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Everything posted by Foolkiller

  1. feels good to be the leader of the pack I was on BB 28 before everyone in this thread with the exception of Tim.
  2. Very nice Andy. What I think is fantastic is that you put this together so quickly...
  3. I have to say that books like JLA #1 and B+B #28 are really heating up. I've had so much interest in my JLA #1 CGC 7.0 copy on eBay that it took me by surprise. R. Yep. I mean, when you start comparing this stuff to their Marvel counterparts, you're like, this is cheap! Just like the few Marvel keys that will ratchet up like the X-Men 1 and DD 1 (1st appearances to boot) will heat up a bit. BB 28 I think has always been a good book, so that's less of a surprise to me... but JLA 1 heating up is a bit, because it's always been a krappy cover and a 4th appearance, but there's definite increased interest.
  4. Fugly copy I wouldn't want at an 8.0 price let alone a 9.0 price.
  5. Dear Gator, Where the f--k was your booth? I couldn't find it today. Stop hiding.
  6. yes, I'm well aware of this. However, that's not my recollection of its widespread usage. As I recall it, there were separate threads still started for people and people were directed back to the kudos thread -- as more transactions came about, the kudos thread became more utilized as a feedback thread. Also, and I don't recall this part, but I don't recall that the marketplace had nearly the volume or traffic back in 2002 (before I joined) as it does now. In fact, I had been here for several years before I really even noticed a lot of traffic in the marketplace, but that could be faulty memory. As I just posted above, it seems that some newbs seem to like the idea of being able to search through and that they think it's easier. i think the only test of whether it works is over time whether it shows utility. Since I didn't think the old kudos thread had a lot of utility, I others will have to give feedback as to whether they like it.
  7. For the most part, the division, as I see it, is that new members seem to favor the new feedback, and older posters seem to view it as pointless.
  8. I have to agree with Brian here. CAUTION! Example neutral/negative commentary ahead... OK Brian...your grading SUCKS! Is that what we're after? Actually, this and the points you make below are perfect illustrations of why we ought not do a kudos thread or this broken apart thread either. There's no need for people to pat each other on the back. The genesis, as I recall the kudos thread, was that people started these individual threads to praise certain people and transactions. That overflowed and so instead of cluttering general, we started a "kudos" thread. This kudos thread then morphed into feedback. Kudos was never intended, as Sharon notes above, to be a thread where we gave it for every sale. By breaking it apart into individual threads, it is now, in essence, a feedback thread. If you're going to do a feedback thread, the only way it has effectiveness is if people are free to say, i don't like so and so's grading etc. Or, I found this to be inaccurate, or the packing wasn't right. Most problems are indeed resolved privately. The kudos system is another name for feedback, which is totally unnecessary. The idea behind the marketplace is that it's self policing. The only "exposure" that's needed to be brought to light is the probation list. Other than that, it just becomes meaningless fluff. Now that being said, we're just arguing over clutter v. non clutter so in some ways, this is really a pointless discussion too.
  9. Actually Sharon, let me correct one thing, it is THEY who told us they didn't want to regulate -- they didn't want (understandably) that responsibility. You gotta be all in or all out. Not this half way stuff which solves nothing but creates more issues. Generally, I do think they do a good job. There have been many questionable calls over the years in terms of judgment by them that I would call -- well, poor. But that being said, given the volume of stuff they need to wade through and the amount that they have to do (regulation of the boards is not some primary job) I think they do it well. However, where I have taken up an issue with them is when they start to think their decision making is somehow bullet proof and makes perfect sense. This is an example where a bad decision was made because it wasn't thought all the way through. That's become more evident with each passing day of its existence.
  10. I was not wild about a change at first, because I was not terribly unhappy with the other thread, it was as much as I needed...but I do like this better now that I see it. As for what you are describing...Well, if you were not that happy, don't leave anything. If you got something horrid and you couldn't get your trading partner to make it right, that belongs in the probation discussion thread...but not every transaction deserves kudos... It's not like telling your kid that "WOW, you got a 70 on that test, YOU are the BEST! " A kudo" should be praise. You don't have to praise every transaction or document every one. Just how I would view it...:shrug: Unfortunately though, that's how the kudos works. It's more you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Everyone is going to want to be left kudos, so they'll want to leave kudos. It's just an endless system of trying to raise their post counts to the extent that the kudos becomes meaningless. Which is essentially what the old thread was as well, but because it was sort of benign, I thought it was harmless. My objection is that the whole underlying kudos system is meaningless (which is the real point I am making that Arch glazed over in his over simplification) because nothing productive comes of it. We say, "nice transaction" and then the "benefit" is supposedly that newbies can come on and say "hey! this guy must be okay to deal with because he has several people who say they had a good experience." And I concede that there's "some" benefit in that. Just not a whole lot. The whole problem is that there's too much interference and "fixing" from a body that said they didn't want to do that. The change being instituted merely complicates an already useless system. Kudos was meaningless. It's now equally as useless as before, only now people have an incentive to make it even more meaningless because people will want to be "positive" in the volume of the feedback whether warranted or not to boost their own. If you're going to really have an honest feedback system, allow people to post both negative and positive comments in people's threads. Not just "kudos". The probation list is for the "really bad" but instead of meaningless stuff that gives little credible information, let's have a totally honest feedback option -- I'd be curious how many people would like to see that. Do you really think that would work? You started an "honest thread" about dealers. You wanted it to be positive, so you didn't want negatives. How much different is this? There were certainly people mentioned in that honest dealer's thread that I would personally avoid...but other people love them. How different would this be? There is nothing to stop a prudent person from asking for more detail, it's just a starting point. 1) yes. 2) I was specifically positive because most people want to mud sling -- but honesty included honest answers to tough questions. Negatives were fine so long as grounded in fact. 3) It's not different. Answer tough questions and give honest feedback. Do the same thing. 4) You want to give the most useful information, let's just put it all out there.
  11. I was not wild about a change at first, because I was not terribly unhappy with the other thread, it was as much as I needed...but I do like this better now that I see it. As for what you are describing...Well, if you were not that happy, don't leave anything. If you got something horrid and you couldn't get your trading partner to make it right, that belongs in the probation discussion thread...but not every transaction deserves kudos... It's not like telling your kid that "WOW, you got a 70 on that test, YOU are the BEST! " A kudo" should be praise. You don't have to praise every transaction or document every one. Just how I would view it...:shrug: Unfortunately though, that's how the kudos works. It's more you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Everyone is going to want to be left kudos, so they'll want to leave kudos. It's just an endless system of trying to raise their post counts to the extent that the kudos becomes meaningless. Which is essentially what the old thread was as well, but because it was sort of benign, I thought it was harmless. My objection is that the whole underlying kudos system is meaningless (which is the real point I am making that Arch glazed over in his over simplification) because nothing productive comes of it. We say, "nice transaction" and then the "benefit" is supposedly that newbies can come on and say "hey! this guy must be okay to deal with because he has several people who say they had a good experience." And I concede that there's "some" benefit in that. Just not a whole lot. The whole problem is that there's too much interference and "fixing" from a body that said they didn't want to do that. The change being instituted merely complicates an already useless system. Kudos was meaningless. It's now equally as useless as before, only now people have an incentive to make it even more meaningless because people will want to be "positive" in the volume of the feedback whether warranted or not to boost their own. If you're going to really have an honest feedback system, allow people to post both negative and positive comments in people's threads. Not just "kudos". The probation list is for the "really bad" but instead of meaningless stuff that gives little credible information, let's have a totally honest feedback option -- I'd be curious how many people would like to see that.
  12. I'd argue with you, but we'd be arguing semantics at this point. You made the change. I don't agree with it, but really in the grand scheme of things, it probably doesn't matter either way.
  13. I think that's because you've been selling here since when the boards were a lot smaller and your reputation has grown with the boards. There are plenty of us out there who do get asked about our past transactions because we're not well known. Fair enough. Right now, I just see this as a mess, but it's certainly possible I'll be proven wrong and more people will really like this. I'm not really anticipating any changes, but who knows. I think this was imposed because the majority (albeit slim) wanted it -- so, it is what it is.
  14. New comers to the boards probably get substantial use from it as they try to get a feel for who has a reliable history of positive transactions. If I were a new buyer I would not feel comforted buying from someone with no easily reviewable positive feedback simply because I couldn't find negative feedback. If I were a new buyer I would rather get a single condensed shot of their kudos than track it down myself or absorb the reputation of someone via osmosis. That is the "And?". I am not quite following this sentence: "If you had a bad transaction, how many incidents are we going to see of that that just wasn't discussed or raised in the probation thread already?" So I won't try to respond. Those who have been around a long time AND are frequent participants in the market place probably don't get near as much use from Kudos threads as they already have a sense of who the reliable buyers and sellers are, although they do make themselves more accessible to new members who don't know them. You are welcome to not start or link your own feedback thread. The utility you take from the feedback forum (or don't), however, does not really cover the gamut of board participants. But your confidence is very persuasive. You almost had me. Such a black and white world. Arch, the facts deny what you actually lay out as your argument for why this will be effective. How much confusion was there by new buyers as to the marketplace or who were quality sellers or who wasn't? It was a topic never discussed. People observed the marketplace and then jumped in. Or, how about those who multiple transactions that were great experiences, and then somebody went completely rogue. Now they have "more" confidence because of all the "feedback" -- is the person with the most "feedback" suddenly more trustworthy? Is this the fall back argument that all data is useful so lets put it out there with more threads? I've never once had a new buyer ask me who I was or showed any trepidation about buying from me. Any questions, I of course, am happy to answer. But I've never encountered that. My point in the "bad" part is, nobody is going to leave substantial negatives in people's threads. It isn't going to happen. And we already had a mechanism for that. It was called the probation list. What you've added is to me a layer of bureaucracy. That's the "change" you've effected. Is it easier to find out specific information about a specific buyer? Not really. I can click on anyone and expect to find the same information for everyone. They're good, they pay on time, they sell and they sell an accurate product. Who's leaving feedback like, I don't think this is accurately graded or that guy didn't give me a proper refund and I think it should have been more or whatever other scenarios can play out. What's the point then? Why have an individual kudos thread? So you can say I have a ton of transactions? Let's just go to straight anonymous feedback and turn things into ebay. I give you (or the whole staff) for allowing the marketplace to exist and it is an unbelievable benefit. My problem is that philosophically you have said you want to remain outside of the whole regulation -- and yet, you take a system of feedback, which is not broken, and does not offer any specific valuable information, and decide to "fix it". This is not an improvement, and I think over time, that will be borne out. There's not information out there as a result of this.
  15. It's not fear of change. This isn't really a better system, it is, as you point out, the same useless system rehashed. It's almost as meaningless as the old system was. The bottom line is that the probation thread has value because it tells you who to avoid, which has distinct value. But if new people come on, it's easy to tell through observation and interest who is a reliable buyer and seller. I know of people here who are lurkers with zero posts and no thread? So what? I rarely participated in the old kudos thread, and I won't be starting my own thread here and linking it. The probation list is a fantastic idea. The kudos thread is, in my mind, useless. Sometimes change isn't a good thing because it isn't really a good idea. This is just a bunch of people having a thread and people saying I had a good transaction. And? If you had a bad transaction, how many incidents are we going to see of that that just wasn't discussed or raised in the probation thread already? I'm not opposed to change, I'm opposed to useless change. This is it.
  16. Not to be a wet noodle, but the stupidity of this idea is just becoming more and more evident.
  17. Great easy transaction with John and very quick payment. Big thumbs up.
  18. compostable_fertilizer. I was _there_, RMA. So_was_I, Gatsby. And I worked for a DISTRIBUTOR at the time. Okey dokey. If you want to believe that, more power to ya. Everything in the printed literature of the day, plus my own experience, plus the experience of many people here, says otherwise, but if you think what you remember is true, well, there ya go. I will...as ever...point out the fallacy of your statement: the comics...unless you have a receipt...proves nothing. It doesn't prove where you bought them, it doesn't prove when, and it doesn't prove how much. And no, you're sadly mistaken. Turok #1 was not "selling for between 25c-$1 just weeks after release." Unless, of course, you mean 30-40 weeks. If you really wish to believe that "Valiants just sat unless heavily discounted" at any point in 1993....well, you're deluded. You don't understand the market, you're ignoring all the data, and your recollections are flawed. More power to ya! (thumbs u There's no doubt, in 1993, Valiant was still a viable seller and nobody was moving it then at the bargain basement prices. mid to late 1994, and most certainly 95 and 96, different story. As RMA points out, it's fact. Even if your individual experience was different.
  19. Another one bites the dust...Add Grimace to the list Yep. Never got a book from this guy, scam artist.
  20. I'm not that enthusiastic about using the kudos system as a rating because I don't utilize it much at all. I don't expect others leave kudos for me, because I don't leave it for anyone because there's just too many buyers. Occasionally, someone will specifically request I leave them kudos and I will do so. If we go to a system that relies on kudos, we may as well turn ourselves into ebay, because it's just feedback with a different name.
  21. I've had a few people ask about Foolkiller's 3rd Annual Holiday Sale so I thought I'd just put this announcement here about it. We're still roughly 6 weeks away from my running it, but I've started preparing for it now. While I likely will run a short thread in the next week or so with some higher end books, I intend to begin the holiday sales thread on November 1, 2010 at 11 PM EST. The holiday thread will run Tuesday - Saturday at the same time each night, with a varying number of books. Invoices will be sent on Sunday and books will be shipped (either by me or my wife) Monday or Tuesday UNLESS a buyer specifically requests holding off. What will be in this year's sale? Probably between 500-1000 books (more likely closer to 1000). I've been saving a number of books throughout the year for just this purpose and I will be offering a ton of books. With only a very few exceptions, all will be at bargain basement blowout prices, more than ever before. Some books will be at shockingly low prices, some as low as 80-90% off guide. A lot of high quality silver and bronze will be listed at well below even wholesale prices. However, I'm going to list a number of books that will be more geared towards the budget conscious to make sure the majority of folks needs are met. Slabs will also be included included two magazine boxes of "blowout" slabs. There will also be a few nights where I intend to list every book out of my personal collection that do not fit a very specific category that I want to keep. I have generally given away art as a "prize" to the individual who spends the most, but frankly, it's such a pain to ship the art it takes a while to complete. This year, I will offer a major key to the individual who buys the most. So, I look forward to seeing you on November 1, 2010. Different nights will have different themes, like a $10 a book night (no matter what it is, NM 98? $10.) As usual, no advance previews, sales etc. for anyone so no favoritism is obtained. Since there will be moderns like Y: The last man 1 etc., I will have to list this in the Mixed Age thread. This year, I've also decided to donate 10% of all gross sales to the New Jersey Special Olympics. So there's a long winded announcement... thanks again.
  22. Very nice! Reminds me of Ricks 6.5. I like your former CGC 7.0 a bit more. Great score! Well... that was a 7.0 and a stunner. But for inks, gloss and colors, I prefer this copy. As a book in total, well, that 7.0 was very nice and the better book for sure. Roy -- Joe and I were able to work something out to make this work... the one issue is where it would technically grade. The reality is, Joe was dead on with his assessment and I just couldn't pass on the book.
  23. Just picked this up from Joe Verenault. Won't be grading or selling this copy. Scan doesn't do any justice to the colors and gloss... this is one of the nicest of all copies I've owned from an eye appeal standpoint. In fact, it's probably the nicest.
  24. IMHO it was priced right. stunner. Very nice.
  25. That's like Batman 200-255, isn't it? Is that his whole run? i think FK meant his detective run too. Any Adams Batman cover. Tec 395-411 (roughly) some great Adams covers afterwords. Bats 227 (cover only) 243-245, 251, 255 These are the notable covers, but those are the major ones I think of.