Those are my books. Long story short, my wife is losing her job (she is a research chemist for Pfizer) and, with a kid on the way, our finances will be getting very tight, so I am selling my entire set to shore up our finances and put us in a better situation. I was not planning on selling my collection until I was much older but life had other ideas. It was a thrill putting it togther and is bittersweet to watch them go.
It is a complete run from 1-514 with all of the annuals and three of the Giant-Size issues. ComicLink will also be selling my TOS 49 and ST 120 and others.
Really sad to see you selling your x-men.That is one sweet set.
I have had to sell some sweet books(not by my choice) including action 2,superman 1,and showcase 4.
I hope you will still be around.
Best of luck
I hope that whenever it comes time to sell my set sometime in the future, that it is half as nice as the one Casey is putting up.
Maybe since the auction is in Feb. I will be able to snag one.