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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Hey Mitch; You are definitely sounding a bit like Warren Buffet here when he talks about the stock market nowadays. Yet, when you check out some of the other threads on the boards here including some of the other forums, it sounds as though there's still a lot of excess money to throw at books as people are sitting at home with less places to spend their money as compared to before this pandemic hit us. Especially when you definitely can't go travelling to any vacation points nowadays as Americans are blocked from most countries throughout the world and you are also much less tempted to go out to restaurants and bars to spend your money. Not sure where else all of this money is coming from to spend on books in this current environment, but maybe it also has something to do with the seemingly never-ending stimulus checks or possible from the dreaded stock market where old time investors like Buffet and the likes are probably avoiding right now like the plague. And yet the newbie generation of investors or day traders are probably making a small fortune on some of the tech stocks and fad companies with their share prices not only at record highs, but also doubling or quadrupling since they hit bottom just a few months ago back in March of this year.
  2. Sometimes I really do love this hobby! On the other hand, since it's been sitting in this same CGC 1.5 holder during all of these sales iterations listed here, maybe it's a sign of a decreasing valuation or at least a plateauing in the once red hot pre-Robin 'Tec market?
  3. If you are talkin about nice, all I can say is that this copy of 'Tec 37 sure presents very nicely relative to its assigned CGC grade of only a Good 2.0 grade. Especially when you compared it to that much less attractive looking, but only slightly lower graded CGC 1.5 condition copy of 'Tec 29 that you posted afterwards.
  4. But you can never count CC out. That extended bidding can double the gavel price. Good luck! Yes, sincerely hope you are doing alright with your consignments by the time it's all said and done. Yes, with the CC auction format, there have definitely been a lot of action in their extended bidding sessions since some bidders tend to wait until the end to put in their bids. This was definitely the case in past auctions, but from what I am seeing on this go round here, there doesn't appear to be anywhere close to the same level of activity on the lots that I was watching. All I can say is that it's probably not the best idea from a scheduling point of view to have your auction running at the exat same time that CL has their Featured Auction going. Especially when your offerings on this go round here seems to pale a bit in comparison to what the competition is offering. Almost makes me wonder if CL is doing this on purpose by scheduling it this way in an attempt to try to take out their competition and eating their lunch at the same time.
  5. Hey Lou, thanks for digging up the video. Is that Darren Hey Clark; Well, if you like Darren so much and want to have a bromance with him, here's his video for the Action 1 just in case you also haven't seen this one yet: Did he really say the Long Ranger right at the start? Maybe he's trying to also give us the Rifleman 10 hype at the same time. Boy, these 2 guys really did a big sales job on the Action 1 here, but appears to have left out a couple of critical gaps (i.e. around the 2:00 to 2:30 mark) in their timeline breakdown of the book in their video. Now, I really have to go take another shower again after watching this video here, and a much longer one this time.
  6. Hey Clark; You can't be serious here...............did you really all of the mainstream media hype and this video when these 3 books came up for sale: Definitely not as much hype as was done for the Action 1 video, but still need to go and take a shower now after watching this video again. Although I will admit that anybody can do a much better hype job on their auctions when compared to CC who seemingly expects the books in virtually all cases to sell themselves. That is, no individual write-ups for virtually all of their books which you see with all of the other auction sites. Not only that, but their new revamped webiste now expects their consigned auction books to also help them to sell all of the other copies that they have stashed away in their back room inventory at the same time. So, if you are thinking of bidding on their consigned copy of Hulk 181, no worries as they also have links to the other 16 copies that they have in their inventory or if you want a JLA 8 or was it a JLA 9, they have links to another 5 copies in there for you to choose from. Oh, their consignors are so lucky to have CC facilitate comparison shopping to potential bidders on their books for them right at the click of a button.
  7. Finally, back from my one week vacation leave in the CGC sin bin to drive away some of the sinful thoughts that might be crossing my mind when I post on these boards here. Anyways, did anybody really expect this book to beat the record price from back in 2017 when the WW movie had just hit the big screen theatres and was seen as DC's big surprising and unexpected blockbuster winner which was also praised by the critics and moviegoers at the same time? Especially when that trio of WW books got all that mainstream exposure at the same time and they also did a real hype job on them through that extended video by those 2 carnival barkers who were huckstering the books like there was no tomorrow.
  8. Well, if this actually happens, just watch some of these Gen Y and Gen Z boardies here wet their little diapers like there's no tomorrow.
  9. Eric. Not anywhere close to yours but I like my copies of Jonny Quest 1 and Scooby 1 better. I have a couple copies of JQ and three of Scoob - if I remember, you are a JQ fan too and maybe Scoob too. Hope you and the family are well. Hey Jeff; That's fantastic pickup on your first 4 issues of TMNT and even more so since they all came back in CGC 9.8 grade. Was you able to pick them up for cover price at the time? Just wondering since one of the LCS owners I knew here at the time said that he could order a copy for me directly from Mirage for $300 if I wanted a copy since he had just received one for another customer that had ordered a copy. He showed me the copy which he just got in and being a mainstream kind of collector when it comes to comic book artwork, I thought who in their right mind would pay even cover price for this piece of doggie poo, let alone the $300 bucks he was trying to scam from me. Needless to say, I handed it back to him as fast as I could before any of the stench from the book got onto me. I did ended up ordering the signed and numbered limited edition of the Batman Dark Knight for $40 though since I was really into the Miller stories at the time in terms of Daredevil and Bats. Definitely ended up doubling down on my mistakes for that day as the Dark Knight book is pretty much worthless in today's marketplace while the TMNT 1 probably turned out to be another one of my bigger non-buying mistakes, but probably one that I would definitely have ended up repeating again if I didn't know what everybody knows now.
  10. Tough book!!! Looks MUCH nicer than the grade for sure!!! Way to go Vern!!!! Yes, from what I can see in this scan, it definitely presents much nicer than your normal CGC 5.0 graded book. This particular issue certainly doesn't come around very often, although it does appear that the current CC auction does have a lower graded CGC 1.8 copy that's still sitting at only a couple hundred dollars for now. In fact, it looks like their current auction have a few tempting More Fun's from the same time period that the More Fun aficonados might find interesting.
  11. Got my Tracked Lots email message from Heritage this morning and it seems the prices are still way up there for a lot of these 2nd or 3rd tier GA books. Can anybody please explain to me why this copy of Moon Girl 6 here would sell for over $1K in this CGC 5.0 grade: I guess it certainly does present nicely relative to its assigned CGC grade, but if I remember correctly, didn't a substantially higher graded copy only sell for quite a bit less just last year or so? Maybe it's all this free Stimulus money that's being handed out and with most people having nowhere else to spend it except for surfing around on some of these auction websites?
  12. I agree, Mr B's copy looked much better. Yes, also agree that Richard's Twilight copy presented much better and the PQ is definitely better also. Even so, this copy might still end up going for more dollars in today's Coronavirus pandemic driven environment where for some strange reason, everybody seems to have a lot more money and a lot more time to spend on these comic book auction websites as prices on most books have certainly gone up.
  13. The same translates across all grades, of course. You're asking about 300 high grade comics of a pop-culture sensation, implying that's huge. It's the opposite. I believe you missed his point with respect to it being a high dollar value comic book. Off the top of my head, the only book that comes to mind is Hulk 181 which numbers in a couple of thousand copies in CGC 9.0 or above. From a truly vintage collectible comic book point of view, having a few hundred copies of a high dollar value comic book already slabbed in high grade is indeed a "relatively huge" number of copies. Especially when they tend to show up in the marketplace in numbers with relative ease, as compared to some of the truly rarer comic books which only shows up once every few years if you are lucky. That's the definite advantage with books like TMNT 1, Hulk 181, Spidey 300, etc. being readily available in the marketplace because you need this ongoing market action in order to drive the value of a book upwards. On the other hand, extremely rare books definitely have this working against them as there are simply not enough copies showing up in the marketplace to drive any real type of market action.
  14. On the contrary Charlie I know a lot about economics especially in comics and the prices from the past to present and what people were paying back when and present. Hmmm..........economics, maybe a professor of economics............Barton, are you finally back with us once again after schooling us on the merits on NM 98 in CGC 9.8 all those long years ago? If this is indeed you, Boston, I see you are still schooling us the with same old lecture here and simply changing the name of the book from NM 98 to TMNT 1. If so, all I can say is "Thus endth the lesson".
  15. More along the lines of $470k. But that’s neither here nor there. https://www.saving.org/inflation/inflation.php?amount=70,000&year=1970 No arguments from me here if you are simply referring to a straight inflation calculator. I was referring it to more from the purchasing power POV when it comes to buying a house. All I know is that the house which my parents brought back in the early 80's (not even as far back as the early 70's) for something like $148K is now apparently worth something close to $3M even though it's an absolute piece of turd in its present condition.
  16. Overstreet price guide came out in 1970...that was when people realized that comics could have value. Comic book collecting wasnt really a thing which is why comparing TMNT to Superman, AC or even AF 15 is asinine. At any moment a ton of high grade copies of TMNT 1 could flood the market and you'd see the price drop instantly. It's kind of amazing how the supply is so limited at the moment and no one is listing mid grade copies. The 6.5 sale for 12k might bring out a few sellers. Besides that, $70K in the early to mid 70's is very different from $70K in 2020. Especially since $70K was probably good enough to buy you a nice house back in the 70's, whereas $70K is probably only good enough to buy you a nice car nowadays. If you want that same $70K quality house from the 70's, it would probably run you into the millions nowadays.
  17. No, you are missing the point here...............if you had to choose between either selling a HG copy for $60K, let along $100K or having to dig deep deep (even deeper ) into your pocket to pick one up for that same price point, which would you do. To compare TMNT 1 to Superman 1 is completely absurb, especially when one of these books has only 2 unrestored copies slabbed in CGC 8.0 as the highest graded copies, while the other book has a whopping total of 566 unrestored copies slabbed in CGC 8.0 or higher to date and still counting. Hopefully, I don't need to tell you which book is which, but my bet is that by the time we see a third unrestored copy of Supes 1 in CGC 8.0 or higher, we'll have well over 800 copies and possibly even close to 1,000 copies of TMNT 1 in CGC 8.0 or higher.
  18. EBay sale. Exactly right and glad that somebody here is paying attention to our previous posts from Page 118 of this very thread on this fake sale here that never ever actually took place. If I remember correctly, the front cover scan was stolen from one on the CC website, while the back cover scan was stolen from the HA copy that had sold for $90K last summer. You definitely can't pull any funny stuff here when you've got @MasterChief on the job and looking out for us:
  19. As I've said before, any bets that if we take a survey, the number of boardies willing to sell a TMNT 1 for $60K (let alone the $100K that some of you are hinting at and dreaming of) is far far higher than the number of boardies willing to pick one up at these prices.
  20. Cerebus #1 by a long shot and if you are referring to non-comic books, how about the first print of the Overstreet Price Guide as I believe both of these books came in at way less than a 3,000 print run.
  21. Which 9.8 graded copy was there that had sold for over $70K, and if there was, do you have a link for it? The only one that I am aware of was the HA outlier that sold for $90K in August of last year, but then ended up reselling for only $59K in March of this year.
  22. Well, the market is still down if you had invested into some of the travel related stocks like the airlines or the cruise ship companies. Then again, if you had invested into super high P/E companies like Tesla or Shopify when they bottomed out in March, you would be laughing and dancing all the way to the bank.
  23. Yeah I mean comic book movies ain’t going anywhere lol. So we will be flush with Marvel and DC cinematic and tv universes for some time, keeping interest in the comics. As far as TMNT goes and once again, the Seth Rogen revamped animated series is around the corner. When stuff like that happens and if popular, tends to potentially lead to others things as well. Personally, I think a darker, R-rated TMNT movie would be awesome! Something more in line with the original concept/comics as it was more violent. But we’ll see Can I ask you guys why you think TMNT 1 will be the one and only exception to the rule that a movie or TV hyped related comic book will simply keep going up in price without a major price correction even though every other comic book driven by wild feverish speculation throughout comic book history has dropped after their period of irrational exuberance?
  24. I think some of you need to be less narrow minded and be willing to broaden your horizons and look outside the Wikipedia box a bit.
  25. If you actually think about it, speculators and flippers who either play the CPR game or day trade in comics really are part of a ponzi scheme. The only problem with some of these much more recent books which are actually available in quantity everywhere is that it's like a game of musical chairs and when the music stops, you just could find yourself without a chair to sit on.