunflower too!"




(Scene: Deadpool has just arrived after an epic battle between Wolverine, Sunfire, and the yakuza.)


Deapool: "Whoops. Looks like I'm a day late and a dollar short, as usual."


Wolverine: "More like $3.50."


Deadpool: "What? You guys were fighting Nessie, too?"


(During this exchange, Sunfire glares in confused anger at both)


Sunfire: "I'm sure your drivel is wonderfully exciting to the young girls in America...."


Deadpool and Wolverine (in unison): "....Canada"


Sunfire: "Whatever. We have a mess to clean up, bodies to dispose of. Wilson, do you think you could give us a hand, or are you just going to stand their and make jokes all day?"


Deadpool: "Wha...? Stand there and make JOKES? Look, Sunflower..."


Sunfire (glaring): "That's SunFIRE."


Deadpool: "Sure, whatever you say, Sunflamer..."


Sunfire: "THAT. IS. SUN....FIRE."


(Wolverine & Deadpool snicker)


There. My very first comic book -script.


I'm published!





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Who do you think has fueled the discussion re: Maxx ashcans?


Would they be consistently selling in the hundreds had it not been discussed for many years on this site? (And, to a lesser extent, Valiantfans.com before it?)


People have influence. Loud people have more influence. What is the DEGREE of influence....?


That's up to each person to decide.


But to dismiss it out of hand is pretty shortsighted.


The ValiantFans definitely! I think a lot of those ultra-rare books would be selling for $5-10 instead of $100 and up.

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hm Thought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol


Foom 2 is still selling well, :grin:

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Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Sorry, but that's not the way it works Stumpy. You call the tune, you pay the piper. :makepoint:

I didn't call the tune, but I'll dance a couple of steps.


Here's a fact: RMA discussed Hulk 377 3rd print here. Here's another: after this happened, copies began appearing on eBay and selling for escalating prices.


I didn't see this book mentioned, or discussed, or debated on the other chat boards or news sites I frequent. It's also not the only example of things discussed here that have disseminated throughout the hobby, as already discussed.


And, finally, aren't you the guy who offers blanket dismissal of modern comics without actually reading any, Freeman? And now you want facts??? :insane:

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hmThought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol

You don't need to bust your brain box thinking, when I flat out told you above that observations of timing and correlations are the best you'd get. lol:baiting:


I don't doubt for a minute that this site generates ideas that ultimately shift the market, though. The Internet facilitates the spread of ideas pretty quickly, from site to site, and this impacts buying and bidding patterns.


As an example of what this site can do, look at the Bill Sienkiewicz commission that ended up looking like a . Discussion and outrage here led to bigger publicity, which led to amends on BS's part. Granted, it's not an example of a price effect, but it does illustrate the fact that this site is followed, and has influence.


I don't disagree entirely, just not as fervently as RMA's supposition. :foryou:

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.


You're like a whacko wearing an anti-alligator necklace in Alaska, and when you question him about its validity:


"I ain't never been bit by an alligator, and I don't reckon I will".


It happens all the time, especially in the modern forum.


I mentioned Annihilators 3 several months ago as a book to pick up from the back issue bins. I had it listed on eBay for months after for around 10 or so dollars. Bought two 9.8 slabs off Beachbum for something like 60 bucks. Fast forward to last week. A board user creates a thread in the modern section mentioning the book, the thread sees very few replies, seemingly going unnoticed. Meanwhile all 6 copies of the book I have for sale on eBay sell over the next day or so. Every other copy on the bay sells out. All of the copies for sale on the Amazon marketplace sell out. That book now has several sales between 30 and 50 dollars with current auctions appearing to maintain that price point.


You have to realize that everything that gets posted here, even if it appears to go overlooked, gets disseminated to every other comic related destination on the internet. And when there is only a small sample size for watchers to look at, and most people only look at eBay as being the entire extent of the market, it is easy for them to see scarcity and demand even when there really isn't any.


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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.

We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get.


Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though.


Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? hmThought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? lol

You don't need to bust your brain box thinking, when I flat out told you above that observations of timing and correlations are the best you'd get. lol:baiting:


I don't doubt for a minute that this site generates ideas that ultimately shift the market, though. The Internet facilitates the spread of ideas pretty quickly, from site to site, and this impacts buying and bidding patterns.


As an example of what this site can do, look at the Bill Sienkiewicz commission that ended up looking like a . Discussion and outrage here led to bigger publicity, which led to amends on BS's part. Granted, it's not an example of a price effect, but it does illustrate the fact that this site is followed, and has influence.


I don't disagree entirely, just not as fervently as RMA's supposition. :foryou:

I suspect face to face, and over a couple of beer, we even agree to extent. :foryou:


Other sites drive the market as well, especially Bleeding Cool with new releases, but this site does turn up and drive interest in a lot of items.

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When I first joined these boards, I read through the rarest comics of the '80's thread and '90's thead. Since then I have purchased and sold several books that I had no idea existed and had no interest in other than the fact that I read on these boards that they were rare. These books include:


Maxx Ashcan #3

Black Hole #4

Lost World of the Warlord mini-comic

Hulk 377 third print

Star Wars #3 $.35


And multiple other later printings


(All except the Hulk and Star Wars were in bargain boxes) :headbang:

These boards also stired the 13 year old in me to begin collecting inuendo covers. I have since added nice copies of:


Rifleman #10

Alf #48

Australian Phantom #391

Star Wars #59 (or 56 the one with the giant pink weiner)

Adventure Comics # 420

And several other awesome specimens


It's one story amoungst hundreds but how many buyers does it take to move the price of a book like Hulk 377 3rd into the stratosphere?

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No, people see facts, data, and evidence and draw conclusions based thereof, not on what they "want."


Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue.


You're like a whacko wearing an anti-alligator necklace in Alaska, and when you question him about its validity:


"I ain't never been bit by an alligator, and I don't reckon I will".


It happens all the time, especially in the modern forum.


I mentioned Annihilators 3 several months ago as a book to pick up from the back issue bins. I had it listed on eBay for months after for around 10 or so dollars. Bought two 9.8 slabs off Beachbum for something like 60 bucks. Fast forward to last week. A board user creates a thread in the modern section mentioning the book, the thread sees very few replies, seemingly going unnoticed. Meanwhile all 6 copies of the book I have for sale on eBay sell over the next day or so. Every other copy on the bay sells out. All of the copies for sale on the Amazon marketplace sell out. That book now has several sales between 30 and 50 dollars with current auctions appearing to maintain that price point.


You have to realize that everything that gets posted here, even if it appears to go overlooked, gets disseminated to every other comic related destination on the internet. And when there is only a small sample size for watchers to look at, and most people only look at eBay as being the entire extent of the market, it is easy for them to see scarcity and demand even when there really isn't any.


Exactly. Look at books like NWM #1 (Thought Bubble, CBDLF, etc.), Clone, Todd Ugliest Kid, etc. and how many boardies are stuck with copies they bought at the peaks. lol


There is also market influence/making going on with BA and SA keys as well.

Edited by kimik
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