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SPOILER-FILLED thread about Agents Of SHIELD
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Like MAOS, the A-Team was a pretty shallow show in terms of -script. But B.A. Barakus, The Faceman, Hannibal and Murdock were COOL to watch and the four interacted well.


MAOS, on the other hand, just has an uncool cast. Even Coulson (master of cool) is starting to become uncool. So sick of Tahiti.


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Show is in trouble



What I'd love to see happen: ABC drops the show after the first season and SyFy picks it up. They turn it into the greatest show ever!


That graph pretty much maps my interest in this show... I'm still watching, but my hopes are dashing, and my resolve is slipping...

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Show is in trouble



What I'd love to see happen: ABC drops the show after the first season and SyFy picks it up. They turn it into the greatest show ever!


The big problem with that is that Agents of SHIELD is owned by abc and SyFy channel is owned by NBC Universal. :P

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I just watched last night's episode. Of the 8 episodes to date, it was the best one. Not a great episode, but decent. The first time we see a real tie-in to the Marvel Universe with all the Asgard references and Thor's name is mentioned several times.


I think if they dumped the Wonder Twins, the cast would have less baggage and you could have 4 diverse characters interact with each other more.


We'll see soon enough how episode 8 did on the ratings front.


BTW, Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek TNG) directed episode 8!

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I just watched last night's episode. Of the 8 episodes to date, it was the best one. Not a great episode, but decent. The first time we see a real tie-in to the Marvel Universe with all the Asgard references and Thor's name is mentioned several times.


I think if they dumped the Wonder Twins, the cast would have less baggage and you could have 4 diverse characters interact with each other more.


We'll see soon enough how episode 8 did on the ratings front.


BTW, Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek TNG) directed episode 8!


had a whopping .1 uptick

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Agree show was only ok. The casting is really just bad. The characters are written poorly and the actors are so bland. And by wonder twins I'm assuming we are talking about those two incredibly annoying scientists with the accents. Truly the worst part of an average how. They are basically the Jar Jar Binks twins. I still hold out hope that someone will rescue this show before it goes down in boring flames.

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Agree show was only ok. The casting is really just bad. The characters are written poorly and the actors are so bland. And by wonder twins I'm assuming we are talking about those two incredibly annoying scientists with the accents. Truly the worst part of an average how. They are basically the Jar Jar Binks twins. I still hold out hope that someone will rescue this show before it goes down in boring flames.


The casting is horrific. No one in their right mind would entrust a small group of clueless kids like these to go on these missions. I wanted more James Bond and Alias and The Expendables from this series, and what we got instead was Scooby Doo meets The X-Files meets 90210. And, you know what? The "Wonder Twins" aren't even the worst part of the show. They are pretty bad, but, for me, Skye is worse - I can't stand her generic SoCal Millennial accent and too-hip attitude. She really belongs on some teen high school or college drama instead of an action/spy show. Ward and May are just zzz , which might have been OK if they were surrounded by some hardcore spy types like in the comics, but their dullness is only amplified by their role on the show as glorified babysitters.


And Peter MacNicol as an Asgardian former warrior, berserker, wooer of French women? Really? I'd sooner cast him for the next installment of "The Hobbit" series. :facepalm:

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It's amazing how many people hate this show but still watch it. lol


Yep. F.O.o.M. (friends of ol' Marvel) are a loyal crowd. Based on the ratings report, I think the audience bleeding has stopped -- assuming the scripts and action sequences don't regress to Scooby Doo meets the A-Team which was endemic in the first 6 to 7 episodes.


"At ABC, 'Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD' rose to a 2.4 (so it’s up 9% from last week) while rising to about 6.9 million total viewers."




Assuming the audience bleeding indeed has stopped and the ratings going forward are going to be relatively level measured against episode 8's performance, the ratings are still not terrible, and so Marvel and ABC should realize that it's time to repair what ails the program: (i) weak cast; (ii) weak scripts; and (iii) near failure to tap into the Marvel Universe. I realize that the season 1 episodes have been shot but if ABC is going to commit to a season 2, MAOS is going to need to go a new direction.


Killing off the Wonder Twins is a step in the right direction.

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It's obvious they got the characters wrong from the start - too many of them to hold audience attention and poorly developed or the wrong choice of actor. Or both.


Scripts have, in the main, been average - being neither a decent spy show or a superhero/comic book show.


As for not having enough Marvel in it - a lot of people seem to get really uptight about this, as if it was the main factor for its supposed failings. I'm not sure if appearances from the Trapster, Squirrel Girl or Hydro would get the fanboys all jizzy.


OK, maybe Squirrel Girl would.

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It's amazing how many people hate this show but still watch it. lol


I think someone in the other SHIELD thread said it best - it's a sickness akin to being a completist, collecting a run long after it has descended into abject suckiness. :(


As for bringing in more of the Marvel Universe into the series, I don't think that would be necessary if they had started off with a solid cast and given the team a recurring threat to deal with (A.I.M. or HYDRA for example). If they had made that the premise and then thrown in some monster-of-the-week one-shot episodes here and there, I think the show would have been fine with a good cast.


Let's see if the ratings have indeed stabilized or whether people just tuned in for the Thor 2 tie-in this week.

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Agree show was only ok. The casting is really just bad. The characters are written poorly and the actors are so bland. And by wonder twins I'm assuming we are talking about those two incredibly annoying scientists with the accents. Truly the worst part of an average how. They are basically the Jar Jar Binks twins. I still hold out hope that someone will rescue this show before it goes down in boring flames.


The casting is horrific. No one in their right mind would entrust a small group of clueless kids like these to go on these missions. I wanted more James Bond and Alias and The Expendables from this series, and what we got instead was Scooby Doo meets The X-Files meets 90210. And, you know what? The "Wonder Twins" aren't even the worst part of the show. They are pretty bad, but, for me, Skye is worse - I can't stand her generic SoCal Millennial accent and too-hip attitude. She really belongs on some teen high school or college drama instead of an action/spy show. Ward and May are just zzz , which might have been OK if they were surrounded by some hardcore spy types like in the comics, but their dullness is only amplified by their role on the show as glorified babysitters.


And Peter MacNicol as an Asgardian former warrior, berserker, wooer of French women? Really? I'd sooner cast him for the next installment of "The Hobbit" series. :facepalm:


As someone who has watched every episode so far, here's my take:


- This show, perhaps more so then any other that I can remember, is a sci-fi sit-com, and doesn't even pretend to be anything else. It reminds me of the 90s Hercules or Xena shows, both in its lack of real drama, its mid-afternoon soaps production values, and its complete lack of taking itself seriously. You can get away with that to some degree when you have competent actors (like RDJ), provided you also deliver the goods with solid special effects and action sequences, but this group of post-pubescent misfits just can't pull it off. Compare that with Sleepy Hollow or Dracula, where the premise for both is even more absurd and detached from reality, yet superb casting and acting, as well as compelling storylines, make them far more believable.


- I agree with Gene that the Skye character is the most overplayed at this point. She's lied to them, betrayed them, tossed out bad jokes to them, yet she is still a part of the team somehow. It's clear she is supposed to play a major role in the show, but it feels like the round peg in a square hole syndrome with the character. I don't even know if its the actress, so much as the one dimensional dialogue and complete absurdity of the premise behind her character (rogue wise-mouth hacker plays tag-along and becomes an Agent herself in the most bad-@ss secret organization on the planet...right).


- The Wonder Twins. When they bother to cultivate some other aspects of the characters, they are at least bearable. The episode where Ward and Fitz went to some random former Soviet satelitte nation began to show the character in a different light, but the whole pesto sandwich thing just reminds you how slapstick and campy the whole show is. If they were gone, I wouldn't mind it at all, as they don't really add anything to the show, except for the desirable teen viewership element, I suppose.


- Ward and May. Keep them. When they aren't forced to be wiping noses and dealing with tantrums for the kids, they are decent.


- If Jive were doing the second season: Keep Coulson, May, and Ward, but supplement them with a "Hero" or two. I'm sure in the long list of lame Marvel characters, they can find a strongman-type (that can go head to head with Asgardian beserkers) and one that can play the role of a tech specialist/engineer, perhaps due to his natural ability to emphathize with machines or AIs. It's funny how the Android technician from Almost Human was more believable and amusing in brief appearances in just two episodes, then Fitz-Simmons have been in a half season of A.O.S, and his is as stereotyped a character as you'll ever see.


Perhaps they can also create a second "strike team" of crack, well-equipped, S.W.A.T-style agents with a leader who is more of a black-and-white, follow-the-rules-and-kill-the-muties type to contrast against Coulson and his team. Its clear from Episode 7 that Coulson has some enemies at S.H.I.E.L.D, or at least a few folks who don't care for his leadership style. It seems like a natural fit to play off that somehow, and more then just occasionally.


I don't know, the more I watch, the more it seems obvious that they are missing their opportunity to create something special. Especially, when you compare it with shows like Sleepy Hollow and Dracula, that are going out of their way to take existing sci-fi/horror characters and create something wholly unique with them, A.O.S is really looking lackluster.


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I am still watching the show. I think what most people are disappointed in is that they had an opportunity to make something different and special and instead they gave us what is already on TV elsewhere.


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