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Dealer changing the price

671 posts in this topic

Yesterday I went to fan expo, had my eye on a nice book, I negotiated with one of the workers and finally decided I would be willing to pay full price as it was becoming a hassle. We cut a deal for 300 dollars, as I am ready to pay I am told wait hold on. After I had made a deal one of the other members behind the booth was looking up all ebay prices, I was not entirely sure what he was doing at first until I was told after I had made a deal that the price was no longer 300 instead it is now 800. Has anyone else experienced this?





Hi everyone


This is Oscar and Alex with Major Comics.

I think its pretty uncool to post lies on the message board.


The story is quite different then what Venom posted.


This is how it went down, the book in question was FF 45

the book was priced at 300$.


I ( Oscar ) was not at the booth, when Venom made it to our booth and asked Alex to see the book. He asked for a discount, which Alex replied the book is fairly priced..

He then offered One new Mutants 98 in VF/nm and 50$ in trade.

Alex refused the offer.


At this point I was back at the booth, Alex asked me if I would do the trade, he made me aware that he had said No.Venom was still outside the booth waiting.

I decided to do a research on the New Mutants 98 and Fantastic Four 45 on Gpanalysis.

I found out the FF had a higher value then priced , so we refused the offer.


Venom left the booth, we put the book aside and repriced it.

a Few moments later Venom came back and offered 300$ for the copy, which we said we no longer wish to sell it for that price.



Thats how the whole story unfolded.








Am I crazy or does this sound like the exact same story from both parties. Whether or not a deal was officially struck is a moot point. Venom said you had it priced at $300, researched it, refused the sale and repriced the book. You basically said the SAME thing, merely some insignificant details were different and you claiming it was a totally different story is the lie. Please explain how this is different.


The facts as both sides presented them:

Originally priced at $300

Additional research done at show

$300 offer declined

Book repriced to $800

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I'm not one to pick sides but this sound bad, you come out and say Venom was way off base, it was different, and then you basically corroborate the events.


Bottom line is you had an issue priced at $300, declined an offer for what was the price you marked, and then nearly tripled the asking price. What am i missing

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Based upon what YOU (The seller) said transpired, it does not look good and personally I don't plan on ever spending my money there. Not cool man



Sorry for the confusion kav, I was calling you out. Cant believe you did all of this. Should have just sold the Woodgod for $300

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Going back to sleep. I woke up and need to get back to that soon.


With respect to Bob Storms, and whose thoughts weigh heavily in my opinion due to a well deserved reputation, I still think the dealer is wrong. As was stated, the dealer corroborated the story that the book was repriced. We are not talking repriced over the duration of the con. We are talking repriced over the duration of a single interaction.


I don't bash dealers or at least I do not think I have a reputation for doing so. If I inquire about a book marked x and make an offer on the book, and the dealer declines and raises the price I am walking away with a sour experience. I may go back as dealers are not expected to be perfect, but if I have a similar experience - In the future I will walk past the guy's booth every time.


So in the end, the dealer raised the price while considering an offer over the time period of a single interaction. Is that the basic gist of this?






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That's how it seems to me. Everybody is jumping on Venom saying he lied, etc. If one reads the original post, Venom says, "it is NOW $800." To me, it seems like they hadn't made a deal at the time of the post. And even if they did, that's still raising the price, like Buzz and Stanley said.

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Here is the big difference i see in the two stories. In the first one it sounds as if the OP never left the booth.


1. They haggled, stop haggling, went up to the counter to pay and the seller researched and then changed the price.


2. They haggled, OP eventually left the booth, came back and the price was changed.



Maybe I'm not interpreting it correctly. But if #2 is correct then I don't see how they had reached a deal.

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I see it both ways, but just think about this. Let's say I was selling a book here on the boards for $300. You PM me asking if I would do a cash/trade. We haggle a little. Then I say, "Nah, I can't do any cash plus trade on this one." Then you don't PM back for a couple hours or so. But then you decide to buy it. You send me the :takeit: at the price I was asking, and I respond with, "Sorry, but I've raised the price to $800 now."

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Just for the record, after Venom came back and we told him we do no longer wish to sell him the copy at 300$ we told him we felt it was worth 700$-800$.





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There IS something to be said for having a buyer express interest in a book, be quoted a price of $300, and then "shortly thereafter", said buyer comes back and the book is now $800.


I'm not sure what that something is, but it's something for sure.



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Just got caught up on this thread. It's always amazing to me how people debate things, and allow the focus of an argument to change and get completely side tracked.


1.) Major Comics priced a book at $300, brought to a major convention and put it out for sale.

2.) Once a customer expressed interest in it and was willing to take it for $300, they raised the price to 267% of the original cost, now $800

3.) There is NO excuse for this behaviour, and for using Customers as a means to do your job/research for you.

4.) I will never ever buy a thing from Major Comics



Now, Major Comics has claimed if OP had just tried to buy it for $300 straight away he would have got it. I said the same thing in my first or second post in this thread. I HOPE this is true, but given that we will never know, I err on the side of cautious doubt.


If you are a big enough dealer to run a comic convention yourself, you are big enough to pay some minimum wage kid $10 an hour to look up your booth books on GPA before you rape your customers at the con.

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They passed on the trade for the book and the buyer had a chance to buy the book at asking price at that time. They didn't and even if they just standing in front of the booth that deal was done and over with. At this time the dealer can do whatever he wants with the book with no obligations to anyone.


If the buyer knew it was a $800 dollar book priced at $300 I have no clue why he would pass up such a deal and really its on them.


If he didn't well that is on him as well since if you are buying expensive books you should know what the market value is using gpa or closed listing on ebay and know what you are willing to pay and even then we had cell phone reception down there to do research.


I know that when I went looking for #155 I knew what ebay listings where at and how much I was willing to pay.


Just as an example when I bought my book from him it was priced above what I was willing to pay. I turned to him and asked what he could do for me. He gave me a price and then I counter offered. He said no and I even said I would pass. At this point the deal was done and in my mind if I did come back to him we would have to start the negotiation again. He ended up turning to me and gave a new price and I accepted and bought the book.


I think some people are being way to hard on Major Comics/Oscar.


There's being cheap and then there's being stupid lol.

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So in the end, the dealer raised the price while considering an offer over the time period of a single interaction. Is that the basic gist of this?






That's not how I read it. Buyer turned the book down at $300, walked away. Seller pulled the book from the wall to reprice it. When buyer returned book was still pulled. When buyer asked again about the book the price had changed. Personally, I would not be happy about that but those are the breaks when you walk away. RMA is right it's a thing but not a thing worth discussing on the boards, the OP should his own mistake rather than calling someone else out.

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Alot of the facts in this thread are very wrong.


I had agreed to pay 300 for the book with one of the booths workers which was not the owner. After I had agreed but before payment I had told him I had books to sell as well if they were interested. (Yes I understand now I should buy books and run instead of having a dealer uphold the agreed upon price) I had taken two NM 98s out of my bag, I knew I would be leaving meat on the bones so to speak but I figured I could now purchase something else I had my eye on. At the time the worker had taken both my books and the FF 45 the owner of the booth had now walked back into the booth. The worker and owner had a few words which ultimately lead to me being asked both of these and 100 bucks. It was my understanding that the booth valued my NM98s at 100 a piece and was asking me to pay 100, I thought what the hell Ill do it. Immediately after that the owner had been looking down at his phone before I could pay, he was looking down for maybe 5 minutes with me standing to checkout. I am then told no can do, the book is not the right price and as I am standing there with my books in their hands I can see the 300 in 300 being filled in to become an eight. Immediately after being extremely upset with this change in price the dealer had told me give him a moment and he then left for the following ten minutes or so. While the owner was gone I had asked the worker multiple times the stores name. Of the 3 times the best response I had was "in the 600s". I had to match the booth up with the map before I had even recogized the company name. Also this same worker attempted to justify the price change to me as the previous grade of 6.5 given by HIM was now magically an 8.5 which was why the price was changed. The dealer then returned with another copy of FF45 this in much much lower condition and told me this much lower condition copy was 300.

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