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Everything posted by Foolkiller

  1. Raw stuff from Eide's, one of the best comic shops of all time: JIM 114 JIM 122 Thor 131 Thor 136 TTA 41 Brave and the Bold 28 FF 40 And a couple of other strays from some stores in NJ ASM 122 Batman 75
  2. Picked up a few new things... Batman 251 3 pac Batman 121 CGC 7.0 (from here on the boards!) Brave and the Bold 28 CGC 5.5 Avengers 4 CGC 7.0
  3. According to GPA, the Boston 9.4 sold in 2006 and now a 9.4. (thumbs u did you mean a 9.0 sold in 2006? because I don't see a 9.6. What got me to notice was the Boston Pedigree with a high cert# that looks like it was certified recently so I did a little research. It is a crack, press and resub...I am surprised there aren't more outcry from others...maybe not yet Looking at that book I'm surprised that it would have received a 9.0 in the first place. Corners look really nice to me. Looks extremely sharp now...definitely should be more flat (pancaked). I've been noticing on my own submissions that cgc has been leniant on (some)corner abrasions and strict on spine wear. So I guess if you can get those spine breaks out on a white cover you can get pretty good upgrades. Yes, that's true. However, let me say that when I had it in hand, I did not think that the book should have been graded anything but a 9.0
  4. According to GPA, the Boston 9.4 sold in 2006 and now a 9.4. (thumbs u I owned this copy for awhile. I'm not sure this is the same as the 9.0 or if there were mutliples. I know the Boston 9.0 that I owned was straight resubbed for a 9.2. If it was pressed and became a 9.4, guess who left $20k on the table? When you ask why people press, you've got a $20,000 answer right there.
  5. Nice haul! What do you consider a bargain though? A third of the price of OSPG? I find that, in the NYC Craiglist everyone thinks that they are going to put their kids through college by selling their comics. Drives me nuts! There were about 7 1/2 long boxes total. Purchase price was around 60 cents a book. Keep in mind you're buying the moderns at the same price, but there were a lot of good moderns for those price in addition to the other keys.
  6. Another collection scored off of Craigslist today (it's still worth checking): Hulk 181, ASM 129, IF 14, FF 25, ASM 121/122 etc. As well as a bunch of moderns -- but good moderns like ASM 300, 299, 298, Deadpool 54 etc. Full set of Wolvies 1-148, plus Nabisco giveaway. Got a nice bargain too. It's still worth hunting them down on c-list.
  7. I agree 100% I understand the silence completely. First, there's enough gray here where nobody will really ever know the whole story (except those involved and those PM'd) -- and at the end of the day, this will blow over and everyone will forget. Second, if there's no plausible explanation, and it will end up just being picked apart, what's the point of coming on here and offering an explanation? How does it help them? It doesn't. At the end of the day, the smart move is to stay silent publicly. The reality is, few people will care or fail to do business either party -- so in the end, while there were hundreds of views, if the parties stay silent, eventually, this really has no where to go.
  8. Show 22s are heating up again. Unfortunately, Brent's site doesn't get enough traffic for me to consider it an accurate gauge of sales right now. I'm not surprised the 4.0 got $1900 -- I'm starting to see the book get a little added heat after a cool down period.
  9. I'm not trying to egg you on in this situation. But last time something blew up, you threatened people, promised to F their mothers, and all sorts of irrational challenges. I'd recommend not going down that path again, and threatening fellow board members. Especially sending emails demanding someone's personal info, which CGC would never expose themselves like that without a court order. Just go the path of truth, and if anything after looking this book over you felt CGC made a mistake. It is very clear this is the same book. The only mistake was not revealing in the sales thread this was formly graded by CGC and pressed. I think that is what has folks up in arms, and rightly so. Bosco...Thanks for taking a rational approach here with this comment. You are right about "last time" I did blow up and I shouldn't have. I am not making any threats here....I am simply stating the facts....Krypto has defamed me publicly, if I have legal recourse I will in fact be taking that path. No threats....just hoping he is ready to back up his very big mouth . I have done nothing wrong here. Just because I have sold the books doesn't make me guilty, also have done nothing to him personally . I should know by tomorrow what recourse I have of a legal sort.I also have a call into someone that actually witnessed me selling the CGC 8.5 at WonderCon. You really don't have any legal recourse.
  10. $1500 is probably a reasonable number but I'd say any more than that is a bit much for a 4.0.
  11. Lighthouse turned out to be a crook and left in shame. No mystery as to where he is. Oddly enough I got an email from him last week (hadn't heard from him in over a year). He sent 99.9% of his comic and TPBs to the soldiers in Iraq... something like 100,000 lbs of stuff. Living/working in San Diego now. Dude, it took 3 years to pay my friend back $10k. And only because we threatened legal action. Sorry, that's a criminal in my book. He also failed to send a bunch of stuff to a number of boardies here as well. Is he doing better now, according to you yes, but please don't try and tell me he didn't put my friend through the ringer and told lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie. Dude, don't dude me dude; I'm the one that got him on the phone with you, and got him to make good with Bruce, and mailed out hundreds of books to fellow boardies, and issued thousands of dollars in refunds. It was not good, no way, no how. You can say crook and criminal all you want but I don't think the intent was ever there to intentionally defraud anyone. He just f'ked up really bad... several times. It's not Bruce I'm talking about. So no, you were not the one who got him on the phone for me in this instance. You DID get him on for Bruce at an earlier stage. Fast forward, and it took another 3 years for the money to be repaid. Again... it was someone totally totally different. So while your help was great -- I wasn't helping bruce but someone totally different he took 3 years to pay $10k back to. I will concede that originally I don't believe his intent was to defraud anyone, but where's the line in terms of when it crosses from f*cked up to downright criminal? I know who you're talking about. I was in direct contact with Mr. X before he ever contacted you or at least before you got publicly involved (as far as I know). It was my constant phone calls to LH that got him to even pull his head out of the sand and acknowledge there was a problem. I told him to give me a list of everyone he owed money and/or product to and I would try and get things worked out. Mr. X was on that list and the last to be repaid. All he kept telling me was, "I know, I know, he'll get his money but first I've got to [insert excuse]." After you and I exchanged some PMs I finally told him to get his head out of his ares and call you.. make it a priority to make it right. I have no doubt that if you hadn't leaned on him he would still be "getting around" to it. The worst part to me in all of it was, I liked and trusted House for a long time. I felt betrayed by the whole situation as well. What really devolved the situation was, even when I bent over backwards with a payment plan etc., all I ever really asked for was communication. And even that he couldn't do. But... all over now.
  12. Lighthouse turned out to be a crook and left in shame. No mystery as to where he is. Oddly enough I got an email from him last week (hadn't heard from him in over a year). He sent 99.9% of his comic and TPBs to the soldiers in Iraq... something like 100,000 lbs of stuff. Living/working in San Diego now. Dude, it took 3 years to pay my friend back $10k. And only because we threatened legal action. Sorry, that's a criminal in my book. He also failed to send a bunch of stuff to a number of boardies here as well. Is he doing better now, according to you yes, but please don't try and tell me he didn't put my friend through the ringer and told lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie. Dude, don't dude me dude; I'm the one that got him on the phone with you, and got him to make good with Bruce, and mailed out hundreds of books to fellow boardies, and issued thousands of dollars in refunds. It was not good, no way, no how. You can say crook and criminal all you want but I don't think the intent was ever there to intentionally defraud anyone. He just f'ked up really bad... several times. It's not Bruce I'm talking about. So no, you were not the one who got him on the phone for me in this instance. You DID get him on for Bruce at an earlier stage. Fast forward, and it took another 3 years for the money to be repaid. Again... it was someone totally totally different. So while your help was great -- I wasn't helping bruce but someone totally different he took 3 years to pay $10k back to. I will concede that originally I don't believe his intent was to defraud anyone, but where's the line in terms of when it crosses from f*cked up to downright criminal?
  13. Lighthouse turned out to be a crook and left in shame. No mystery as to where he is. Oddly enough I got an email from him last week (hadn't heard from him in over a year). He sent 99.9% of his comic and TPBs to the soldiers in Iraq... something like 100,000 lbs of stuff. Living/working in San Diego now. Dude, it took 3 years to pay my friend back $10k. And only because we threatened legal action. Sorry, that's a criminal in my book. He also failed to send a bunch of stuff to a number of boardies here as well. Is he doing better now, according to you yes, but please don't try and tell me he didn't put my friend through the ringer and told lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie.
  14. Lighthouse turned out to be a crook and left in shame. No mystery as to where he is.
  15. You remind me so much of my ex-wife. I used to get the same kind of headache from her. Please make it stop. Let's cut him some slack given his apology in the other thread.
  16. I don't think it's justified either. But people's tolerance for inappropriate remarks and attacks of others on you would go way down if contrition without expectations were offered by you.
  17. I guess I missed your post where you apologized for your inappropriate remarks. I think genuine apologies are ones that are done publicly (since the announcement was public) with no mention of what you may (or may not) be entitled to. That's up to you. The focus is still how you were wronged in your mind -- my point is simply -- don't worry about the bullying, worry about the conduct you can control. I think people's tolerance for bullying you would go way, way down with a simple statement: I'm sorry for what I said about Nik and his passing, it was wrong and I apologize to everyone.
  18. In my life time I have only ever been kicked off one board in which I was even invited back to it by the owner. I am a member to about 80 other boards right now and I have no issues on any of them except this one. This is because people wont let it go and expect me to let everything go while they still hound me. They went and put on ignore demanding an open apology which wil never happen and have made me to look alot worse then what I really am when people dont know all teh facts of what brought on the issue. they say i play the victim card but they are just as guilty of doing it too. they dont want to move on and since they dont want to i will keep defending myself pretty much it has been quiet but occasioannly a few like watson slip in their posts This is an endless circle for you. You'll never apologize, and they'll never give up pointing out the complete insensitivity of your remarks. People don't particularly care for you here because of those remarks, so even if they don't say it, an overwhelming majority of people think you were a total jerk about the situation. If you are a member of 80 other boards and they have no problem, why the need to stick around here? People don't seem to like you or value your contributions... why stay somewhere like that when you can go elsewhere and be appreciated? This is the main comic board I have stuck too and while there is those few that still attack me there is those I still get along with. And what people are forgetting is they owe me an apology too. this isnt just one sided although they have tried very hard to make it look like that and deceived people. I'm not saying to go or stay, but whether you owed an apology or not, you've been steadfast in your stance that you did nothing wrong. My advice (and feel free to tell me to go to hell) is to apologize for the remarks -- whether or not you felt they were justified, I think it's clear they were ill timed and inappropriate. I honestly think that would go a long way. Now, I realize you could take the position that I won't do it unless they do in which case this goes no where. But... I think it'd go a long way to putting this whole thing behind us. There's a lot of people with no dog in the fight that view your remarks as just in poor taste. I'm not going to claim that any issue is one sided and that there is no way that you have any reason to be upset. But even if I concede that, I think it's fair for you to at least make the concession that your remark regarding Nik's passing was really in poor taste. Whether you choose to apologize is your decision, but I certainly would think of you in a much different light if, even after all this time, you took the high road and apologized first. People tend to sympathize and forgive -- and while you may not have been completely wrong, I'm not sure there's any circumstance to justify the timing and nature of your remark. Let me say that if you did the right thing -- and acknowledged your remarks as inappropriate, it'd be much harder for your critics to feel that they could continue to hound you with impunity.
  19. In my life time I have only ever been kicked off one board in which I was even invited back to it by the owner. I am a member to about 80 other boards right now and I have no issues on any of them except this one. This is because people wont let it go and expect me to let everything go while they still hound me. They went and put on ignore demanding an open apology which wil never happen and have made me to look alot worse then what I really am when people dont know all teh facts of what brought on the issue. they say i play the victim card but they are just as guilty of doing it too. they dont want to move on and since they dont want to i will keep defending myself pretty much it has been quiet but occasioannly a few like watson slip in their posts This is an endless circle for you. You'll never apologize, and they'll never give up pointing out the complete insensitivity of your remarks. People don't particularly care for you here because of those remarks, so even if they don't say it, an overwhelming majority of people think you were a total jerk about the situation. If you are a member of 80 other boards and they have no problem, why the need to stick around here? People don't seem to like you or value your contributions... why stay somewhere like that when you can go elsewhere and be appreciated?
  20. He still unethical, that link i posted proves that that is why I take what he says not to serious. hard to take a lawyer seriously when he has ethics issues. Mark and I have had our disagreements over the years, but one thing I can tell you is Zaid is not in any way unethical.
  21. No, and I give to charities a lot, including a direct withdrawal at work for United Way, but as the saying goes, there can be too much of a good thing. I hit the forums for a break from real life, to talk/argue/etc. funny books, and I would imagine I'm not alone. When real bad news hits a member of our community, I'm all for a discussion and help (like with Nik's untimely passing) but I also think running a Forum Auction for someone's second cousin is going a bit too far. I have to admit JC, I think you absolutely have something there Joe. And I think that the response was somewhat reflective of that sentiment. Now that being said, I also think that there's some nobility in Mark's efforts, and if it will genuinely lead to the discovery of information, I don't want to be overly negative about it either. But again, you're expressing a fair point.
  22. TOS 70 CGC 9.4 white (white mountain) -- this book is surprisingly tough for the non key TOS books in 9.4
  23. Uh, no. I think you misunderstand the situation and the proceedings. First, it wouldn't cost six figures, as I believe Mark is simply retaining this attorney as specialized help. This isn't going to cost six figiures. I think Mark will be doing a great deal of the work, but as he mentioned, he may need oe help with respect to how family court works, issues about who the judge is, nuances with regards to child support Second, this isn't a situation where he can counter sue. This is a child support hearing in family court. If he wanted to sue Jan, he'd have to do so in a separate action. I haven't misunderstood anything. You are kidding youself if you don't think Dupcak if he feels he is wrongly accused wouldn't file suit against esquirecomics or anyone else whom he feels is ruining his buisness and public reputation. Simply bringing up what some feel are unethical buisness practices at a single custody hearing and to think that you're going to get the answers you're looking for isn't even realistic. Is this the same guy that was convicted of Scheming to Defraud which I believe is a Class E Felony in the State of NY? What exactly is his public reputation right now? According to public records all I can find is a conviction involving over $30,000 in funds stolen in a forgery scheme with many of the victims being children? That's the guy who's going to protect his public reputation by counter suing? I just want to be sure we are talking about the same guy because I would fly out to see him make that claim to a judge with a straight face. That's right. There's almost a zero chance of success that DD would ever succeed in any counter suit and that it wouldn't be tossed on summary judgment or before. You have indeed, completely misunderstood the situation of the parties and their respective ability to succeed on the merits, even in this hypothetical.