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This Week In Your Plastic Crack, Action Figures and Toy Collection
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8 hours ago, F For Fake said:

I finally said goodbye to the last of my Lego back before X-Mas. All I had left were a few larger Star Wars ships, like the Star Destroyer, Falcon, Slave-I, At-AT, etc. I always thought they were neat, but they took up a lot of space, and the truth is I don't collect any other Lego, nor do I collect SW, so I didn't have a compelling reason to keep them other than I thought they were kinda cool. But whatever passion I had for them had long since cooled, so I let them go, and honestly haven't missed them.

Transformers are interesting, in that I've jumped in and out a few times. Of course, as a kid, TF and Joes were everything to me. I was more of a Joe guy overall, but I did love the TF's. I eventually sold them off as I entered my teen years. Then, when I was in my early 20's, I was working at a comic shop, and we started buying Transformers. This re-sparked my interest, and I put together a pretty large collection...which I then later sold, naturally.

Although I do love the characters and the comics, I've told myself for some time now that I'm done with Transformers. But when a friend offered me his large collection, I couldn't resist picking them all up. So, here we are: twice sworn off of Transformers, and once again returned to my buying. I don't think I'll go nuts, just pick up a few things here and there, but I am really enjoying having them back in the collection again.


Brent, who also swore he wasn't going to buy any new TF product, but last week broke down and picked up Siege Ultra Magnus and Shockwave because holy crow these things are cool

Also, I won't invoke the name of the go-funder that you're speaking of. I guess I have a chip on my shoulder about it.

If opportunity knocks sometimes you gotta answer lol. 

I mainly only get Xforce related marvel legends so it’s not too bad. My son on the other hand has about 35 spidey and spidey related figures now

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4 minutes ago, archiecomicscollector said:

I've already shared a few items from my Archie collection on this thread, so I thought some of you might be interested in seeing part of my collection on display at a local museum.

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 12.03.28 PM.png


Awesome collection .... super cool you have pieces on display at the local museum! Always nice to let others enjoy the collection as well. Thanks for sharing!

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2 hours ago, archiecomicscollector said:

I've already shared a few items from my Archie collection on this thread, so I thought some of you might be interested in seeing part of my collection on display at a local museum.

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 12.03.28 PM.png


Nothing cooler about one's collection than for a museum to say it is display worthy.  That's great and congratulations. 

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1 hour ago, PKJ said:

Put my Motu Collection on Craigslist. Had a guy say I have some Gi joes I can trade for it, sent a picture I said come over! The Gold Head is a new addition already had the other.


Steel brigade.JPG

Steel Brigades are always good to get.  Did you get the gear with them?

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1 hour ago, whisp said:

Steel Brigades are always good to get.  Did you get the gear with them?

The Gold head was just the figure, other is complete.

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5 hours ago, archiecomicscollector said:

I've already shared a few items from my Archie collection on this thread, so I thought some of you might be interested in seeing part of my collection on display at a local museum.

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 12.03.28 PM.png


Beautiful collection! Terrific pieces in a nice, bright, clean display. Perfect!

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3 hours ago, PKJ said:

Put my Motu Collection on Craigslist. Had a guy say I have some Gi joes I can trade for it, sent a picture I said come over! The Gold Head is a new addition already had the other.


Steel brigade.JPG

Gold head, sweet!

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4 hours ago, PKJ said:

Put my Motu Collection on Craigslist. Had a guy say I have some Gi joes I can trade for it, sent a picture I said come over! The Gold Head is a new addition already had the other.


Steel brigade.JPG

Nice collection of Shipwreck figures too :)


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6 hours ago, archiecomicscollector said:

I've already shared a few items from my Archie collection on this thread, so I thought some of you might be interested in seeing part of my collection on display at a local museum.

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 12.03.28 PM.png


What is the larger round orange Archie item?  Looks like a target.  Or whoopie. 


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5 hours ago, PKJ said:

Put my Motu Collection on Craigslist. Had a guy say I have some Gi joes I can trade for it, sent a picture I said come over! The Gold Head is a new addition already had the other.


Steel brigade.JPG

Wow, that is a coup. 

Gold Heads have jumped up so much lately. 

Another huge score, the Nightforce Shockwave.  Definitely in my top 5 figures of the entire run. 


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1 hour ago, followtheleader said:

Yeah it is pretty silly.

Based on today's pricing it was a killer deal to get ride of that MOTU lot for it. There was a lot more trading done with him for some SW stuff, I had next to nothing in Droids Awing in box  that we did some other deals on,may even got it for free when I bought the First shot and coin sculpt. It was a very good trading day for sure.


Heavy Metal is getting pretty silly as well, I just hoped off another live auction where one sold for over 400. Had the seller did an auction instead of who can claim fastest it prob would have broken 500 in a small group of bidders.


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This is an article I wrote for my Joe Facebook page.  It is still a work in progress and a lot of research went into it so far but still looking for other info like a carded 1985 crimson guard rifle with rounded sights and such to confirm some info.  Anyways.


1987 Mail-away STEEL BRIGADE
I have had discussion on occasion which has led where I mentioned that now there is only a ABCD and gold version. My understanding came from the community as a whole discussing the fact about the "E" version was a kit bash of "B" version legs, "B" Version torso with a "D" version waist.
If you look in Mark Bellomo's guide 2nd edition there was ABCDE and (F) Gold Head but now if you look in the third edition hard cover guide you will see "E" is removed and now there is just ABCD and Gold head. Also 3djoes.com they talk about "E" being a kit bash. http://www.3djoes.com/steel-brigade.html
Individuals have told me that they had sealed "E" versions in which all of my time collecting I have yet to see one ever pictured sealed. I even had one individual show me one on ebay for sale which I will show here and include pictures at end of article that shows that it indeed was a kit bash and that the individual had either 1. made that kit bash and was going off the old guide or 2. it was sold to him and he is unaware that someone had open the baggy and did a reseal on it.
This is the link to that ebay ad.
Now in that ad it shows a sealed Steel Brigade figure with a Gold head version gun.
First thing I noticed when zooming in the pics is that the top right of the bag looks like a reseal. It is thicker in one spot and if you compare to an actual sealed version you will see the seal is different. Next is according to the old guide if that was the version "E" that they where trying to make they have the wrong figure. Its a version "D" figure and whoever was making this kit bash made a mistake and that was that the pistol holder was not painted black.
That alone on that ad shows that that was a kit bash and a reseal. This is a side note but one main reason why I don't buy sealed or carded figures because they have been doing reseals for over 15 years now.
I will also note something else brought to my attention and that is the pic on Yojoe.com showing a sealed "E" version. My issue with it is the top seal looks thicker than any version I have seen sealed of that figure or any other figures and even the other one they show on an other version think it was "D" had a thinner seal line. I also have Jinx sealed in baggy and the seal is thin. Like how I showed in pic in article about the difference on the two sides of seal. Also that seal easily come apart. My Jinx figure was sealed when I got it and over time it naturally separated while sitting in a box for years. I have seen this happen with other bagged sealed figures as well.
What I wanted to show though is that with figures with multiple versions such as this it is not uncommon for people to try and manipulate the system and that eBay ad is one case where someone regardless if it the seller or he bought it elsewhere but at one point it was kit bashed and probably why it did not sell.
Next thing I wanted to talk about is the rifle that come with version ABCD since we really don't need to worry about Gold version since his gun was only with him and the only other one I know of came with Recoil and was a bright blue. I will use the rifle from Steel Brigade and Crimson guard as an example for colour which I will attach pictures below as well. Starting with the rifle similar to Crimson guard the first difference is the colour. Steel Brigade comes with a dark gray rifle and 1985 Crimson guards rifle is dark black. With this rifle however there is an other subtle difference and that is the rear site thus they are different rifles. One question did get popped up about a black version that is similar to steel brigades but from what I can tell this is the rifle that came with 1989 Python Patrol and it is a bit more glossier/shinier and would make sense chronologically but some individuals have stated that 1985 came with the same rifle with rounded sight in dark black but I have yet to find solid proof of that in which I have only seen loose examples but never a carded example.
When it comes to the Airborne style rifle they are the same other then Steel Brigade is dark gray and Airborne's is black. I will note while they state this, telling the difference between the Airborne/Steel brigade rifle is a bit more difficult due Airborne's rifle is not as black as the Crimson guards for comparison. The difference is very subtle and to put it in perspective the colour of the Airborne gun falls in between the example of the Crimson Guard/ Steel Brigade's black/dark gray rifle. There are other colours of this rifle being light gray, translucent gray and a blue version but they are easily sorted.
Finally is the backpack. Gold version again don't need to worry about since that colour of green is only for that figure. However when it comes to version ABCD this backpack can be mixed up with Tiger Force Duke. Yojoe.com doesn't even separate it on there whobit again and can confuse collectors. There is a way to tell them apart in which I have included pictures at end of post and the first way is that the backpack will match the colour of the figures shirt. Next is that the Steel brigade backpack will be dull olive green and Tiger Force Duke will be shiny olive green. Other fact that has been brought to light lately in which I am not 100% sure if fact but people seem to be talking about it is that version "A" figure will have a cross in the back part of the backpack and that version "A" only came with that style. Not 100% sure on that but seems to be what the community has been standing behind. I have attached pic of that as well.
Steel Brigade was a mail away figure and trying to complete them since so many versions and that many use them as an army builder makes them have a high demand. As of late version BCD are roughly $90usd. When it comes to version "A" there has been talks that it might be even rarer then Gold head due to the cross style backpack but again not sure if that's 100% fact. Gold head is whatever a person is willing to pay for it but not cheap and price fluctuates between $200 to $450 I have seen someone pay. Now with the way the market is now your guess is as good as mine.
In closing wanted to write this article to inform collectors of the subtle differences between the figures gear, how they where kit bashed and resealed. So many times I have seen them for sale with wrong gear and such along with how they are listed in guides and some of the info is wrong or not listed properly. Also the gear is usually not cheap and that way you know what to check for to get the proper pieces instead of wasting your money on the wrong parts. Hope this helps any of you guys/gals that are collecting and trying to complete this figure or even for those of you that have them and need to double check to make sure you have the proper gear.

















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Went to a Joe Convention today. It was hot but my son and I had fun. Here’s the haul. And Destro yelling at a Cobra trooper. My son pretty much got all the stuff he was after. It’s great seeing him enjoy the hobby. I checked off another MP seeker. I just need Starscream to finish the US releases



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11 hours ago, reptilekingdie said:

Picked these up at a small weekend show in Tucson 


I love this line, and I have a bunch of them, including most of the Marvels, all of the Joes and I think most of the Indiana Jones. I wish they'd sold better. I think they were a little ahead of their time, the vinyl art collector figures hadn't totally boomed yet. If they'd sold them today packed in blind boxes, they'd probably sell like crazy. 

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8 hours ago, STORMSHADOW_80 said:

Went to a Joe Convention today. It was hot but my son and I had fun. Here’s the haul. And Destro yelling at a Cobra trooper. My son pretty much got all the stuff he was after. It’s great seeing him enjoy the hobby. I checked off another MP seeker. I just need Starscream to finish the US releases



That's great, looks like you had a great time! Our KY Joe show is coming up next month, I need to start putting together a want list.

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