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Stop Marvel From Replacing X-Men With Inhumans!

246 posts in this topic

It's more of a business decision than a creative decision. Movies make a helluva lot more money than comics. Movies can generate 100's of $millions, while comic sales pale in comparison. The wishes of a few fanboys do not factor into their decision which direction they take.


Well, it’s not "a few fanboys". Before they started up things (and they really did) in the 1990s, the Marvel age was a shared narrative experience which lasted for forty years, consistently, caringly and lovingly developed by authors and editors which CARED, both about the characters, and about the underlying poetics.


Which, incidentally is about heroism, a thing that is barely known in this age of superpowered beings with no meaning at all.

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It's more of a business decision than a creative decision.


I think it's actually both.


In the greater context, much of the attraction we have as old collectors to the SA and BA stories are built on childhood memories. Those stories were written in a simpler time where imagination was greater, science was younger and readers were open to it all.


40 years later, science has advanced greatly to the point where much of the fantasy we read about in the past is now real life. What we imagined 40 years ago we are now living.


How can they take a story that is obsolete in so many ways (tights? nobody really wore tights did they?) and directly translate it to the screen? They can't, and so changes needed to be made, based on current target markets, technological advances and most importantly previous business decisions Marvel has made (like selling their top franchises to other production companies).


So now you own own a bunch of B list (or A-) characters, you've sold many of your A+ characters off and you want to make movies.


So you dig into what you have left, you modernize the stories so that new audiences can relate to them and you rewrite and retcon what doesn't work anymore.


It's not intentional to exclude history and tick people off. It's a necessary process to use what you have left, build a new cohesive universe and market it to the future generations.


I've said it before, but I think it's brilliant to push Iron Man / Stark Industries to the forefront of the MU and to run the origins of Captain America, The Hulk and the entire Avengers squad through the Stark Industries research / weapons labs. Brilliant. It's a believable, cohesive universe.


And I think it's brilliant to salvage their mutant division by pushing the Inhumans into the place of the X-men.


And it's brilliant to push the Guardians characters to cover the Sci Fi / space genre.


And to bring it all together? It's like Marvel circa 1961 - 62.


I agree, it sucks that the past is falling behind but the past always falls behind. Does anything really stay the same forever?

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Roy, you are almost totally wrong on this. ;)


This has nothing to do with "childhood memories", or better to some degree it has a lot to do with values as perceived in childhood, nothing with memories.


Fair enough. Whatever attachments once may have (and I have them, being an avid reader of the 1970's and 1980's) are not enough to keep an industry alive perpetually.


Eventually change needs to happen to modernize a product.


People gasped when they killed off Gwen Stacey, but the industry changed.


Change happens. It's the way of the world.



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Roy, you are almost totally wrong on this. ;)


This has nothing to do with "childhood memories", or better to some degree it has a lot to do with values as perceived in childhood, nothing with memories.


Fair enough. Whatever attachments once may have (and I have them, being an avid reader of the 1970's and 1980's) are not enough to keep an industry alive perpetually.


Eventually change needs to happen to modernize a product.


People gasped when they killed off Gwen Stacey, but the industry changed.


Change happens. It's the way of the world.


Change outfits sure, change hair, quips, like and dislikes sure. Change as in some really creative stories and stunning art....ABSOLUTELY....change origins and make retcons based on contracts signed years ago just to fit them into a movie and to heck with MU fans that have consistently bought titles for decades...that my friend is not new, hip, creative, or novel in any way.


Everyone says oh don't watch a movie based on a novel cause the book is always better. In this case the publisher of the book is also producing films based on the books. New and creative is this lets dump on the books to make a cash grab now. That is not a long term business plan or a way to continue strengthening a brand for the future. Its a cash and burn approach.

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Roy, you are almost totally wrong on this. ;)


This has nothing to do with "childhood memories", or better to some degree it has a lot to do with values as perceived in childhood, nothing with memories.


Fair enough. Whatever attachments once may have (and I have them, being an avid reader of the 1970's and 1980's) are not enough to keep an industry alive perpetually.


Eventually change needs to happen to modernize a product.


People gasped when they killed off Gwen Stacey, but the industry changed.


Change happens. It's the way of the world.


Change outfits sure, change hair, quips, like and dislikes sure. Change as in some really creative stories and stunning art....ABSOLUTELY....change origins and make retcons based on contracts signed years ago just to fit them into a movie and to heck with MU fans that have consistently bought titles for decades...that my friend is not new, hip, creative, or novel in any way.


Everyone says oh don't watch a movie based on a novel cause the book is always better. In this case the publisher of the book is also producing films based on the books. New and creative is this lets dump on the books to make a cash grab now. That is not a long term business plan or a way to continue strengthening a brand for the future. Its a cash and burn approach.


Look, I'm a lifelong collector that's 45 years old. I bought BA books off the newsstand and now collect GA and SA as well. I understand.


But you can't say that the universe that they've created isn't awesome. Even the worst movies Marvel has put out to establish the MU / Avengers / Captain America / Iron Man stories have been B / B+ movies.


And the better movies are arguably some of the best comic book movies of all time.


It's like loving your kids when they're young but when they get older you want them to stay the same and be young forever. It can't happen. They change and you take the changes and move on.


I guess I'll just agree to disagree.

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What annoys me with Marvel / Disney is their short memory...


The X-Men franchise / the X-Men collectors / supporters are what / who saved the company and the industry when times were hard.


The X-Men comics through the 90's saved the industry through the Image multi zero / first issues nonsense and the movies were the start of the recent re-launch of Marvel and their current film success.


If they do decide the replace the X-Men with Inhuman, that's their call, but it will be a dark day for comics and the day I stop buying moderns.



I stopped buying moderns when they raised the price to 15 cents. I guess everyone gets exploited by the industry eventually.

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider


I don't think Marvel is or should be worried about fans. They are setting themselves up to have and keep a pretty strong fanbase. I don't think that would have been the case before their movie strategy around the Avengers. You talk to 95% of the fans in the US under the age of 16 and its Thor, Hulk, Cap and Iron Man. Even with the X movies, the majority of them don't know or care about the X-Men.


I think it shrewd that they stick it to Fox. Why help a company that has ruined the characters that you are so quick to defend? You want someone to blame for the X-Men blowing chunks? Blame fox and X3.

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No more ruining the characters anymore or less than Fox has to be honest here. MCU completely made Tony Stark involved or behind a lot of origins that sadly were not in the MU at all. In this A2 heck he's the creator of


Ultron (Hank Pym was in the MU)

Quasi-creator of Vision (Ultron created him in the MU)

motivating factor turning the twins evil and joining HYDR

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if in Ant man movie some of Pym's old tech has Stark Industry stickers on the back,



You can't really go there about destroying characters background any more or less with any of the big 3 studios right now. And Fox never once said their films were direct representations of the comic books. Yet Marvel is starting to bridge that synergy between movies and comics.


To the other point you made one day these films will fade away (every movie genre has highs and lows...don't believe me look at the action films of the 80's & 90's....how about Westerns....just about all gone now)

When these films dry up and fans stop making corporate offices tons of money those same boards are going to want to make up some of those sums of cash. When that happens it'll be back to growing fan bases on these brands yet how many fans won't even know or care once they've cut their own strings.

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider

You're assuming that they would be allowed to use the characters without giving them a new backstory. Perhaps if they didn't do so the assumption legally would be that they were mutants and thus they couldn't use them.

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider


I don't think Marvel is or should be worried about fans. They are setting themselves up to have and keep a pretty strong fanbase. I don't think that would have been the case before their movie strategy around the Avengers. You talk to 95% of the fans in the US under the age of 16 and its Thor, Hulk, Cap and Iron Man. Even with the X movies, the majority of them don't know or care about the X-Men.


I think it shrewd that they stick it to Fox. Why help a company that has ruined the characters that you are so quick to defend? You want someone to blame for the X-Men blowing chunks? Blame fox and X3.


Because Fox license the characters when Marvel needed the money? Who wants to be partner's with a business that purposely goes out of their way to stick it to you?


The way I see it is, Marvel/Disney cannot possibly make movies out of all these characters anyway? Why not enjoy the fact that so many of your characters are in play? It's not like Marvel is getting nothing out of this deal. They are. But greed has taken hold and now they want all the money instead of the licensing money which they were happy with when the licensed these characters out in the first place.

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No more ruining the characters anymore or less than Fox has to be honest here. MCU completely made Tony Stark involved or behind a lot of origins that sadly were not in the MU at all. In this A2 heck he's the creator of


Ultron (Hank Pym was in the MU)

Quasi-creator of Vision (Ultron created him in the MU)

motivating factor turning the twins evil and joining HYDR

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if in Ant man movie some of Pym's old tech has Stark Industry stickers on the back,



You can't really go there about destroying characters background any more or less with any of the big 3 studios right now. And Fox never once said their films were direct representations of the comic books. Yet Marvel is starting to bridge that synergy between movies and comics.


To the other point you made one day these films will fade away (every movie genre has highs and lows...don't believe me look at the action films of the 80's & 90's....how about Westerns....just about all gone now)

When these films dry up and fans stop making corporate offices tons of money those same boards are going to want to make up some of those sums of cash. When that happens it'll be back to growing fan bases on these brands yet how many fans won't even know or care once they've cut their own strings.


The biggest change Marvel made in the MU that I didn't like is having Shield behind the Avengers initiative and involved in just about every other superheroes origin. It is very similar to Sony having Oscorp behind all of Spider-Man's villains. Sure, it is simple for the viewership, but it dumbs down the integrity of the original comic stories. I'm glad GOTG so far has avoid the Shield link and I hope Antman is Shield free as well. :wishluck:

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider


I don't think Marvel is or should be worried about fans. They are setting themselves up to have and keep a pretty strong fanbase. I don't think that would have been the case before their movie strategy around the Avengers. You talk to 95% of the fans in the US under the age of 16 and its Thor, Hulk, Cap and Iron Man. Even with the X movies, the majority of them don't know or care about the X-Men.


I think it shrewd that they stick it to Fox. Why help a company that has ruined the characters that you are so quick to defend? You want someone to blame for the X-Men blowing chunks? Blame fox and X3.


Because Fox license the characters when Marvel needed the money? Who wants to be partner's with a business that purposely goes out of their way to stick it to you?


The way I see it is, Marvel/Disney cannot possibly make movies out of all these characters anyway? Why not enjoy the fact that so many of your characters are in play? It's not like Marvel is getting nothing out of this deal. They are. But greed has taken hold and now they want all the money instead of the licensing money which they were happy with when the licensed these characters out in the first place.


Perhaps because fox is making bad movie after bad movie just to keep the rights active? I would stick the characters in a drawer as well. Probably the best thing they could do for the characteristics.

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Lets be real folks in the next 5 years there is close to 54 blockbuster comic book films on the way. Over saturation of any medium is bad economics.


If you want a laugh and hear some really well thought out points about the state we are in take 6 minutes to watch this you tube.

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After watching Age of Ultron I am quite certain Marvel is wiping out the X gene entirely.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are no longer mutants either. Pissed me off when I saw that scene because I knew why it was in there.

Exactly. :facepalm:


Roy is




I am a huge X-Men fan. I would love nothing more than to see then rise in popularity levels to what it was like in the 90's. However Marvel has to work with what they have. Why push a character that isn't making them the money as other characters?


It's a business. They have a responsibility to not be sentimental about fictional characters. They are in business to tell stories that entertain and make money. Although its not the characters I'd like to see if I had my way, I'd say they are doing exactly what they should.




I'll agree to disagree and I'll tell you why. Marvel could have made the twins fit in the movie at the same time honoring life long fans at the same time. How you ask?


Make it vague say they didn't know their parents and were just special but nope that is the exact opposite in what they did.


Marvel changed it on purpose by nixing them as mutants and giving a middle finger to Fox. Its the same reason the recent retconn was made before the movie came out about Magneto not being the father of the twins. If anyone thinks this is a coincidence you are sadly in denial. The corporate offices at Marvel are at war with Fox and diminishing the x franchise in the process. Marvel should be worried about future fans as well as current ones and so far US media hasn't picked up on this yet. A few overseas sites have.


International Business Times


Bussiness Insider


I don't think Marvel is or should be worried about fans. They are setting themselves up to have and keep a pretty strong fanbase. I don't think that would have been the case before their movie strategy around the Avengers. You talk to 95% of the fans in the US under the age of 16 and its Thor, Hulk, Cap and Iron Man. Even with the X movies, the majority of them don't know or care about the X-Men.


I think it shrewd that they stick it to Fox. Why help a company that has ruined the characters that you are so quick to defend? You want someone to blame for the X-Men blowing chunks? Blame fox and X3.


Because Fox license the characters when Marvel needed the money? Who wants to be partner's with a business that purposely goes out of their way to stick it to you?


The way I see it is, Marvel/Disney cannot possibly make movies out of all these characters anyway? Why not enjoy the fact that so many of your characters are in play? It's not like Marvel is getting nothing out of this deal. They are. But greed has taken hold and now they want all the money instead of the licensing money which they were happy with when the licensed these characters out in the first place.


Essentially that is it. Marvel now has the financial capital to wither X-men and FF away. Then buy them back much cheaper.


If this works I am 100% sure they will try do it with Spider-man next. You Spider-man fans better worry because you are next. :eek:


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