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This place used to be so lively...what happened?
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On 11/26/2023 at 3:00 PM, Buzzetta said:

So basically this has become another, “Look at me”, “The good people were driven away by the bad people” and an, “I’ve been maligned” thread.


So the original question was redundant. 

I'm going to say this for everyone's benefit because I believe that transparency is the only way to cut to the chase and see the forest rather than the trees.

Buzzetta is sore at me for reporting something that I felt was a 'below the belt' hit on a respectful boardie. He then texted me, tried to explain how it wasn't below the belt and when I refused to back down on the fact that I thought it was below the belt he threatened me with retaliation. 

Even Mike thought it was 'below the belt' and gave Buzzetta a strike. 

Rather than use the same standard he uses against me on himself: "Well, you have so many strikes so you must be doing something wrong" he turned on me and said, verbatim, "It's on like Donkey Kong." 

And Buzzetta has done this many times, approving of the use of force to make a point rather than using logic or reason. 

What was I guilty of was telling Buzzetta that I disagree with his tactics. Nothing more.


Buzzetta and Prince Namor have been ganging up on me online since, for a few days now, here and elsewhere while I've been trying to have respectful discourse. 

As with all my detractors, it's all smoke and mirrors. They do things out of the public's eyes but dreg up all of my mud into the public's eyes. This is the way the world works these days. 

I'm sure these people will jump in and have something to say about me, and all I have to say is "show everyone the entire conversation and let them decide for themselves".

Post the text, or the PMs or whatever. But nobody ever agrees to. They just back away after getting their shots in.

So now the same bad actors have appeared accusing me of things after bating me from several sides (Cat is another) accusing me of things I haven't done and my accusers now invariably turn the conversation on me as though "I'm making it about me."

Yes, by standing up for what I believe in respectfully, and offending a few people who can't logic reasonably, I've made it about me. 

I genuinely don't care what bad actors think. 

This is why I don't respond to these people. They don't follow respectful rules of engagement, they don't play fair or use logic and reason, and the one or two times I break down and say something in defense, they put it under a microscope and accuse me of playing the victim. 

But I do care about how it affects others, and quite frankly the forums should be standing up to behavior like this more regularly rather than just sitting on the sidelines.

Bullies always grow into the space where you allow them to. 

And unless someone attacks me again, this will be my last reply to Prince Namor, Buzzetta or Cat until they apologize. 

Editing in jsilverjanet. He's on the list as well. 

Sorry to everyone for this. Genuine apologies. 

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On 11/27/2023 at 6:26 AM, VintageComics said:

I'm going to say this for everyone's benefit because I believe that transparency is the only way to cut to the chase and see the forest rather than the trees.

Buzzetta is sore at me for reporting something that I felt was a 'below the belt' hit on a respectful boardie. He then texted me, tried to explain how it wasn't below the belt and when I refused to back down on the fact that I thought it was below the belt he threatened me with retaliation. 

Even Mike thought it was 'below the belt' and gave Buzzetta a strike. 

Rather than use the same standard he uses against me on himself: "Well, you have so many strikes so you must be doing something wrong" he turned on me and said, verbatim, "It's on like Donkey Kong." 

And Buzzetta has done this many times, approving of the use of force to make a point rather than using logic or reason. 

What was I guilty of was telling Buzzetta that I disagree with his tactics. Nothing more.


Buzzetta and Prince Namor have been ganging up on me online since, for a few days now, here and elsewhere while I've been trying to have respectful discourse. 

As with all my detractors, it's all smoke and mirrors. They do things out of the public's eyes but dreg up all of my mud into the public's eyes. This is the way the world works these days. 

I'm sure these people will jump in and have something to say about me, and all I have to say is "show everyone the entire conversation and let them decide for themselves".

Post the text, or the PMs or whatever. But nobody ever agrees to. They just back away after getting their shots in.

So now the same bad actors have appeared accusing me of things after bating me from several sides (Cat is another) accusing me of things I haven't done and my accusers now invariably turn the conversation on me as though "I'm making it about me."

Yes, by standing up for what I believe in respectfully, and offending a few people who can't logic reasonably, I've made it about me. 

I genuinely don't care what bad actors think. 

This is why I don't respond to these people. They don't follow respectful rules of engagement, they don't play fair or use logic and reason, and the one or two times I break down and say something in defense, they put it on a microscope and accuse me of playing the victim. 

But I do care about how it affects others, and quite frankly the forums should be standing up to behavior like this more regularly rather than just sitting on the sidelines.

Bullies always grow into the space where you allow them to. 

And unless someone attacks me again, this will be my last reply to Prince Namor, Buzzetta or Cat until the apologize. 

Editing in jsilverjanet. He's on the list as well. 

Sorry to everyone for this. 

I stopped you from constantly badmouthing Addy. You took it further with me, and did Addy get his apology. It was hard to tell. Why you've now brought me into this I don't know. All I did was add a little bit of context for those missing Kav, that also shed light on your own behaviour. If you can't agree with people on not just 1,but 2 forums, the second that is largely to your making and liking politically, doesn't that say that the problem is indeed you? 

Because that's really what it sounds like to me. 

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I am reminded of the Seinfeld episode where George attends his GF's aunt's funeral and is caught by the brother double dipping. The line that follows is: "take a chip, dip it and END IT!"

Like the chip, some feel the need to double dip at every occasion. Make your point, let it stand on its own two feet and move on. Those who read it and agree will inevitably do so. Those that don't, won't. Some may reply with their opinion. That is fine. That is discourse. Not every individual on the planet must at all times be converted to one's view of things. There are, and can be, many views on the same subject. Each may have their merit. 

I studied a lot of classics in my university days and one thing that always stuck with me, and is a common misconception, is that the Romans didn't dislike early Christians because of what they believed in, they hated them because they tried to convert everybody by way of constant preaching. Each person has their own personal liberty to decide for themselves and do not need to be swayed at every turn, although some may think otherwise. Constant preaching and conversionist tactics serve no good to anyone. 

People don't like to be preached to. They don't like their opinions to be trampled and they certainly can decide for themselves whether a point is valid or not sans the conversion therapy. 


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On 11/26/2023 at 3:21 PM, Cat said:

As for the "NOT ONCE HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO OVERTURN A SINGLE ONE OF MY POSTS USING LOGIC AND REASON." Well, there's the problem, your posts don't use logic and reason, and to get the full story behind something I have to follow a "credible" YouTuber with only 32 views, posted 6 years ago, that addresses COVID first. Then we move on to some other bugf&ck crazy conspiracy theory, then another, one more, THEN we get to the matter at hand, now thoroughly obscured by all your conspiracy carp. I'm not doing that. Wrong circus, wrong clown. 

Proving you wrong was a fun game we all got sick of many years ago. Now it's just irritating, and not worth spending a second on.      

And before you try and say this is a board phenomenon, it's not. You and Kav pretty much have your own boards, with occasional guest appearances. Yet while Kav is genuinely happy there, he can't stand you. He's sick to death of your argument style, and the ease at which it can be destroyed. 

So if the problem isn't with the boards, it must be with the....... there's your answer. 

This entire post is full of things that are against so against the forum rules that if I'd posted them I'd have a permanent ban. lol

Kav is mad at me for using a "laugh" emoji at the end of a sentence, which he felt was disrespectful, to which I explained that it was simply a laugh of exasperation and laughing AT THE CONVERSATION and not at Kav, AND he is frustrated at me for not agreeing with him on a topic we can't discuss here. Tough bananas. We can't all agree. 

I actually think Kav will come around at some point. 

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On 11/27/2023 at 6:26 AM, VintageComics said:

I'm going to say this for everyone's benefit because I believe that transparency is the only way to cut to the chase and see the forest rather than the trees.

Buzzetta is sore at me for reporting something that I felt was a 'below the belt' hit on a respectful boardie. He then texted me, tried to explain how it wasn't below the belt and when I refused to back down on the fact that I thought it was below the belt he threatened me with retaliation. 

Even Mike thought it was 'below the belt' and gave Buzzetta a strike. 

Rather than use the same standard he uses against me on himself: "Well, you have so many strikes so you must be doing something wrong" he turned on me and said, verbatim, "It's on like Donkey Kong." 

And Buzzetta has done this many times, approving of the use of force to make a point rather than using logic or reason. 

What was I guilty of was telling Buzzetta that I disagree with his tactics. Nothing more.


Buzzetta and Prince Namor have been ganging up on me online since, for a few days now, here and elsewhere while I've been trying to have respectful discourse. 

As with all my detractors, it's all smoke and mirrors. They do things out of the public's eyes but dreg up all of my mud into the public's eyes. This is the way the world works these days. 

I'm sure these people will jump in and have something to say about me, and all I have to say is "show everyone the entire conversation and let them decide for themselves".

Post the text, or the PMs or whatever. But nobody ever agrees to. They just back away after getting their shots in.

So now the same bad actors have appeared accusing me of things after bating me from several sides (Cat is another) accusing me of things I haven't done and my accusers now invariably turn the conversation on me as though "I'm making it about me."

Yes, by standing up for what I believe in respectfully, and offending a few people who can't logic reasonably, I've made it about me. 

I genuinely don't care what bad actors think. 

This is why I don't respond to these people. They don't follow respectful rules of engagement, they don't play fair or use logic and reason, and the one or two times I break down and say something in defense, they put it under a microscope and accuse me of playing the victim. 

But I do care about how it affects others, and quite frankly the forums should be standing up to behavior like this more regularly rather than just sitting on the sidelines.

Bullies always grow into the space where you allow them to. 

And unless someone attacks me again, this will be my last reply to Prince Namor, Buzzetta or Cat until they apologize. 

Editing in jsilverjanet. He's on the list as well. 

Sorry to everyone for this. Genuine apologies. 

When "have I accused you of things you haven't done?" 

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On 11/26/2023 at 3:45 PM, Buzzetta said:

No Roy, that is not true. 

To be honest, last year around October of 2022 I thought that any hard feelings had been put to rest.  I even said, let's hug it out and gave you a hug.  But, you don't stop.  It's the same stuff all the time.  How would you know if I got a strike or not by the way?  I do not recall answering you if I did or did not when you asked.   I am not even regularly around these days like I used to, so a 48hr absence would have gone unnoticed especially on a weekend when I am normally away.  But yes, yes I did, and I did explain to you, Mike, and in the little private group chat here that I would say the same thing again given the same circumstances knowing that it would result in the same outcome. 

However, you reporting me?  Cool.  But you think, that I have tired with you due to that?  Sorry son.  No. 

I can only scroll back so far since I do not have anything older in my texts. 

When you texted me to scold me about a response I gave to someone back on July 28th, I ignored it.

When you texted me on September 10th gloating because I disagreed with something Namisgr posted in the Water Cooler of all places, and called him names in your text, I rolled my eyes and ignored you.   BTW... how DID you know that he and I disagreed on something with Namisgr that was said in the Water Cooler btw?   Just wondering. 

I DID finally text you on November 18th.  At first I figured it would be a last ditch effort to settle it but as our conversation progressed that became impossible and I have blocked you from sending me any further texts.  

Your tactics are to become irritating enough to people to the point that they walk away, then you throw your hands in the air and shout, "I won!!!".  It's tiresome. 





If you didn't actually get a strike, then my sincere apologies. 

As to the rest POST THE TEXTS. But go back to July 28th if you do. :smile:

Can we put this baby to rest now that everyone has had their digs?

We all know where lines are drawn, now let's be respectful to everyone else. 

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On 11/27/2023 at 3:43 AM, Patriot6 said:

I am reminded of the Seinfeld episode where George attends his GF's aunt's funeral and is caught by the brother double dipping. The line that follows is: "take a chip, dip it and END IT!"

Like the chip, some feel the need to double dip at every occasion. Make your point, let it stand on its own two feet and move on. Those who read it and agree will inevitably do so. Those that don't, won't. Some may reply with their opinion. That is fine. That is discourse. Not every individual on the planet must at all times be converted to one's view of things. There are, and can be, many views on the same subject. Each may have their merit. 

I studied a lot of classics in my university days and one thing that always stuck with me, and is a common misconception, is that the Romans didn't dislike early Christians because of what they believed in, they hated them because they tried to convert everybody by way of constant preaching. Each person has their own personal liberty to decide for themselves and do not need to be swayed at every turn, although some may think otherwise. Constant preaching and conversionist tactics serve no good to anyone. 

People don't like to be preached to. They don't like their opinions to be trampled and they certainly can decide for themselves whether a point is valid or not sans the conversion therapy. 


There's an ignore function that comes free with the Forum.

The irony that Roy 'liked' this post is amusing. 

Who tries to convert people to their way of thinking MORE than Roy?

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