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Anyone see tonights Ghosthunters on the Sci Fi channel?

340 posts in this topic

Hey, I cought another episode of that Haunting show on Discovery last night. That's one creepy @ss show! As scary as these places are, I'd still love to go and check them out myself.


I nearly got a chance to spend the night in a supposed real haunted house. My buddies dad works with a guy who renovates historic homes and had access to an abanded one that is on the Historic Haunted list or something like that. Anyway, I kept trying to make it happen, but it never materialized before I had to leave for Japan. I'm still hoping it could happen after I get back.


My wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting to do that. Maybe just a little insane.gif But what she doesn't know is I've already got a bed and breakfast at a supposed haunted inn already in the works. It's in Kansas, so not too far from home. wink.gif

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Hey, I cought another episode of that Haunting show on Discovery last night. That's one creepy @ss show! As scary as these places are, I'd still love to go and check them out myself.


I nearly got a chance to spend the night in a supposed real haunted house. My buddies dad works with a guy who renovates historic homes and had access to an abanded one that is on the Historic Haunted list or something like that. Anyway, I kept trying to make it happen, but it never materialized before I had to leave for Japan. I'm still hoping it could happen after I get back.


My wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting to do that. Maybe just a little insane.gif But what she doesn't know is I've already got a bed and breakfast at a supposed haunted inn already in the works. It's in Kansas, so not too far from home. wink.gif


Another believer 893scratchchin-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif

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Anyone watch tonights episode on the jail?


...yes,..and I've been in waaay scarier jails,...I was in Broward County with Bobby Brown once,..that was scary,....

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I have a Ghost story. 100% true, and very real because it just happened to me on Tuesday.


Part 1 of 2


Last November my dad passed away. 2 weeks ago his wife, my step mom joined him They were married almost 30 years. angel.gif I wish them both well , wherever they may be. The following paragraphs below are backstory to help set up the end of the story.


She(Susie) was a real piece of work. Back in the day she was a pretty young thing who my dad married 2 weeks after his divorce was final from my mother. I dont blame him really. Later on, as an adult I realized my mom and dad should never have been married in the first place. At least they got the divorce over early on , instead of dragging it out for years for our sake.


Susie never liked us kids..we were "in the way" as she was famous for saying.

She started out a decent young woman, but became a truley bitter, delusional lady after 35 years of abusing herself. And ultimately finally pickled herself to death. I was not really very close to her the entire time I knew her (27 years). And was the main reason my Dad and I went our seperate ways. He was my Dad, she was his love, not mine. We left it at that.


After my dad died it was up to us to help her carry on even though she did not want any help. (she had NO friends and NO family) While helping her after my dad died, she whould have"spells". During these fits I had a gun pulled on me, was spit on, and cursed at enough times to fill a book. It was a very painful situation, but I knew she was not in good mental health so I did what I thought was right To her were were simply money grubbing kids and wanted us to get the f out of her house, yet she could not cook for herself, pay the bills, (or change her colostomy bag for that matter). My Dad did everything for her. All I ever wanted after he passed away was some of my dads personal belongings.It was not gonna happen. I accepted the few things she offered me and left it at that.

A few months after my dad died, in comes her long lost step brother when he was made aware there was no will found.(Which we looked and ,looked for, and since no lawyer came foward, or whose name was ever found...well .no will means my sister and I had no rights to anything. So after al long difficult period we tried to help him relocate her to Vermont, and then Arizona where her brother lived. But she insisted on staying at her house. She told me and my sister to stay out of her life and thanks for nothing. See ya. I heard nothing from either of them for a few moths till I heard Susie died a few weeks ago. Her step brother is actually a very civil, well mannered,not to mention a very wealthy man. After speaking with him, he expressed how terrible he felt about how she treated us, and true to his word he gave us keys to the new locks that were recently put in per Susies request after my "last visit" a few months ago. He said to take anything we wanted. He was going to auction it all off after we found anything we wanted in the house.


Enough backstory.


Tuesday I went to the house, by myself.. It was my third trip to the house after both of them died.


The first time was with my sister last Saturday right after the funeral.

The second time was with my daughter on Monday to turn on some lights, and check on a toillet that always runs, and simply check the house in general. I had to replace a fuse located in the basement,yes the dank basement.In doing so I found both of their wills .. for the most part sitting right out in the open, in an outbasket with a layer of dust on them 1/4 inch thick. Obviously this changed EVERYTHING. This is not part of this story though, that is for another day.


My most recent visit was 4 days ago. Tuesday.I went alone, at night after my wife got home


Needless to say it was a very bizarre feeling as I turned the key and entered the house, right before sunset. I was VERY aware I was alone, and VERY, very aware I was in someone else's house. Hard to explain, I just felt like I was violating their home by being there. Even though it was now rightfully mine.


I went there to dig around the dungy basement(which was clearly my Dads area) I found all his old camera collection. Photo albums,enough to fill my cars trunk(He was a pro photographer) I found his old trainset, a few books,his guitars, old files about his family and military background which was all new info to me. That was about it, he was not big on keeping things or buying things for that matter. I got what I wanted, some of my dads stuff. As I went upstairs to look around I didnt find much of anything of my Dads that interested me. It was all Susies taste..furniture, china, paintings..etc..it was Susie all over. In his bedroom(they had seperate bedrooms) I found more cameras, some old microscopes and a few other personal items. And also some files on their house. A homeowners policy which listed all of Susies Jewelery.. about 25 items, around $35,000. I remember my sister saying she didnt find anything but loads of costume junk jewelry when she went through Susies room on Saturday.(even though I told her not to) Either her brother took it all which I doubt. Or my sister did, and didnt tell me, or it was all still in her room somewhere. I wanted to see for myself.


So I went into Susies bedroom and turned on the light.



Part 2 to come tonight.

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Wait... if you found the wills... uh. What does that mean legally?


(It clearly means that his wife subverted his intentions regarding his estate and personal possessions at least although.)



Great story so far though thumbsup2.gif

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So I walked into Susies room and turned on the light.


It was the main bedroom of the house. When you walk into the room you see a huge waterbed that juts out into the middle of the room. Turn right upon entering and there are 2 sets of sliding door closets that take up the entire wall. The wall opposite the bed also had dresser drawers on either side of a large double window.

I went about opening the large closest first. The kind with little circle cut out fingerholds that always come off the track..like in most cheap apartments.I wrestled one of them open and was greeted by shoes, coats, and hats, and sweaters. All in order, all stacked according to color, and all in plastic bags.I did not even attempt to go through these items. I picked up several at random and realized they were all empty.On to the next closet, same thing..more bags..in order..and all emtpy.


So I moved in order around the room. Next up was the dresser to the right of the big window. It was huge,with deep drawers.. filled with clothes of all kinds, all in plastic bags. I am detecting a theme here. I did find a few photo albums in the top drawer. The only weird thing was her wigs on top of the dresser. She had 2 large Manequin heads on top of the dresser. Each one had a red wig, with tissue paper on top of the wig seperating the hat that was placed on top.

I moved my way left around the room to thedesk under the big window, nothing of note. Next was the dresser to the left of the big window. Same style as the other dresser. This one was not filled with clothes, but jewelery. All kind, bracelets, bangle, earings, chains, rings , 100's and 100's of items. Each piece in a plastic bag, all in bigger bags. I rifled through them quickly, I knew it was all junk.

Moving to the last wall opposite the door was a smaller dresser. It also held jewelery, all in bags, Nicer stuff. But not what was on the policy. I shut the drawers and looked around, actually looking up for the first time in about an hour.

The closet door was open. I will not swear I shut it, but I will swear it was a pain to open and close.So I knew I shut it as soon as I went back to try reclose it..it was not noisy because the bottom track was not on the runner, it was riding on the carpet. I re slid the closet door shut not thinking much about it and went back to the dresser by the bed.

I found a few items of worth in that dresser, but not what I was looking for. So I closed it up. Went to looking for items in or around her bed. It had a large headboard with shelves. I found journalds, diaries, and personal papers. I took them all, put them in a box after leafing throught them. This was where I discovered her fathers original art drawings.I sat and read those for a good while.I was satisfied that there was nothing else in the room I wanted, nor of any value to anyone but Susie so I walk around the bed to exit the room, shifting the box of stuff to my right arm as I flicked the light switch with my left hand, as I am switching the light off I hear a "whuuoaapump" sound. I immediately turn around to see one of her Manequin's rolling end over end on the floor, the wigs against the wall by the bed witrh the hat, and the piece of tissue paper was floating down to the ground like a leaf. I put the box down to go pick it up, and only as I am placing all the items as they were on the dresser did I realize just wtf had taken place. My hair went up, goose bumps, the works. I laugh at myself and set the Manequin head back up just as it was and I smacked the dresser, I bumped it with my hip, I rocked it back and forth to try and dislodge either Manequin head from the dresser. Niether budged. I then whapped the head with my hand to simulate just what would happen if it fell off the top of the dresser when I was shutting the nearby closet earlier. It fell to my feet, not 1 foot from the dresser, I tried again, this time harder. It landed right next to the dresser, as it should have, hat intact


When I originally turned off the light, and heard the whoop sound the Manequin head was a good 10-12 feet from the dresser, and was rolling foward, and the tissue paper was still above my head, floating downwards.


I turned off the light again and left the house. I have not yet been back to the house.



I have no idea how to explain what took place. Or what it even means. But I know this, something did happen. I admit when I first entered the house I was jumpy. But after 4 hours of going through a home it kinda looses it's edge. I was not jumpy when this took place. I was ready to leave, tired, and hungry. Sounds weird I know,I dont have ghost sightings to relate, or photos of ectoplasm walking around the house. but it happened just as I wrote it. I wrote this for two reasons, because belive it or not I thought of this thread, and Ghosthunters as I drove home. And as time goes by I am finding myself not even believing it actually took place at all. So I wanted to write it down before I forgot.Or chickened out.


Here are a few photos of Susie so you can put a face to my story. Her life started out with promise. It ended up alone, and from what I can gleen..in sadness. I know for a fact that she did not want me in her bedroom and I guess she told me as much.


RIP Susie








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Nice story. If this were a fictional account though and on tv, you realize that the missing jewelry you had foreshadowed earlier in the story would have turned up in a hidden compartment in the mannequin head... (I.E. it wasn't a warning but a message.)

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Cool story Ze-man,.............since we are on the subject of ghost stories,I have a good one.When I was 17,me and a friend decided to go swimming in a nearby apartment building pool.It was a scorching hot evening in August about 4 A.M.,so we climbed the fence and snuck into the pool.We were swimming real quietly for a few minutes when we heard young childs voice say "get........out".The voice came from behind the other fence,which happened to be the cemetary.I looked at my friend and said "did you hear that?".He nodded and within 30 seconds,we were out of the pool,over the fence,and running up the block.............the next day we went back during the day(when we were allowed in,lol)and joked about the night before.I walked to the fence where we heard the voice,and climbed on a chair to look over the fence.The hair on the back of my neck went up..........directly behind that fence were a few rows of small gravestones,the children's cemetary...........

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Shin, I thought of that as well when talking about it with my wife.. We will be going back to the house today to take a look. I dont expect to find anything in either head, but if I do, well..expect to see a T.V. special soon.



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Hey Kenny Great story! Well written, I felt like I was there. I have had a similar thing happen to me with a box "falling" off a shelf and hitting the wall across the room 15 feet away. Its just impossible, but it happened. You should go back with a digital camera, they pick up infra red light.......

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I had a similar experience in my parent's house.


Most of my life had been spent growing up in my parent's house. From the time I was brought home from the hospital until I moved here to Japan with my wife. Minus a small stint in an apartment for about 6 months back when I was 20.


Well, it's always been the running joke that my house was haunted. Many of my friends had gottem freaked out and some wouldn't dare be in there by themselves. I once lost a bunch of pet fish due to a friend (who was 18 at the time!) getting so spooked by noises and a door knob shaking while comming over to feed them for me while we were on vacation, that he ran out and didn't come back.


I myself had several strange experiences over the years. Some left me very afraid of the dark and "monsters", etc. Once, when about 5, while crying at my doorway because my parents wouldn't let me come up to their room to sleep, I felt and heard a breath on the back of my neck from behind the crack of my open door. To this day, I cannot explain that incedent. I've tried to play it off as some kind of natural cause which affected a 5 year old's perception. Regardless, at the time it scared me so bad I slept on the top stair to my parent's bedroom which was about 12 stairs up or so. My dad almost stepped on me the next morning.


Many times over the years, my sister, friends, and I would hear what sounded like footsteps going acrooss my parent's bedroom floor, even having it happen once with my whole family gathered downstairs. Once we all went to the movies and had turned the porch light on, only to come home and see it off. It was turned off and all locks were locked. It was nice that both my dad and I remember the porch light being on when we left, so even my parents had to contemplate that one.


Once while home by myself, I was watching TV and kept hearing little noises. I tried turning it up real loud to drown it out, but still kept thinking I was hearing something. That scared me even more as if something was going on, or someone was in the house, I decided I wanted to be able to hear it. I then muted the TV only to get the [embarrassing lack of self control] scared out of me by a loud noise in the garage that sounded exactly like a spray paint can being shook up, then a pause and what sound like a large wrench falling and clanging on the ground. I bolted out the front door only to be waiting outside when my parents came home in the wee hours of the morning. These types of things always seemed to intesnify from small noises that when that leave you wondering if it's a noise at all or just my own heartbeat to unmistakeable climactic bangs or nioses.


Now fast forward a bit. I have just moved back home to my parents after a 6 month stint in an apartment. I am 20 now and have had my fears of the house and ghosts conquered for some time. I had even spent the night in my basement in my teens as part of facing off with these fears. Well, the house was definately about to give me a refresher course in fear and a little of it's own welcome back message.


The night I moved back, my parents were out of town at the lake so it was just me and my new pup (probably 5 months old around then, he's 13 now and still with me). I had no TV set up in my room yet and only a small desk lamp for reading by my bed. My new room was my brother's old room which was directly at the foot of my parent's stairway and caddy corner to my old room. Sitting there reading in silence while my dog chewed on a rawhide, I kept hearing those little creepy noises I used to hear. I called up a buddy and that took the nerve off for a bit. We laughed about it and I was joking how stupid it was for me at this age to be getting a little spooked. After we hung up, I suddenly felt how alone I was again in this big house. Again, I heard a noise which was louder this time. Loud enough for my dog to stop chewing and stare at my door with ears at full attention. I called my buddy back and he offered to ome over. Then I felt like a real wuss, and said no, it's cool. He had to be at work early and I felt like I was being a real dweeb anyway. We hung up again and I remember grabbing a knife and keeping it close by. Then the motherlode happened...the sound that was so extreme I knew it was not caused by an over active imagination. I heard this loud rattling and crash all the way down my parents stairs that ended with a thud at the foot of my door. I grabbed the knife, slowly walked to my door....then locked it and went back to my bed and slept with the knife under my pillow. No way in hell was I gonna open that door like the retards in horror movies. 27_laughing.gif The next morning when I did come out, there was this huge sack of junk right at my door that had apparently fallen from my parents top step all the way down the stairs and settled at my doorway. Coincedence?


My last major event came a couple of years before I left to come out here. I was home alone and as usual when something weird happens, began to hear a few little noises. It kind of got my adrenaline going and I thought I heard something in the garage. Now, being even older and braver, I opened the door to the garage which leads to stairs. To the left of the bottom of the stairs would be the garage doors and immediately around the left are the stairs to the basement. This door was open, which I hated! I actually went about halfway down the garage stairs and sat down. Ya, I was a little spooked to go down all the way and peek around the corner. Oh, and I had also already opened up the front door for easy bolting access in case there was an intruder or some other reason for getting out. So, I'm sitting there and beginning to relax, when I hear this shuffle sound and a large bang into the garage door so hard it shook the springs of the door and rattled the glass. I flew up those stairs and out that front door so fast Superman and Flash would've been eating my dust. 27_laughing.gif The thing was, I was able to instantly see that the impact into my garage door did not come from outside. There was nothing but dark silence. No kids running off, no object lying outside the door that could have been thrown, nothing. I ran a complete lap around my house. Then I realized, that in my haste I had left the door from the family room to the garage open, so if there was someone down there, they could be in the rest of the house now. I looked through the garage door windows from outside, but couldn't see anything. The open basement door was blocking the view of the garage stairs, so I had to go back into the house full of uncertainty. I just went back in and shut the door to the garage, locked it, and checked the rest of the house. No way I was going to check out the garage and basement.


I'll be comming back home at the end of July and until my wife and I close on a house will be staying there again. I have to wonder if it will have any surprise welcomes waiting for me this time. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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Shin, I thought of that as well when talking about it with my wife.. We will be going back to the house today to take a look. I dont expect to find anything in either head, but if I do, well..expect to see a T.V. special soon.



Did you find anything in either of the heads? popcorn.gif

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