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The Search For Pre-1960 UK Price Variants

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Get Marwood & I


Hello :)

I'm not going to post a big explanatory preamble this time, but just note that in this journal I will be looking to see if I can find any pre-1960 dated comics which could reasonably be referred to as 'UK Price Variants'. As we now know, a UK Price Variant is a book made for distribution in the UK, with a single printed UK cover price, but which was printed in the US as a junior subset of the same original print run as the primary cents priced version. We know from my research that UKPVs were produced post 1960 for seven US publishers, but I wanted to see if I could find any books prior to that date, either from the US or another country.

I have a number of books to post about, so let's get started.

I recently picked up this copy of 'Skunky Shopkeeper', undated, which carries a stickered one shilling price and an indicia which notes that the book was printed in Canada and distributed in the UK by 'Streamlined Books' (a possible misprint of the 'Streamline' of 'Pictorial Romance' fame?):


I then picked up a second corner-nibbled copy, also with a sticker, and painstakingly removed it to reveal this apparently overprinted 6d price:


Here are the two prices, side by side:

973217549_SkunkyCrop1.jpg.4731475df2eec9c91c31a260f53562dc.jpg 2049922793_SkunkyCrop2.jpg.4875089caa6bae005e8bf1d214a18579.jpg

So my first thought was 'could this be a UKPV of an original Canadian book?'

I know very little about Gold and pre-1960s books. I'm sure there are people I could ask, but where's the fun in that? It's something to do, to potter on, explore and learn for yourself. 

That said, the GCD helpfully tells me that my Canadian Skunky reprints the US comic 'Funland Comics #1'


So I grab myself a copy of that book, also corner-nibbled:


Is corner nibbling a thing in Gold?

The obvious difference of course is the cover which is manifestly absent from 'Skunky'.

The indicia of Funland advises that the book was printed in the USA, c1945:


The interior story pages and content are the same as Skunky - here are the two books side by side:

499856460_Skunky(CenturyPublications)Undated6d.thumb.jpg.e136201c3dc326ebdff59aaa9655ed70.jpg 435627194_FunlandComics1(1945)Splash.thumb.jpg.8ed248014a27eda20a6f2bac0ccfd783.jpg

A bit of Googling brings me to this image below, source unknown, which shows my Skunky as being one of a number of coverless Canadian comics, overprinted with UK prices by Superior/Century Publications for distribution in the UK by Streamlined of London:


It further says "The majority of these were remainders". Hold that thought.

The assumption is that I have two copies of a comic that was printed in the USA for Croydon Publishing, of which unsold copies were picked up by Superior/Century Publications of Canada, who then stripped them of their covers and then overprinted them with a UK price (which were then subsequently stickered at a higher price).

Incidentally, could the 6d overprinted price be for Canadian sales and the copies sent to the UK be marked up with the one shilling sticker? Mebbe.

Back to the pre-1960 UKPV search, can the coverless guts of an original US book, that is then overprinted with a UK/Canadian price in Canada be considered a variant? It can't really, can it. Now if there was a copy of Funland #1 with a printed UK single price, which came from the same print run, then yes. But amended guts? That's pushing it a bit.

Anyway, on inspection, the guts that comprise 'Skunky' do not actually appear to be remaindered copies of Funland #1 at all. If we look closely at these examples, we can see:

1. A very different print quality and colouring - Funland is clean, Skunky has got all the sloppy production marks that tend to indicate a crude reprinting:

1859713250_SkunkyCrop4.jpg.c57032c989814efe7dffb2c46d4462ca.jpg 536200555_SkunkyCrop5.jpg.14a1aac9afbfff193b9424074fbfeea4.jpg

The next two images show that clearly too - one clean, one with additional bits and bobs and an inferior production quality:

1178558415_RoughPrintingComparison2Funland.thumb.jpg.c0117a18780ce0a375cf58d0a52d4621.jpg 2048612099_RoughPrintingComparison1Skunky.thumb.jpg.348d4252ac339631abc456415d64e18a.jpg

2. Next, we can see that the two sets of guts have different overall dimensions:


3. Any notion that that might be due to trimming evaporates when you see that the actual printed images are slightly bigger on the Skunky page than on the Funland original:

107996166_PrintedPageSize1.thumb.jpg.53e265cdb5a7db827ca73e4f5adceaa8.jpg 1499515462_PrintedPageSize2.thumb.jpg.3767917814b631c5a2bc96f7d2947a94.jpg

4. The staples location is different on the two books too, and the Skunky ones are much bigger than the Funland's:


My staple's bigger than yours mate!

All the evidence, which is much clearer in hand I might add, indicates that our Canadian Skunky was reprinted rather than being a cover-stripped, remaindered original US book. So the 'Printed in Canada' of the indicia refers not just to the price / logo overprinting, but the whole book. From a UKPV search perspective, that takes Funland #1 out of the equation, as a UKPV must come from the same print run as the headline country copy. That leaves us with Canadian Skunky.

Every copy of Skunky that I have seen has the 6d overprinted price. Now, if someone was going to reprint the guts, why would they then overprint a UK price? Why not do it all in one go? I say this, as I have noted that the 6d price moves from copy to copy (my copy vs GCD copy below):

1215699519_SkunkyCrop2.jpg.2d41dadc165edb5b99be5644c38d9b40.jpg 1959523550_SkunkyCrop3.jpg.6f1a5bc63f66350048ec4b10e254711b.jpg

In summary, it looks like Superior Publishers of Canada obtained the rights (?) to reprint the guts of Croydon Publishing's Funland #1, minus the cover, did so and then added their company livery, an indicia and a 6d price. They then either sent the whole lot to the UK, who promptly increased that price with a sticker, or sold some of the 6d copies locally in Canada. 

Even if we view Skunky as its own thing, separate to Funland, there is only one reprinted/overprinted version in existence it seems, so it can't be a UK Price Variant. If there was a majority 6d printed Canadian copy and a lesser UK one shilling printed copy, both printed together, we could perhaps make an argument. But there isn't. It seems.

I rather enjoyed the exercise though, on this book, and it's fun to learn more about books of this age by mucking about with them directly and holding them in your hands. Especially when they include stories such as "Angel Pussy", the pages of which further illustrate the colour and quality contrast between the two books:


Play nicely, Angel Pussy!

Well, that's Funland vs Skunky out of the way, to get the ball rolling. Next up, Jeep Comics. Or Lucky Coyne. Or maybe K G Murray's Super Adventure Comic. Or another one of the various candidates I've amassed over recent years. I'll see which one takes my fancy before dropping Wonder Comics into the mix. 

See you next time then, if you're interested....



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Recommended Comments

On 3/29/2023 at 8:22 PM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

From what I can see, there are now 9 known titles in this Canadian 1946 coverless-style UK edition niche:

  1. The Conquerers – (Superior/Century), reprints Conqueror Comics (Albrecht 1945)
  2. Bogey Man #2 (Superior/Century), reprints Red Band comics #1 (Rural Home 1944)
  3. Dr. Mercy (Superior/Century), reprints Zoom Comics (Carlton 1945)
  4. Golden Lad (Superior/Century), reprints Golden Lad #1 (Spark 1945)
  5. The Jinx (Superior/Century), reprints???
  6. Skunky (Superior/Century), reprints Funland Comics #1 (Croydon 1945)
  7. Jack Bradley (Superior/Century), reprints Red Circle Comics #1 (Rural Home 1945)
  8. Zor The Mighty (Superior/Century), reprints part of Captain Commando Comics (F.E. Howard, 1945)
  9. Mister Lucifer Comics (Crestwood), reprints? Spook Comics #1 (Bailly 1945)

...and maybe more????

Nicely done, BB :)

I've had this research on a back burner for a while, but do have another two potentials as follows saved in the files, which I've yet to investigate further:

361312321_SpaceNomads.png.afbd60c262289475f9d571e4074d067e.png ZorTheMighty_3-610x907.jpg.2a9ef561b88c3ad1be13d6d1277b7609.jpg

Not the best images, and they may yet be cover-stripped originals, but both were for sale in the UK at some point. Neither has an overprinted UK price, or sticker, but neither do the other Zor issue and the Conquerors so.....


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On 3/29/2023 at 9:05 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

Nicely done, BB :)

I've had this research on a back burner for a while, but do have another two potentials as follows saved in the files, which I've yet to investigate further:

361312321_SpaceNomads.png.afbd60c262289475f9d571e4074d067e.png ZorTheMighty_3-610x907.jpg.2a9ef561b88c3ad1be13d6d1277b7609.jpg

Not the best images, and they may yet be cover-stripped originals, but both were for sale in the UK at some point. Neither has an overprinted UK price, or sticker, but neither do the other Zor issue and the Conquerors so.....


Nice - so that's 2 more, and I forgot about 'Splash' Waters too, a feature title which I can't seem to find a point of origin for yet...

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On 3/30/2023 at 7:10 AM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

Nice - so that's 2 more, and I forgot about 'Splash' Waters too, a feature title which I can't seem to find a point of origin for yet...

This is odd. "Splash" Waters means something to me, but I don't know why. I've found the Century version online, and I recognise it. So I must have looked at it at some point but can I find anything saved in the files? Odd. Anyway, it shares the content of Full of Fun #8:

1474213005_SplashWaters.jpg.f0633b8d72a6f8df9869a2dbafe86429.jpg   1_6df39abb1893b0066c7336a0a965ab42.jpg.24a033f7043efe75c1c3e16ad0718547.jpg


The IW/Quality is a late 1950s reprint title, but I can't find an original source. Also odd!

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Of course, it's on here isn't it!


I haven't woken up yet :bigsmile:

There's another Zor on there too @Bobbi_Betamax, making 3 so far, yes?


Also, you list Zor as "Zor The Mighty (Superior/Century), reprints part of Captain Commando Comics (F.E. Howard, 1945)", but isn't it from Jungle Adventures #10?:


Does JA#10 reprint CCC?

I'm going for coffee....

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On 3/30/2023 at 7:53 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

The IW/Quality is a late 1950s reprint title, but I can't find an original source. Also odd!

From Jon McClure's article on IW:

Full of Fun (1958) #8, from undetermined source, most likely unpublished Bernard Baily Studio material from the mid-1940s




From WiKi:


Looks like we can't find the original Bailey source for "Splash" Waters as it was never published @Bobbi_Betamax - only 'reprinted' in the late 1950s IW/Quality book. So the Century UK distribution copy appears to be its first outing!

1702921972_SplashWaters.jpg.1cb9744422da7a75e8db4ddd5a957296.jpg :banana:

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On 3/30/2023 at 8:50 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

While we're on the subject of Century Publications, there are also 9d priced books with covers out there:


I have this one below and planned to do a comparative piece on it at some point:


Mad cover, isn't it :bigsmile:

Wow all fantastic research here, this is a deeper can of worms than I was expecting. That Jeep comics cover is particularly great, beautiful colouring!

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On 3/30/2023 at 9:13 AM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

Wow all fantastic research here, this is a deeper can of worms than I was expecting.

I know! Have you seen this? 


My interest here was focussed on establishing whether there were any UK Price Variants among these books but it's an interesting avenue in itself and others have clearly gone into much greater depth.

On 3/30/2023 at 9:13 AM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

That Jeep comics cover is particularly great, beautiful colouring!

Isn't it just :bigsmile:

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Definitely a sprawling area, some of it invites categorisation and some sort of defies categorisation. Century being covered/coverless for example, and where does that leave Mister Lucifer Comics? It seems a bit of an outlier, and maybe not even a reprint as such.

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Here's my copy of Joke #28 that I mentioned earlier in this long forgotten thread:


It's from Bell Features, dated 1946, and some copies can be found with a 6d British price sticker:


I spotted a third interior variation this morning on eBay (my copy is the bottom one):






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There was a nice Bombardier on feebay a week or two ago.  I might still be able to access the images if you need them...

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I might be late to the party here (people don't usually tell me about their parties, don't know why...) but why the three different puzzle pages? That doesn't seem to be something that needs to change for different markets. ???

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On 2/11/2024 at 1:16 AM, AJD said:

I might be late to the party here (people don't usually tell me about their parties, don't know why...) but why the three different puzzle pages? That doesn't seem to be something that needs to change for different markets. ???

I thought it was odd, yes. I only have one of the books in hand, so can't establish whether there are any other differences. I'm not the expert in this area, and don't know if this is common, but I don't recall ever seeing internal content differences mentioned anywhere else for books that I thought were printed the same for both markets.

On 2/9/2024 at 8:46 PM, Yorick said:

There was a nice Bombardier on feebay a week or two ago.  I might still be able to access the images if you need them...

I'm not collecting or investigating these books any more Yoz, thanks. I just thought the Joke #28 variations were worth a mention, should anyone in the know ever happen by....


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I am not the Uk Dealer mentioned earlier in this post, but I did recently purchase a collection which contained multiple copies of Skunky, Zor, Conquerors & Dr Mercy ... so if you want any or all of them, you can contact me at Contact Form at www.splatcomics.com or by email to splatcomics@hotmail.com

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I didn't get to the copies at Splatt - they seem to be gone now - but I did pick up a stickered Dr. Mercy from the bay:


There appear to be a glut of Zor, Skunky and The Conquerors doing the rounds in the UK lately, but this is the first Dr. Mercy I've seen for sale (aside of Splatt's copy).

The story comes from the unnumbered 'Zoom Comics' from 1945. 

CB+ has an image of the interior and you can see, like the other coverless Century comics I posted, that the book is clearly a crude reprint of the source material rather than an actual remaindered copy. 


All the scruffy tell tale printing signs are there.

Incidentally, a different Dr. Mercy story pops up in 'Merry Comics', also from 1945. I can't think of the comic without singing a Roy Orbison song in my head for some reason.

Anyway, not something I'm actively collecting anymore, and certainly not a pre-1960 UKPV, but fun to look at all the same. 

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:39 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

this is the first Dr. Mercy I've seen for sale

I been waitin' for dis for a long time! Well, if dat's da way y'want it...

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Hello :)

Notwithstanding how I ended my last post here, curiosity got the better of me and I ordered the second Joke Comics that I posted about back in February.

I compared the book to my existing copy and it looks like it is a completely separate printing. 


First up, the book titles have different colouring albeit the fact that everything is off-register might explain some of the differences. There is an absence of blue on the bell however so if there was, say, plate movement within the same run there was clearly some ink failure too:


The inside front covers are indeed different, as I pointed out previously, which is either the result of a mid-run plate change or a completely separate / later printing:


There is some notable movement to the wording above the indicia:


Aside of those subtle production differences, the only intentional difference is the inside cover 'cut out' variation. Everything else is the same - page count, ads, size and story content.

The production quality is very poor on both books but some of the interior panels in one copy look like they may have been reproduced from the other rather than from the original source material - two good examples here:



It's sometimes hard to decipher what is going on production-wise when comparing books like these, but my gut tells me that these two copies came from separate print runs - covers and guts - and are not the result of a mid-run cover plate change to accommodate an alternative inside front cover. Why those 'cut out' pages vary is anyone's guess.

The salient learning point for me here is that variations of this comic exist in the first instance - I don't think I've seen that fact noted anywhere online before, even in those blogs written by those who clearly know what they're talking about (which, in this area, I largely don't).

Cool though, isn't it.

And worth paying fifteen quid to prove, I think.

Anyway, here are both copies - you can click each image to expand them. I'm off to cut out a pony and a turkey to see which one wins in a fight.

JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverA.thumb.jpg.d23e77483e39874963b4d24bbe445e14.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverAicf.jpg.427cf8a4473515771c4a3f41505077b5.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverAibc.thumb.jpg.5d9a3cb5afb7cfff7603f0bcfc48c7ed.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverAbc.thumb.jpg.03a72d5e4149d1f70043378d2d5aef2b.jpg

JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverB.thumb.jpg.7e34e5b2f47dd0599b728e96f2e31703.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverBicf.thumb.jpg.682c2905765ab4a80973384de249058a.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverBicb.thumb.jpg.7abd7e16a2f2f9bd05a5ffc8767987e1.jpg JokeComics28(1946)BellFeatures-InsideCoverBbc.thumb.jpg.8d4db23286038963d0652612e1e25de5.jpg

All good fun :)


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On 3/9/2024 at 5:59 AM, Get Marwood & I said:


Nice illustration happening here.  I think I recognize them...  Not Bulleteer.  hm

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On 3/9/2024 at 1:59 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

It's sometimes hard to decipher what is going on production-wise when comparing books like these, but my gut tells me that these two copies came from separate print runs - covers and guts - and are not the result of a mid-run cover plate change to accommodate an alternative inside front cover. Why those 'cut out' pages vary is anyone's guess.

The salient learning point for me here is that variations of this comic exist in the first instance - I don't think I've seen that fact noted anywhere online before, even in those blogs written by those who clearly know what they're talking about (which, in this area, I largely don't).

Something that may be a factor in some of these differences, going back to the war and the post war years, is paper rationing. In the US, Canada and the UK, newspapers were still published, but rationing meant that publishers had to get clever.   For newspapers, there was no real choice as they were limited to size of newspaper they could print.  In the UK,  in 1939, it was reduced immediately to 60% of their pre-war consumption of newsprint. Paper supply then came under the No 48 Paper Control Order on 4th September 1942 and was controlled by the Ministry of production. By 1945 newspapers were limited to 25% of their pre-war consumption. Wrapping paper for most goods was prohibited, so ironically, newspaper would have been even more useful. UK newspapers didn't get back to their pre-war size until 1953 (and I think that was only because Liz got a new hat that year).  

In the US, there were similar restrictions.  When Al Kanter was trying to print second + runs of Classics Illustrated, he did it by buying up paper allotments from 9 different publishers in NY, so you could have bought yourself 9 copies of the same edition and found each one subtly different.  When he published CI 7 (Robin Hood) it was so popular it went to 5 editions in a matter of months.  Despite being produced across only 7 months, the 3 latter editions came from 3 different printers on paper stock from 3 different publishers. 

The high suicide rate among Classics Illustrated completists is probably unrelated. 

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On 3/8/2024 at 11:39 AM, Get Marwood & I said:


CB+ has an image of the interior and you can see, like the other coverless Century comics I posted, that the book is clearly a crude reprint of the source material rather than an actual remaindered copy. 



I too came to this conclusion after seeing an article somewhere that said that they were  remaindered copies. I cannot recall (nor retrieve) the actual wording of the altercation and my refutation of it. I think that I may have mentioned this somewhere in these pages but the relocation of such musings are beyond my capabilities. (smile)

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Cheers for the comments boys. I've hopefully got another variation example to post soon. It all depends if the millimetre that was visible in the listing is telling me what I think it is... :wishluck:

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On 3/11/2024 at 10:42 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

Cheers for the comments boys. I've hopefully got another variation example to post soon. It all depends if the millimetre that was visible in the listing is telling me what I think it is... :wishluck:

I hate that.  I saw a Doc Strange 179 with what may have been a T&P stamp but it was in a massive bundle. The seller said it was already parcelled up and wouldn't open it to tell me.  I was sorely tempted but once bidding went over £500, it was too much money just to find out it was a dealer stamp or similar.  Still haunted by it. 

Good luck.   

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On 3/11/2024 at 3:42 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

It all depends if the millimetre that was visible in the listing

Oh... how many times I've bought up big lots of stuff due to a tiny corner of something or other popping out from the back...

I guess that's the sign of a true collector.  You're willing to go through the trash to find what you seek!  :foryou:

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On 3/11/2024 at 2:55 PM, Malacoda said:

I hate that.  I saw a Doc Strange 179 with what may have been a T&P stamp but it was in a massive bundle. The seller said it was already parcelled up and wouldn't open it to tell me.  I was sorely tempted but once bidding went over £500, it was too much money just to find out it was a dealer stamp or similar.  Still haunted by it. 

Good luck.   


On 3/11/2024 at 5:12 PM, Yorick said:

Oh... how many times I've bought up big lots of stuff due to a tiny corner of something or other popping out from the back...

I guess that's the sign of a true collector.  You're willing to go through the trash to find what you seek!  :foryou:

You wouldn't believe how many comics I've bought down the years just to prove things, large and small. I've always liked to own the comics I write about where I can, rather than use other peoples scans. I've sat on discoveries for months, sometimes years, waiting for the book(s) I need to surface to complete a picture. Some of my pending folders are so old I have to remind myself why I created them in the first place :eek: 

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On 3/11/2024 at 5:48 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

You wouldn't believe how many comics I've bought down the years just to prove things, large and small. I've always liked to own the comics I write about where I can, rather than use other peoples scans. I've sat on discoveries for months, sometimes years, waiting for the book(s) I need to surface to complete a picture. Some of my pending folders are so old I have to remind myself why I created them in the first place :eek: 

I fully agree with this in principle, but in practice, life's too short to wait years for a knackered copy (of something you don't actually collect) when you know that someone you chat to (probably on here) might have a FN+ copy of the smoking gun run behind them.  That said, sometimes you need to get enough of a critical mass to even frame the question.  I'm currently groping towards a question for your Alan Class Club thread, but I need to hone it down first. 

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