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Is anyone else as excited as I am for AVP?

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Did you see the movie??? Since when does big bad predator make friends with a girl..She shouldve gotten her head chopped off.............. news.gif


It's pretty obvious that Fox is trying to turn the Predator into a "Galactic Super Hero for the PG-13 Crowd", and thus softens him up, gives him a human sidekick, and even puts a few alien-human love undertones into the flick.


Vin Diesel... Now Starring in Chronicles of Predator.


It's sad really, to see two once-proud franchises brought to their knees like this.

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AVP wasnt that bad but it was very short..and since when is predator a softie..... news.gif


Ummmm...how was he a softie?


Did you see the movie??? Since when does big bad predator make friends with a girl..She shouldve gotten her head chopped off.............. news.gif

Predator seems to only hunt those with weapons as pointed out in Predator 1 and 2.


Predators will not attack Pregnant (as seen in Predator 2) or sick people, unless provoked.


In the comic it shows that if Predators see that a fighter is honourable and fights well against others it will not attack. This is also apparently seen in AVP

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In the comic it shows that if Predators see that a fighter is honourable and fights well against others it will not attack.


Which is pretty lame, as that contradicts both Predator movies, and the whole basis around the Predator mythos.


Both Arnie and Danny are prized for their battle skill, and this is aptly visualized in the final showdown in Predator, and the "this is his jungle and you're the lion" statements in Predator 2.


Predators hunt the very best, and some human wasting an Alien would only accentuate their appeal as a trophy.

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In the comic it shows that if Predators see that a fighter is honourable and fights well against others it will not attack.


Which is pretty lame, as that contradicts both Predator movies, and the whole basis around the Predator mythos.


Both Arnie and Danny are prized for their battle skill, and this is aptly visualized in the final showdown in Predator, and the "this is his jungle and you're the lion" statements in Predator 2.


Predators hunt the very best, and some human wasting an Alien would only accentuate their appeal as a trophy.

I suppose it is kinda lame.


I only just found out that this actually fits into both of the series, so the run of films goes in this order



Predator 2




Alien 3

Alien Ressurection

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In the comic it shows that if Predators see that a fighter is honourable and fights well against others it will not attack.


Which is pretty lame, as that contradicts both Predator movies, and the whole basis around the Predator mythos.


Both Arnie and Danny are prized for their battle skill, and this is aptly visualized in the final showdown in Predator, and the "this is his jungle and you're the lion" statements in Predator 2.


Predators hunt the very best, and some human wasting an Alien would only accentuate their appeal as a trophy.


Okay, just got back from seeing AVP. Some of you guys dissing the chick and softie Pred. are sadly uninformed. This movie is based as much on the paperback novels of Alien/Predator as the previous solo Alien and Predator movies. In the novels they firmly establish that killing an Alien is a mark of Honor and kind of like joining the Pride, flock, den or whatever. So therefore she was no longer cattle but a possible equal and obviously you "don't eat your own" as a general expression.


Spoiler Alert!!!


The chick and Predator teamup is pretty much straight from the novels. However, I wished the movie had gone the extra step as in the novels where she decides to join them on their ship and go planet hopping and alien hunting with them.


Another possible nice ending would have shown the gal tracking the Queen for when she emerges from the ocean(cause obviously it would survive the big freeze) and planting that nice spear right in the Queen's head. roll credits.


For any of you who only know the Alien/Predator story from the movies are missing out on some good reading by Dark Horse Comics. The artwork would sometimes vary in quality, but the storyline was always interesting and a nice take on the overall alien/pred. mythos.

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Some of you guys dissing the chick and softie Pred. are sadly uninformed. This movie is based as much on the paperback novels of Alien/Predator as the previous solo Alien and Predator movies.


Ooooh, not the paperback novels.... 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif


I'll tell you one thing. If I have on one side, a multi-million dollar movie that started it all, written by the character creators Jim & John Thomas, starring Arnold and directed by McTiernan, and on the other, a cheap paperback novel written by some hack...


It's pretty obvious which one carries the most weight.

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Some of you guys dissing the chick and softie Pred. are sadly uninformed. This movie is based as much on the paperback novels of Alien/Predator as the previous solo Alien and Predator movies.


Ooooh, not the paperback novels.... 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif


I'll tell you one thing. If I have on one side, a multi-million dollar movie that started it all, written by the character creators Jim & John Thomas, starring Arnold and directed by McTiernan, and on the other, a cheap paperback novel written by some hack...


It's pretty obvious which one carries the most weight.


Read the novels and then weigh back in on the quality of the stories. Their "cheap" so it won't cost much.


Yeah, the first movies were very good and no reason to diss them, but those wonderful "hack" writers in Hollywood know how to kill a franchise. Therefore, they had to go back to the novels to find new ideas to plagerize.


All and all an okay movie, they seemed to have spent the entire budget on fight scenes and didn't have any film left to flesh out the characters and storylines.

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Some of you guys dissing the chick and softie Pred. are sadly uninformed. This movie is based as much on the paperback novels of Alien/Predator as the previous solo Alien and Predator movies.


Ooooh, not the paperback novels.... 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif


I'll tell you one thing. If I have on one side, a multi-million dollar movie that started it all, written by the character creators Jim & John Thomas, starring Arnold and directed by McTiernan, and on the other, a cheap paperback novel written by some hack...


It's pretty obvious which one carries the most weight.


Read the novels and then weigh back in on the quality of the stories. Their "cheap" so it won't cost much.


Yeah, the first movies were very good and no reason to diss them, but those wonderful "hack" writers in Hollywood know how to kill a franchise. Therefore, they had to go back to the novels to find new ideas to plagerize.


All and all an okay movie, they seemed to have spent the entire budget on fight scenes and didn't have any film left to flesh out the characters and storylines.


The "novels" which you speak of are actually novelizations of the Dark Horse Alien/Predator comics that were put out in the early-mid 1990's. As for the movies carrying more "weight" than the novels, true, but now knowing that the source of the novels have come from the comics originally, it is safe to say that the COMICS carry more weight than anything. If you think about it, it was the COMICS that kept the Aliens/Predator mythos alive after the second Aliens movie and the first Predator movie. The films following proved to do nothing but take away any credibility the first ones had established. AVP is done well, Anderson makes it clear that he has an in-depth knowledge of the Alien/Predator universe and makes that evident in the movie with his usage of scenes right out of panels of comics. (i.e. the female human/Predator relationship) ... this is all my opinion, of course. 893blahblah.gif

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As for the movies carrying more "weight" than the novels, true, but now knowing that the source of the novels have come from the comics originally, it is safe to say that the COMICS carry more weight than anything.




Sure, let's totally disregard what the Alien and Predator character and movie creators (The Stan Lee's) conceived, in favor of what the latest hack (take yer pick) decides would be a "super cool idea".


Anderson makes it clear that he has an in-depth knowledge of the Alien/Predator universe and makes that evident in the movie with his usage of scenes right out of panels of comics.


Anderson may have stolen a few scenes from the comics, but he obviously has no idea on the character basics around the Alien and Predator concepts. This "usage of scenes right out of panels of comics" makes him a hack plagarist at best, and far from an "expert".


But seriously, this POS AvP movie was produced as a quick fanboy cash-grab, with full knowledge that the movie licences were DOA anyway, so who really cares. It's pure [!@#%^&^], but it did it's job and made FOX some quick cash off of dead concepts.


But let's just say I wouldn't expect a big-budget sequel to come down the pike anytime soon. 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif

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As for the movies carrying more "weight" than the novels, true, but now knowing that the source of the novels have come from the comics originally, it is safe to say that the COMICS carry more weight than anything.




"Sure, let's totally disregard what the Alien and Predator character and movie creators (The Stan Lee's) conceived, in favor of what the latest hack (take yer pick) decides would be a "super cool idea"."


Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, but I meant that they carried the weight of continuing the mythos, not establishing it. That's blasphemy, I'd never say that. Giger, Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon, Stan Winston, etc, they are gods in that aspect.

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Ridley Scott was at point considering returning to the Alien franchise, and it was discussed at some point during the Alien Quadrilogy box set. Generally, everyone involved in the first movies rankled at the thought of doing a "Vs. Predators" film, which of course is kind of snobby. I still haven't seen AVP so I have no comment on the final product, but it IS possible to do a good AVP film, just as there is potential to do a great film with any kind of material.


I personally would love to see Scott tackle the Alien franchise 25+ years after the original. With a few exceptions, Scott is one of the great filmmakers still active in the mediums.

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From Comic Book Resources:




Bloody-Disgusting has a report from a recent screening of Alien vs. Predator which included a Q&A with the film's writer and producer Paul W.S. Anderson, with some hasty explanations about last week's release. "About the studio's cutting of the film, which he had no control over, he said, and I quote, 'All of the best scenes were cut.' Anderson was obviously very annoyed at the way the film was released. However, this was not purely because of the PG-13 limitation, which incidentally, the studio enforced THREE WEEKS before the release date! It was always going to be R until then. Part of the reason for the cutting was that some of the effects were not ready by the time the release date came around. The effects team had very little time to do anything. As far as the content that was cut, apparently we see all those who die, die on screen, but he also said that there is a sub-plot that we will have to wait for on DVD. Yes there will be an R-rated Director's cut DVD although they don't know the release date yet."

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I bow to your AVP knowledge oh modern grader grin.gif

i.e. movies lead to Dark Horse lead to novels and Dark Horse put out some quality stuff which increased the quality of the AVP legends. The DH alien and predator stories are an enhancement to the films not hack stuff.

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From Comic Book Resources:




Bloody-Disgusting has a report from a recent screening of Alien vs. Predator which included a Q&A with the film's writer and producer Paul W.S. Anderson, with some hasty explanations about last week's release. "About the studio's cutting of the film, which he had no control over, he said, and I quote, 'All of the best scenes were cut.' Anderson was obviously very annoyed at the way the film was released. However, this was not purely because of the PG-13 limitation, which incidentally, the studio enforced THREE WEEKS before the release date! It was always going to be R until then. Part of the reason for the cutting was that some of the effects were not ready by the time the release date came around. The effects team had very little time to do anything. As far as the content that was cut, apparently we see all those who die, die on screen, but he also said that there is a sub-plot that we will have to wait for on DVD. Yes there will be an R-rated Director's cut DVD although they don't know the release date yet."


yeah, it seemed that there was moments in the movie where more plot development was prepped... then left hanging. I also felt like I was watching AVP meets "Thirteen Ghosts" which is actually okay by me.


This idea of scenes cut to make the movie release date sounds alot like the computer gaming industry where you release buggy games and follow up with a patch 6 months later...but in this case it's the DVD that's released 6 months later. Not a good role model for movies to follow.

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I also heard that not only was Ridley Scott RUMORED to direct Alien 5, but Sigourney Weaver herself was/is involved in the -script writing process..... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif
But have you heard what the possible plotlines will be? tongue.gif
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Supposedly, Alien 5 would be Ripley returning to the Aliens home planet to wipe them out once and for all. Sigourney said she wouldn't do it if it took place on earth so I think that's the synopsis for now....

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