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WD Season 3 Finale

101 posts in this topic

Season 3 is waaaaaaaaaay better than season 2.......I swear half of season 2 was the group sitting on the interstate going "Where's Sophia?"



Agreed...this season was way better. Not that Season 2 was bad, but this one was so cool because of the military thing. It did seem that the final battle should have started before it really did. And Andrea's actions seem less than optimal for the situation she was in. But the Governor was positively chilling...haven't felt that way about a fictional character since Darth Vader in the first Star Wars. Really.

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I agree about the govener. I would compare him to Ben Linus on Lost. Such a great character. I'm glad they did not kill him off. Us lost fans learned to love Ben . David Morrissey is amazing as the Governed like Michael Emerson brought Ben Linus to life.

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I couldn't find an active thread about the Walking Dead Season 3 and the final episode in particular. Sorry if there is one already out there that I missed.


I am really disappointed that the show has deviated so far from the comic series. The entire prison/governor story line of the comic was my favorite part of the series and I really feel like they missed the mark in the TV show.


I'll keep watching but every episode I care a little less.

Maybe Walking Dead has jumped the shark?

Seriously if you read the first Walking Dead compendium it is much better than the second one,so of course the tv series will follow suit.

What made Walking Dead so freaking cool?


What are they showing less and less of ?



BS. This series is about the people that are living in a world full of zombies.


It's a character driven show. Zombies are a plus.

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I couldn't find an active thread about the Walking Dead Season 3 and the final episode in particular. Sorry if there is one already out there that I missed.


I am really disappointed that the show has deviated so far from the comic series. The entire prison/governor story line of the comic was my favorite part of the series and I really feel like they missed the mark in the TV show.


I'll keep watching but every episode I care a little less.

Maybe Walking Dead has jumped the shark?

Seriously if you read the first Walking Dead compendium it is much better than the second one,so of course the tv series will follow suit.

What made Walking Dead so freaking cool?


What are they showing less and less of ?



BS. This series is about the people that are living in a world full of zombies.


It's a character driven show. Zombies are a plus.


IIRC, Kirkman even said the title refers to the people left alive, not the zombies.





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It's an extremely uneven series. For every quality episode, there are 2 stinkers or fillers. I am very happy it deviates from the comic, but I'm not happy with the overall quality of the series. I only watch it because it's the only TV show set during a zombie apocalypse. I'll take what I can get as a zombie fan.


I have ZERO attachment to the characters. I could care less who dies or lives. I actually tuned out during the Andrea scene. It felt so contrived.


The Governor is an ok villain, but he's as believable as the teleporting ninja zombies (as I call them) that appear out of nowhere every other episode. I love them! They make me laugh each time. lol



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It's an extremely uneven series. For every quality episode, there are 2 stinkers or fillers. I am very happy it deviates from the comic, but I'm not happy with the overall quality of the series. I only watch it because it's the only TV show set during a zombie apocalypse. I'll take what I can get as a zombie fan.


I have ZERO attachment to the characters. I could care less who dies or lives. I actually tuned out during the Andrea scene. It felt so contrived.


The Governor is an ok villain, but he's as believable as the teleporting ninja zombies (as I call them) that appear out of nowhere every other episode. I love them! They make me laugh each time. lol



totally agree. i was rooting for Milton to kill her. now if Carl the sociopath gets taken out, i'll be happy.

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I think Kirkman and AMC are making a miscalculation in moving the show along so slowly. I like that Kirkman is getting to work the comics, making changes while maintaining the general plot line. But aThe slow timing has me worried. Wat I mean is that even a hit series like this will end up with a limited lifespan in the nations interest. I honk instead of milking the storyline, they should be going balls out . Moving through the comics faster... Moving BEYOND the comics too. Kirkman hasn't told us squat about the rest of the world yet. I'd love for the TV show to introduce more of that.


I'd like for them to have finished the Governor story already. And move on. Just keep moving. Because if they don't, the show will lose steam in a few years, and we'll still be on issue 60 something when it's cancelled. Or Kirkman will get a final show date and rush to finish it off.

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I have a group that comes over every sunday and we have dinner and watch the show. Here's something all of us complain about and I'm not entirely sure if we are right or wrong.


Does the show have an inordinate amount of commercials, compared to other TV shows? It seems at times to play for 4 or 5 minutes then cut to commercial. Without fail someone always says, "Another f*cking commercial"!


Anyone know, does AMC show more commercials than your average show? I did a quick search online and I can't find it listed how long each episode was.

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At least they have yet to follow another annoying trend with commercials - go to a 2-1/2 minute commercial break, come back to the show for 30 seconds, then go to another (sometimes longer) commercial break.


I have stopped watching a few shows due to that alone.


Having said that - I miss my DVR.





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Tv shows get and air as many commercials as they can. That's how channels make their money. The DVR waiting times are huge on WD. Last night I was watching Revolution, NBCs hot show, and fast forwarded into the show scenes each time. Guess its not all THT hot after ale

HBO is such a pleasure compared to basic cable.

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But aren't "network" TV stations regulated to only 16 minutes of advertising per hour? Isn't that why some "cable" shows are 35 minutes or 65 minutes now?


And I wish more stations would go the Adult Swin route - 11 minutes of show, then 4 minutes of commercials. But, I guess the other stations do stuff like commercial-30 seconds of show-commercial to "punish" the people who, like me, can't stand commercials and FF through them every time.







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I was a little underwhelmed by the last episode. I liked to see the Governor finally revealed as a bad guy to the people of Woodbury.


I wanted the Governor to finally die.


And I like the idea of them staying in the prison. One of my favorite points in the book was when we got to see them form a group in the prison and try to establish themselves. I wouldn't mind seeing them do that now.


Seems this show like LOST has moved more to character development, how different folks get along in a bad situation and less to the story of the Apocalypse etc.


Isn't that what the comic is about though?...



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I disagreed with a lot of people who said season two was too slow, for me it built a lot of the characters in a meaningful way and was very well written.


Season three's problem is that it took the best part of sixteen hours to get from Point A to Point B, when in reality the two points were only probably about two hours apart. There were a lot of sub plots that could have been built on much better and in-depth; Rick's breakdown, Darryl's relationship with Merle, Carol's transition into a 'hard knock'. Rick's distrust of Michonne, Glenn and Maggie's relationship problems after her run in with the Governer, Merle turning from hater to hero in the blink of an eye...

The episode featuring Rick and The Governor pow-wowing in the barn was a complete waste of an episode in my eyes and all that could have been done in ten minutes or so, and Andrea as a character was a complete annoyance with no direction or any real bearing on the show.


Still, this is only constructive criticism, I enjoy the show and will continue to do so.


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The parts of the show i like is what is around the next corner type of scenes. Out exploring and foraging. When they stick in one spot and all their necessities are assumed to be taken care of i get bored.


And i always wonder why they dont kill every zombie they see walking along the fences. Give em a poke pls.


Otherwise this season was better then two. But i do find my interest waning. Spartacus is more entertaining to me. Games of thrones too.

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Yeah Season 3 did take too long to get the Governor done.


But, you have to give them credit for varying away from book. Now all us experts that read it are just as much in the dark as the regular fans are. We don't know WTH will happen next now. My co-workers love it now because I am no longer the knowledge base to pull from because I don't have a clue what is happening next either.


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