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Latest Scandal! Comic Book Dealer Disbarred As Lawyer!!!!

1,034 posts in this topic


So, should we also still buy from Comic-Keys and Ewart to keep them employed too? You're argument is technically week. Just stick with you are still going to do business with him, cause evrything else you say just makes him sound worse.



AWWW Come on. You can twist anything anyone says to make it sound good or bad.


People honestly must know what I am saying and where I am coming from. Its a case by case situation and I will bet that some people would still deal with Ewart & Comic-Keys.


Geeezz, I could ask you what week you are talking about in your post. Last week, This week, Next Week.


And just what is evrything? Is that you special way of saying Everything in your own special language?


But then like you. I truely understood what you meant didn't I....




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I guess very few if any of the critics on these boards took it to heart to actually call the person in question to find out what is happening. Rather they wait for him to respond on the boards with answers that will probably not satisfy nearly everybody anyway.


HI Glenn,


I am sure Steve has better things to do than take calls from every customer that has a concern. This is slightly sign-offtopic.gif but since you have special access to people who would know, maybe you can provide some simple answers that I can't locate on any official announcements. You noted in a previous thread that you sent Chris Friesen 18 books to evaluate as "conservation" candidates. Has PCS opened their doors yet?

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With all due respect, with comments such as this above I query whether you really read the comments that have been made, particularly by those of us who are attorneys (given we best understand the significance of what took place, not that it takes great intelligence to decipher the decision) and especially have read the disbarment decision.


Sorry Mark, I guess we should get our attorneys to proof read our posts too...what were we thinking? Only you understand the significance of what is going on here. screwy.gif

Guys. He sells comics. Why are we debating what happened 6 years ago? The trim JIM thread clearly shows Doug's willingness to "fix" what is wrong. He was trying to understand why people thought the book was trimmed, sounded sruprised from what i gather, and pulled the book (likely forever). Do you guys think he spends hours each day scouring the net for battles to fight, books to buy and threads to post on? What sort of world do you live in? I love this board, but am only here because i have the time. Had i a functioning family and a job that took most of my time, i probably would not be here. I can't belive this is still going on. As Aussie Russ said (and i'm loosely quoting) the proper authorities are dealing with this. Where are his peers to offer support? Give it a rest. I come on here to learn about comics and have fun. Let me tell you the fun is gone. It seems most people come on here to get stimulated. Oh sorry, law enforcement is insufficient in most parts of North America. I guess we need CGC forum to really make things right. The guy has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over from what i hear. Money for sellers is on time, books are shipped on time, and he is easy to reach and communicate with. This is pretty much the only topic that needs to be discussed on these boards. What Doug did to an old lady and whoever else is being dealt with by Doug(mentaly and spiritually), and acc. to the law (by the governing authorities). Is it any wonder there are so many lurkers? Who do you expect to entice by this behavior? If you were a newby, would you post here after going through all this [embarrassing lack of self control]?

I wonder how many of the posters in these threads have dealt with Doug at all?


First you are assuming this all happened 6 years ago..not sure where you got that info (do you know this to be a fact?). Second, his willingness to "fix" what is wrong would have been better demonstated by taking the appropriate measures with the book when qualitycomix fisrt alerted him about it and not "forgetting" about it and later consigning it to Heritage. He seems to show a pattern of willingness to fix things once they have been exposed or brought out to light. Much like the elderly lady had her funds restored after her niece threatened to take him to the bar and two years had passed.


I for one am thankful for Mark's input and any other intelligent insight provided by other forum members regardless of their occupation. By saying that Doug has yet to 893censored-thumb.gif somebody over, shows me that you may indeed someone with a higher level of intelligence to interpret the facts here.


1st, Another board member posted that this happened 6 years ago.

2nd, it is entirely plausible that the man forgot. you have forgotten important things, as have I, no? I don't even need to ask you this. I once forgot to meet my wife for lunch (not funny you trolls!), and i loved her and restpected her. Should she never meet me for luch again? This to me is a much bigger crime than forgetting about a comic.

3rd, what i meant by saying that Doug has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over, is that he has demonstrated over a significant time period that he takes his new business seriously, and no one has yet to find a complaint when interacting with him in a transaction on his new business venture. After several transactions with the guy, all positive (does anyone have a negative transaction to talk about?) what else am i to assume? Is a rabid board of posters going to convice me that he is a dis-honest person to deal with even though i have only had positive experiences? I would say the same for any person I have dealt with...comiclink, Bob Storms and others. I cannot go against my experiences.

Finally, if feel that you are not intelligent enough to make your own decisions, that is fine, but not everyone is a lemming. Though i respect lawyers and doctors, i think they are held in too hi a regard, and some simple self education and common sense eliminates a large portion of our reliance on many "professionals". That is NOT to say that they are not welcome and needed, but we have become a society that cannot think for itself and relies too much on others when we are capable of finding out answers for ourselves. You can go to school your entire life and be no more intelligent than someone who has not. Imagine my shock when a neighbour attending a local University did not know how many 0's were in the number 220, 000!! Dumb as a bag of smashed arseholes! I understand this is an isolated incident (I hope), but illistrates to me that smarts are sometimes not necessarily monoplozied by the learned (if that makes sense).

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finally found this thread about pedigreecomics/Doug disbarment...well i think his disbarment has something to do with him per se, but buying/selling from his site will still be up to us. I bought a comic from him a few months ago and didnt have any problem. Infact i think most people are happy customers of pedigreecomics. If you find his disbarment/trimming issues unforgivable then the best way is to stop doing business with him...ofcourse if he puts that Avengers #4 9.2 for sale at 50% off 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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So your idea of helping someone addicted to comics,to obtaining the very best of the best comics is to support his consignment comic business? If your brother was addicted to crack,would you set him up dealing crack?



We are now asked to believe that at a time when board members are scouring the omniverse for ewerts slabbed books,when CGC and Tom Brulato were spreading the news,Doug never took the time to check his inventory for any,even though he had been told about this particular book. And that he then submitted the book for regrading in the hopes of a better grade,not to obtain a new CGC# and bury the books tainted past.

Lastly, how do we reconcile statements he is supposed to have made to the effect that no one has called him with the evidence that people have called him?

I hope some of you do continue to patronize him. I believe you deserve each other.

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So your idea of helping someone addicted to comics,to obtaining the very best of the best comics is to support his consignment comic business? If your brother was addicted to crack,would you set him up dealing crack?



We are now asked to believe that at a time when board members are scouring the omniverse for ewerts slabbed books,when CGC and Tom Brulato were spreading the news,Doug never took the time to check his inventory for any,even though he had been told about this particular book. And that he then submitted the book for regrading in the hopes of a better grade,not to obtain a new CGC# and bury the books tainted past.

Lastly, how do we reconcile statements he is supposed to have made to the effect that no one has called him with the evidence that people have called him?

I hope some of you do continue to patronize him. I believe you deserve each other.


Hello Shadroch.


I will need you to answer the first question for me.


If you use your approach just how does no one ever buying from Doug again help things? From a comic related viewpoint he has been great to deal with. I have not heard anything but this from the boards.


Secondly I can not testify to the statement that no one has called him. I did not make that statement & It did not come directly from him so you know as much as me as to its validity.


Lastly. I don't think your last sentance was really called for. You may choose to have a problem with Doug & thats your decision but do you really know any of us well enough to make that statement?


I do believe that we can discuss this in a civil manner without getting overly personal can't we?



Russ confused-smiley-013.gif

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You are correct.

While the first part of my post was directed towards you,the second paragraph was intended towards everyone,not you in particular.


People are free to do as they choose. If someone after having read of dougs resubmitting a ewert book chooses to buy from him,their risk,their business.Except what happens when they then try to sell the book?

He's already been caught with one tainted book. Why would you risk him selling you a second? If people don't support dealers that engage in such behavior,then hopefully such behavior will stop.I,myself,would love to run all the shady dealers out of the hobby,and Doug has shown himself to be,at the very least,untrustworthy.

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I'm not sure why you think Doug has gotten "FAR softer treatment" than others on this board. He's basically being torn to shreds by everyone. I see about 3 or 4 people that are defending him and most everyone else is out for blood. I've consigned a lot of books with Doug since the inception of Pedigree and have not had anything but great dealings with him, he's always paid me in a timely manner and he's always available to talk whether it be business related or comics as a hobby related. Having said that I'm genuinely concerned about some of the issues that have been brought up, especially the JIM resub. I'm keeping in mind that we've heard only one side of the story. Please let's not slam Doug for not coming on here and presenting his side. From what I understand he wanted to post in this thread but is following Brad's advice to wait a couple of days. I think that time is passed. Probably time for Doug to come on here and make a statement and hopefully answer some questions. The atmosphere here of people having crucified him without hearing him out will make it difficult. There are however some of us here that are willing to hear him out without passing judgement prematurely. Doug, this is your que buddy. In my opinion, you're better served coming on here and facing the music then letting the sharks feed.

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I'm not sure why you think Doug has gotten "FAR softer treatment" than others on this board. He's basically being torn to shreds by everyone. I see about 3 or 4 people that are defending him and most everyone else is out for blood. I've consigned a lot of books with Doug since the inception of Pedigree and have not had anything but great dealings with him, he's always paid me in a timely manner and he's always available to talk whether it be business related or comics as a hobby related. Having said that I'm genuinely concerned about some of the issues that have been brought up, especially the JIM resub. I'm keeping in mind that we've heard only one side of the story. Please let's not slam Doug for not coming on here and presenting his side. From what I understand he wanted to post in this thread but is following Brad's advice to wait a couple of days. I think that time is passed. Probably time for Doug to come on here and make a statement and hopefully answer some questions. The atmosphere here of people having crucified him without hearing him out will make it difficult. There are however some of us here that are willing to hear him out without passing judgement prematurely. Doug, this is your que buddy. In my opinion, you're better served coming on here and facing the music then letting the sharks feed.


Torn to shreds by everyone?? I think if you read through this thread, you will see that hasn't been the case. What's caused him to be kicked around of late has a lot to do with the types of defenses some of his supporters have countered with.


This has caused a few mini flame wars between those who think his lawyer activities have no bearing on his comic book dealing activities for the most part.


I'm not and haven't been slamming Doug for not comming on here. If you look back in the thread, I even mentioned that Red Hook (Brad) had suggested he wait a couple of days before posting on here.


As for judging prematurely...the disbarment is a fact as are the 48 counts that were levied against him. This happened...staying in denial will do you no good.


As for the TRIM JIM, this is speculative, but looks very bad in light of the events laid out.


Let me also state again, that I have had many transactions with Doug through Pedigree and have had good experiences. Pedigree had been becomming my #1 venue for comics and I recommended that venue to others as recently as two days prior to these events. Having said all that, I cannot in good conscience act like none of this stuff has happened and let others downplay the seriousness of these events or listen to lame defenses of people trying to put words in Doug's mouth. They really just end up making him look worse as people might think he feels the way they do.


I'm open to hearing anything Doug has to say about any of this, but am not demanding him to do so nor do I feel like I have been "crucifying" him by administering a deserved dose of disappointment. I may choose to do business again or I may not...either way that won't be a decision I make this week or one I will make lightly.

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Brian, I still think you are WAY off base on this one. We'll have to get together next time and talk about it. I'm surprised that the lawyers here are jumping Doug when the "evidence" of his wrongdoing with regards to his comic book business rests on a single incident for which he has offered an explanation.


Would any of this stand up in courtroom? If you were defending a client would you not, in the issue of fairness seek to have one issue separated from another?


I am really disappointed in what's going on here. Everytime I have given someone a tough time, I have backed it up with concrete evidence. The distortions on the JIM 92 have gotten out of hand.


And the characteriations of Doug's "victims" from his escrow botchup have become absolutely Dickensian. You guys should write drama. I'm on my fourth box of Kleenex. Good God! He freely admits his error, he took his punishment. End of line.


Stand up, step away from the keyboards and take ten. I dare any of you to call Doug and actually get some of the facts. In the Ewert case I had contact with Jason BOTH times, last summer and a year and a half ago. I've still got his emails and have posted them several times. Those were lies and it was PROVEN. And as far as we know, Jason is still operating out there doing his thing. Hammer is still king of Ebay, foisting his krap on unsuspecting buyers. And CGC still can't detect trimming.


If Doug is found to be lying on the JIM92 I'll never talk to him again. And he knows that.


But I'm still waiting to see any evidence of a pattern of fraud with relation to his comic dealing business. Frankly, I wouldn't want to hire any of you fast shooting attornies if this is the way you conduct business. Brian and Mark (and Scottie)....give Doug a friggin' call. Then post away.


Best, Brad

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With all due respect, with comments such as this above I query whether you really read the comments that have been made, particularly by those of us who are attorneys (given we best understand the significance of what took place, not that it takes great intelligence to decipher the decision) and especially have read the disbarment decision.


Sorry Mark, I guess we should get our attorneys to proof read our posts too...what were we thinking? Only you understand the significance of what is going on here. screwy.gif

Guys. He sells comics. Why are we debating what happened 6 years ago? The trim JIM thread clearly shows Doug's willingness to "fix" what is wrong. He was trying to understand why people thought the book was trimmed, sounded sruprised from what i gather, and pulled the book (likely forever). Do you guys think he spends hours each day scouring the net for battles to fight, books to buy and threads to post on? What sort of world do you live in? I love this board, but am only here because i have the time. Had i a functioning family and a job that took most of my time, i probably would not be here. I can't belive this is still going on. As Aussie Russ said (and i'm loosely quoting) the proper authorities are dealing with this. Where are his peers to offer support? Give it a rest. I come on here to learn about comics and have fun. Let me tell you the fun is gone. It seems most people come on here to get stimulated. Oh sorry, law enforcement is insufficient in most parts of North America. I guess we need CGC forum to really make things right. The guy has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over from what i hear. Money for sellers is on time, books are shipped on time, and he is easy to reach and communicate with. This is pretty much the only topic that needs to be discussed on these boards. What Doug did to an old lady and whoever else is being dealt with by Doug(mentaly and spiritually), and acc. to the law (by the governing authorities). Is it any wonder there are so many lurkers? Who do you expect to entice by this behavior? If you were a newby, would you post here after going through all this [embarrassing lack of self control]?

I wonder how many of the posters in these threads have dealt with Doug at all?


First you are assuming this all happened 6 years ago..not sure where you got that info (do you know this to be a fact?). Second, his willingness to "fix" what is wrong would have been better demonstated by taking the appropriate measures with the book when qualitycomix fisrt alerted him about it and not "forgetting" about it and later consigning it to Heritage. He seems to show a pattern of willingness to fix things once they have been exposed or brought out to light. Much like the elderly lady had her funds restored after her niece threatened to take him to the bar and two years had passed.


I for one am thankful for Mark's input and any other intelligent insight provided by other forum members regardless of their occupation. By saying that Doug has yet to 893censored-thumb.gif somebody over, shows me that you may indeed someone with a higher level of intelligence to interpret the facts here.


1st, Another board member posted that this happened 6 years ago.

2nd, it is entirely plausible that the man forgot. you have forgotten important things, as have I, no? I don't even need to ask you this. I once forgot to meet my wife for lunch (not funny you trolls!), and i loved her and restpected her. Should she never meet me for luch again? This to me is a much bigger crime than forgetting about a comic.

3rd, what i meant by saying that Doug has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over, is that he has demonstrated over a significant time period that he takes his new business seriously, and no one has yet to find a complaint when interacting with him in a transaction on his new business venture. After several transactions with the guy, all positive (does anyone have a negative transaction to talk about?) what else am i to assume? Is a rabid board of posters going to convice me that he is a dis-honest person to deal with even though i have only had positive experiences? I would say the same for any person I have dealt with...comiclink, Bob Storms and others. I cannot go against my experiences.

Finally, if feel that you are not intelligent enough to make your own decisions, that is fine, but not everyone is a lemming. Though i respect lawyers and doctors, i think they are held in too hi a regard, and some simple self education and common sense eliminates a large portion of our reliance on many "professionals". That is NOT to say that they are not welcome and needed, but we have become a society that cannot think for itself and relies too much on others when we are capable of finding out answers for ourselves. You can go to school your entire life and be no more intelligent than someone who has not. Imagine my shock when a neighbour attending a local University did not know how many 0's were in the number 220, 000!! Dumb as a bag of smashed arseholes! I understand this is an isolated incident (I hope), but illistrates to me that smarts are sometimes not necessarily monoplozied by the learned (if that makes sense).


So, then I was right that you are assuming that this all happened 6 years ago. If I said in a post that it all happened 2 weeks ago, would you start using it as fact or would you ask me how I assertained that?


893naughty-thumb.gif You forgot to meet your wife for lunch! I bet if you did that, and had previously broken her trust in a major way, she may feel suspicious about it and even dare to question why you forgot about your lunch date.


I'm not trying to disuade you from doing business with him. That's a personal choice each individual will have to make. Time will tell on how he conducts his new business. Everthing may be all good right now, but if a HG pristine collection comes up for sale and he has the jones for it, his consignors may get some late checks.( If he does have this comic book addiction I have heard so much about).


I think you are intelligent enough to make your own decisions...it seems you already have. I'm just not sure you're making well informed decisions. Getting opinions from lawyers particularly in this case seems like common sense to me. They are the best suited for relaying the disbarment document back to us in laymen terms and addressing the seriousness of the charges. It's not about asking them because of their IQ, it was about the relevance of the topic.

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You are correct.

While the first part of my post was directed towards you,the second paragraph was intended towards everyone,not you in particular.


People are free to do as they choose. If someone after having read of dougs resubmitting a ewert book chooses to buy from him,their risk,their business.Except what happens when they then try to sell the book?

He's already been caught with one tainted book. Why would you risk him selling you a second? If people don't support dealers that engage in such behavior,then hopefully such behavior will stop.I,myself,would love to run all the shady dealers out of the hobby,and Doug has shown himself to be,at the very least,untrustworthy.

Your posts have been reasonable. As to his resubbing a book he knew was trimmed, I haven't heard him admit this. Moreover, he DID cancel a buy I made some months ago after he found out the book I'd bought was a Ewert book. I had no idea when I purchased it and have no reason to believe he did. I also see some posters mentioning he resubs books in general. Well, who doesn't? I've had many books come back from CGC that I just scratch my head about and have resubbed them. I think he should come on here but it sounds that everyone (except you) have made up their minds.


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I have just one quick question, I notice that several lawyers that frequent the boards do tend to spend quite a bit of time posting etc, which is fine it's nice to have there perspective and they all seem like pleasent people. But do any of the board watching posting times ever overlap with billable hours?

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Actually Brad, I did email Doug. And I did get a response, and it doesn't change my basic message here. And go back and read what I've posted on this subject. I've been less aggressive on the subject matter that this automatically casts doubt on his comic dealings, but you have to factor it in when you judge character.


Brad: the judge of someone's character does not come in what you do whenever someone is looking or when you get caught and have to come clean. Character is defined by what is done in the moments where you do the right thing, or you try to do the right thing, for the sake of the action itself. What kind of person you are is defined in the darkness and the true test then.


Flip your courtroom scenario around. If I was the prosecutor, I would ask to have Doug's testimony on any new trial (say the comics charges) impeached as crimen falsi. Also, he would essentially have a previous crime for dishonesty, meaning a charge that his future testimony should be weighed with that in mind. I have asked for people to do the same here.


But you have not seen me post much in the JIM 92 thread or here on that subject. Nor have I blown out of proportion the victims in this case. I have not posted anything along those lines. But 22 different people, even if it all stems from one, and the whole escrow account is then botched, along with the other charges are something serious.


In the end -- I view it much the same -- the seriousness of this situation lies in one area in particular -- you are each the judge individually with how you want to act with Doug: for me, it is simple, All of us failings of character, myself included, but the severity and nature of them is what separates how they are viewed. And for me this is severe.


Brian, I still think you are WAY off base on this one. We'll have to get together next time and talk about it. I'm surprised that the lawyers here are jumping Doug when the "evidence" of his wrongdoing with regards to his comic book business rests on a single incident for which he has offered an explanation.


Would any of this stand up in courtroom? If you were defending a client would you not, in the issue of fairness seek to have one issue separated from another?


I am really disappointed in what's going on here. Everytime I have given someone a tough time, I have backed it up with concrete evidence. The distortions on the JIM 92 have gotten out of hand.


And the characteriations of Doug's "victims" from his escrow botchup have become absolutely Dickensian. You guys should write drama. I'm on my fourth box of Kleenex. Good God! He freely admits his error, he took his punishment. End of line.


Stand up, step away from the keyboards and take ten. I dare any of you to call Doug and actually get some of the facts. In the Ewert case I had contact with Jason BOTH times, last summer and a year and a half ago. I've still got his emails and have posted them several times. Those were lies and it was PROVEN. And as far as we know, Jason is still operating out there doing his thing. Hammer is still king of Ebay, foisting his krap on unsuspecting buyers. And CGC still can't detect trimming.


If Doug is found to be lying on the JIM92 I'll never talk to him again. And he knows that.


But I'm still waiting to see any evidence of a pattern of fraud with relation to his comic dealing business. Frankly, I wouldn't want to hire any of you fast shooting attornies if this is the way you conduct business. Brian and Mark (and Scottie)....give Doug a friggin' call. Then post away.


Best, Brad

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But 22 different people, even if it all stems from one, and the whole escrow account is then botched, along with the other charges are something serious.


the 22 different people harmed seems to me a technicality. If Doug poured all the escrow money into one account, the bar would have to have added up all the names in their disbarment proceedings. But, in reality, Doug only violated one account. Impossible to parse which old lady was harmed more than another, so all 22 become victims of wrongdoing. Its far different than if he maintained 22 accounts and systematically raided each one...

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And Brian, you still ducked this question. Just answer it please.


Would any of this stand up in courtroom? If you were defending a client would you not, in the issue of fairness seek to have one issue separated from another?

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And Brian, you still ducked this question. Just answer it please.


Would any of this stand up in courtroom? If you were defending a client would you not, in the issue of fairness seek to have one issue separated from another?


With all the jumping from thread to thread...I've become lost. What 2 issues are we trying to seperate exactly?

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And Brian, you still ducked this question. Just answer it please.


Would any of this stand up in courtroom? If you were defending a client would you not, in the issue of fairness seek to have one issue separated from another?


With all the jumping from thread to thread...I've become lost. What 2 issues are we trying to seperate exactly?


Doug's disbarment and his reputation as a seller of comic books.

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