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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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I went in with low expectations given the reviews. Movie was decent and thought a few moments were pretty well filmed. Lex character was pretty bad, IMO.


I just got back from the theatre and this sums up how I feel. I walked in expecting the worst with all the bad reviews. It's an OK movie, some really good moments, but many more that are just misplaced and unnecessary. The scene to scene story-telling is a jumble in the first half. It settles down in the second half and becomes more coherent. I thought the Doomsday fight was well done, in spite of the CGI fest. I went with my 11-year-old son and he really liked the movie. But with the dream sequences/visions, he said that he didn't understand them. I suspect many of the reviewers that aren't familiar with the Superman/DC universe were equally confused, which resulted in so many negative reviews. Non-comic geeks have no idea

who Darkseid is. (Notice how Marvel early on gets Thanos introduced so nobody is confused who the puppet master is.).

That confusion is on Snyder, not the studio.


The positives:


Wonder Woman kicks .

Ben Affleck. I really hope they roll out a Snyder-free Batman movie soon.

Jeremy Irons.

Henry Cavill.


The negatives:


Luthor's persona is all over the place and Eisenberg not the right casting (good actor).

Zack Snyder. This could have been a really good movie.

The Flash. I'm worried. WTF?

The utter lack of colors and humor. The only scene that elicits laughter, we saw months ago in the trailers.


5 out of 10.



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Can I also just say how sad I am about the Justice League Cameos. Read somewhere that they looked like youtube videos. I was hoping for something far better, even if they weren't going to interact with anyone.


The "sadffleck" meme does have me feeling sorry for the guy, I thought he did a good job as Bats only to dragged down by the majority of the reviews. Zach Snyder seems committed to recycling his content/techniques. Unfortunately they don't carry the same weight they once did. I think Time Warner needs to seriously rethink this and hand over the reins to a different Director. As much as I like Snyder, he should not be directing Justice League, this movie would seem to support that.

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Finally got out of work, and heading to see this movie. I don't even want to go back yet and read all that is posted as I think since this morning spoilers were showing up.






lol says the guy who posted 1,000 times in this thread every time someone involved in the production farted





Not interviews. Not casting news. You may not appreciate it. But quite a few folks very much appreciate the posts in this area to track these things.


Have a deep swig of beer, and relax.


Bosco, we do appreciate you keeping us updated on all the movie/Tv stuff. Many thanks.

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Just saw the movie and I really liked it a lot. Perfect, no, but I really liked it. To me the movie simply didn't know how to wrap itself up correctly (in a neat little bow). I was riveted for the first 3/4 of the movie and then things got a little wonky. The movie does not deserve the bad reviews it seems to be getting.


I took my step daughter and her boyfriend and they both liked it a lot too.


One more thing. Holly Hunter may have had the best moment of acting in the whole movie. She was superb.

Edited by gadzukes
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I just got back from a packed showing. I went an hour early with friends to make sure we could get decent seats. This gave me a chance to talk with the theater manager, who I had met when Deadpool came out. He let me know the 7:30 was completely sold out (regular and 3-D), and the next show only had 9 seats left in a 200 seat theater.


Where some had an audience that sat in silence at in the end left just as quiet, the folks around me were very engaged in this movie. Which only added to the energy during the action sequences.


- Wonder Woman brought loud applause when she finally showed up in costume. And I loved that theme they played when she appeared.


- Batman definitely brought some yells from the crowd, people were so pleased with Affleck's performance.



When Batman appears hidden on the ceiling in the room with the human trafficker he just tortured, some kids in the audience screamed when he jumped out.



- Eisenberg played a very eccentric and maniacal Luthor with some serious daddy issues.



When he talked about his father beating on him, even then I couldn't feel bad for him. There was something so evil about him, you just felt like one way or another he would have ended up the way he was.



- Doomsday was just all-powerful.

The destruction is massive. Especially when he starts fighting the expanded World's Finest.



- The end result of the fight left the audience quiet as could be. Until a few kids in the audience pretended to cry, and someone told them to cut it out.



Clark's funeral procession and then burial where the music sounded like a heartbeat - and then you saw the dirt on his coffin lifting up...





I think I get what Snyder was trying to do, in piecing together everyone's history leading up to that moment where they all had to depend on one another in the end. And I liked it. Sure, it did feel choppy at times. But it felt like the movie 'Crash' from 2004 for heroes, in that you had multiple stories going on that interweave into the final big event. It probably could have been edited a little better to make it smoothly cut from story to story.


Overall score: 8.5/10

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One more thing. Holly Hunter may have had the best moment of acting in the whole movie. She was superb.



When she realized Luthor had left her that drink to let her know her time was up...






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‘Batman V Superman’ Conquers China With $21.2M, Raises Overseas Haul To $65M+ – Intl Box Office Update


We just received word that Warner Bros.’ Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is taking off in the Middle Kingdom. Per early flash grosses and a few sneaks, BvS is making $21.22M in China, dominating 75% of the market. The pic burst into 38 more markets on Thursday including Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Korea and Germany, grossing $33.1M and a running cume of $44M. But with China added, overseas is now north of $65M.


The film was No. 1 in all launch markets and showed particular spandex-clad muscle in Latin America. Leading all bows yesterday, Mexico super-powered $5.8M on 3,800 screens. That includes record-breaking midnight shows. Market share was 88% and gave Warner Bros its biggest opening day ever there. BvS also scored the second-biggest industry bow of all time.


Brazil was the next best offshore play with $3.5M on 1,331 screens and including sneaks. Likewise, it’s WB’s best ever start in the market. That’s the case as well in the UAE with $1.1M on 112 screens. The opening there was 93% bigger than Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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I saw this yesterday evening with 2 friends.


When it was over it was interesting that all 3 of us were just trying to process the film, and come up with whether we liked it or not.


2 of us were 6/10, the other was 5 out of 10.


I loved Wonder Woman, the character as a civilian, and especially when she was fighting Doomsday, I loved the music playing, and her smile as she was knocked down. Just fantastic.


Ben Affleck was a great Batman.


Enjoyed the Batman/ Superman fight


I didn't like Lex at all, found him to be to kooky for me, almost mimicking Heath's Joker.

I also didn't see the need for the origin of Doomsday, I felt it could have been simple enough for him to be sealed in a chamber on the Kryptonian ship and released somehow. I also didn't like the way he was done, to much energy beams and energy explosions. How about NONE of that, and you can just show him growing more spines from his body as he gains power.


Again they take the voice modulation thing for Batman to far as there were many times I couldn't understand what he said. Kevin Conroy doesn't need no voice modulator and I LOVE his Batman.


Lastly, this is a comment on many movies not just this one. To many story arcs involved and none of them are done well. They do a nod to the Dark Knight Returns, they do a nod to the Death of Superman. Why both? This is exactly how I felt in Spiderman 3, where you had the Sandman story, the Harry Osborne Green Goblin and the Venom story, and none of them done exceptionally well. Stick to one story, and do it well is what I want.


I did come away feeling I liked it, but I have no desire to see it again.




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I just came back from the movies and I have to wonder what the critics were watching. I was so ready to not like this movie based on what I was hearing. But many of these reviews couldn't be further from the truth. This movie is epic. It is not Dark Knight epic, but it definitely tackles some great concepts and does so in an entertaining way. My wife, who did not like Man of Steel, loved it as well. She said she like that the movie because it made you feel for the characters. I couldn't agree more.


This was a terrific start for the DC Universe. I want to see more if this type of superhero movie. This is a movie that raises the bar for good superhero movies and stories instead of treading water.


It is not a kids movie. It is dark and it does have some concepts and disconcerting scenes that I think would be troubling to kids.




The good: Ben Affleck as Batman. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Even Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor surprised me. Henry Cavill has made Superman his. I likes the Flash and Cyborg cameos. I loved how they took some of the great concepts from Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight and melded it with the Death of Superman.


The bad: I read the original Death of Superman, so the new powers for Doomsday were unnecessary. I wasn't enamored with what little we saw of Aquaman. I also thought they overdid it a bit on the dream sequences, especially the longer one with the Parademons.


Overall, the good far outweighed the bad. I will definitely want to see this one again for the stuff I probably missed.




Edited by rjrjr
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Taking my son to go see it tonight, I will give an opinion later, but I am optimistic.


Love to hear how your son feels about it, a lot of people are saying it will bore kids for a good portion of the movie. My niece wants to go just for Cavil tho.


I don't think it is a kids movie. There is no bright superhero fisticuffs. The fights are brutal and some of the themes should be disturbing to kids.

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I didn't hate it but didn't love it, I wish the BvS fight scenes were longer, It was too talky for most people I think. Really wasn't any kind of tension in this movie. Tried to cram a lot in and I think people's expectations on this were through the roof, Wonder woman looked great though.


When Gal Gadot showed up for the first time wearing the costume, the audience cheered. I'm glad we went to see this (Cine Capri in Phoenix) with a good crowd. Generally, outside of those who brought little kids, I heard positive things walking out of the theater.


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ok, just got back from seeing the movie with my 12 yr old son, and I expected the worst from everything I've heard leading up to the release, however, we both loved it, I really can't understand the bad reviews, the only thing I think might warrant them would be the different plot points, characters, DC story history stuff going on. the film is not a linear one, it does tend to shoot off into different directions, but not in a distracting way at all at least I felt.


want to see it again before the theatrical run is over.


for comparison sake, I really didn't care for "Man of Steel" movie, but feel this one is a major step up.



I think people have a preconceived notion of what a superhero should be after the fluff pieces Marvel has released. This was definitely not that type of movie. There is room for both IMHO.

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I picked my kids up from a trip to the theater with their grandma tonight, and I saw lines of people for BvS. Scores of people leaving the theater talking about what a great time they had seeing it. I'll see it early next week.


For those who have seen it, spoiler-free thoughts on Lex Luthor?


I like this take on Lex Luthor. Definitely not the slapstick Lex of Superman movies of the past and I feel the trailers did his character a disservice. It was nice to finally get past the Gene Hackman Lex.

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