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1:10, 1:25, 1:50, 1:100 are DISTRIBUTION numbers, not PRINT RUN numbers.

303 posts in this topic

RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.

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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.


Oh hooray, the peanut gallery.


Sounds like you better use the search function for a recap too and then maybe you'll be able to contribute something productive for once. (thumbs u



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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.


Oh hooray, the peanut gallery.


Sounds like you better use the search function for a recap too and then maybe you'll be able to contribute something productive for once. (thumbs u




Pointing out that you're full of *spoon* feels very productive :shrug:

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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.


Oh hooray, the peanut gallery.


Sounds like you better use the search function for a recap too and then maybe you'll be able to contribute something productive for once. (thumbs u




Pointing out that you're full of *spoon* feels very productive :shrug:


Guess that just goes to show how worthless your time really is. ;)



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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


Document it, Jay. Just supply the documentation. Which books? Regular books? Retailer incentives?


Document it. Prove it.


Who are these multiple Diamond account holding "boardies"? Let them speak for themselves.


Am I saying you're wrong? Nope. I'm saying you need to document it. I'm not going to take YOUR word for it, Jay. Time to show some actual proof.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Who? Who are these multiple "boardies"..?


What multiple occasions...?


Link them.


Do publishers have "tight margins"? Of course they do. Do publishers print overages for spoilage? Of course they do.


That is not...in...dispute.


What IS in dispute are YOUR claims. What IS in dispute is YOUR contention that since publishers "print to the nearest case", that must apply to every book they print, including incentives. What IS in dispute is YOUR contention that since publishers "overprint for spoilage" that that MUST account for the incentives disposed of after the fact. What IS in dispute is your contention that, since publishers have "tight margins" that they print incentives SOLELY according to what's ordered, when we know that isn't the case.


So...document what you've said. Prove it.


Not links of YOU saying this. I want links of OTHER PEOPLE saying this. Because what you're saying is wrong? Not necessarily. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But you have a terrible habit of making things up and attributing them to others to "support" your arguments, so I need documentation.


And you keep saying things that are contrary to fact and history.


1. Publishers that sell through the newsstand have, since the beginning of comics, routinely overprinted books. That's called "publishing." They print far more than they think they'll need, and hope for a sell-through of 30-50%. Publishers that sell through the newsstand today (DC, etc) STILL DO THIS.


2. No one said publishers print "just for the heck of it." That is YOUR (mis)characterization, not anyone else's. Publishers print what THEY THINK they need. We don't know what THEY THINK they need. That is up TO THEM.


Stop repeating things that you invent as if others said them. It's dishonest and fraudulent.


Just document it, Jay. Not opinions from others, actual documentation.


And no, I don't have to prove what "we don't know", because WE DON'T KNOW. That is a logical fallacy. If we don't know it, how do I PROVE that...?




It has also already been explained to you how and why the unclaimed/unneeded printing overages for a relatively small amount of books (usually not ratio variants) end up being sold at a later date through secondary channels.[/;'quote]


If they are not incentive variants, they are Not. Relevant. To. The. Discussion.


Not. In. Dispute.


Your conclusion appears to be, since that has happened, some times on some books, one should assume that all books must be needlessly over printed and sitting around somewhere taking up space waiting to be sold for under cover price....


Wrong again.


You can't make up hyperbole and then attribute that to other people. It's a logical fallacy. No one said anything about "needlessly over printed."


And...one more time: publishers sell (almost) ALL their books for "under cover price."


.just because, and that therefore no one should even bother making reasonable estimates on ratio print runs, in spite of those typical publishing standards and publicly available data that we have.

:gossip: This is where your opinion comes in.


Yes, you keep repeating that..."reasonable" estimates...because, as everyone knows, the key to successful propaganda is to keep repeating something that isn't true as if it IS true, and it will eventually be believed by most of the people.


There's nothing "reasonable" about using the ORDERING ratios applied to a SALES estimate to extrapolate a PRINT run.


It's manifestly ridiculous.


"Typical publishing standards" means nothing. It's a buzz phrase you use to shore up support.


The publicly available data is sales estimates in North America and the ordering ratios.


When in fact, all it proves is that those select books being sold had printing overages. (And again, most of those books are not even ratio variants, another point that you either have ignored or forgotten.)


If they are not incentive variants, they are Not. Relevant. To. The. Discussion.


We are only talking about incentive variants, here. If they aren't incentive variants, they're not relevant to this discussion. Not ignored. Not forgotten. Just not relevant.


:gossip: Extrapolating that out to any book beyond the ones whose overages are being sold is where your assumptions come in.


Do you know what "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" means....?


Thus making this entire thread little more than a forum for you to express your opinions and assumptions (which is fine, as long as you are not attempting to sell or imply that those are "facts").


Condescending, much? I only point it out because you complained about it. I don't particularly care, but if you're going to do that which you complain about, what does that make you again....?


So since it is readily apparent that you will continue to grind your axe against variants


Hey, look, more fraudulent assertions! How surprising!


no matter how many times, or by how many people you are corrected, I will bid you adieu on this topic for now. (thumbs u





What does "how many people you are corrected" mean? Details.


Yes, Jay, and I will hopefully be there each time you continue to misrepresent the discussion for your own agenda to counter it.

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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.


Oh hooray, the peanut gallery.


Sounds like you better use the search function for a recap too and then maybe you'll be able to contribute something productive for once. (thumbs u




Pointing out that you're full of *spoon* feels very productive :shrug:


Guess that just goes to show how worthless your time really is. ;)




Mine totally is, I'm unemployed.


Instead of trying to brace up that huge ego you have, perhaps taking what facts have been presented and incorporating it into your base knowledge would help you grow to the intellectual height you think you sit at.

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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Nice spin :lol:


It has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, that your understanding of the printing business is lacking and that your print run claims are ridiculous.


Oh hooray, the peanut gallery.


Sounds like you better use the search function for a recap too and then maybe you'll be able to contribute something productive for once. (thumbs u




Pointing out that you're full of *spoon* feels very productive :shrug:


Guess that just goes to show how worthless your time really is. ;)




Mine totally is, I'm unemployed.


Instead of trying to brace up that huge ego you have, perhaps taking what facts have been presented and incorporating it into your base knowledge would help you grow to the intellectual height you think you sit at.


Opinions and assumptions are not "facts". (thumbs u

:gossip: Hard to tell the difference , I know.


Sorry to hear you're unemployed.




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Yeah, your opinions are worthless


Which is fine , since most of what I posted are actually the facts. (thumbs u




Interesting. How have you come to the conclusion that what you have posted is fact?

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Yeah, your opinions are worthless


Which is fine , since most of what I posted are actually the facts. (thumbs u




Interesting. How have you come to the conclusion that what you have posted is fact?


Interesting how you come in at the end of a conversation with nothing to add except personal insults and quips that you evidently think are funny.


Do you just follow RMA around and troll the people who disagree with him? Or are you working on that third strike already ?


Either way, good job, mate. (thumbs u



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Yeah, your opinions are worthless


Which is fine , since most of what I posted are actually the facts. (thumbs u




Interesting. How have you come to the conclusion that what you have posted is fact?


Interesting how you come in at the end of a conversation with nothing to add except personal insults and quips that you evidently think are funny.


Do you just follow RMA around and troll the people who disagree with him? Or are you working on that third strike already ?


Either way, good job, mate. (thumbs u




I'm Canadian

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Following RMA around to troll people he disagrees with would be a full time job.


I already told you I am unemployed.


Notice that I responded with not only his post, but Cpl Clink's as well

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Also notice who started the thread with facts, which you don't understand, then go on your own tirade of what is fact.


And here we are.


Glad to see someone keeping track of my strikes. I cannot be bothered since button pushers are boring

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RMA, it has been explained to you by multiple Diamond account holding boardies, on multiple occasions, how the ordering system works, and that books are printed to the nearest case pack of 150-250 and shipped to Diamond. This is where I get my information from, and it is consistent with my own research. You have either chosen to ignore it or have forgotten this.


Document it, Jay. Just supply the documentation. Which books? Regular books? Retailer incentives?


Document it. Prove it.


Who are these multiple Diamond account holding "boardies"? Let them speak for themselves.


Am I saying you're wrong? Nope. I'm saying you need to document it. I'm not going to take YOUR word for it, Jay. Time to show some actual proof.


You have also evidently chosen to ignore or have forgotten the multiple boardies involved and familiar with the printing industry who have, again, on multiple occasions, explained to you that, no, publishers do not routinely over-print books just for the heck of it, comic book publishers operate on very tight margins these days, and that, at most, the print run will exceed orders by about 5-10% to cover damages and whatever courtesy copies they want to hand out (printed up to the nearest case pack of course).


Who? Who are these multiple "boardies"..?


What multiple occasions...?


Link them.


Do publishers have "tight margins"? Of course they do. Do publishers print overages for spoilage? Of course they do.


That is not...in...dispute.


What IS in dispute are YOUR claims. What IS in dispute is YOUR contention that since publishers "print to the nearest case", that must apply to every book they print, including incentives. What IS in dispute is YOUR contention that since publishers "overprint for spoilage" that that MUST account for the incentives disposed of after the fact. What IS in dispute is your contention that, since publishers have "tight margins" that they print incentives SOLELY according to what's ordered, when we know that isn't the case.


So...document what you've said. Prove it.


Not links of YOU saying this. I want links of OTHER PEOPLE saying this. Because what you're saying is wrong? Not necessarily. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But you have a terrible habit of making things up and attributing them to others to "support" your arguments, so I need documentation.


And you keep saying things that are contrary to fact and history.


1. Publishers that sell through the newsstand have, since the beginning of comics, routinely overprinted books. That's called "publishing." They print far more than they think they'll need, and hope for a sell-through of 30-50%. Publishers that sell through the newsstand today (DC, etc) STILL DO THIS.


2. No one said publishers print "just for the heck of it." That is YOUR (mis)characterization, not anyone else's. Publishers print what THEY THINK they need. We don't know what THEY THINK they need. That is up TO THEM.


Stop repeating things that you invent as if others said them. It's dishonest and fraudulent.


Just document it, Jay. Not opinions from others, actual documentation.


And no, I don't have to prove what "we don't know", because WE DON'T KNOW. That is a logical fallacy. If we don't know it, how do I PROVE that...?




It has also already been explained to you how and why the unclaimed/unneeded printing overages for a relatively small amount of books (usually not ratio variants) end up being sold at a later date through secondary channels.[/;'quote]


If they are not incentive variants, they are Not. Relevant. To. The. Discussion.


Not. In. Dispute.


Your conclusion appears to be, since that has happened, some times on some books, one should assume that all books must be needlessly over printed and sitting around somewhere taking up space waiting to be sold for under cover price....


Wrong again.


You can't make up hyperbole and then attribute that to other people. It's a logical fallacy. No one said anything about "needlessly over printed."


And...one more time: publishers sell (almost) ALL their books for "under cover price."


.just because, and that therefore no one should even bother making reasonable estimates on ratio print runs, in spite of those typical publishing standards and publicly available data that we have.

:gossip: This is where your opinion comes in.


Yes, you keep repeating that..."reasonable" estimates...because, as everyone knows, the key to successful propaganda is to keep repeating something that isn't true as if it IS true, and it will eventually be believed by most of the people.


There's nothing "reasonable" about using the ORDERING ratios applied to a SALES estimate to extrapolate a PRINT run.


It's manifestly ridiculous.


"Typical publishing standards" means nothing. It's a buzz phrase you use to shore up support.


The publicly available data is sales estimates in North America and the ordering ratios.


When in fact, all it proves is that those select books being sold had printing overages. (And again, most of those books are not even ratio variants, another point that you either have ignored or forgotten.)


If they are not incentive variants, they are Not. Relevant. To. The. Discussion.


We are only talking about incentive variants, here. If they aren't incentive variants, they're not relevant to this discussion. Not ignored. Not forgotten. Just not relevant.


:gossip: Extrapolating that out to any book beyond the ones whose overages are being sold is where your assumptions come in.


Do you know what "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" means....?


Thus making this entire thread little more than a forum for you to express your opinions and assumptions (which is fine, as long as you are not attempting to sell or imply that those are "facts").


Condescending, much? I only point it out because you complained about it. I don't particularly care, but if you're going to do that which you complain about, what does that make you again....?


So since it is readily apparent that you will continue to grind your axe against variants


Hey, look, more fraudulent assertions! How surprising!


no matter how many times, or by how many people you are corrected, I will bid you adieu on this topic for now. (thumbs u





What does "how many people you are corrected" mean? Details.


Yes, Jay, and I will hopefully be there each time you continue to misrepresent the discussion for your own agenda to counter it.


The time you have....


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Also notice who started the thread with facts, which you don't understand, then go on your own tirade of what is fact.


And here we are.


Glad to see someone keeping track of my strikes. I cannot be bothered since button pushers are boring


Actually the majority of his first post is his opinion. Especially the second half where he says people "can't" or "shouldn't" estimate whatever the hell they want to estimate however the hell they want to do it. All that is his opinion. This thread is his forum for expressing it. He was free to start it for that purpose.


No need to rehash all that though.


And I am sorry to hear about your employment situation. Hope things turn around soon.


Go Canucks.



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