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Stop Marvel From Replacing X-Men With Inhumans!

246 posts in this topic

For those of you that think the inhuman comic book is a better financial play here lets take a looks at

Feb 2015 numbers shall we.



18 All New X-Men 38 $3.99 Marvel 58,037


86 Inhuman 12 $3.99 Marvel 24,689


Yes folks at least one X title is still in the top 20 while the new replacements (Inhumans MCU) is down into the mid 80 ranks. In fact Nightcrawler was around 20 k or so when the decision to pull it was made.


Comic books sales are a poor indicator whether or not a movie will be successful. Case in point: The Guardians of the Galaxy. Comic sales are a drop in the bucket compared to movie revenues. Marvel is banking on Inhumans as a bigger source of revenue than X-Men. It makes sense to promote the comic while promoting the movie at the same time.

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Do comic books affect today's movie ticket buyers? Maybe some but more than likely no. Do movies boost comic book sales? Absolutely which is why Marvel's current tactic against fox is so dumb IMO. Ok so they can't do anything about the movies but they could at least be seeing some movie (which don't have to regurgitate the movie plots) boosting profits on their comic book lines. . (shrug)


Why would any company want to work with a company that acts like Marvel is now acting towards Fox Studios and Sony Entertainment? Marvel needed those studio deals to survive. Nobody would even care about superhero movies today if the Spider-Man and X-Men movies didn't do well. Marvel was in no position at the time to make their own movies.


The alternative was much worse for Marvel. They would do well to remember that, because it won't always be roses for them like it is now.


+2. This forum needs a like button. Just a like button though. A dislike button would get overworked....


I expect Marvel to behave as though continuity is meaningless. Quick Silver and the Scarlet Witch? X-Men? Brotherhood of Evil MUTANTS? Calling them Inhumans is BS


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Do comic books affect today's movie ticket buyers? Maybe some but more than likely no. Do movies boost comic book sales? Absolutely which is why Marvel's current tactic against fox is so dumb IMO. Ok so they can't do anything about the movies but they could at least be seeing some movie (which don't have to regurgitate the movie plots) boosting profits on their comic book lines. . (shrug)


Why would any company want to work with a company that acts like Marvel is now acting towards Fox Studios and Sony Entertainment? Marvel needed those studio deals to survive. Nobody would even care about superhero movies today if the Spider-Man and X-Men movies didn't do well. Marvel was in no position at the time to make their own movies.


The alternative was much worse for Marvel. They would do well to remember that, because it won't always be roses for them like it is now.


+2. This forum needs a like button. Just a like button though. A dislike button would get overworked....


I expect Marvel to behave as though continuity is meaningless. Quick Silver and the Scarlet Witch? X-Men? Brotherhood of Evil MUTANTS? Calling them Inhumans is BS

What's sad is a entire reboot wasn't necessary at all. Marvel's still number 1 in comic market share, has blockbuster movies and iconic comic book characters who's origins have lasted 75 years. The only reason they have become stale is crappy creative teams re-writing old stories which is lazy btw. Civil War, Secret Wars, Age of Apocalypse, House of M, etc have all been done so what is novel about doing them again?


Anyone over 30 most likely will be picking up less Marvel titles during and after this reboot. Alienating your fan base isn't such a radical / change that is long term. One other thing I'd like to add is one day the movies will stop being made in such quick secession and then Marvel / Disney focus will be back on the comic books and at such time how many fans will they lose in the process?

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Marvel was great for kids got bullied most they character had been bully then kids read and feel they similar the characters. Dc no bully happen.


Could we get a translation of this?

What I trying say is if bully happen, person then Marvel comics better reading DC

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Just watched this 2 minute video clip of Simon Kinberg about next years Apocalypse movie. Looks like the next 3 films, Apocalypse, Deadpool, and Gambit will all be aware of each other and have easter eggs for fans to see. Looks like Fox is setting up their own comic universe here upon several films going forward.



IMO I say zero chance Marvel will get the film rights back to x-men characters anytime soon. FF might be another story but I think it'll do well enough to continue that one as well.

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Marvel was great for kids got bullied most they character had been bully then kids read and feel they similar the characters. Dc no bully happen.


Could we get a translation of this?

What I trying say is if bully happen, person then Marvel comics better reading DC


Can we get a translation of this translation? (shrug)

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Marvel was great for kids got bullied most they character had been bully then kids read and feel they similar the characters. Dc no bully happen.


Could we get a translation of this?

What I trying say is if bully happen, person then Marvel comics better reading DC


Can we get a translation of this translation? (shrug)


I believe that roughly translates to "meth has a deleterious effect on the communication skills of humans". And maybe something about bullies. I haven't had my coffee yet.

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Anyone over 30 most likely will be picking up less Marvel titles during and after this reboot. Alienating your fan base isn't such a radical / change that is long term. One other thing I'd like to add is one day the movies will stop being made in such quick secession and then Marvel / Disney focus will be back on the comic books and at such time how many fans will they lose in the process?


Disney don't really care about the over 30 fan base though, as it's not a sustainable market. What they care about is the under 12 market who they are actively aiming their Marvel cartoons, comics and merchandising at. The films are just a long term extension of that, when the current movie phases are wrapped up in a few years, there will be another cinema going generation in their teens and twenties who will be ready for new Captain America, new Iron Man, new Thor, new Spider-Man movies and so on. This is what Disney does best, they cultivate their own culture. This is why you are seeing an end to X-Men, an end to Fantastic Four and reboots of existing characters, it's all intended to be the Marvel universe for future fans.



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I disagree that they're aiming at the under-12 demo. Not under their current sales model with $4/issue price points. The under-12 demo can't afford $4/comic collecting by themselves & parents still have a little bit of a block where they're unlikely to pay that kind of a price for a comic when for the same price as 2 comics, they can buy their kid a "more traditional" form of reading material like a paperback novel that will also provide far more than the 30 minutes of entertainment they'd get out of a comic.


Marvel & Disney knows that they still have to appeal to their teenage, 20 & 30-something demos & make the product at least resemble the thing that their 40-&-older demos are used to if they want to keep their comics side of the equation viable. And I think they're smart enough to see that they need to keep that side of the business as a money-making storyline & character R&D division.

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Not sure if anyone watched Agents of Shield last night but there were some big hints there if you listened closely. Spoiler if you haven't seen the episode.



Bakshi and List were discussing the experimentation Stucker was doing on the "twins" and how the "twins" are the only ones to have survived these said experiments past a certain stage. During their conversation Whitehall came up and to me looked like they connected the dots even saying they wished he was still alive when their attention turned to cutting into Deathlok and the inhuman captured with him Spencer. They were experimenting on them now and Spencer is a inhuman.


Are they slowly threaded the dots here? Both Stucker and Whitehall were inside Hydra and looks like they were doing experiments on inhumans even finding ways to track the teleporter that saved Skye (Quake a few episodes ago). And we know Whitehall basically cut Jailing (Skye's mom) apart studying how she has her powers to not age. We also know that Whitehall didn't look a day over the time he got the diviner in WW2 and was doing these experiments on skye's mom. Next episode looks like the lead up to a shield versus inhuman showdown. Paranoia I don't think so, I'm just connecting the dots Marvel is giving us.

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AoS is simply establishing the Inhumans in the MCU prior to the actual Inhumans movie in a few years. I don't think this is really much of "connecting dots" thing at all here regarding changes to the X-Men at least.


Inhumans is a big part of Marvel's future plans. This isn't exactly a secret. They've been saying it since the Fraction (then replaced by Soule) Inhuman series was announced like 2 years ago. And that they're using some of those characters & making Inhumans a big part of AoS and the MCU isn't really a surprise.

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Marvel was great for kids got bullied most they character had been bully then kids read and feel they similar the characters. Dc no bully happen.


Could we get a translation of this?

What I trying say is if bully happen, person then Marvel comics better reading DC


Can we get a translation of this translation? (shrug)

Ok listen I go slow-when read Marvel then when bully, the DC not the same if bullied.

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Marvel was great for kids got bullied most they character had been bully then kids read and feel they similar the characters. Dc no bully happen.


Could we get a translation of this?

What I trying say is if bully happen, person then Marvel comics better reading DC


Can we get a translation of this translation? (shrug)

Ok listen I go slow-when read Marvel then when bully, the DC not the same if bullied.


I think what he meant to say is read Fantastic Four #285....

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Heads up spoiler alert about Avengers 2 Age of Ultron don't read if you don't want to know........




Recently we found out Marvel retconned that Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver are not Magneto's children. Some speculated this was because of their appearance In Avengers 2. A friend of mine just informed me it gets worse. In a conversation in the movie the twins talk to Ultron and tell them at the age of 10 they witnessed the death of their parents in a bombing. Sometime later they joined HYDRA and volunteered to be experimented on. Through these experiments it let them be enhanced. Yeah so basically Marvel just spooned all over 2 integral x-men characters and totally retconned their true MU history being x-men. So the casual fan will not even know they are X-men. WTG Marvel.


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I see this as them working within the limitations of the rights in order to have them in a movie they should be in.



Marvel had to figure out a story reason for them to start off bad & it couldn't involve the use of either M word since Marvel doesn't have the rights to either. They're much more Avengers than they ever were X-Men anyway, so I'm all for them using them in Avengers. They even give a nod to their "former terrorists but now heroes" roots in the movie. This is a pure story-telling maneuver. Plus, they didn't grow up with Magneto as a dad anyway. Or their biological mom. They grew up adopted orphans. And a final thing? The "retcon" of them not being Magneto's kid can be explained away in 1 panel down the line: "Inverted evil Scarlet Witch lied & cast her spell to not affect Magneto so as to screw with her dad & hurt him more emotionally than she could by knocking him out physically". There, "retcon" is now "unretconned"


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I see this as them working within the limitations of the rights in order to have them in a movie they should be in.



Marvel had to figure out a story reason for them to start off bad & it couldn't involve the use of either M word since Marvel doesn't have the rights to either. They're much more Avengers than they ever were X-Men anyway, so I'm all for them using them in Avengers. They even give a nod to their "former terrorists but now heroes" roots in the movie. This is a pure story-telling maneuver. Plus, they didn't grow up with Magneto as a dad anyway. Or their biological mom. They grew up adopted orphans. And a final thing? The "retcon" of them not being Magneto's kid can be explained away in 1 panel down the line: "Inverted evil Scarlet Witch lied & cast her spell to not affect Magneto so as to screw with her dad & hurt him more emotionally than she could by knocking him out physically". There, "retcon" is now "unretconned"

Actually its them changing 50 years of MU history to make them fit a movie. What a dump on long-term X-men fans. And to think it comes from the very company that Stan Lee & Jack Kirby created them.

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Hey making Spider Gwen is taking a dump-most of their plot lines of the past 20 years are dumping on everything Marvel.

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I see this as them working within the limitations of the rights in order to have them in a movie they should be in.



Marvel had to figure out a story reason for them to start off bad & it couldn't involve the use of either M word since Marvel doesn't have the rights to either. They're much more Avengers than they ever were X-Men anyway, so I'm all for them using them in Avengers. They even give a nod to their "former terrorists but now heroes" roots in the movie. This is a pure story-telling maneuver. Plus, they didn't grow up with Magneto as a dad anyway. Or their biological mom. They grew up adopted orphans. And a final thing? The "retcon" of them not being Magneto's kid can be explained away in 1 panel down the line: "Inverted evil Scarlet Witch lied & cast her spell to not affect Magneto so as to screw with her dad & hurt him more emotionally than she could by knocking him out physically". There, "retcon" is now "unretconned"

Actually its them changing 50 years of MU history to make them fit a movie. What a dump on long-term X-men fans. And to think it comes from the very company that Stan Lee & Jack Kirby created them.


Please explain...

how they can stick with the (remember, their "they're Magneto's kids" was a retcon unto itself. Otherwise, those early issues of X-Men where he's making Scarlet Witch dance for him get really incest-y) mutant & Magneto origins when they can't actually even mention either of those words without getting slapped with a lawsuit & a demand for money from Fox (that Fox would win in any court in this country)? The audience needs at least some reasonable hand-wave at an origin for them to believe the characters even in this comic book reality and anything other than a power that they gained externally makes them a Mutant, which they can't use.


And as I said, that's even ignoring that they were retconned into being his kids later on anyway in X-Men 125 & Avengers 178. At worst, it retconns a 30 year old retcon of a 20-year previously unasked question. And it ignores that they didn't know the identities of their true parents until years after that. They can explain this away too pretty easily: They didn't know their "parents" were actually their adopted parents. Done & done.


THey're also obviously not Inhumans since Terrigenesis wasn't involved. It had to do with *SPOILER* an Infinity gem. They're something new/different, because as far as I know, Terrigenesis requires Terringen crystals & has nothing to do with the Mind Gem.


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