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Official "Man Of Steel" Thread

962 posts in this topic

Saw it on Saturday in 3D. I loved the film as well! Been waiting for a good Superman film since the ones done by Christopher Reeves (Superman 1 & 2). I'm glad that they did it right and met with today's standards. Those who didn't like the film, I really do not know why you hated it. The CGI stuff, the battles, chaos, etc. all was done very well.

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Man of Steel sequel release in 2014


Justice League release in 2015


Wall Street Journal Report




2014 seems kinda quick for a MOS sequel.

That just means it will suck.


Sounds like DC and Warner are more concerned with the money aspect than making sure the sequel is well done. Even if the sequel comes out in December of next year, that is only 18 months away, and seeing how no writing has even been done for the sequel, doesn't leave much time for filming and more importantly, special effects to be finished. :eek:


And Justice League the year after? :eek::eek:


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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.



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Movie review - warning the following post contains spoilers.



I thought the movie deserved a well-earned 8/10, solid summer movie.


MOS had a great mix of heart-warming scenes off-set by some action-packed epic battles. Both fathers were equal parts temperance, love and admiration, both mothers woundingly devoted. While I am not a fan of seeing massive amounts of people die (a la boardie's earlier post), I did appreciate that they brought real consequences of a fight between super-humans into context. While the Avenger's destroyed New York, what happened to Metropolis was much more consistent with what would happen when two invulnerable beings capable of flight feel like duking it out.


Supes was stoic, had a well-derived sense of purpose and a good balance of levity. Great casting on a tough character that comes with high expectations. Nuff said.


Lois Lane had a solid, if under-appreciated performance of an intrepid female reporter with moxie. She did not cower in the face of danger but did not trudge off into the fray blindly like a dim-wit AND understood greater consequences of her stories versus pushing the "truth" regardless of the implications. I like this take on Lois versus some previous versions where she is only interested in getting the "scoop" and would knowingly endanger herself and others to get it. Side note: I am a fan of the upfront twist of her knowing the truth. This could make for more engaging romance story-lines in sequels versus some of the earlier films (looking at you Superman II and the "forget-me kiss").


Zod was angry, dangerous and a believable megalomaniac. Sure he didn't have to die, but the last few reboots that challenge how our heroes came to their guiding principles (Dark Knight, Star Trek, etc.) has brought a freshness to the genre that others failed to do (Batmans Forever/& Robin, Superman Returns, etc). From my point of view, Superman not killing is only meaningful if he truly understands what it feels like to murder someone (or have someone he loves murdered - i.e. Batman).


Not sure if I believe long-term that Supes could hide (as CK at the Daily Planet) given that an entire town knows who he is and if nothing else it was clear to the government where he grew up and where his space ship was...


In summation: small nitpicking aside, it was a very entertaining flick that delivered a believable version of an epic hero that has been re-invented multiple times over the last 75 years. It may not be everyone's Superman, but it sure was close enough to be mine!



Nice review, and completely agree!


Great Movie!




Too many harsh critics and purists out there! For it to be perfect, there would have to be like 10 "variants" to get everyone's favorite Supes!



A group of 20+ kids came out of the theater and all screamed how much they loved the movie.


If someone is a purist of the Superman from the 30's and 40's then that is their problem.


I don't think it was as dark as people make it seem.


It would have been dark in my eyes if they succumb to a Christopher Reeves style of Superman.


Reeves did a great job, but that was 30+ years ago, so people need to get a life.




20dpq.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker

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I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money. :(


This is what I was told about Iron Man 3 as well - guess Marvel has duds also.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Not sure what you didn't like about it.


You and Tupenny I am scratching my head on how you weren't two blown away.


Every complaint you have about the movie I just don't see.


Are you sure you didn't re-watch Superman Returns by accident. :ohnoez:


I feel by your logic of this movie then Avengers was a horrible movie then right?


Avengers had B+/A- characters fighting each other with a very non-exciting villain with so/so acting. I love the movie, but it solely benefited from the collaboration of those characters rather than a decent acting or story-line.


MOS for me had good acting and emotional plot points that made me feel for actual characters. Michael Shannon as Zod was very good.


Marvel movies are great, but DC when it comes to Batman and Superman are right there.

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Ok - not targeting anyone specifically at all, but for all the "fanboys" out there who say the "Christopher Reeves" movies were better....


it's Christopher Reeve.


George Reeves

Christopher Reeve




Sorry - pet peeve there, feeling better already.


Saw it for a second time tonight. Still think it was really well done. Not without critique, but just a fun, solid hero movie which is what I'm really looking for in a Superman movie. Well done.

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Ok - not targeting anyone specifically at all, but for all the "fanboys" out there who say the "Christopher Reeves" movies were better....


it's Christopher Reeve.


George Reeves

Christopher Reeve




Sorry - pet peeve there, feeling better already.


Saw it for a second time tonight. Still think it was really well done. Not without critique, but just a fun, solid hero movie which is what I'm really looking for in a Superman movie. Well done.


Christopher Reeve's movies were better. :P

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Ok - not targeting anyone specifically at all, but for all the "fanboys" out there who say the "Christopher Reeves" movies were better....


it's Christopher Reeve.


George Reeves

Christopher Reeve




Sorry - pet peeve there, feeling better already.



^^ ^^ ^^ ^^


:applause: :applause: :applause:

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I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money. :(


This is what I was told about Iron Man 3 as well - guess Marvel has duds also.


I liked Iron Man 3 better but some may say i'm slightly biased. lol


IM 3 was the worst of the trilogy and I agree marvel has had duds also.

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Ok - not targeting anyone specifically at all, but for all the "fanboys" out there who say the "Christopher Reeves" movies were better....


it's Christopher Reeve.


George Reeves

Christopher Reeve




Sorry - pet peeve there, feeling better already.


Saw it for a second time tonight. Still think it was really well done. Not without critique, but just a fun, solid hero movie which is what I'm really looking for in a Superman movie. Well done.




Don't forget Steve Reeves.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Not sure what you didn't like about it.


You and Tupenny I am scratching my head on how you weren't two blown away.


Every complaint you have about the movie I just don't see.


Are you sure you didn't re-watch Superman Returns by accident. :ohnoez:


I feel by your logic of this movie then Avengers was a horrible movie then right?


Avengers had B+/A- characters fighting each other with a very non-exciting villain with so/so acting. I love the movie, but it solely benefited from the collaboration of those characters rather than a decent acting or story-line.


MOS for me had good acting and emotional plot points that made me feel for actual characters. Michael Shannon as Zod was very good.


Marvel movies are great, but DC when it comes to Batman and Superman are right there.



I'm definitely not trying to be contrary to others opinions on the movie...I'll list the things that annoyed me...



1. In the beginning with Krypton collapsing, it seemed like I was watching Avatar with all these flying dragons taking Jor El around to different levels. Weird and not sure why any of that was needed.


2. The scene where Zod and his people are cast out from the planet...just minutes before the whole planet blows up? Why would the krypton people send away criminals in a ship only so they could stay on the planet and die? That makes no sense to me. They essentially saved the criminals lives instead of letting Zod and his minions die on the planet with them. duh!


3. The story line of Lois Lane and how she just so happens to stumble out of her room in the arctic and takes a picture...notices this image of a man....she scales a mountain to follow Superman and she ends up in the spaceship with him..meets him for just a few minutes (barely any time and no relationship building at all).


4. During all the fights...Lois is allowed to be on Military decisions and missions? She's on a carrier plane with the door open and just happens to not have any safety gear? What? She just happens to be right where Superman is all the time during these city destruction scenes? I also feel the same way about the Avengers and when Banner finds them in the street in his motorcycle.... ugh



I am a Superman fan and not just the GA or Reeves movies from the 70s. I really hoped for more. This was more of a cool CGI movie with awesome fight scenes of Superman. Not a good movie.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




You have got to be kidding me. :facepalm:

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Not sure what you didn't like about it.


You and Tupenny I am scratching my head on how you weren't two blown away.


Every complaint you have about the movie I just don't see.


Are you sure you didn't re-watch Superman Returns by accident. :ohnoez:


I feel by your logic of this movie then Avengers was a horrible movie then right?


Avengers had B+/A- characters fighting each other with a very non-exciting villain with so/so acting. I love the movie, but it solely benefited from the collaboration of those characters rather than a decent acting or story-line.


MOS for me had good acting and emotional plot points that made me feel for actual characters. Michael Shannon as Zod was very good.


Marvel movies are great, but DC when it comes to Batman and Superman are right there.



I'm definitely not trying to be contrary to others opinions on the movie...I'll list the things that annoyed me...



1. In the beginning with Krypton collapsing, it seemed like I was watching Avatar with all these flying dragons taking Jor El around to different levels. Weird and not sure why any of that was needed.


2. The scene where Zod and his people are cast out from the planet...just minutes before the whole planet blows up? Why would the krypton people send away criminals in a ship only so they could stay on the planet and die? That makes no sense to me. They essentially saved the criminals lives instead of letting Zod and his minions die on the planet with them. duh!


3. The story line of Lois Lane and how she just so happens to stumble out of her room in the arctic and takes a picture...notices this image of a man....she scales a mountain to follow Superman and she ends up in the spaceship with him..meets him for just a few minutes (barely any time and no relationship building at all).


4. During all the fights...Lois is allowed to be on Military decisions and missions? She's on a carrier plane with the door open and just happens to not have any safety gear? What? She just happens to be right where Superman is all the time during these city destruction scenes? I also feel the same way about the Avengers and when Banner finds them in the street in his motorcycle.... ugh



I am a Superman fan and not just the GA or Reeves movies from the 70s. I really hoped for more. This was more of a cool CGI movie with awesome fight scenes of Superman. Not a good movie.


I'm sorry, but this all sounds very nit-picky.




1. The entire Krypton thing was a great setup and shows a great journey that Jor-El had to go through to get Kal off Krypton. It also set up alot of the rest of the story. I really think it would have been terrible if the movie started with Kal being blasted off into space within 2 minutes of the movie starting with little explanation. The action started the movie off strong, rather than a boring 1 hour origin like many other movies.


2. It looked to be pretty clear that some time had passed between Zod's imprisonment and Krypton's destruction. The amount of time seems to be unclear, but it definitely wasn't a couple of minutes between both. It also looked to be clear that the Kryptonians assumed that Zod would eventually die. Zod mentioned how the scout ships from Krypton eventually all died shortly after the destruction of Krypton.


3. This one is just being nit-picky. Its a movie. How many times have convenient coincidences happened in almost every superhero movie you've seen? I personally can't count.


4. Lois' reasons for being with the military were explained a few times in the movie. The rest of the response can be applied to #3



I don't understand how you can nit-pick this stuff, and still like the Reeve Superman, which had him turn back the Earth to save Lois Lane.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Broke a lot of box office records on the opening day so I guess you're in the minority.

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I think people or older fans are use to the fact that superman somehow doesn't allow any villain to destroy anything. That's like not possible in the real world lol. I mean if he fought doomsday lets say... Half the country would be wiped out. That's just reality. In the Golden age superman was is overtly ridiculously powerful that he just stops time and other things. That to me is almost beyond science fiction and superman then seems like a God? I like the new superman better. Classic will always be classic.

Superman did what Batman should have done to Joker a long time ago.



I would expect Batman to do that when pushed, not Superman. Superman has a strong moral center, given by his earth parents. It is the relationship between having powers that make him a god on our planet versus having the strong influence of a proper upbringing that makes him interesting to the normal person. I guess Man of Steel is the Superman for the current day; those who play video games, and kill hundreds of bad guys by the second using 5 - 10 different guns. Nameless faceless villains who wear bandanas and masks.

You can put me in the "I agree with Waid" camp.


Have you read the original Superman Comics? In World Finest #6, Lois carries a gun and Superman pushes the villain into a live volcano,JUST one example.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Not sure what you didn't like about it.


You and Tupenny I am scratching my head on how you weren't two blown away.


Every complaint you have about the movie I just don't see.


Are you sure you didn't re-watch Superman Returns by accident. :ohnoez:


I feel by your logic of this movie then Avengers was a horrible movie then right?


Avengers had B+/A- characters fighting each other with a very non-exciting villain with so/so acting. I love the movie, but it solely benefited from the collaboration of those characters rather than a decent acting or story-line.


MOS for me had good acting and emotional plot points that made me feel for actual characters. Michael Shannon as Zod was very good.


Marvel movies are great, but DC when it comes to Batman and Superman are right there.



I'm definitely not trying to be contrary to others opinions on the movie...I'll list the things that annoyed me...



1. In the beginning with Krypton collapsing, it seemed like I was watching Avatar with all these flying dragons taking Jor El around to different levels. Weird and not sure why any of that was needed.


I loved that part, it gave some background to the story and not only showed the strength of his father, but of his mother as well.


2. The scene where Zod and his people are cast out from the planet...just minutes before the whole planet blows up? Why would the krypton people send away criminals in a ship only so they could stay on the planet and die? That makes no sense to me. They essentially saved the criminals lives instead of letting Zod and his minions die on the planet with them. duh!

No one believed Jor-el when he said the planet was going to blow up, that theme has been repeated throughout the history of the character.

3. The story line of Lois Lane and how she just so happens to stumble out of her room in the arctic and takes a picture...notices this image of a man....she scales a mountain to follow Superman and she ends up in the spaceship with him..meets him for just a few minutes (barely any time and no relationship building at all).


I thought it fit the proper image of Lois to a T, she's bright, intrepid, doesn't listen to

advice on safety...and it was just plain old love at almost first sight.


4. During all the fights...Lois is allowed to be on Military decisions and missions? She's on a carrier plane with the door open and just happens to not have any safety gear? What? She just happens to be right where Superman is all the time during these city destruction scenes? I also feel the same way about the Avengers and when Banner finds them in the street in his motorcycle.... ugh


It's a movie;)



I am a Superman fan and not just the GA or Reeves movies from the 70s. I really hoped for more. This was more of a cool CGI movie with awesome fight scenes of Superman. Not a good movie.



I responded to your spoiler, Mark...I'm sorry you hated it, I loved it, I found it entertaining, and that is why I go to movies. I thought the fight scenes at the end were a little long, but other than that, the time just flew by.


I don't play video games, so I guess I don't see the comparison, but I would definitely see this movie again.

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2. The scene where Zod and his people are cast out from the planet...just minutes before the whole planet blows up? Why would the krypton people send away criminals in a ship only so they could stay on the planet and die? That makes no sense to me. They essentially saved the criminals lives instead of letting Zod and his minions die on the planet with them. duh!


The answer to your question is fairly obvious and present in every version of the destruction of Krypton I've ever seen depicted in Superman movies or comics, so it's not even a spoiler--Krypton's leaders didn't believe Jor El's prediction that Krypton was close to exploding.


I agree with everyone's critcisms of Lois...I didn't buy her instantly-close relationship with Superman at all.

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I think people or older fans are use to the fact that superman somehow doesn't allow any villain to destroy anything. That's like not possible in the real world lol. I mean if he fought doomsday lets say... Half the country would be wiped out. That's just reality. In the Golden age superman was is overtly ridiculously powerful that he just stops time and other things. That to me is almost beyond science fiction and superman then seems like a God? I like the new superman better. Classic will always be classic.

Superman did what Batman should have done to Joker a long time ago.



I would expect Batman to do that when pushed, not Superman. Superman has a strong moral center, given by his earth parents. It is the relationship between having powers that make him a god on our planet versus having the strong influence of a proper upbringing that makes him interesting to the normal person. I guess Man of Steel is the Superman for the current day; those who play video games, and kill hundreds of bad guys by the second using 5 - 10 different guns. Nameless faceless villains who wear bandanas and masks.

You can put me in the "I agree with Waid" camp.


Have you read the original Superman Comics? In World Finest #6, Lois carries a gun and Superman pushes the villain into a live volcano,JUST one example.


Hi Sharon,


No I have read exactly zero Superman comics. None. What I have watched is every animated version of Superman from the animated series and the Justice League cartoons. I love those. I have also seen all the Superman movies. I have seen enough Superman products to formulate my own opinion of who I think he is and what he represents.

That said, my opinion is still that the awesome CGI of buildings collapsing and explosions takes me out of the experience, and I feel like I am watching a "Michael Bay" transformers type of movie. My analogy that I felt like I just watched someone else play a Superman video game is simply how I felt after watching it. It looked fantastic, but in the end I wanted more. If you want to see Superman fight stuff, and punch invulnerable guys through 5 buildings that collapse this film is definitely for you. 6 out of 10.

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I saw it tonight and really hated it. Yes, the fight scenes and effects were awesome. However they can't make up for the horrible story and incredibly bad character building. The whole Lois Lane story was total FAIL.


I won't post any spoilers for those who haven't seen it but for me...save your money.


Marvel has DC beat again. I really wanted this to blow me away.




Broke a lot of box office records on the opening day so I guess you're in the minority.


He's not wrong in my experience. The only people I know who liked the movie are on this forum. It broke records because people have to see it to form an opinion.



For me, I felt dumber after watching it. The plot makes almost no sense from beginning to end. It was on par with G.I. Joe and Transformers; both of which are almost unwatchable.

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