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Just now, darkstar said:

He was referring to the upset seller seeking revenge by buying items that you have listed for sale on your ebay and claiming they never arrived or were not as described. 

Ah that’s always possible but he’ been blocked though he could always create another account etc

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Well, in the learn something every day vein, I have an eBay seller telling me that it's much SAFER to mail a book in an envelope. It doesn't move around as much. Boxes are very bad...He says he uses cardboard on both sides though;). 

Since he also says in his ad  "expedited shipping" and it didn't get to the PO for at least 4 days after I paid and now it seems he made a mistake and sent it media mail (which he insists his post office personal rep prefers;) I won't know how this "better way" works until I get the book...maybe in another 10 days.

Like I said, learn something EVERY day.

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a simple A/B comparison of the prior (current) User Agreement and the User Agreement that will become current as of March 30th, 2018

I did not note anything majorly different other than some language or naming changes. But here it is in case you were wondering what was different. In general, I would say it is mostly legal wording that has changed and not how things are run on the site. But that is just my opinion only and not to be confused legal advise.



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On 2/18/2018 at 6:21 PM, skypinkblu said:

Well, in the learn something every day vein, I have an eBay seller telling me that it's much SAFER to mail a book in an envelope. It doesn't move around as much. Boxes are very bad...He says he uses cardboard on both sides though;). 

Since he also says in his ad  "expedited shipping" and it didn't get to the PO for at least 4 days after I paid and now it seems he made a mistake and sent it media mail (which he insists his post office personal rep prefers;) I won't know how this "better way" works until I get the book...maybe in another 10 days.

Like I said, learn something EVERY day.

Sometimes people's logic fascinates me. It's simply not possible to secure a comic with cardboard AND also put it in a box. :idea: :facepalm: 

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3 hours ago, spracknetch23 said:

Sometimes people's logic fascinates me. It's simply not possible to secure a comic with cardboard AND also put it in a box. :idea: :facepalm: 

Ya think? That was just what I said to him. I think he just put naked books into boxes before.

Actually, it was not even in an envelope, he wrapped 2 torn pieces of cardboard in newsprint and sent it that way. 2 pieces of scotch tape, one on each end (not even all 4) and the boards he used were modern, book was GA and the bag was huge. 

When my husband handed it to me (it was ripped to shreds and the book was damaged) he made a comment about the packing (and he packs nothing;)

To the seller's credit, he refunded me immediately when I sent him the pictures and said to just send the book back, so I won't out him. Hopefully he learned a little about packing.

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Just got a message from an eBay seller that I thought was funny in a sad sort of way and thought I’d share:

Seller lists 4 Silver DCs, lists 3 as 7.0-7.5, one as 6.0. One photo of each book lying on carpet, no back cover photo but look pretty conservatively graded, except the 6.0 looks like the cover might be detached at the bottom staple. 

Description simply says that they’re really nice, lots of eye appeal, blah, blah platitudes with no actual details. So I ask about the cover and bottom staple, as well as if there’s any writing or arrival date stamps on the back cover. 

The reaponse? ALL covers detached. ALL centerfolds missing. ALL have various names written in crayon on the back covers. One had the Tilt-A-Whirl coupon clipped out   (but he assured me the Tilt-A-Whirl closed in 1970...as if my main concern would be getting admission to the Tilt-A-Whirl). That’s why he has them listed as 7.0, otherwise they’d be 10.0 Gem Mint (they’re nice looking, but not that nice)

Just thought it was funny that he didn’t think any of that was worth mentioning in the description...and that a buyer would be upset if he discovered that he couldn’t get into the Tilt-A-Whirl, lol  

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Well, since the usual suspects complained about a potentially blocked user in the blocked bidder list, I'll post this here. You can't make this stuff up, folks.

This week, amazingly after the botched shipping I received a few days earlier, I received this: Yay! Another broken slab!


You can see the inner well from the hole in the slab. Sorry for the fuzzy.

So, the slab was shipped in a UPS Express Box...which is free from UPS, though you ought not be using it for non-UPS shipments unless you're recycling used boxes...not the case here...and inside, the slab was put in a bubble envelope...that is, a single layer of bubble...and, well...that's it.

Here's literally what the box looked like inside:



No packing material, not even wadded up newspaper. Just the slab, envelope, and a large, verrrrrry empty UPS Express Box.

So, ugh, another one to deal with.

Really, folks, as the blocked bidder list attests, this kind of stuff happens all day, every day. It's not "bad luck", it's just the simple fact that people are lazy and want to do the least amount of effort for the most return. It's just human nature. *Most* of the time, it's ok. 

But, unfortunately, the book itself WAS a 9.8, and it WAS crunched very badly. So, no SS for this bad boy in the future, at least by me:




Hard to see, but the book was jammed into the bottom lip of the well, and you can sorta see the bad indentation it left.



Here, you can see a piece of broken part inside the slab, right below the archery set, as well as the severe crunch at the bottom edge, directly below the electronic doohicky and the red and yellow target. In other words, a 9.0-9.2, that might be fixable, but won't be by me.

So, hey, stuff happens, not a big deal. It's just a simple return because of bad packing. I send a message to the seller:

"Hello. I received this book, but the slab arrived broken, with pieces broken off. Pictures included. The comic inside has, unfortunately, been fairly seriously mangled, and is, of course, no longer a 9.8. Please advise. Thanks!"

The response:


I’m not sure how this is possible. I used a bubble envelope and brown outer box. I paid $21.00 for the shipping and materials. It’s impossible that this happened in transit with that packaging."

(note the "brown outer box"...it's important for the scam later.)

My response, because, well, it's me:

"Not only was it possible, it's precisely what happened. Here's how: first, you put the slab in a padded envelope which is just one bubble layer thick. Then, you put that into a UPS shipping box that was much larger than the slab/padded envelope. Then....well, that's it. That's all you did. You didn't even stuff the box with wadded up newspaper. There was absolutely nothing preventing the slab from banging around inside the box. Did you think one single layer of bubble wrap would prevent the slab from hitting the box and breaking, especially when the slab/padded envelope was completely free to bang around inside the box the whole way...? Frankly, I'm surprised it wasn't more severely damaged.

And no, you didn't pay $21 for shipping materials and postage. You paid for 1 lb (it's right there on the label), which means you underpaid the USPS (postage for a slab is a minimum of 2 pounds.) The UPS box was free, and the padded envelope was, what, $1+? The postage cost for Commercial Plus is somewhere around $8 for 1 lb, so what happened to the other $12 you claim to have paid? 

And...I'm not quite sure, but did you shill bid your listings? Is ***** (***) you? Did you set up some protection bids...?"


"Of course I would never bid on my own item. I paid UPS for the box and envelope as well as ground shipping. Please send me a picture of the box. It has 100$ insurance and I will try to claim it through them if I can show the box picture . I shipped a lot of comics and none of these have ever cracked which is why I’m shocked and surprised."

Right. Shocked!

My response:

"Oh come on, now. The UPS box is FREE. Says so right on the UPS website. And the box was shipped USPS Priority, not UPS ground. The truth of the matter is, the slab wasn't protected adequately. It moved around freely inside the box, and got banged up. If you had just included some wadded up newspaper, this probably could have been avoided. Contents moving = contents damaged. If you shipped the other slabs you sold out like this, and none of them were damaged, you are verrrry lucky.

Here are pictures of the box.

This is of no use to me now, as my intention was to get the book signed. I'm not paying a 9.8 price for what is, now, a 9.0-9.2 comic. Whatever you need to do is on your end, but I will be sending this back for a refund."

Because, frankly, I get tired of the "I can't BELIEVE this! This has NEVER happened to me before!" nonsense.

Included were these pics, though not edited, as they are here:





Note the "1 lb" shipping rate, which is common among thieves. Slabs weigh, at minimum, a pound plus, always, so the minimum rate to ship any slab is 2 pounds. This guy didn't think he should have to pay that, so 1 lb it is! The total weight, by the way, is 1 lb, 7 oz. Yes, I weighed it. ;) 

Now, here's where we veer off into Twilight Zone...and, in just a couple months shy of 20 full years on eBay, I have NEVER, EVER heard this before:

"That is not the box I used to ship. I used a cardboard box that I paid $5.00 for and have a receipt for. The box shows no crushing that would lead to that breakage on the comic case. I will not accept the refund. 

You have accused me of many things including bidding up my product. Something is very off here. I will not communicate with you further.

If you would like to request a refund I will need more info. Communicate directly with eBay going forward."

(Emphasis added.)

Something is, indeed, very off, and it ain't with me. So, in other words...someone took the slab and bubble envelope, with my name and address written on it, OUT of the box he says he shipped it in...then created a label with his shipping information on it, shipped from his address, with all his information on it...? And not only that, he shipped it "UPS Ground" (for which he "paid for a box", even though the box it showed up in is free), but it ended up getting shipped USPS Priority mail instead...?

And, from that picture alone, he is able to determine that "the box shows no crushing which would lead to that breakage"...? Wow! This guy's a forensic psychic! Nevermind that I already told him the slab was free to move INSIDE the box.

The truth is out there!

Also nevermind that I didn't accuse him of shill bidding. I just asked. Anyways, as amusing as this has been, it's really still quite bizarre, so back the book goes. I hope the guy can fix it, but really, if he can't, it's entirely his fault. This is what happens when you smoke too much ganja!



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12 minutes ago, ygogolak said:

I'm surprised USPS would ship a UPS box. Especially considering how they don't like their materials being used for anything other that what they are intended for.

Why would USPS care about some other company's materials? 

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In other words, it's not the USPS' job to be policing what kind of shipping boxes people use, nor should it be. That requires them to make decisions that are outside of their job descriptions, and could easily lead to tyrannical behavior on their part. For example, what if the box WAS recycled? It is up to the individual to "do unto others", and not abuse shipping materials in the first place.

It's never anyone's job to make moral decisions on behalf of anyone else, unless that person is "mom" or "dad."

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1 minute ago, ygogolak said:

So it's OK for someone to use your materials to ship with another company, just as long as they are not abusing it and shipping it with your own company. Got it.

You might want to rewrite that sentence, because it doesn't say what you were trying to get across. 

If you're trying to say "So it's OK for someone to use another company's materials to ship with you, so long as they don't abuse your materials to ship with someone else" then the answer is no, not even close.

Just because it's not the USPS job to be policing shipping materials other than their own does not therefore translate into "then it must be perfectly ok to do so!" In other words, the absence of "enforcement" does not translate to tacit approval.

People aren't supposed to keyword spam, either, but does their doing so give me the right to hack eBay and end their listings on my own?

Let's save the leaps in reasoning for the modern threads.


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2 minutes ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

You might want to rewrite that sentence, because it doesn't say what you were trying to get across. 

If you're trying to say "So it's OK for someone to use another company's materials to ship with you, so long as they don't abuse your materials to ship with someone else" then the answer is no, not even close.

Just because it's not the USPS job to be policing shipping materials other than their own does not therefore translate into "then it must be perfectly ok to do so!" In other words, the absence of "enforcement" does not translate to tacit approval.

People aren't supposed to keyword spam, either, but does their doing so give me the right to hack eBay and end their listings on my own?

Let's save the leaps in reasoning for the modern threads.


No, what I said was correct.

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12 minutes ago, ygogolak said:

No, what I said was correct.

So you say. Let's not devolve into pointless arguments. You're surprised by the USPS accepting UPS boxes, because you think everyone ought to see things the way you do, and live by your personal morality which, if put into effect, would be tyranny. But it's no surprise at all for them to do so. Just like it's not my job, business, responsibility, right, or obligation to try and police all the shenanigans on eBay by hacking into their system and taking matters into my own hands, so is it not the USPS' job to police people using UPS materials to ship. That's tyranny, because its so easily abused. What's next? USPS refusing shipments from people who owe back child support? Who parked in the handicapped spot? Have unpaid traffic tickets? "Do unto others..." can be applied to ALL of those things, can it not...?

Do you want ME deciding for YOU what you should do in life? Why not? Personal freedom comes with personal responsibility. 

Edited by RockMyAmadeus
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